2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Briando S. Honandar

Abstract: Identification is an important examination to identify a person’s identity. Height estimation is one of the parameter in forensic anthropology to determine a person’s biological profile. Height can be estimated by measurements of long bones, including ulna.  This study aimed to determine the correlation between heights and ulnar lengths among Sangihe adults in Madidir Ure. This was an analytical descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Samples were obtained with purposive sampling method and data were analyzed with Pearson correlation and simple linear regression. There were 94 subjects consisting of 56 males and 38 females. The results showed a strong correlation between height and ulnar length, with a value of (r) 0.853 in total subjects, 0.661 in males, and 0,671 in females. Equations based from the result of simple linear regression were height = 87.436 + 2.990 x ulnar length for males; height = 69.843 + 3.550 x ulnar length for females; and height = 58.346 + 4.098 x ulnar length for the total subjects with P value = 0.000 (<0.01). Conclusion: There was a highly significant correlation between heights and ulnar lengths among Sangihe adults in Madidir Ure. Keywords: identification, height, ulnar length, Sangihe, adults     Abstrak: Penentuan identitas merupakan pemeriksaan penting untuk mengidentifikasi seseorang. Pengukuran tinggi badan merupakan suatu parameter antropologi forensik yang dapat membantu menentukan profil biologis seseorang.Tinggi badan dapat ditentukan melalui pengukuran tulang panjang, termasuk tulang ulna. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan tinggi badan dan panjang ulna pada dewasa etnis Sangihe di Madidir Ure. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Sampel diambil dengan cara purposive sampling dan dianalisis dengan korelasi Pearson dan analisis regresi linier sederhana. Terdapat 94 orang sebagai sampel, yang terdiri dari 56 laki-laki dan 38 perempuan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan hubungan yang sangat bermakna antara tinggi badan dan panjang ulna dengan koefisien korelasi (r) keseluruhan 0,853, pada laki-laki 0,661, dan pada perempuan 0,671. Dari hasil analisis regresi linier sederhana didapatkan rumus TB laki-laki = 87,436 + 2,990 x panjang ulna; TB perempuan = 69,843 + 3,550 x panjang ulna; dan secara keseluruhan TB = 58,346 + 4,098 x panjang ulna dengan nilai P = 0.000 (<0.01). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang sangat bermakna antara tinggi badan dan panjang ulna pada dewasa etnis Sangihe di Madidir Ure. Kata Kunci: identifikasi, tinggi badan, panjang ulna, dewasa, Sangihe

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Novitasari Mangayun

Abstract: Identification is one of the most important examinations to determine somebody’s identity. Body length estimation is one of the parameter in forensic anthropology and helps establish a person’s biological profile. Body length can be estimated by long bones measurement, including femur. The objective of this study is to determine the correlation of body length and femur length on adult Sangihe in Madidir Ure. This study is an analytical descriptive using cross-sectional design. This study was conducted in Madidir Ure with a total of 94 subjects consisting of 56 males and 38 females. The samples were chosen with purposive sampling method and analysed with Pearson correlation and simple linear regression. The result showed strong correlation between body length and femur length, with value of  (r)  0537 in total subjects, 0,658 in males and 0,650 in females. Equations that were made from the result of simple linear regression are, Body length = 104,662 + 1,740 x femur length for males, body length = 104,298 + 1,410 x femur length for females and body length = 97,265 + 1,824 x femur length in total subjects. Keyword: Identification, body length, femur length, etnis Sangihe, Madidir Ure.   Abstrak: Identifikasi ialah pemeriksaan penting dalam menentukan kejelasan identitas seseorang. Pengukuran tinggi badan merupakan suatu parameter antropologi forensik dan membantu dalam membangun profil biologis seseorang. Tinggi badan dapat ditentukan dengan tulang panjang, termasuk tulang femur.Peneltian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan hubungan panjang badan dengan panjang tulang femur pada Etnis Sangihe di Madidir Ure. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitin deskriptif analitik dengan rancangan cross-sectional, penelitian ini dilakukan di Madidir Ure dengan sampel berjumlah 94 orang yang terdiri dari 56 orang laki-laki dan 38 orang perempuan. Sampel diambil dengan cara purposive sampling dan dianalisis dengan korelasi pearson serta analisis regresi linier sederhana, dan didapatkan hubungan yang kuat antara panjang badan dengan panjang tulang femur dengan koefisien korelasi  (r) keseluruhan adalah 0,537, pada laki-laki 0,658 dan pada perempuan 0,650. Dari hasil analisis regresi linier sederhana didapatkan rumus PB laki-laki = 104,662 + 1,740 x panjang femur, PB perempuan = 104,298 + 1,410 x panjang femur dan secara keseluruhan PB = 97,265 + 1,824 x panjang femur. Kata kunci: Identifikasi, Tinggi badan, panjang femur, etnis sangihe, madidir ure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Osvaldo T. Liputra ◽  
Taufiq F. Pasiak ◽  
Djon Wongkar

