2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
Syamsurizal Syamsurizal

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p align="justify"><em>Human resources are incredibly crucial for companies, playing a role as a driven tigger of all company activities. By having qualified human resources, the company can easily integrate both its vision ang goals to the employees so that the company's goals can be achieved. This research was conducted in PT. Kyungseung trading indonesia</em><em> </em><em>jakarta by using work motivation as the independent variable and performance as the dependent variable. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of work motivation, consisting of need for achievement, need for affiliation and need for power on the performance of the employees of Witel Bekasi. This research is descriptive and causal. Data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, simultaneous hypothesis test (F test), the partial hypothesis testing (t-test), and the coefficient of determination. Sampling technique used is Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling. Based on the results of the questionnaire with 52 respondents, the assessment of employees' work motivation and performance are in the category of very high. In the hypothesis testing results,</em><strong><em></em></strong></p><p align="justify"><em> </em></p><p><em>Keywords: Motivation, Performance, Human Resources</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Roro Watie Rachmawati

<p><em>In this study a problem that occurs is the implementation of training and motivation are ineffective for employees in PT Bank BJB Office Bandung, so that they are less than optimal performance. This study aimed to test the Training and Work Motivation Effect on Employee Performance in PT Bank BJB Office Bandung. The population in this study is that all employees at PT Bank BJB which amounted to 51 employees. The sampling technique used is census sampling technique, the sample set as many as 51 employees. This study uses a quantitative approach, the data for this study were obtained through questionnaires (questionnaire) which has been filled by the respondents who have been determined. Data analysis method used is the method of multiple linear regression analysis.</em></p><p><em>The results of the analysis of pearson correlation 0.794 or 79.4% which shows that the correlation between training and work motivation and performance of employees are in a strong relationship level, means that training and motivation has a positive and significant relationship to the performance variables. While the coefficient of determination 0.631 or 63.1%, meaning that training and motivation has contributed 63.1% of the employee's performance, while the remaining 36.7% is influenced by other variables which is not examined.</em><br /><em> </em><br /><em>Keywords: Training, Motivation, Performance Employees</em></p>this HTML class. Value is In this st

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Roro Watie Rachmawati

<p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p><p align="center"><strong> </strong></p><p><em>               </em><em>In this study a problem that occurs is the implementation of training and motivation are </em><em>in</em><em>effective for employees in PT. Bank BJB Office Bandung, so that they are less than optimal performance. This study aimed to test the Training and Work Motivation Effect on Employee Performance in PT. Bank BJB Office Bandung. The population in this study is that all employees at PT. Bank BJB which amounted to 51 employees. The sampling technique used is census sampling technique, the sample set as many as 51 employees. This study uses a quantitative approach, the data for this study were obtained through questionnaires (questionnaire) which has been filled by the respondents who have been determined. Data analysis method used is the method of multiple linear regression analysis.</em></p><p><em>               The results of the analysis of Pearson correlation 0.794 or 79.4 % which shows that the correlation between training and work motivation and performance of employees are in a strong relationship level, mean</em><em>s</em><em> that training and motivation has a positive and significant relationship to the performance variables. While the coefficient of determination 0</em><em>.</em><em>631 or 63.1 %, meaning that training and motivation has contributed 63.1 % of the employee's performance, while the remaining 36.7 % is influenced by other variables</em><em> which is</em><em> not examined.</em><em> Training and motivation are ineffective for employees in PT Bank BJB Office Bandung </em><em>as a whole is not yet optimal</em><em>.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Key Words : Trainin</em></strong><strong><em>g ; </em></strong><strong><em>Motivation</em></strong><strong><em> ;</em></strong><strong><em> Performance Employees</em></strong><em></em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p>

