2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Ratih Kusuma Dewi Arfa ◽  
L. F. J. Kandou ◽  
Herdy Munayang

Abstrak: Perbandingan kejadian dan tingkat depresi guru honorer di Sekolah Dasar Negeri pada empat Kecamatan di Kota Kotamobagu Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Pendahuluan: Depresi merupakan gangguan mood yang paling sering dikaitkan dengan stres pekerjaan yang dimiliki individu dalam lingkungan pendidikan seperti profesi guru. Gejala depresi yang dialami guru sering dihubungkan dengan jenis kelamin, umur, status pernikahan, rendahnya kepuasan terhadap profesi, gaji atau penghargaan, keinginan untuk merubah pekerjaan, serta dukungan sosial. Di Indonesia, guru honorer yang memiliki status kepegawaian yang tidak jelas rentan mengalami depresi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan kejadian dan tingkat depresi guru honorer di Sekolah Dasar Negeri pada empat Kecamatan di Kota Kotamobagu Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat observasional-analitik dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Penelitian ini melibatkan seluruh guru honorer yang mengajar di tiap Sekolah Dasar Negeri di empat Kecamatan dengan total 102 responden. Instrumen penelitian ialah kuesioner sosiodemografi dan Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS). Analisis univariat dan bivariat (Chi square test) dilakukan dengan menggunakan aplikasi komputer. Hasil:Proporsi depresi di Kecamatan Kotamobagu Timur (84,8%) lebih besar daripada proporsi depresi di Kecamatan Kotamobagu Utara (80%), Kecamatan Kotamobagu Barat (82,8%) dan Kecamatan Kotamobagu Selatan (83,3%). Uji beda kejadian dan tingkat depresi mendapatkan nilai p= 0,986 dan p= 0,989.Simpulan: Tidak terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna antara kejadian dan tingkat depresi guru honorer di Sekolah Dasar Negeri pada empat Kecamatan di Kota Kotamobagu Provinsi Sulawesi Utara. Kata Kunci: perbandingan, depresi, guru honorer, HDRS     Abstract: The comparison of prevalence and degree of depression among honorary teachers in Public Primary Schools of four Districts in Kotamobagu City, North Sulawesi. Introduction: Depression is a mood disorder that mostly related to the occupational stress among people involved in educational environment especially teacher profession. Depressive symptoms felt by teacher is usually correlated with gender, age, marital status, low job satisfaction, salary or reward, wish to change a job, and social support. In Indonesia, honorary teachers who have a non-confirmed status of teaching tend to be stress and furthermore being more depressive to face these job conditions. This research aimed to examine the comparison of prevalence and degree of depression among honorary teachers in Public Primary Schools of four Districts in Kotamobagu City, North Sulawesi. Method: This research was a cross-sectional study that used observational-analytic design. This study involved 102 honorary teachers, teaching in all Public Primary Schools of four Districts in Kotamobagu. The instruments used in this research were Socio-demographic and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) questionnaires. Univariate and bivariate analysis (Chi Square test) were done with a computer application program. Result: The proportion of depression of East Kotamobagu district (84,8%) was greater than in North Kotamobagu District (80%), West Kotamobagu District (82,8%) and South Kotamobagu district (83,3%). Prevalence and degree comparation got p score 0,986 and 0,989. Conclusion:There are no significant prevalence and degree differences of depression among honorary teachers in Public Primary Schools of four districts in Kotamobagu City, North Sulawesi. Keywords: depression, comparison, honorary teachers, HDRS

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 440
Sri Handayani ◽  
Puteri Fannya ◽  
Putri Nazofah

