Some lexical translation problems

Zyinathan Sydykova

Abstract: The article considers some vocabulary problems of translation, to understand the meaning of vocabulary correctly. To master foreign language, to speak and to comprehend oral and written speech in foreign language, it is necessary to compile stock of words, using in all style of speech widely. It is necessary to understand the main peculiarity of English vocabulary from Russian vocabulary. Key words: translation, text, verb, vocabulary, language, science, sentence, literature, form, number, foreign. Аннотация: В данной статье рассматриваются некоторые лексические проблемы перевода, значение лексики для правильного понимания текста. Для того чтобы овладеть иностранным языком, говорить и понимать устную и письменную речь на иностранном языке необходимо систематически накапливать запас слов, широко употребляющихся во всех стилях речи, необходимо понимать основные особенности английской лексики, отличающей от лексики русского языка. Ключевые слова: перевод, текст, глагол, лексика, язык, наука, литература, форма, число, иностранный. Аннотация: Бул макалада кээ бир лексикалык котормо маселелерин, тексти туура түшүнүү үчүн сөздөрдүн маанилүүлүгү талкууланат. Чет тилинде түшүнүү, сүйлөшүү жана жазуу үчүн, тынымсыз сөз байлыгын жогорулатуу зарыл. Англис тилинин лексикасынын негизги өзгөчөлүктөрүн, орус тилинин лексикалык айырмаларын анализге алдык. Түйүндүү сөздөр: котормо, текст, этиш, сөз, тил, илим, сүйлөм, адабият, форма, тур.

Svitlana Gruschko ◽  
Tetiana Koroleva ◽  
Oleksandra Popova

The article focuses on the problems of translation in the field of hermeneutics, understood as a methodology in the activity of an interpreter, the doctrine of the interpretation of texts, as a component of the transmission of information in a communicative aspect. The relevance of the study is caused by the special attention of modern linguistics to the under-researched issues of hermeneutics related to the problems of transmission of foreign language text semantics in translation. Key words: hermeneutics, information, interpretation, text, translation, communication.

Lidiya Derbenyova

The article focuses on the problems of translation in the field of hermeneutics, understood as a methodology in the activity of an interpreter, the doctrine of the interpretation of texts, as a component of the transmission of information in a communicative aspect. The relevance of the study is caused by the special attention of modern linguistics to the under-researched issues of hermeneutics related to the problems of transmission of foreign language text semantics in translation. The process of translation in the aspect of hermeneutics is regarded as the optimum search and decision-making process, which corresponds to a specific set of functional criteria of translation, which can take many divergent forms. The translator carries out a number of specific translation activities: the choice of linguistic means and means of expression in the translation language, replacement and compensation of nonequivalent units. The search for the optimal solution itself is carried out using the “trial and error” method. The translator always acts as an interpreter. Within the boundaries of a individual utterance, it must be mentally reconstructed as conceptual situations, the mentally linguistic actions of the author, which are verbalized in this text.

