2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-247
Nadezhda Stanislavovna Bratchikova

Books about children that can hardly be called childish, although the main characters in them are children, invariably arouse reader’s interest. Books reveal a child’s inner world, his attitude toward the surrounding reality, the problematic relations between children and adults. Literature on children is represented in almost all national written cultures, but the history of referring to it is due to various causes of social and social development, reasons of a religious, moral and ethical nature. In the article, the author refers to the literature from the second half of the 19th century, to the novels by the Finnish writer Teuvo Pakkala and draws analogies with the novels by the Russian writer A. P. Chekhov. Pakkala was the first in the history of Finnish literature to address the topic of children’s attitudes in the context of adult perception. The world of the children and the world of the adults are most often in antagonistic terms with each other, which are manifested in the perception of reality and in relation to it. These worlds exist in parallel spaces. The intersection of these worlds occurs most often in the mental space, namely in the memories of an adult of his childhood. Both writers see the child as a person, not an object of education. The positions assumed by children in different national societies vary. Pakkala’s heroes often act collectively. The child is surrounded by peers. Chekhov’s characters act alone, being isolated from their peers. It is difficult for them to defend their right to exist and their position in life. Chekhov’s characters most often become the object of social or family violence, despotism, a victim of adult self-affirmation. In the novels by Pakkala, the positive dynamics of the development of relations between children and adults dominate: children can influence the adult world. Their discouraging sincerity and spontaneity compel adults to reconsider the principles, prohibitions and attitudes invented by them and help to establish contact with children. The world of Chekhov’s child is often tragic, hopeless and lonely. The writer’s work on the language and style of the work is very interesting. For the stylization of children’s speech, Finnish writer Pakkala changes the syntactic structure of a sentence, showing the immediacy and liveliness of children’s speech, comes up with funny words with which children, for example, endow their “winners”. The heroes of Chekhov’s stories are closed in themselves. Their inner monologue speech turns into itself and is a little like a nursery.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 3280
Hülya Pehlivan

Games, which are as old as the history of the world, were played all over the world in all periods of history and in all cultures; and will be played in the future. A game which can be rule governed or free of rules, but in which children always participate voluntarily is a part of real life; and is the basis for physical, cognitive, social, linguistic, emotional and social development. Games are the mirrors reflecting the inner world of children, and they are the imaginary environments re-created by children so as to understand their emotions and enthusiasm, distress and relations. A game, which is defined as a field of experimenting in which children test and reinforce what they see, sets up ties with the past and forms a source for the future. Games are regarded as  children’s most important pursuit, and they mean discovering, learning, creating and expressing oneself for children. All materials for playing which introduce regulation into children’s movements, which help them in their physical and psycho-social development, which develop their imagination are described as toys, and toys have important functions in children’s development and in the development of their learning and creativity. Designing playgrounds, which are the locations for effective learning for children,  bring about significant responsibility. Therefore, this fact should be taken into consideration while choosing toys for chidren and while desgning playgrounds, and games should be employed in pre-school education in the light of scientific data.  Özetİnsanlık tarihi kadar eski olan oyun, dünyanın her yerinde, her çağda ve her kültürde oynanmıştır ve oynanmaya da devam edecektir. Oyun, belli bir amaca yönelik olan veya olmayan, kurallı ya da kuralsız gerçekleştirilen fakat her durumda çocuğun isteyerek yer aldığı fiziksel, bilişsel, sosyal, dil, duygusal ve sosyal gelişiminin temeli olan gerçek hayatın bir parçasıdır. Oyun çocuğun iç dünyasının bir aynasıdır ve çocuğun duygu ve coşkularını, üzüntülerini, ilişkilerini anlamak için onların yeniden yarattıkları bir düş ortamıdır. Çocuğun gördüklerini sınadığı ve pekiştirdiği bir deney alanı olarak tanımlanan oyun geçmiş ile bağ kurmakta, gelecek için kaynak oluşturmaktadır. Çocuğun en önemli uğraşı olarak kabul gören oyun, çocuklar için keşfetme, öğrenme, yaratma, kendini ifade etme anlamına gelmektedir. Gelişim basamakları boyunca çocuğun hareketlerine düzen getiren zihinsel, bedensel ve psiko-sosyal gelişimlerinde yardımcı olan, hayal gücünü geliştiren tüm oyun malzemeleri de oyuncak olarak tanımlanır ve oyuncakların çocukların gelişim, öğrenme ve yaratıcılığın gelişmesinde önemli bir işlevi vardır. Çocuk için etkili bir öğrenme mekânı olan oyun alanlarının tasarımlanması önemli bir sorumluluğu beraberinde getirir. Bu nedenle, çocuklara oyuncak seçerken ve oyun alanları dizayn ederken bu durum göz önünde bulundurulmalı ve özellikle okul öncesi eğitimde de bilimsel veriler ışığında oyundan faydalanmalıdır.