<p><em>Based on data from the Indonesia Ministry of Health in 2015, In Indonesia, new professional nurses were just 2% of the total nurses. This figure was much lower than the Philippines which has reached 40% with bachelor and master level as their education. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, and leadership with the performance of health personnel</em><em>. </em><em>The design of this research was analytical research with Cross Sectional Study. The population in this study was all nurses and doctors who served in the internal room, children, surgery and midwifery</em><em>. </em><em>Sampling using total sampling</em><em> </em><em>by questionnaires. The data was processed by univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square test</em><em>. </em><em>The result showed that 57,8% nurses had poor performance, 56,3% doctors had poor performance, 64,4% nurses had average age 26-35 years, 56,2% doctors had average age  36-45 years, 64.4% nurses have poor leadership, </em><em>and </em><em>50.0% of doctors have less good leadership</em><em>.</em><em> There is a relationship between age</em><em> and </em><em>leadership with the performance of health personnel.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p>Berdasarkan data kemenkes RI tahun 2015 jumlah tenaga kesehatan terbanyak yaitu perawat sebanyak 147.264 orang (45,65%). Di Indonesia, perawat profesional baru mencapai 2% dari total perawat yang ada. Angka ini jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Filipina yang sudah mencapai 40% dengan pendidikan strata satu dan dua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain penelitian analitik dengan Cross Sectional Study. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua perawat dan dokter. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan Total Sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data diolah dengan analisis univariat menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 57,8% perawat memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 56,3% dokter memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 64,4% perawat memiliki umur rata-rata 26-35 tahun 64,4%, 56,2% dokter memiliki umur rata-rata 36-45 tahun, 64,4% perawat memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik, 50,0% dokter memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik. Terdapat hubungan antara umur dan kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-50
Evanata Lina Sinaga ◽  
Rismahara Lubis ◽  
Yusniar Siregar ◽  
Evi Irianti

Stunting is a condition of failure to thrive in children under five due to chronic malnutrition. One cause of stunting is poor parenting patterns such as feeding in the first 2 years after birth. Exclusive breastfeeding is the best nutrition a baby receives in the first 6 months of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of exclusive breastfeeding with the decrease of stunting in children aged 6-23 months in Sosor Lontung Village, Siempat Nempu District, Dairi Regency.  This study used a cross-sectional study design. The sample of this research was children aged 6-23 months as many as 39 people. Data collection was carried out by interview and measurement of children's length / height. Univariate and bivariate data analysis used Chi Square test with ƿ-value <0.05. Based on the bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting with ƿ-value 0.037. The results showed the percentage of stunting in children aged 6-23 months was greater in children who were not given exclusive breastfeeding (50%) than those who received exclusive breastfeeding (17.65%). The results of bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting with a value-value of 0.037. That is, exclusive breastfeeding can reduce the risk of stunting is getting smaller. It is hoped that all babies will receive exclusive breastfeeding so that the baby can grow optimally.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Eti Kurniawati

<p>Ascariasis incidence in children under five in the region work of Puskesmas Olak Kemang still a health problem that needs to be addressed, with a percentage of 51.0% is higher than in other wilayh. The disease is not lethal but can undermine the health of the human body so that the resulting decline in nutritional status, decreased intelligence and brain power or immune health in children.</p><p>               This research is a quantitative study using descriptive analytic method with cross sectional study design that aims to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The population in this research that all children under five in the area of Puskesmas Olak Kemang, samples in this study were 75 children under five. Data were analyzed using analysis Univariate and Bivariate analysis with Chi-Square Test.</p><p>               The results showed that 78.0% of mothers of children under five who are not air personal hygiene, 60.4% of mothers of children under five unusual CTPS, 82.1% of respondents who did not state house meliliki latrine / WC. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between personal hygiene (p-value = 0.000), customs CTPS (p-value = 0.001), latrine ownership (p-value = 0.000) with the incidence of intestinal worms in Puskesmas Olak Kemang Jambi.</p><p>               In connection with the results obtained, that the danger of de- worming is dependent on the cleanliness of his mother in serving as personal hygiene, CTPS and Owners toilets in every home. Thus the researchers suggested that the health center may be able to provide information to the public education about the dangers of de- worming to create a healthy society.</p><p> </p>Keyword                     :  Behavior, Children Events

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-118
Yulaeka Yulaeka

Anemia is a condition when the levels of hemoglobin and erythrocytes are lower than normal. The normal value of hemoglobin in women is 12 -16 g / dl with erythrocytes from 3.5 to 4.5 jt / mm3. This study aimed to determine the relationship between nutritional status and Anemia of teenage girl. This research is analytic with cross sectional study design. The samples taken are 66 teenage girls, chosen by quote sampling. The data of this research used primary data obtained through checking up of body mass index and hemoglobin level. The data analysis used univariate analysis and bivariate analysis used Chi-square test. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between nutritional status and Anemia (p value 0.001).

