scholarly journals SENAI CIMATEC in the Scnario of Coronavirus Pandemic

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Leone Leone Peter Andrade ◽  
Roberto Badaró

The new coronavirus pandemic has posed challenges to the health system, people, and the economy, leading to abrupt social changes. Although the negative economic impact has been huge since the pandemic was declared by the World Health Organization in March 2020, new achievements are being made by industry 4.0 focused on health. The Fourth Industrial Revolution has equipped society with highly potent tools and we must harness their capabilities, where possible, to win this fight. So, COVID-19 accelerates this process and sentences our definitive entry to the fourth Industrial Revolution. In this sense, aligned with industry 4.0, SENAI CIMATEC established a proactive position in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, promoting research, implementing plans, activities, and actions that contemplate both the redirection of the sector’s industries to the health area, as well as the new technologies of industry 4.0. The position of SENAI CIMATEC reaffirms its commitment to society at decisive moments and ensures its efforts in health care against the pandemic.

Legal Concept ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 21-30
Iolanta Baltutite

Introduction: currently, the normal development of the political, economic and legal spheres is significantly affected by the outbreak of the COVID-19 declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. The epidemic attracted the attention of health professionals and the population around the world, as previously the coronavirus infections in humans did not go beyond the acceptable level of a biological risk. The current events directly related to the pandemic affect all areas of our habitual way of life, its legal component, including the sphere of procurement for the state and municipal needs. Objective: to study the features, positive and negative aspects of the legal regulation of the contract procurement system for the state and municipal needs in the conditions of introduction of innovative management technologies during the coronovirus pandemic. Methods: the methods of systematization, analysis, and comparative law are used. Results: the author analyzed the innovations in procurement for the state and municipal needs in the context of the pandemic; the specifics and features of the development of the system of state and municipal procurement in the paradigm of industry 4.0 during the pandemic are determined; the shortcomings of the current civil law mechanism for protecting the rights of legal entities in the field of procurement for state and municipal needs based on industry 4.0 technologies during the pandemic are identified; identified the possibility of abuse due to the temporary relaxation of the legislation on public procurement; identified the possibility of the legal qualification of the coronavirus as force majeure, the circumstance that makes it impossible to fulfill the obligations; proved that the introduction of the ability to purchase from a single supplier can negatively affect the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises. Conclusions: the innovations in the legal regulation of procurement for the state and municipal needs amid the pandemic in the context of the fourth industrial revolution contain a number of positive aspects: the launch of many digital services; the simplification of the procedure for conducting purchases in the event of force majeure and emergencies; easing the requirements for small and medium-sized businesses; expanding the opportunities to change the term and price of the contract; the changes in the procedure for applying penalties, etc. However, we should not forget about the possible negative consequences of easing the rules of public procurement: the probability of reducing the efficiency and effectiveness of procurement; the appearance of corruption and its manifestations; the abuse at every stage of public procurement; the difficulties in justifying the real impact of the pandemic on the execution of the state order; the ability to purchase from a single supplier can negatively affect the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises; the risk of the violation of antitrust laws due to constantly changing regulations and other consequences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 505-525 ◽  
Seeram Ramakrishna ◽  
Alfred Ngowi ◽  
Henk De Jager ◽  
Bankole O. Awuzie

Growing consumerism and population worldwide raises concerns about society’s sustainability aspirations. This has led to calls for concerted efforts to shift from the linear economy to a circular economy (CE), which are gaining momentum globally. CE approaches lead to a zero-waste scenario of economic growth and sustainable development. These approaches are based on semi-scientific and empirical concepts with technologies enabling 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and 6Rs (reuse, recycle, redesign, remanufacture, reduce, recover). Studies estimate that the transition to a CE would save the world in excess of a trillion dollars annually while creating new jobs, business opportunities and economic growth. The emerging industrial revolution will enhance the symbiotic pursuit of new technologies and CE to transform extant production systems and business models for sustainability. This article examines the trends, availability and readiness of fourth industrial revolution (4IR or industry 4.0) technologies (for example, Internet of Things [IoT], artificial intelligence [AI] and nanotechnology) to support and promote CE transitions within the higher education institutional context. Furthermore, it elucidates the role of universities as living laboratories for experimenting the utility of industry 4.0 technologies in driving the shift towards CE futures. The article concludes that universities should play a pivotal role in engendering CE transitions.

