2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (13) ◽  
pp. 24-36
Amirul Mohd Yusof ◽  
Norazimah Zakaria

Tuhfat al-Nafis was a literary text or history of Malay historiography. As a Malay historiographical text, the scope of the times at that time are still patterned feudal and monarchical systems of government. The description of the monarchical leadership system is still the core and the ups and downs of a government depend on the qualities of the existing leadership. This paper aims to explain the leadership qualities found in the text of Tuhfat al-Nafis. These leadership qualities will be explained using the Islamic leadership approach. Tuhfat Al-Nafis was composed by a palace author named Raja Ali Haji. In writing Tuhfat Al-Nafis, Raja Ali Haji correspondence to fulfill the vision and mission of a government of Malay-Bugis. The findings of the study found that leaders who meet the characteristics of Islamic-based leadership such as good character, strong and ‘musyawarah’ make the government under his rule peaceful and prosperous.

1992 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 75-78
K. Lambrianides

This survey was planned with the help of the Human Environment Department of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. Fieldwork was carried out with the help of: Bayan Asuman Güngör, the government representative (from Türk İslam Müzesi, Yeşil-Bursa). We also welcomed two visitors from Ege Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi: Mr. Kirami Ölgen (geomorphologist and research assistant of Prof, İlhan Kayan, Coğrafya Bölümü) and Dr. Halime Hüryılmaz, (archaeologist, Klasik Arkeoloji Anabilim Dalı), who came to Altınova and provided invaluable expertise. We were also greatly assisted throughout by the advice and involvement of Prof, İlhan Kayan himself before, during and after the coring. Initial analysis of the core samples was carried out at their laboratory at Ege by Prof. Kayan and Mr. Ölgen. The latter also sampled the cores and prepared the chart of the bore-hole findings. Finance was again generously provided by the BIAA and the CRF of London University. Fieldwork took place between 30th October and 8th November 1991.The aim of the survey was to study the geomorphological evolution of the Madra Çay delta and to learn more about the palaeo-environmental history of a mound located on the delta, as part of a study of prehistoric coastal settlement on the Aegean coast of Turkey. Adaptation to the environment is regarded as one of the four functional criteria of cultural systems and we wanted to find out which of the various different phases in the changing environment of the delta had attracted human occupation.

1955 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 747-761
Norman D. Palmer

American political scientists are still teaching courses labeled “Comparative Government” with little or no attention to the government and politics of the largest states of the world today, and they are still teaching something called “Political Theory” or “History of Political Thought” with no more than casual reference to the ideas underlying non-Western civilizations. The neglect of Indian polity is particularly striking and particularly serious, for apart from Western political thought it comprises probably the most extensive and most important body of political philosophy. Moreover, it is an integral part of the Hindu civilization of the past and the present. That civilization, as Radha-krishnan and Toynbee, among others, have pointed out, is alien to Western civilization, although there are many similarities; and the present encounter between the two civilizations comes at a time when both are in a period of crisis and transition. Such considerations are basic to an understanding of the stresses and strains in the relations of India with the Western world. Behind the tensions that arise between the United States and India, for example, lie differences in views of life and modes of thought and conduct, complicated by uncertainty, inner struggle, sensitivity, misunderstanding, and inexperience in playing new and difficult roles.