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 298
Wismoyo Nugraha Putra

ABSTRACTOverweight is health problem that occurs because of imbalance between input and output energy causing the accumulation of excessive fat tissue in the body. There are several factors that can lead to overweight are excess of dietary pattern, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle. The purpose of this research is to analyze the relationship between dietary pattern, physical activity and the sedentary lifestyle with overweight incidence at SMA Negeri 5 Surabaya. This research is analyitic observational with cross sectional design. Accessible population sizes in this research are 679 students with numbers of samples are 157 students (simple random sampling). Data processing by using computer application with the univariate and bivariate analysis. The results analysed using chi square test with α = 0.05. The results showed correlation between sex (p = 0.041), mother’s job (p = 0.025), dietary pattern (p = 0.035) and physical activity (p= 0.015) with overweight. There was no correlation between parent’s education, father’s job, parent’s income, student’s pocket money, sedentary lifestyle with overweight. Suggestions for school to held morning gymnastics twice a week, also extends the extracurricular duration. Teenagers are expected to increase and balance the diet consumption.Keywords: physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, overweight, dietary pattern

1970 ◽  
Vol 7 (02) ◽  
pp. 99-107
Widya Juliarti ◽  
Atifa Merlin

Exclusive breastfeeding is the only breast milk given to infants without additional other liquids without solid food for six additional 6 months. Breastfed babies have a greater chance of early success exclusive breastfeeding. Based on preliminary studies in December 2015 in BPM Khairani Asnita, in the know of 20 people who gave birth to entirely successfully perform IMD but only 3-5 people who exclusively breastfed rest melanjutlan with formula. The purpose of this study to determine the factors associated with exclusive breastfeeding in mothers who carry BPM Khairani Asnita IMD in Riau Province in 2015. This type of research is analytic survey with cross sectional study design. The population is mothers delivered in BPM Khairani Asnita and do IMD with babies aged 16-12 months amounted to 60 m people. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Bivariate data analysis with test of chi-square test. Based on the results of the univariate analysis showed that the majority of mothers breastfeed as much as 56.7% exclusive. The results of the bivariate analysis pvalue values obtained for each variable with α 0.05 is for attitude p = 0.000, husband support the value of p = 0.004, p = success IMD 0,007, maternal age the value of p = 0.031. The conclusion of this study that the attitude of the mother, husband support, the success of IMD and the mother's age is a factor that affects exclusively breastfeeding mothers do IMD in BPM Khairani Asnita Year 2015. It is expected the next BPM Khairani Asnita able to reassure patients who visit or maternity there for can give only breast milk until the child is 6 months old, as well as explaining the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for babies and mothers.

Mega Septriani ◽  
Apik Indarty Moedjiono ◽  
Stang Stang

The determinants of child marriage are triggered by complex social, economic, cultural, political and legal disparities. This research method used a cross sectional study. The research sample was 192 women who were married in 2018-2019 in the Campalagian District. This study aims to determine the effect of the age of marriage on the health of ibn and infants in the District of Campalagian. Chi-square test was used to analyze data. The results of the bivariate analysis showed that the age of marriage had an effect on the health of the newborn (p value = 0.003). However, the age of marriage on maternal health during pregnancy, maternal health at delivery, use of contraceptive methods, service standards for birth weight, and support from husbands do not have a significant effect. After conducting bivariate analysis using moderator variables, the results showed that. There is an effect of the age of marriage based on the age of the husband (p value = 0.017) and the husband's education (p value = 0.024) on maternal health at delivery. There is an effect of the age at marriage based on the husband's age (p value = 0.023), the wife's education (p = 0.008), and the husband's education (p = 0.009), on the health of the newborn. It can be concluded that the age of marriage has an effect on the health of the mother and baby and/or if it includes the age and education factors of both the respondent and the partner.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 25
Angela María Sarrazola-Moncada ◽  
Juan David Soto-Faudi ◽  
Luisa Carmona ◽  
Milena Garcia ◽  
Gisela Rojas ◽  

Introduction: Emotional disorders can influence the academic performance of students, however, the factors, academic, family and social, can modify this relationship. Aim: To describe the emotional disorders and their relationship with academic performance in the students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Cooperativa de Colombia University, Medellin, Envigado. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 140 randomly selected students, who were surveyed with sociodemographic information, academic performance and applied a validated instrument for measuring emotional disorders. A univariate and bivariate analysis was performed. Results: 140 students participated, the average age was 22,5 years, most women 55,7%. In general the average of the students was of 3.79 with a standard deviation of 0.33 a minimum of 3,0 and a maximum of 4,5. Mainly, a greater percentage of the depressive disorder was found in 18,6% and of anxiety in 13,6% and there was no association with statistical significance between the emotional disorders and the academic performance, according to the chi-square test (p≥0.05, chi-square). Conclusion: The most frequent emotional disorders in dental students were depression and anxiety. Depression occurred more in students with average (good) academic performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-91
Haspita Rizki Syurya Handini ◽  
Yussie Ater Merry ◽  
Dhina Khairina