Moreana ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 42 (Number 164) (4) ◽  
pp. 187-206
Clare M. Murphy

The Thomas More Society of Buenos Aires begins or ends almost all its events by reciting in both English and Spanish a prayer written by More in the margins of his Book of Hours probably while he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. After a short history of what is called Thomas More’s Prayer Book, the author studies the prayer as a poem written in the form of a psalm according to the structure of Hebrew poetry, and looks at the poem’s content as a psalm of lament.

2006 ◽  
Vol 2 (SPS5) ◽  
pp. 21-24
Rajesh Kochhar

AbstractAny international effort to promote astronomy world wide today must necessarily take into account its cultural and historical component. The past few decades have ushered in an age, which we may call the Age of Cultural Copernicanism. In analogy with the cosmological principle that the universe has no preferred location or direction, Cultural Copernicanism would imply that no cultural or geographical area, or ethnic or social group, can be deemed to constitute a superior entity or a benchmark for judging or evaluating others.In this framework, astronomy (as well as science in general) is perceived as a multi-stage civilizational cumulus where each stage builds on the knowledge gained in the previous stages and in turn leads to the next. This framework however is a recent development. The 19th century historiography consciously projected modern science as a characteristic product of the Western civilization decoupled from and superior to its antecedents, with the implication that all material and ideological benefits arising from modern science were reserved for the West.As a reaction to this, the orientalized East has often tended to view modern science as “their” science, distance itself from its intellectual aspects, and seek to defend, protect and reinvent “our” science and the alleged (anti-science) Eastern mode of thought. This defensive mind-set works against the propagation of modern astronomy in most of the non-Western countries. There is thus a need to construct a history of world astronomy that is truly universal and unselfconscious.Similarly, the planetarium programs, for use the world over, should be culturally sensitive. The IAU can help produce cultural-specific modules. Equipped with this paradigmatic background, we can now address the question of actual means to be adopted for the task at hand. Astronomical activity requires a certain minimum level of industrial activity support. Long-term maintenance of astronomical equipment is not a trivial task. There are any number of examples of an expensive facility falling victim to AIDS: Astronomical Instrument Deficiency Syndrome. The facilities planned in different parts of the world should be commensurate with the absorbing power of the acceptor rather than the level of the gifter.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-317 ◽  
Shohei Sato

AbstractThis article re-examines our understanding of modern sport. Today, various physical cultures across the world are practised under the name of sport. Almost all of these sports originated in the West and expanded to the rest of the world. However, the history of judo confounds the diffusionist model. Towards the end of the nineteenth century, a Japanese educationalist amalgamated different martial arts and established judo not as a sport but as ‘a way of life’. Today it is practised globally as an Olympic sport. Focusing on the changes in its rules during this period, this article demonstrates that the globalization of judo was accompanied by a constant evolution of its character. The overall ‘sportification’ of judo took place not as a diffusion but as a convergence – a point that is pertinent to the understanding of the global sportification of physical cultures, and also the standardization of cultures in modern times.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Nikita Gupta

This paper deals with the concept of racism, which is considered as a dark topic in the history of the world .Throughout history, racist ideology widespread throughout the world especially between black people and white people. In addition, many European countries started to expand their empire and to get more territories in other countries. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness which is his experience in the Congo River during the 19th century dealt with the concept of racism, which was clear in this novel because of the conflicts that were between black and white people and it explained the real aims of colonialism in Africa, which were for wealth and power.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-110
Joanna Kulwicka-Kamińska

The religious writings of the Tatars constitute a valuable source for philological research due to the presence of heretofore unexplored grammatical and lexical layers of the north borderland Polish language of the 16th-20th centuries and due to the interference-related and transfer-related processes in the context of Slavic languages and Slavic-Oriental contacts. Therefore the basis for linguistic analyses is constituted by one of the most valuable monuments of this body of writing – the first translation of the Quran into a Slavic language in the world (probably representing the north borderland Polish language), which assumed the form of a tefsir. The source of linguistic analyses is constituted by the Olita tefsir, which dates back to 1723 (supplemented and corrected in the 19th century). On the basis of the material that was excerpted from this work the author presents both borderland features described in the subject literature and tries to point the new or only sparsely confirmed facts in the history of the Polish language, including the formation of the north borderland Polish language on the Belarusian substrate. Research involves all levels of language – the phonetic-phonological, morphological, syntactic and the lexical-semantic levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3-2) ◽  
pp. 337-347
Larisa Zakhidova ◽  