Kuras Purba ◽  
Kusman Sudibjo

This study aims to describe the effect of transformational leadership, work motivation and compensation on the performance of employees of PT. Sago Nauli. This research was conducted at PT. Sago Nauli which lasts for 5 (five) months, starting from October 2019 to February 2020. This research uses proportional random sampling method. The population in this study were all employees of PT. Sago Nauli palm oil mill totaling 180 people. The respondents of this study were determined using the slovin formula which numbered 124 (one hundred twenty four) people. The instrument used was a questionnaire to collect data from transformational leadership variables, work motivation, compensation and employee performance variables. Data analysis techniques used are validity test, reliability test, descriptive analysis, multicollinearity test, normality test, heterokedasticity test, multiple linear regression analysis, partial hypothesis test or t test, simultaneous hypothesis test or F test, and calculation of the coefficient of determination. Descriptive analysis results for transformational leadership variables, work motivation, compensation variables and employee performance are in the good category at PT. Sago Nauli. Based on partial analysis, transformational leadership, work motivation, compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT Sago Nauli. Simultaneously, transformational leadership, work motivation and compensation have a positive and significant influence on employee performance at PT. Sago Nauli. The contribution of transformational leadership variables, work motivation, and compensation explained the employee performance variable of 0.760 or 76%. The remaining 0.240 or 24% is influenced by other independent variables not examined in this study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Nuridin Nurudin ◽  
Yuli Anggraini S

<em>One of the main determinants that influence the success rate of a company is employee performance. Efforts to improve employee performance, including by pay attention to work satisfaction and competence. This research was aimed to determine the effect of work satisfaction and competence to employees performance of AirNav Indonesia company. The population in this research were employess of AirNav Indonesia company at financial department were amounted to 387 people. The sample in this study were amounted to 80 employees using Slovin formula with random sampling technique. The method of data technique which used in the research was using multiple linear regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis test. Before being analyzed the instrument test was carried out. The results of this research can be known that work satisfaction and competence have a positive and significant influence to employees performance of AirNav Indonesia company.</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 1580
Wayan Putra Valentino Anggara ◽  
I Ketut Yadnyana

More practical data processing through the application of SIA with application programs, but the level of knowledge of human resources in the field of information technology is still limited. In general, the problems of the LPD in Tegallalang District are caused by a lack of quality human resources. The research objective was to determine the effect of employee competency, work motivation, and job satisfaction on the performance of accounting information systems in the LPD of Tegallalang District. The study population included LPD in Tegallalang District, which numbered 43 LPD. The sampling technique used in this study is a saturated sample technique. The hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the influence of employee competency, work motivation, and job satisfaction had a positive and significant effect on the performance of accounting information systems. Keywords: Performance of accounting information systems, employee competencies, work motivation, job satisfaction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 144-153
Buyung Nova Tri Anggono ◽  
Istiatin . ◽  
Solichul Hadi A B

The aims of this study is to determine and explain the simultaneous and partial influence of perceptions of ease, risk and trust in the decision to use Gopay. The research method of this study was quantitative descriptive method. The population is all active student of Batik Islamic Surakarta University. The number of sample was determined by using Slovin formula which has result of 100 respondents. The sampling technique was using purposive sampling method meanwhile questionnaire was used to collect the data. The technique of the data analysis used in this study are the classical assumption test instrument and hypothesis test (multiple linear regression analysis, F test, t test and coefficient of determination) with the help of SPSS Statistics. The results of this study shows that the variable perception of ease, risk and trust affect the decision to use Gopay. The t-test results shows the perception of ease affect the decision to use Gopay. The risk does not affect the decision to use Gopay. Trust influences the decision to use Gopay. Suggestions from this research are Gopay should increase its convenience, reduce risk, and maintain credibility so that consumers will continue to trust Gopay

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-58
Sahat Simbolon

The purpose of this study is to describe the influence of the quality of human resources, communication, and work motivation on employee performance at PT Alexa Medika Medan. This research was conducted at PT. Alexa Medika Medan which lasts for 5 (five) months, starting from May 2019 to September 2019.This research uses nonprobability sampling method. The population in this study were employees at PT. AlexaMedika Medan as many as 83 people. Determination of the number of samples using Sugiyono's opinion, so that the total sample is all employees of PT AlexaMedika Medan, amounting to 83 people. Data collection methods in this study used a questionnaire to collect data from human resources, communication, work motivation, and employee performance variables. The analysis technique used is validity test, reliability test, descriptive analysis, classic assumption test, double regression linear analysis, double correlation coefficient linear test, partial hypothesis test or T test, simultaneous hypothesis test or F test, and coefficient determination. Descriptive analysis result for the quality of human resources and communication are good. The result of descriptive analysis for employee performance fall into the quite good category and work motivation is in not very good category. Based on partial analysis, the variable quality of human resources has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT AlexaMedika Medan, communication has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT AlexaMedika Medan, and work motivation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees of PT AlexaMedika Medan. Simultaneously, there is a positive and significant influence on the quality of human resources, communication, and work motivation on the performance of employees of PT AlexaMedika Medan. From the coefficient of determination that employee performance is influenced by the quality of human resources, communication, and work motivation by 58.5%. While the remaining 41.5% of employee performance is influenced by other variables not observed in this study.