Measles rubella (MR) immunization is to provide immunity against measles and rubella. To reduce measles and rubella, the government carried out the MR immunization campaign. The target of MR immunization achievement is at 95%; however, in West Sumatra Province it is still at 38,98% and Padang City is at 47%. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinant factor as participation in MR immunization for toddlers. This analytic survey used a cross sectional study design. The population was mothers who had toddlers with a sample of 86 respondents taken by proportional random sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data processing was analyzed by bivariate and multivariate using chi square test and logistic regression. The results of the bivariate analysis showed factors related to MR immunization, namely knowledge (p = 0.003), level of education (p = 0.006), and attitude (p = 0.006), while employment (p = 0,222) and number of children (p = 0,160) were not related to MR immunization and the most influential variable was the level of knowledge with p value 0.009 and OR 0.28. It can be concluded that knowledge, education and attitude are related to maternal participation in MR immunization with the most influential variable being knowledge. Therefore, there needs to be innovation in providing counseling to mothers and families about the importance of MR immunization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Fahruniza Meiga Mawarni ◽  
Mona Lestari ◽  
Yuanita Windusari ◽  
Desheila Andarini ◽  
Anita Camelia ◽  

Latar Belakang : Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) merupakan kumpulan gejala yang dialami oleh seseorang atau perasaan tidak sehat tanpa penyebab yang jelas saat melakukan pekerjaan di dalam gedung dan akan menghilang saat seseorang meninggalkan gedung tersebut. Sirkulasi udara yang tidak baik, ditambah dengan adanya faktor fisik, kimia, biologi, dan individu, serta faktor lingkungan lainnya yang terdapat di dalam suatu bangungan dapat menjadi penyebab terjadinya SBS. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keluhan SBS pada karyawan di gedung PT. X Palembang.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain studi cross sectional. Sampel penelitian sebanyak 107 karyawan yang terpilih sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang telah ditetapkan. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat untuk melihat gambaran keluhan SBS, usia, jenis kelamn, masa kerja, suhu, pencahayaan dan kembaban, serta analisis bivariat dengan menggunakan uji chi-square dan uji alternatif fisher exact untuk melihat pengaruh faktor risiko terhadap keluhan SBS.Hasil : Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa prevalensi keluhan SBS sebesar 75,7%, dengan usia terbanyak ≤40 tahun (80,4%), didominasi oleh laki-laki (60,7%), dengan masa kerja paling banyak ≥5 tahun (62,6%), serta lingkungan kerja dengan suhu, pencahayaan, dan kelembaban yang tidak memenuhi syarat secara berurutan sebesar 18,7%, 49,5%, dan 36,4%.Simpulan: Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukan bahwa kelembaban mempengaruhi terjadinya keluhan SBS pada karyawan PT. X Palembang (p-value = 0,005). Untuk menyeimbangkan kualitas udara di dalam ruangan, salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan meletakkan tanaman sanseviera sebagai menyeimbang dan penyerap polutan di dalam ruangan. ABSTRACT Tittle : Sick Building Syndrome Complain in PT. X BuildingBackground : Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is a syndrome where people experience unexplained malaise symptoms while working in a building that will disappear once they leave the building.  Poor air circulation combined with the presence of physical, chemical, biological and individual factors, and other environmental factors  within a building may cause SBS.  This study aimed to determine factors that influence SBS complain among employees of PT.  X in Palembang.Method : This study used a qualitative approach with cross sectional study design.  The research sample was 107 employees selected according to inclusive and exclusive criteria.  The data analysis methods in the study are univariate analysis to describe SBS complain, age, sex, years of service, temperature, lighting and humidity. Bivariate analysis using the chi-square test and fisher exact alternative test to determine risk factors influence to SBS complain.Result : The prevalence of SBS complain in the study is 75,7%, with ≤40 as majority age (80,4%), dominated by male workers (60,7%), with ≥5 years as the largest portion of years of service (62,6%), and work environment with temperature, lighting, and humidity that is not adequate 18,7%, 49,5%, and 36,4% respectively.Conclusion : Bivariate analysis showed that humidity influenced the occurrence of SBS complain in PT.X Palembang (p-value = 0,005). To balance out indoor air quality, one of countermeasures that can be applied is to place sansevieria plant as indoor pollutants absorber.  

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