Джээнбүбү Бегеева

Аннотация. В статье анализируется качество переводов рассказов В.Шукшина, осуществленных в середине 70-х годов С. Наматбаевым. Переводоведческий анализ вывил многочисленные стилевые расхождения между оригиналом и переводом. При переводе одного из лучших рассказов Шукшина «Чудик» искажения стиля не передали психологические тонкости рассказа. При переводе рассказа «Дядя Ермолай» философский аспект рассказа выпал, так как переводчик исказил жанровую специфику. Перевод рассказа «Два письма» оказался более качественным по сравнению с предыдущими. Переводчик рассказа «Два письма» сумел приблизиться к оригиналу, расшифровать его основную тональность, воспроизвести атмосферу напряженных поисков истины героем рассказа Николаем Иванычем. Этот перевод оказался более качественно выполненным по сравнению с предыдущим рассказом «Дядя Ермолай». Причину переводческого успеха можно объяснить, прежде всего, доступностью содержания рассказа, да и сам герой не столь сложная и глубокая личность, как повествователь в рассказе о дяде Ермолае. В целом, переводы С.Наматбаева являются своеобраз- ным этапом в переводческом деле. В настоящее время необходимо более полное и глубокое восприятие творчества В.Шукшина и создания новых адекватных переводов. Ключевые слова: качество переводов, стилевые расхождения, психологические тонкости, философский аспект, этапом. Аннотация. Макалада В.Шукшиндин аңгемелеринин кыргыз тилине которуудагы сапаты каралат, котормолор 1970-жылдары котормочу С.Наматбаев аркылуу жаралган. Котормонун сапатына талдоо жүргүзгөндө көпчүлүк каталар табылган, алардын эң олуттуусу стилдердин айырмасы, негизги чыгарма менен котормонун ортосунда. Мисалы, “Чудик” деген аңгеменин психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү жоголуп кеткен. “Ермолай байке” деген аңгемеде жанрдын туура эмес берилишинен жазуучунун негизги ою жоголуп кеткен. “Эки кат” деген аңгеме беркилерге караганда сапаттуу которулган. Котормочу " Эки кат" деген аңгемени оригиналга жакындатып которгон. Башкы каарман Николай Иванычтын изденүүлөрүн, ойлорун, чындыкты табууга аракеттерин Шукшинден кем эмес окуучуларга жеткирген. Котормочунун жетишкендиги аңгеменин түшүнүктүү мазмуну менен түшүндүрсө болот, жана Николай Ивановичтин жөнөкөйлүгү менен. С.Наматбаевдын котормолору каталарына карабастан котормочулук иште алдыга жылуу болгон. Бирок, азыркы заманда сапаттуу котормо жаратууда мезгил келди. Түйүндүү сөздөр: которуудагы сапаты, стилдердин айырмасы, психологиялык мүнөздөмөсү, негизги ою жоголуп. Annotation. The quality of translation of the Shukshins stories is analyzed in the Middle 70- years. By S.Namatbaev. The translation analysis had idenh hed numerous style discrepancies between the original and the translation. The psychological feature of the compasihion were not be hansfered by the translation one the bestand famous story by. V.Shukshin due to distorhion of the style. By the translation of the story “The uncle Ermolai” had full a phisichal aspect of the story, because the translator had distorted the genre specifics. The translation of the stories “Two letters” was wade more qualitative comparated with another stories. Generally, the Namatbaevs translation are a sui generis stage in the translatiobs. We need currently more total and profound perception of the creation by V.Shukshin. The create of the new adeavate translation is the main task. The head of the theory and history of Russian literature department. V. Shukshin’s stories and problems of translation them into Kyrgyz language. This article is analysed the quality of translation of V. Shukshin’s stories, which were written in 70 th with S. Namatbaev. Translation analyse deduced many stylistic variations between translated version and original. There is a misrepresentation, was not transmitted psychological subtleties of the story in translation of one of the best V. Shuk- shin’s story “Wierdo”. Metaphysical dimension is disappeared in translation of the story “Uncle Ermolai”, since translator destort the genre specificity. The translation of the story “Two letters” has been more qualitative in comparison with previous translations. In common, S. Namatbaev’s translation is a genius stage in translation. It needs more full and deep comprehension of S. Shukshin’s work and to establish new suitable translation. Key words: Quality of translation, stylistic variation, psychological subtleties, metaphysical dimension, stage.

Tursunbayev Bakhtiyor ◽  

Today, there is a rapid increase in education, therefore, knowledge of foreign languages has become one of the main problems in monitoring the development of the global information and digital economy in our country. Therefore, to improve the foreign language, various pedagogical technologies and methods of teaching the language are used. We know that oral and written speech skills are skills that can be achieved with great difficulty. This project analyses the development of oral and written speech using pedagogical technologies and teaching text types. Particular attention is paid to the development of students' communication skills using pedagogical technologies. These technologies help students gain confidence in self-expression. Therefore, the use of these technologies in lessons effectively develops oral and written speech, provides communication and an exciting learning process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 69 (08) ◽  
pp. 32-37
Turan Şahin qızı Kərimbəyli ◽  

Today our main goal is to use authentic texts, including the study of the peculiarities of intercultural communication in the environment of communicative teaching of foreign languages. Authentic text reflects the use of natural language. It should be noted that the teaching of authentic texts in teaching a foreign language should be determined by the language level of the students. The selection criteria for authentic texts in German differ depending on the language level of the students. Key words: authentic texts, intercultural communication, communicative learning