Ashabul Kahpi

Abstract               Labor Problems in Indonesia are classic problems that continue to show themselves to follow the times. Therefore, until now the issue has remained in the range of the limited employment opportunities, high unemployment, low labor resources, low wages and makeshift social security, followed later by demonstrations and strikes. Wages in this case occupy a separate position and become the main agenda for almost every labor movement / demonstration. The irony is that the series of policies contained in the rules in the form of Laws, Government Regulations, Ministerial Regulations and others have not / have been unable to reduce workers' resistance movements and criticism of stakeholders. The gap and imbalance of position between workers / employers and employers, as well as differences in perceptions of wages (UM) are at the core of the problems being faced and try to find solutions by the Government to this day.Keywords, Workers / Laborers, Wages, policies AbstrakPermasalahan  Ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia adalah permasalahan klasik yang terus menampakkan dirinya mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Oleh sebab itu hingga saat ini permaslahan tersebut masih tetap berkisar diseputar sempitnya peluang kerja, tingginya angka pengangguran, rendahnya sumber daya tenaga kerja, upah murah dan jaminan sosial yang seadanya, terikut kemudian adalah demonstrasi dan pemogokan. Upah dalam hal ini menempati posisi tersendiri dan menjadi agenda utama nyaris disetiap pergerakan/demonstrasi buruh. Ironinya, rentetan kebijakan yang tertuang dalam aturan baik berupa Undang-undang, Peraturan Pemerintah, Peraturan Menteri dan lainnya ternyata belum/tidak mampu mereduksi gerakan resistensi kaum pekerja/buruh dan kritikan pihak berkepentingan.  Kesenjangan dan ketidak seimbangan posisi antara pekerja/buruh dan pengusaha, serta perbedaan persepsi terhadap upah (UM) menjadi inti permasalahan yang tengah dihadapi dan coba dicari solusinya oleh Pemerintah hingga dewasa ini.Kata Kunci, Pekerja/buruh, Upah,  kebijakan

BRITISH POLICY TOWARDS EUROPE, 1919–1939 Neville Chamberlain and appeasement. By R. Caputi. London: Susquehanna University Press, 2000. Pp. 271. ISBN 1-57591-027-6. £35.00. The Paris Peace Conference, 1919: peace without victory? Edited by M. Dockrill and J. Fisher. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001. Pp. xvi+97. ISBN 0-333-77630-5. £40.00. British foreign policy, 1919–1939. By P. W. Doerr. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1998. Pp. xi+291. ISBN 0-7190-4672-6. £14.99. Neville Chamberlain. By D. Dutton. London: Edward Arnold, 2001. Pp. xii+245. ISBN 0-340-70627-9. £12.99. Austen Chamberlain and the commitment to Europe: British foreign policy, 1924–1929. By R. S. Grayson. London: Frank Cass, 1997. Pp. xviii+318. ISBN 0-7146-4758-6. £37.50. Lloyd George and the lost peace: from Versailles to Hitler, 1919–1940. By A. Lentin. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001. Pp. xvii+182. ISBN 0-333-91961-0. £40.00. Peacemakers: the Paris Conference of 1919 and its attempt to end war. By M. Macmillan. London: John Murray, 2001. Pp. xii+574. ISBN 0-7195-5939-1. £25.00. ‘The Times’ and appeasement: the journals of A. L. Kennedy, 1932–1939. Edited by G. Martel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Royal Historical Society, Camden Fifth Series. Pp. xvii+312. ISBN 0-521-79354-8. £40.00. Britain and the Ruhr crisis. By E. Y. O'Riordan. London: Palgrave, 2001. Pp. x+237. ISBN 0-333-76483-8. £40.00. The Neville Chamberlain diary letters,I: The making of a politician, 1915–1920. Edited by R. Self. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. Pp. ix+423. ISBN 1-84014-691-5. £75.00. The Neville Chamberlain diary letters, II: The reform years, 1921–1927. Edited by R. Self. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2000. Pp. x+461. ISBN 1-84014-692-3. £75.00.

2003 ◽  
Vol 46 (2) ◽  
pp. 479-492

In the last eighty years, an enormous amount of scholarly attention has been devoted to explaining why Europe was at the centre of two cataclysmic conflicts in the first half of the twentieth century. The books considered here represent part of a resurgence of interest in British foreign policy in the interwar period and are primarily concerned with the policy of reconciliation towards the former Central Powers after the First World War, especially the appeasement of Germany. They offer a further opportunity to challenge the still-held misapprehension that appeasement was a strand of British policy that only appeared after Hitler's rise to power. They also offer a means of examining British foreign policy through sources inside and outside the government. Gordon Martel's volume illustrates the amount of journalistic pressure that was put on the British government to recognize and act on the likely threats to international peace. Austen and Neville Chamberlain, the sons of the great nineteenth-century Conservative politician, Joseph Chamberlain, were at the centre of the British foreign policy making process during the interwar period. Indeed, Robert Self's two volumes of letters written by Neville Chamberlain to his sisters illustrate how steeped in foreign and domestic politics the whole Chamberlain family was. Richard Grayson sees a long, unbroken attempt to accommodate Germany diplomatically starting with Austen Chamberlain and the treaty of Locarno. The importance of Neville Chamberlain's contribution to the history of British foreign policy is offered further recognition through surveys of the historiography of his premiership by David Dutton and Robert Caputi.