Abstract: Clavicle is a long slender bone that lies horizontally at the root of the neck just beneath the skin. The clavicle is connected to the sternum and the first costal cartilage and acromion process of the scapula laterally. Body height is formed by the skull, vertebra column, and a part of lower limb bones. This was an analytical descriptive study with a cross sectional design. Subjects were 76 students of Faculty of Medicine University of Sam Ratulangi Manado obtained by using purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed by Pearson correlation test and linear regression test. The Pearson correlation test showed that there was a weak correlation between clavicle length and body height in males (r = 0.149) and a strong enough correlation in females (r = 0.360). The linear regression test showed the equation in males was BH (body height) = 160.042 + (0.606 x clavicle length) and in females was BH = 145.121 + (1.044 x clavicle length). Conclusion: There was a strong enough correlation between clavicle length and body height in females but not in males. Body height can be determined by clavicle length using an equation.Keywords: clavicle length, body height Abstrak: Klavikula merupakan tulang panjang yang ramping, membentang horizontal di dasar leher tepat dibawah kulit. Klavikula terhubung dengan sternum dan tulang rawan rusuk pertama, serta menyamping dengan akromion dari skapula. Tinggi badan dibentuk oleh tulang tengkorak, tulang belakang, dan sebagian tulang ekstremitas bawah. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Subyek penelitian ialah 76 orang mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado yang ditentukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan uji korelasi Pearson dan uji regresi linear. Hasil uji korelasi Pearson memperlihatkan hubungan lemah antara panjang klavikula dan tinggi badan pada laki-laki (r=0,149) dan hubungan cukup kuat pada perempuan (r = 0,360). Persamaan pada laki-laki TB = 160,042 + (0,606 x panjang klavikula) dan pada perempuan TB = 145,121 + (1,044 x panjang klavikula). Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan yang cukup kuat antara panjang klavikula dengan tinggi badan pada perempuan tetapi tidak pada laki-laki. Tinggi badan seseorang dapat ditentukan dari panjang klavikula dengan menggunakan suatu persamaan.Kata kunci: panjang klavikula, tinggi badan

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Firman Wahyuni ◽  
Hendri Opod ◽  
Lydia David

Abstract: Self-confidence is a certain degree of suggestion that develops in a person, so that, he/she feels confident in doing something, and accepts oneself as what it is. One of the factors that can lowers a person's self confidence is the physical appearance. Thus, the tendency to be overweight or obese can be annoying and be a source of concern and lack of confidence over the years of adolescence; therefore, the teens will be vulnerable to a variety of psychological problems. This study aimed to obtain the relationship between level of confidence and obese students at SMA Negeri 7 Manado. This was a correlation study with a cross sectional design. Samples were 62 students obtained by using purposive sampling. The instrument of this study was the scale of confidence with reliability (α) = 0.736 based on the characteristics of self-confidence which consisted of believe in oneself, act independently in making decisions, and have a positive sense of self. The results showed that confidence levels in obese adolescents were as follows: high category in 45 students (73%), moderate category in 17 students (27%); no low category was found. The Pearson correlation test showed an r value = -0.083 and a p value = 0.519. Conclusion: There was a negative relationship between self-confidence and obesity, albeit, the level of correlation was weak and insignificant.Keywords: obesity, self confidence Abstrak: Kepercayaan diri adalah suatu tingkatan rasa sugesti tertentu yang berkembang dalam diri seseorang sehingga merasa yakin dalam berbuat sesuatu, dan menerima diri apa adanya. Salah satu faktor yang dapat menurunkan kepercayaan diri seseorang ialah masalah penampilan fisik. Adanya kecenderungan menjadi gemuk atau mengalami obesitas dapat mengganggu dan menjadi sumber keprihatinan dan kurangnya rasa percaya diri selama bertahun-tahun masa remaja sehingga remaja akan rentan terhadap berbagai masalah psikologik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan tingkat kepercayaan diri pada siswa yang mengalami obesitas di SMA Negeri 7 Manado. Jenis penelitian ini korelasional dengan rancangan potong lintang. Jumlah responden sebanyak 62 orang diperoleh dengan teknik purposive sampling. Alat ukur yang dipakai ialah skala kepercayaan diri dengan reliabilitas (α) = 0,736 berdasarkan ciri kepercayaan diri yaitu: percaya pada kemampuan diri sendiri, bertindak mandiri dalam mengambil keputusan, dan memiliki rasa positif terhadap diri sendiri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kepercayaan diri pada remaja yang obes berada pada kategori tinggi sebanyak 45 orang (73%), kategori sedang sebanyak 17 orang (27%), sedangkan kategori rendah tidak ada. Hasil uji korelasi Pearson diperoleh r = -0,083 dan p = 0,519. Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan negatif antara kepercayaan diri dengan obesitas namun tingkat korelasinya lemah dan tidak signifikan. Kata kunci: obesitas, kepercayaaan diri