José Jorge Gutiérrez-Samperio

<p>Pests, in their broad sense, have played an important part in the history of humankind. We could say that humans, crops and pests have walked together through life. Codices, glyphs, paintings and countless ancient documents, including the Bible and the Koran, bear witness to this. Humanity has been attacked by its own diseases, but also by those that limit them from obtaining food and deteriorate the environment. COVID-19, which is now troubling us and was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization in March of 2020, became a part of the list of experiences we have suffered in the past, with pests or epidemics that caused millions of deaths by diseases or famines. It is paradoxical that this health contingency occurs when the United Nations General Assembly, on December 20th, 2018, in its resolution A/RES/73/252 decides to declare 2020 the International Year of Plant Health in order to “highlight the importance of plant health to improve food security, protect the environment and biodiversity and boost economic development” according to the pronouncement by the FAO. For the first time, in an era with great technological and scientific breakthroughs, humanity was aware of its vulnerability against the inevitable evolution of life forms in the face of dilemmas global impact caused by human beings. Thus, the pest or parasite makes its own declaration of existential preeminence through SARS-CoV-2 to remind us that the health of humans or plants is the essence of life and its continuity. But perhaps absolute health is not enough. It is necessary to find a balance in a world overwhelmed by giving so much in return for almost nothing to everyone living on it. If the sensor of our anthropocentric intervention of the world is climate change, then biological chaos is a masterpiece. The reemergence of pests and diseases considered eradicated, or those of zoonotic origin that had never accompanied our existence is a surreal dystopia that we will never be able to deny again.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 137-145 ◽  
Lucia Kohnová ◽  
Ján Papula ◽  
Nikola Salajová

Radical changes resulting from the Fourth Industrial Revolution strongly affect industrialized European countries. In particular, due to the new technologies that are characteristic of Industry 4.0, it will be essential for companies to make the necessary changes and achieve competitiveness through the implementation of these technologies. In order for companies to be able to make radical changes and innovations, they need to secure all the supporting areas in their organization. This research paper is focused on comparison of companies from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany and Switzerland in the context of readiness for Industry 4.0. This research was part of a research project, while data were collected in the period of 2015–2016. We have analysed companies from selected countries based on 7 areas which are closely interconnected with the business transformation and technology transformation coming from Industry 4.0. The main analysed questions focused on areas such as employee education and training, organizational culture, strategy, or organizational processes, that will be most affected by radical changes in the environment. Research has highlighted the differences between countries as a result of long-standing cultural differences, but at the same time identified the unified influence of the ongoing global debate on the need for technological innovation. With Slovak and Czech companies being below stronger innovators in the maturity of education systems, we strongly advise considering partnering in education which can bring valuable information to businesses that want to take on the wave of innovation.

Rosa María Rivas García ◽  
Jésica Alhelí Cortés Ruiz

At present, the World Tourism Organization indicates that, as a worldwide export category, tourism occupies the third position, behind chemical and fuel products and ahead of the automotive industry. In many developing countries, tourism is the main export sector. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to propose an approach to the training of tourism professionals for the fourth industrial revolution, so this chapter proposes an approach to educational competencies in the training of tourism professionals for Industry 4.0 with a focus in sustainable development; initially, the subject of educational competencies in higher education will be described, since derived from these, professional competencies are achieved. Next, the exploration of the concepts of intellectual capital, tourism, and the fourth industrial revolution will be shown; to conclude the authors show the relation of the thematic axes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 339-351
Konstantin V. Blokhin

Article analyzes predictive estimates and concepts presented by the Western intellectual community, regarding prospects for development of new trends in the global economy, caused by the fourth industrial revolution. Author draws on a variety of sources, including reports from US think tanks, works by representatives of global financial and technocratic elite, and works by American intellectuals. Methodological basis of the study is a theory of the world system of I. Wallerstein, which allows to identify dynamic and conflicting lines of interaction between two geopolitical centers of the world - the United States and China. Based on an analysis of current trends, modern experts predict revolutionary changes in modern technologies that can decisively affect socio-political stability, not only in Western countries, but in developing countries as well. Author shows that the new technological structure is changing not only sector structure of the economy, but also has a strong impact on employment. According to American analysts, new technologies can destabilize socio-political stability in any country, especially in countries where cheap labor is a traditional tool. Robotization and automation of production can become a competitive advantage of the United States and Western countries in competition with China. Article notes that Russia is only at the very beginning of technological revolution, behind big five leading countries. Overcoming its lag in the field of AI and robotics requires adoption of comprehensive measures of economic, scientific and political nature. Ignoring realities of technological progress is fraught with increase in threats to national security.