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Стаття присвячена осмисленню провідної проблеми сучасної художньої освіти як «переформатування», створення цілісного художньо-освітнього простору, пошуку інноваційних технологій та актуальних методик, удосконалення методологічного інструментарію, підвищення методологічної культури як такої. Автор торкається методологічної проблематики підготовки за фахом «Сценічне мистецтво» в руслі актуалізації імерсивних технологій, що нівелюють недоліки застарілої освітньої системи, скутої жорсткими рамками. З авторської точки зору нові педагогічні технології, впроваджувальні в систему професійної освіти, необхідно розглядати як еволюцію освітнього простору, тож «переосмислення» вектора розвитку й постає стрижневим поняттям нинішнього педагогічного процесу, сутнісним, глибинним та визначальним сучасні вимоги до організації професійної підготовки, виявлення її потенційних ресурсів.Стаття стосується проблеми організації й здійснення освітнього процесу, очевидності актуалізації сучасного тренду в галузі освітніх технологій – імерсивних – як перетворення педагогічних умов, спрямованих на ефективне проектування засобів сучасної художньої освіти, здатних конкурувати з розважальною сферою й здійснювати залучення властивих їй механізмів сприйняття, що може дозволити залучати студентів до процесу засвоєння нових знань. Ключові слова: технології організації та здійснення сучасного освітнього процесу; ефективне проектування засобів навчання; переосмислення історії театру; імерсивні технології. Ключові слова: технології організації та здійснення сучасного освітнього процесу; ефективне проектування засобів навчання; переосмислення історії театру; імерсивні технології. From the author’s point of view, the successful functioning of educational systems and their development are largely determined by two leading trends: technologization and humanization that meets the requirements of the times. New pedagogical technologies introduced into the vocational education system should be considered as a fundamental way of the development of the educational process. That is why the «rethinking» of the development vector is the core concept of the current pedagogical process, the essential, deep, defining modern requirements for the organization of training, identifying its potential resources.The problem of organizing and implementing the educational process actualizes of the current trend in the field of educational technology – immersive technology. Rethinking of pedagogical conditions aimed at the effective design of modern art education tools that can compete with the entertainment sphere and implement its inherent perception mechanisms can truly engage students in the process of learning new knowledge.Key words: technology for the organization and implementation of the modern educational process; effective of training tools; rethinking the history of the theater; immersive technology.

2020 ◽  
pp. 625-644
Stanislav Lazebnyk

The article narrates about the Ukrainian community in Canada, one of the most organised diasporas in the world, which from the times of its founders to the current generation has preserved its national identity, cultural traditions, and is duly represented in power structures of the country of the red maple leaf. Throughout its 129-year history, the Ukrainian community has consistently defended, to the best of its abilities, the national interests of Ukraine at different times. The author glorifies the cohort of prominent Canadian Ukrainians, who have soared to greater heights in their environment, reached the pinnacle of power on the state level, and hold prestigious posts in the legislative and executive branches at the federal and provincial levels. In Canada, there has developed an extensive scientific and educational base of Ukrainian studies, a Ukrainian-language degree system of education, including pre-school and extracurricular institutions, bilingual schools, and university courses in Ukrainian studies. The language, literature, history, geography, and folklore of Ukraine are taught in ten universities around the country. Canadian Ukrainians have a substantial cultural heritage of their own. The author stresses that support to Ukraine in different realms of life is provided by personal resources of Canadian Ukrainians and in cooperation with the Government, local non-governmental organisations and commercial corporations, the Canada-Ukraine Foundation. There is an atmosphere of sympathy in the Ukrainian environment and throughout Canada to the Ukrainian people combined with the willingness to help them. Following the Russian aggression against our state, Canadian Ukrainians intensified assistance to the land of their ancestors. Sacrifice, patronage, and participation in the volunteer movement have become a way of life for many in the community. All of these noble features are especially evident in the most challenging periods of the history of Ukraine. Keywords: Canada, Ukrainian community, national interests, Canadian Ukrainians

