Х. Н. Адаева ◽  
Х. С. Халиева

Большинство современных исследователей сходятся во мнении о том, что в настоящее время произошло значительное увеличение роли региона в качестве субнациональной пространственной инновационной единицы, а формирование региональных инновационных систем в контексте современной цифровизации уже приняло характер закономерной тенденции в инновационном доминировании развитых стран и их национальных инновационных систем. Стратегия развития экономики в России неразрывно связана с ее информатизацией и цифровизацией. Это наиболее продвинутый срез модернизации общественного устройства. Он, прежде всего, применим в отраслях высоких технологий, где существенно отставание российского производства. Собственно говоря, здесь речь идет об технологических инновациях, об инновационном производстве в законченном виде. Какая-то часть модернизации должна проходить именно в таком ключе, в таком плане. Это чрезвычайно важно для нас, ибо нет ряда новых производств, и прежде всего в отраслях высоких технологий. В рамках настоящей статьи предпринята попытка рассмотрения неких инструментов построения информационного общества посредством развития технологических инноваций. Most modern researchers agree that there has now been a significant increase in the region’s role as a sub-national spatial innovation unit, and the formation of regional innovative systems in the context of modern digitalization have already taken on the nature of the innovative dominance of developed countries and their national innovation systems. Russia’s economic development strategy is inextricably linked to its information and digitalization. This is the most advanced slice of the modernization of the social order. It is primarily applicable in high-tech industries, where our production is significantly lagged behind. As a matter of fact, we are talking about technological innovations, about innovative production in its final form. Some part of the modernization should take place in this way, in such a way. This is extremely important for us, because there are no new industries, especially in the high-tech industries. As part of this article, attempted to build some tools to build an information society through the development of technological innovations.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Fatos Salliu

Information society is a new stage of the social order. It is based on knowledge and offering services on the production of goods. A characteristics of the information society is the quick mass communication development, internet and digital innovation. It creates, distributes, uses and integrates information which is exposed an important economic, political and cultural activity. Ahead to this initiative are the western developed countries. Albania aspires to become part of EU. But in order to achieve this aspiration it should fulfill some standards. This study intends to define in which level toward information society Albania is? If there are implemented the signed agreements with the countries of the Region and EU. If the country is going toward virtual capitalism and which are the concrete steps and problems? So the indicator in this case is measured with the online services offered by the country for its own citizens which are conditioned from the scale of the penetration of internet and digital technology. In order to identify this fact there will be consulted distinguished researchers of the field, specialized monitors, National Strategy document for IT and communication in Albania. At the same time data and statistics from Internet World Stats, and the Agency of the Electronic and Postal Services Agency, Web pages of the Ministries, Prime-Ministers Office, directorates, institutions and agencies dealing with e-services in general, from the Audiovisual Authority of Media, etc. As a conclusion all the data will be compared to the indicators of the EU countries.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Fatos Salliu

Information society is a new stage of the social order. It is based on knowledge and offering services on the production of goods. A characteristics of the information society is the quick mass communication development, internet and digital innovation. It creates, distributes, uses and integrates information which is exposed an important economic, political and cultural activity. Ahead to this initiative are the western developed countries. Albania aspires to become part of EU. But in order to achieve this aspiration it should fulfill some standards. This study intends to define in which level toward information society Albania is? If there are implemented the signed agreements with the countries of the Region and EU. If the country is going toward virtual capitalism and which are the concrete steps and problems? So the indicator in this case is measured with the online services offered by the country for its own citizens which are conditioned from the scale of the penetration of internet and digital technology. In order to identify this fact there will be consulted distinguished researchers of the field, specialized monitors, National Strategy document for IT and communication in Albania. At the same time data and statistics from Internet World Stats, and the Agency of the Electronic and Postal Services Agency, Web pages of the Ministries, Prime-Ministers Office, directorates, institutions and agencies dealing with e-services in general, from the Audiovisual Authority of Media, etc. As a conclusion all the data will be compared to the indicators of the EU countries.