Svitlana Kiyko ◽  
Yuriy Kiyko

The article considers audiovisual technologies (AT) for written speech training in second language acquisition. The aim is to form and to develop written speech competence that includes different skills, abilities and knowledge of grammar and vocabulary, skills in reading, writing, audition. The research provides some ideas of the students’ perception of AT such as the Internet, podcasts, blogs, video conferences, special mobile applications in the education process. The functional features of a video film in the training process and four stages of audiovisual education technology are described. To present the process of training, the pedagogical algorithms based on the structure of the knowledge acquisition process are developed according to the aims of viewing. The stages of AT realization (previewing, presen­tation, after-viewing, and actualization) are considered. An educational interven­tion using AT is developed and we investigate the effectiveness of audiovisual technology as a teaching method and the degree of knowledge acquisition of the language content proposed to students. To estimate the written speech competence level, we used the calculation of knowledge acquisition factor of training material. A significant improvement was observed in the acquired knowledge of written speech training and AT were perceived to be effective in teaching German as a second language. Thus, the Internet teaching resources can contribute to the formation and development of the following competencies for students: foreign communicative competence, including linguistic, sociocultural, educational and cognitive components; communicative-cognitive abilities to search and select, generalize, classify, analyze and synthesize the information received; communicative skills to present and discuss the results of work with Internet resources; the ability to use Internet resources for acquaintance with the cultural and historical heritage of various countries and peoples; the ability to use resources to meet their information and educational interests and needs. Foreign language training based on AT positively influences students’ performance and should play a leading role in the effective communicative competence formation and development.

Sara Badia-Climent

  Resumen: En la actualidad, las aulas de secundaria se han convertido en espacios multiculturales que han llevado tanto a alumnos como a profesores a enfrentarse a una nueva realidad dentro de las clases. Los alumnos de origen extranjero y con lengua no nativa se ven obligados a adaptarse e integrarse a un ritmo vertiginoso que, en ciertas circunstancias, es inasumible; especialmente en aquellos alumnos que han entrado dentro del circuito escolar a partir del ciclo de secundaria y en mitad de curso. El objetivo, por tanto, de este artículo es analizar los resultados de aprendizaje de los alumnos inmigrantes de 3.º de ESO dentro de una secuencia didáctica dedicada al género anuncio para a) detectar la problemática de aprender una lengua mientras se trata de impartir los contenidos curriculares correspondientes y, sobre ellos, b) proponer una serie de modificaciones que puedan paliar estas dificultades. Palabras clave: Análisis de Errores, Enfoque por tareas, Enfoque Comunicativo, ELE en Secundaria,   Traducción del título al inglés Abstract: Nowadays, secondary classrooms have turned into multicultural spaces that have driven students and teachers to a new academic reality. Foreign students that haven’t got Spanish as native language must adapt and include in a fast-way. This situation, sometimes, is unacceptable, especially when students have started the scholar-circuit in the middle of course.             For this reason, the aim of this paper is to analyse the learning results of non-native students of of ESO during a didactic sequence of advertisement genre to a) detect the troubles of learning a new language while they are trying to assimilate the curricular contents and, therefore, b) propose a series of modifications that could palliate these difficulties. Key words: Mistake’s Analysis, Tasks-Based Approach, Communicative Approach, Spanish as foreign language in High Schools

2012 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-139
Anastassia Rezepova ◽  
Natalia Tshuikina

The article presents grounds for necessity for implying a learner-oriented course for bilinguals studying in modern Estonian school. Such a course is caused by changes in the State Curriculum. The second supposition is the need in teaching Russian to bilinguals not as a foreign language but as one of native ones, which is not provided by curricula of Estonian-speaking educational institutions, although many of them count more than 10% of students from Russian-speaking families. As a result, bilingual students fairly and without accent speak Russian, however experiencing difficulties in reading and writing texts. The realization of learner-centered approach for bilinguals via web blogs solves a vast number of organization problems, starting with the timetable settings for students from different classes and ending with individual approach to students’ personal achivements assessment. The article also decribes the course’s structure, which is organized in four cycles with eight lessons in each; contact classes are to be held in the beginning of the course and between the cycles for interim results, as well as in the end of the course for conclusion. Key words: bilingualism, bilinguals, learner-centered approach, competence of text production, web blog.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 7685-7687

the article analyses notion of lexical skills and process related to their effective usage. The lexical skill is an automated action for the choice of a lexical unit adequate to the plan and its correct combination with other units in productive speech and automated perception and association with meaning in receptive speech Lexical skills are divided into receptive (in listening and reading) and productive (in speaking and writing). Productive lexical skills are understood as the skills of intuitively correct word usage and word formation in oral and written speech in accordance with situations and goals of communication. By receptive lexical skills are meant the skills of recognition and understanding when perceived by ear or when reading lexical phenomena. Thus, the lexical speech skill includes two main components: word usage and word formation (to correlate the visual / sound image of a word with semantics, to differentiate words that are similar in sound and spelling, to reveal the meaning of words using context, to recognize and understand the learned words and phrases in speech/ graphic text. In order to form lexical skills, the teacher needs to clearly understand the stages of work on lexical material. The process of introducing vocabulary begins with the presentation of the lexical unit and its explanation.

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