The continuous urban history of modern Zaporizhia dates back to the times of Alexander Fortress (1770), one of the strongholds of the Dnieper Line built by the government of the Russian Empire in the lands of the Zaporozhian Cossacks. This indisputable fact serves to irritate the public opinion in the context of the current Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the date of the city’s founding has become the object of revisionism and pseudo-academic falsifications. The factor of the Zaporozhian Cossacks is used exclusively to emphasize the drastic ‘otherness’ of the area’s new population. The article employs a representative set of historical sources, primarily documentary, cartographic, and narrative, to prove the groundlessness of such statements. It clarifies the real role and place of Zaporozhian wintering quarters as direct neighbors and predecessors of Alexander Fortress. Analysis of specific life situations and biographical material allows the author to show the continuous presence of Cossacks among the population of the fortress and its suburbs. In particular, married Cossacks were among the first burghers and traders to settle in the forstadt, looking for a safe place to live during yet another Russo-Turkish war (1768-1774). A significant proportion of the so-called ‘yokemen’ (hard-labor convicts) were also Cossacks from among the convicted haidamaks. Immediately after the liquidation of the Sich (1775), the fortress became the seat of the administration of Kinskovodsky District, including Zaporozhian self-government. It also served as one of the bases of operations for the Dnieper Cossack pilots. The study makes it possible to rethink the place of Zaporozhian Cossack heritage in the past of the city of Zaporizhia (Alexandrovsk): it shows that in the circumstances of the imperial conquest of the region in the late 18th century the Cossack population was often not only an antagonist of, but also a direct participant in the colonization process.

Qinyu Feng

Reconceptualising the construction of Garden Cities in Singapore from the perspective of the history of urban development and urbanization, in conjunction with the development and trends of vertical greening systems. To summarise the principles of development in modern ecosystems in the context of rapid urbanisation and high population density trends: 1. Long-term planning and adherence to ecological principles are required for urban construction and development. 2. Urban development should insist on controlling and guiding  the urbanisation process. 3. Strong executive and coordination capacity of the government is an essential force for the development of new cities. 4. The cultivation of urban culture is required to be initiated by the government to promote social consensus and directing the power of the public. 5. Respond to  the trend of the times and make flexible use of science and technology (vertical ecosystems) to solve urban problems.

Jurnal Niara ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 145-154
Rodi Wahyudi

               Understanding the rational mindset, employee morale and governance behavior can be known through the historical roots of a nation. Their grip on administrative ethics and adherence to the code of public service ethics can be used as indicators of quality of service to the community. This paper aims to discuss the bureaucratic maladministration behavior in Indonesia in the historical approach. Analysis of scientific sources relating to history is the main method used in this paper. Researchers divided the history of bureaucratic maladministration into five epochs, namely the pre-colonial era, the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese colonial era, the Old Order era, the New Order era and the post-reform era. The results of the analysis of this study indicate that public administrators are more focused on serving the interests of the authorities rather than serving the people. The term bureaucracy used has indeed changed with the times, bureaucracy of priyayi and servants, bureaucracy of civil service, modern bureaucracy, but their behavior still serves the ruling regime. Even though post-reformation, there has been a change in legislation relating to public services, but at the level of bureaucratic maladministration behavior, it has still failed to overcome. Preventing bureaucratic maladministration behavior through planting and practicing religious teachings and social norms is a solution that can be done by the government so that the ideals of bureaucratic reform can be realized.   Keywords: maladministration, bureaucracy, administration, public services.

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