Krzysztof Stachowiak

The paper presents in a broad outline the main characteristics of the evolution of the Finnish high-tech industry and ICT sector within the context of general changes in industry and the national economy. In the last decades of the 20th century Finland dynamically developed a knowledge-based economy and became one of the leaders of the information society. A spectacular manifestation of this is the position of the country in global competitiveness rankings, where Finland has occupied a top position for several years, sometimes even being ahead of the United States. The so-called ‘Finnish model of information society’ is characterised, among others, by a significant growth in knowledge-intensive industries and a complex system of research and development support. However, all those changes were dependent on the previous development path of the country. The structure of Finnish industry was rather one-sided until the 1980s, when knowledge- and expertise-intensive production started to catch up with the level of manufacturing dominated by raw materials, capital and energy. For a long time, Finland specialised in the forest industry and in the processing of metals. A new sector that has developed during the past decades is electronics and, especially, the manufacturing of communication devices. Furthermore, the economy has changed more dramatically in Finland than in any other developed country over the same period of time. Industries have become technology-intensive and production is strongly characterised by specialisation. Finland has become the most specialised country in information and communication technology in the world, and this specialisation trend is continuing. The forest industry and other traditional industries rely more and more on the new technologies and state-of-the-art knowledge. In Finland, industrialisation started later than in other countries, but it was very rapid. Industrial production and exports grew faster than the rest of the economy in the 1990s, and the structure of exports diversified. Unlike other developed countries, Finland “re-industrialised” in the 1990s. The contribution of industry to the total volume of production and employment has been higher in Finland than in other advanced economies in the past couple of years.

Vladimir A. Pogonyshev ◽  
Dina A. Pogonysheva ◽  
Yelena I. Morozova

The article is devoted to the preparation of bachelors in high school as subjects of future business activities. We considered the place of small business in the digital ecosystem. We revealed the essential content of modelling the activities of the entrepreneur, the fundamental principles. It has been revealed that the effectiveness of preparing students closely depends on socio-cultural, psychological, pedagogic and socio-economic factors. The role of the competency approach in providing high quality training for future entrepreneurs in accordance with the social order of the information society is defined. A model of training bachelors in the creative educational medium of the university is proposed, and technological support for the educational process is described. The structure of professional competency of bachelors as subjects of future entrepreneurial activity and its major components are established. The levels of professional competency formation of students are revealed. The organisational andpedagogic conditions of training in university digital educational medium for future entrepreneurs of the information society are substantiated.

Glòria Estapé-Dubreuil ◽  
Consol Torreguitart-Mirada

As Information Technology becomes increasingly more present in the so called Information Society, its potential to constitute a strategic resource also increases. Whether, and to what extent, strategic changes linked to the adoption of IT have effectively reached specific economic sectors or industries is therefore of interest. This chapter is meant as a contribution in that area, analyzing the relationships between IT and microfinance, focusing on the microfinance sector in Spain. Our study shows that the microfinance sector’s basic IT infrastructures are above the Spanish average. Two main uses of IT tools are revealed: (1) to provide information, both to prospective clients and to those sustaining microfinance, and (2) as a management and support tool, including on-line direct support to would-be entrepreneurs. Strategic use of IT is less widespread, related primarily to financial transparency issues, more clearly shown by MFIs linked to the social economy. Finally, depth of outreach related to the actual IT use in the sector is also discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 167-178 ◽  
Cristian Geldes ◽  
Jorge Heredia ◽  
Christian Felzensztein ◽  
Marcos Mora

Purpose This paper aims to use the proximity approach of economic geography with its spatial dimension (geographic) and their non-spatial dimensions (social, institutional, cognitive and organizational) to shed light on the determinants of business cooperation with other organizations. It is also examined whetherthis cooperation is a determining factor for business innovation (innovation networks), drawing a distinction between technological and non-technological innovations. Design/methodology/approach The study has a quantitative approach; it analyzes the case of 312 companies in a cluster of agribusinesses in an emerging economy (Chile). The proposal model and its interrelations are tested with exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Findings The results show that cognitive-organizational proximity is a positive determinant of business cooperation with other organizations, whereas social and institutional proximity are negative determinants. It is also established that business cooperation is a positive determinant of business innovation. It is more relevant in the case of technological innovation unlike non-technological innovations. In addition, it is noted that business cooperation levels are lower in micro-enterprises, a result that differs from developed countries. Practical implications For business managers, it is best to cooperate with companies that are similar in terms of cognitive and organizational levels for innovation. At the same time, it is necessary develop strategies to reduce the social and institutional barriers to cooperation, especially in the agribusiness sector. Originality/value The contributions of the study are as follows: an in-depth quantitative examination of the relationships of various non-spatial proximities as determinants of business cooperation; an analysis of whether business cooperation with other organizations is a determining factor for business innovation, distinguishing between technological and non-technological innovation; and testing these relationships in the context of agribusiness in an emerging economy such as Chile’s because most of studies are related to high-tech sector and developed economies.