Tarcisio Torres Silva

Brazilian population spends a lot of time on social media. The average access from any device is 3 hours and 39 minutes (The Global, 2018). On the other hand, the country leads the numbers of anxiety disorder among the population. According to the World Health Organization, the incidence in the country is 9.3%, while the world average is 3.5%. This number is even higher in big cities, reaching 19.9% in the city of São Paulo (Horta, 2019). Possible causes are economic instability, social changes and violence (Horta, 2019). Add to that the political polarization in recent years and the intensive use of gadgets, private chat applications, such as Whatsapp, and social networks. In this work, we focus on the influence of social networks in the development of Brazilian anxiety. Our hypothesis is that the intensity of use reinforces the existence of other factors of anxiety increase (economy, violence, political division, etc.) through the sharing of news, besides adding others, such as self-display, performativity and the need of always being in evidence in social networks. As a method, we will work with content analysis (news and images) from the main social networking platforms used in Brazil.

Э.Г. Задорожнюк ◽  
И.Е. Задорожнюк

Рассматриваются некоторые идеи Б.Ф. Поршнева, изложенные в его статье 50-летней давности «Контрсуггестия и история», характеризуется их место в истории идей от-носительно динамики социальных изменений, анализируемой, в частности, в трудах отечественных ученых прошлого. Обосновывается настоятельность введения в глоссарий современных социальных наук концепта «суггестия» и понятия «контрсуггестия», показана их релевантность на широком историческом материале и полях взаимодействия социальных субъектов. Отмечено, что суггестия и противостоящая ей контрсуггестия пронизывают массовые настроения и влияют на все общественные отношения, особенно в кризисные моменты. Обращается внимание на феномен инфодемии, усугубляющей, по заключению Всемирной организации здравоохранения, проявления пандемии коронавируса, а также на его корреляцию с суггестией. The article considers a number of ideas by B.F. Porshnev set forth 50 years ago in his article "Counter-suggestion and History", as well as its role in the history of ideas, especially in connection to the dynamics of social changes analyzed, in particular, in the works by Russian historians. The urgency of introducing the concept of "Suggestion" and the notion of "Сounter- Suggestion" into the glossary of modern social sciences is justified, as well as their relevance is shown in a wide range of historical material and fields of interaction of social subjects. It is noted that Suggestion and opposing Сounter-Suggestion permeate mass moods and affect all social relations, especially in crisis moments. Attention is drawn to the phenomenon of infodemia, which, according to the World Health Organization, exacerbates the manifestations of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as its correlation with suggestion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-41
Esra YAŞAR ◽  

  In 2011, Germany kicked off the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) to empower its economy. Since then, revolutionary changes have been implemented all over the world, increasing international competition. Smart-factory capabilities emerging from Industry 4.0 have many benefits such as lowering production costs of existing factories and increasing product quality. However, with such revolutionary changes, an orientation period is required for any implementer. To efficiently manage such an orientation period, the extant situation must first be analyzed. Only then should the necessary changes and innovations be applied. In this study, Turkey’s Industry 4.0 adoption opportunities are evaluated by using a survey technique that analyzes extant situations and potential results.

Elena Viktorovna Shirinkina

The relevance of this research is substantiated by the fact that the world job market is currently under the influence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0). The goal lies in assessing the impact of cyclic and unexpected trends upon the job market, and thus, the forms of job management and employment functions. In this regard, analysis is conducted on the academic theories in the context of conceptualization of the impact of Industry 4.0 upon the job market and employment functions. The long-term trends in transformation of the job market are determined. The empirical basis of this research is comprised of the statistical data provided by Rosstat and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as the resources of analytical articles and scientific publications, including the materials of international organizations, leading consulting companies, global associations, leading educational institutions, other active participants of global educational environment, and job market experts. An overview is given to the trends that affect the companies, their strategies and business models; the impact of such trends upon the transformation of current professions and the emergence of new professions; skills required for these professions. The scientific novelty lies in substantiation of the concept of skill-biased technical change (SBTC) and the theory of routine-biased technological change (RBTC). The presented materials would allow the companies to combine business news with fundamental training of specialists for going along the new career trajectiory in light of the new technological challenges, which defines the practical value of this research.

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