The best works of modern literature often have mythological overtones that allow us to raise the deep layers of human experience. Mythologism of the XX - XXI centuries is a wide, complex and contradictory phenomenon, requiring also serious penetration into the linguistics of the text of the studied work. The analysis of the literary process, from the 19th century to the 21st century, clearly shows that it is traditional to have vocabulary referring the reader to various cultural subtexts, which we call mythopoetic paradigms that have an associative connection with mythological images and are a means of creating mythological subtext, as well as a means of enriching a literary text with additional meanings. Mythopoetic paradigms help in creating the subtext of a work by their ability to evoke certain models, images, whole cultural traditions in the reader’s mind. A.A. Potebnya believes that the doctrine of ‘mythological devices’ of thought should be given a place in the history of literature: if the previous content of our thought is not a subjective means of cognition, but its source, and the image (being recognized as ‘objective’) is completely transferred into meaning, then in this the case the researcher comes across myth-making. Many myths are generated by the external and especially the internal form of the word. The research of Yu. M. Polyakov’s texts convincingly shows a mythopoetic type of thinking of this writer, since mythopoetic paradigms are cross-cutting and cover almost all of the author’s texts. In this regard a novel “The Mushroom Tsar” by Yu. M. Polyakov is especially specific. Yu. M. Polyakov’s works are rich in mythologemes of various types that allows us to talk about his texts within the framework of the neo-mythological tradition, which provides a deep understanding of the writer’s texts and the system of his idiostyle as a whole.

O.E. Fedorenko ◽  
К.V. Коlyadenko

An epidemic of any infectious disease is an invisible ruthless enemy that cannot be defeated by military, political, economic or ideological means. Humanity always reacts to such threats quite nervously and subconsciously tries to mythologize them, at least a little, in order to somehow psychologically protect itself from the real fear of imminent death. Since there is no rational defense against such a threat, people for the most part react in an irrational manner.The 19th century, almost the same as the previous centuries, «started» in epidemiological terms almost from the very beginning of its calendar. Only in contrast to the previous 18th century, the main and dominant danger was posed by another infectious pathology — cholera.In the history of medicine, over the 19th century, as many as six outbreaks of cholera epidemics were recorded since 1817. The first of them began in East Bengal and lasted 8 years (1817—1824), gradually, covering almost all India and big regions of the Middle East. It was worsened by the traditional travels of both Hindu and Muslim pilgrims to «holy places» who spread Vibrio cholerae on foot and through active communication with local residents.One of the significant reasons why cholera epidemic continued with minimal interruptions for almost the entire nineteenth century was an insufficient level of scientific knowledge in microbiology and the resulting ignorance of the causative agent of cholera — vibrio and its properties.Another factor was a complete lack of understanding by society of the need to observe at least the simplest sanitary standards in everyday life. And there was also misunderstanding among the leadership which tried to limit the next outbreak of cholera mainly by administrative measures without adequate explanations of their essence and necessity to the population.

2019 ◽  
pp. 318-334
Avra Xepapadako

Τ‎his chapter focuses on the activity of musical theatre companies touring in south-eastern Europe, the Near East, the Caucasus and Central Asia during the 19th and early 20th centuries. It investigates cultural transfer and amalgamation between the metropolitan culture of the West and the Orient in the domain of opera and operetta. Greece, in particular, functioned as a cultural crossroads between East and West. From 1840 onwards, Italian opera companies began to tour in Greece and its new theatres, and even further towards the Near East; they were followed, from 1870 onwards, by French operetta and vaudeville companies. In the last decades of the 19th century, these French artists expanded their itineraries towards the East, beyond familiar geographical boundaries, tracing their own small odysseys on the map. The chapter charts and presents these traces, attempting to shed light on an unexplored area of the world history of music and theatre.

Ted Henzell

Agriculture in Australia has had a lively history. The first European settlers in 1788 brought agricultural technologies with them from their homelands, influencing early practices in Australia. Wool production dominated the 19th century, while dairying grew rapidly during the first half of the 20th century. Despite having one of the driest landscapes in the world, Australia has been successful in adapting agricultural practices to the land, and these innovations in farming are explained in this well-researched volume. Focusing on the technologies that the farmers and graziers actually used, this book follows the history of each of the major commodities or groups of commodities to the end of the 20th century: grain crops, sheep and wool, beef and dairy, working bullocks and horses, sugar, cotton, fruit and vegetables, and grapes and wine. Major issues facing the various agricultural enterprises as they enter the 21st century are also discussed. Written in a readable style to suit students of history, social sciences and agriculture, Australian Agriculture will also appeal to professionals in the industry and those with a general interest in Australian sociology and history.

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