Vasyl Popovych

The creation of an effective system of social protection of the population in Ukraine is one of the priority tasks of the social policy of the state, provides for the modernization of the system of social services for the population in accordance with new socio-economic challenges, the dominant needs of the population, the development of an information society, requires the introduction of innovative technologies for the provision of social services, based on dissemination and application of the project management methodology. The features of the mechanism of social order in the implementation of projects in the field of social services are identified. The purpose of the article is to identify potential opportunities for the implementation of project management in the provision of social services in Ukraine. The methodological basis of the research is formed by general scientific methods of cognition of social phenomena and processes (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification). The article analyzes the creation of an effective system of the population social protection in Ukraine, which provides for the modernization of the social services system for the population in accordance with new socio-economic challenges, the dominant needs of the population, the development of the information society and requires the introduction of innovative technologies for the provision of social services based on the dissemination and application of the methodology project management. The presented material allows us to draw the following conclusions. Project management as a direction of management in the sphere of social policy implementation will contribute to: 1) institutionalization of program-targeted management of regional social policy; 2) formation of a unified regional information base on social problems of the region and organizations; 3) coordination and pooling of efforts and resources of all sectors of society to achieve the goals of sustainable development of the region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 545-564
Henny Indrawati ◽  
Caska ◽  

Purpose This study aims to analyze the inhibiting factors of small and medium enterprises (SMEs’) technology innovation, supporting institutions for SMEs technology innovation development, SMEs’ technology innovation development model and strategies for developing SMEs in technology innovation. Design/methodology/approach This is a mixed-method research project conducted through a survey of SMEs in Riau Province, Sumatera Indonesia (primarily in the districts of Siak, Kampar and Pelalawan) from April to July 2019. SMEs that have been operating for at least five years were chosen purposively as samples. Based on the requirement, there are 277 entities used in this study. A focus group discussion (FGD) was also conducted to formulate SME models and development strategies in technological innovation. In addition, in-depth interviews and observations were also carried out on technological innovations undertaken by respondents. Findings It was found that there are five inhibiting factors of SMEs’ technology innovation: government support, quality of human resources, funding of technological innovation, economic conditions and business partners. The biggest inhibiting factor remains to be the funding of technological innovation. Therefore SMEs provide independent technological innovation costs to develop technological innovations for business sustainability. Supporting institutions for developing SME technology innovation consist of government institutions, private institutions, financial institutions (banks) and nonbank financial institutions. To survive and excel amid competition, SMEs need to pay attention to technological innovation. The business strategy that needs to be done is to improve services to consumers and improve their attitude toward innovation in the implementation and development of SMEs’ businesses. Research limitations/implications This research is limited to research on the inhibiting factors for SME technology innovation from the aspect of the production sector. This research has not studied various business fields in the trade, service and digital SME sectors. Future studies can reveal factors inhibiting SME technological innovation, except production aspects and various SME business fields. In addition, this study has not analyzed the cost of technological innovation provided by SMEs. Therefore, future studies could also reveal the large costs of technological innovation provided by SMEs. Originality/value This research investigates barriers hindering the SMEs’ technological innovations in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia as a maritime country. It also formulates strategies to reduce the barriers to SME’s technological innovation and contributes to the development of knowledge of technological innovations in SMEs. Moreover, this paper involves investigating government support from a nonfinancial aspect. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this aspect has not been much discussed by studies on innovation at SMEs till now.

2020 ◽  
Vol 157 ◽  
pp. 04005 ◽  
Liubov Drotianko ◽  
Oksana Shostak ◽  
Mariia Abysova ◽  
Nataliia Chenbai

The actuality and relevance of the problem is determined by the importance of transformations in the structure of science, represented by the growth of interdisciplinary researches, as well as a change in the strategy of cognitive activity, definitely stated in the synthesis of science and technologies. The answer to the question of how scientific knowledge is changing is important for choosing an adequate social development strategy, since the role of science and scientific technologies in modern society is dramatically growing. The purpose of the article is to set out the social and philosophical reflection of social and cultural consequences of mutual impact of the high technologies and the interdisciplinary researches in the information society context. The positive and negative sides of the mutual influence of the cognitive and innovative instruments of the natural, social, technical and human sciences, under the conditions of information and communication, nano- and bio-technologies development are manifested. Interdisciplinary researches are newly problematizing the concept of expertise, which should be an interdisciplinary synthesis and cannot be obtained within a certain discipline. The growing phenomenon of interdisciplinary science, which manifests itself in the fusion of technology and society, the emergence of human-machine hybrids, which causes serious anthropological and sociocultural problems, imply new challenges for professional epistemologists, dictate a public need for knowledge of the causes and consequences of the high technologies impact on people and society as a whole.

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-14
A. V. Dikov

An urgent problem of our time is the social order of business for the country's education system for high-quality pre-professional training of graduates in the field of industrial technologies at various levels of education. At the same time, the information society integrates digital technologies into all spheres of its existence, including education, in order to intensify processes. Accelerating education quality improvement is achieved through the use of digital tools in the transfer of best learning practices. The article considers one of the possible ways to organize training according to a unified innovative program simultaneously in several general education institutions. On the basis of the Basic General Education Program in informatics and technology, an original general education program in informatics for students of 8–11th grades and technology for students of 8th grade has been developed.

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