Suprayitno - ◽  
Rahayu Triastity ◽  
Lina Zakiya

Human resources play an important and strategic role in determining company policy. Superior human resources are required to carry out their duties in a quality and good manner. Human resources need to be well-managed and emphasised so that employees can feel satisfaction at work. Job satisfaction is vital upon measuring the work performance. If the employee is satisfied with the job, the work performance will be better. Job satisfaction also becomes an indicator for the company survival. The purpose of this study is to analyse the significance of the influence of leadership style, work motivation, and work environment on employees’ job satisfaction. This type of study is survey research on the employees at PT Tri Usaha Sejahtera Pratama company. The study population included 800 people. The research sample was 80 employees, which comprised 32 male and 48 female respondents. The sample is taken using the proportional cluster random sampling technique with criteria based on their education background and working period. The data collection technique used a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used multiple linear regression analysis, T-test, model accuracy test and coefficient of determination. The results showed that all variables, including leadership style, work motivation, and work environment have positive influence towards employees’ job satisfaction. The leadership style, work motivation, and work environment have an essential effect on job satisfaction of the employees at PT Tri Usaha Sejahtera Pratama company. Therefore, it can be concluded that job satisfaction at PT Tri Usaha Sejahtera Pratama company can be measured using three variables: leadership style, work motivation, and work environment

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-33
Amir Hamzah Siregar, Susana, Zuriani Ritonga, Desmawati Hasibuan, Elvina

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality, price, taste and promotion on consumer satisfaction at Mbak Siti's restaurant in Sosopan Village, Kotapinang District, Labuhanbatu Selatan Regency. The sample in this study amounted to 30 people. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, t test, f test, and coefficient of determination and this data is processed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 21 program. Hypothesis test results show that partially the product (X1) has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, this can be seen from the tcount value for product quality is tcount 0.009> ttable 2.05954, with a significant value of 0.993 <0.05. Hagra (X2) has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, this can be seen from the tcount value for price is tcount 2.273> ttable 2.05954, with a significant value of 0.32 <0.05. Taste (X3) has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction, this can be seen from the tcount value for taste is tcount 0.541> ttable 2.05954, with a significant value of 0.593 <0.05. Promotion (X4) has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction, this can be seen from the tcount value for promotion is tcount 6.794> ttable 2.05954, with a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. The value of Ftable in the 4: 26 distribution is 2.74, so based on table 4.14 it can be seen that the Fcount value is 36.656> 2.70, and a significant value is 0.000 <0.05, this shows that simultaneously the Independent Variable has a positive and significant effect on the Dependent Variable.

Intan Ayu Santikha ◽  
Dhiona Ayu Nani

The purpose of the study was to determine and analyze the influence of service quality and trust on Go-Food consumer loyalty in Bandar Lampung. This research uses quantitative method with purposive sampling technique. The population in this study are consumers who use Go-Food services in Bandar Lampung. The number of samples used amounted to 100 respondents. Sources of data in this study using primary data obtained from the distribution of several statements to respondents online. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis, partial test, simultaneous test, and the coefficient of determination. with the help of the SPSS version 23 program. The results showed that based on the hypothesis test (t test and f test), all three hypotheses were accepted. This means that Service Quality and Trust partially have a positive and significant effect on consumer loyalty and simultaneously Service Quality and Trust have a positive and significant effect on Go-Food Consumer Loyalty in Bandar Lampung. Keywords: Service Quality, Trust, Loyalty

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