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-54
Masta Melati Hutahaean

Banyak wanita yang mengalami gangguan pada menstruasinya, diantaranya adalah nyeri haid atau sering disebut dismenore. Prevalensi kejadian dismenore pada remaja wanita diperkirakan antara 20-90% dan sekitar 15% remaja dilaporkan mengalami dismenore berat. Dismenore berat ini menyebabkan mereka tidak mampu untuk melakukan kegiatan apapun serta mempengaruhi kinerja akademik mahasiswi. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswi angkatan 2017 dan 2018 yaitu sebanyak 135 orang mahasiswi. Sampel berjumlah 100 orang mahasiswi. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling. Dianalisa secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji chi square. Dari hasil uji bivariat menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan antara dismenore dengan kinerja akademik mahasiswi STIKes Murni Teguh (p value 0,01) dengan OR sebesar 4,38 yang berarti bahwa mahasiswi yang tidak mengalami dismenore perkiraan peluangnya 4,38 kali memiliki kinerja akademik yang sangat memuaskan dibandingkan dengan mahasiswi yang mengalami dismenore. Disarankan agar STIKes Murni Teguh dapat mengaktifkan kegiatan olahraga rutin sebagai bentuk kegiatan kemahasiswaan bagi seluruh mahasiswi terutama mahasiswi yang mengalami dismenore mulai dari olahraga dengan gerakan fisik yang sederhana maupun olahraga aerobik yang dapat mengurangi nyeri haid yang dapat mengganggu aktifitas belajar mahasiswi.   Many women experience menstrual disorders, including menstrual pain or often called dysmenorrhea. The prevalence of dysmenorrhea in young women is estimated to be between 20-90% and around 15% of adolescents reported severe dysmenorrhea. This severe dysmenorrhea causes them to be unable to carry out any activities and influence the academic performance of female students. This type of research is descriptive analytic with cross sectional design. The population in this study were all female students of 2017 and 2018 namely 135 female students. The sample amounted to 100 female students. Sampling is done using purposive sampling. Analyzed by univariate and bivariate with chi square test.The results of the bivariate test showed that there was a relationship between dysmenorrhea and the academic performance of Murni Teguh STIKes students (p value 0.01) with an OR of 4.38 which means that students who did not experience dysmenorrhea estimated their chances of 4.38 times having very satisfying academic performance compared to female students who experience dysmenorrhea. It is recommended that Murni Teguh STIKes be able to activate regular sports activities as a form of student activities for all female students, especially female students who experience dysmenorrhea, from simple physical movements and aerobic exercise that can reduce menstrual pain which can interfere with the student's learning activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-129
Dhina Widayati

Salah satu SDM (Sumber Daya Manusia) di RS yang mempunyai waktu bersama pasien paling lama adalah perawat. Pada pemberian asuhan keperawatan yang berkualitas diperlukan suatau kinerja yang baik. Terdapat beberapa hal yang mempengaruhi kinerja, salah satunya adalah quality nursing work life (QNWL). Perawat dengan beban kerja yang tinggi dan desain kerja yang monoton rentan mengalami burnout syndrome (stres kerja). Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan QNWL dengan burnout syndrome. Korelasional dan crosssectional menjadi desain dan pendekatan dalam studi ini. QNWL merupakan variabel independen dan burnout syndrome variabel dependennya. Data diperoleh melalui kuesioner. Besar sampel sejumlah 30 responden yang diperoleh secara purposive sampling. Analisa data dilakukan dengan Spearman Rank Test dengan p value 0,009 dan coefisien correlation -0,56 yang menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan dengan tingkatan sedang antara QNWL dengan kejadian burnout syndrome dengan arah hubungan negatif, artinya semakin baik QNWL maka semakin meminimalkan burnout syndrome. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi QNWL adalah lingkungan kerja yang kondusif, oleh karena itu diharapkan kepada perawat untuk dapat menjalin kerjasama yang baik antar tim agar tercipta suasana kerja yang harmonis dan lingkungan kerja yang harmonis, dengan demikian maka akan menurunkan kejadian burnout pada perawat. One of the HR (Human Resources) in a hospital that has the longest time with patients is a nurse. In the provision of quality nursing care required a good performance. There are several things that affect performance, one of which is quality nursing work life (QNWL). Nurses with high workloads and monotonous work designs are prone to experiencing burnout syndrome (work stress). This study aims to determine the relationship of QNWL with burnout syndrome. Correlational and cross sectional design was used in this study. QNWL is an independent variable and burnout syndrome is the dependent variable. Data obtained through a questionnaire. The sample size of 30 respondents obtained by purposive sampling. Data analysis was performed with the Spearman Rank Test with p value 0.009 and the correlation coefficient of -0.56 which showed that there was a moderate level of correlation between QNWL and the incidence of burnout syndrome with the direction of the negative relationship, meaning that the better QNWL, the more minimizing burnout syndrome. One of the factors that influence QNWL is a conducive work environment, therefore it is expected that nurses will be able to establish good cooperation between teams in order to create a harmonious work atmosphere and a harmonious work environment, thereby reducing the incidence of burnout to nurse

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Rico Januar Sitorus ◽  
Imelda Gernauli Purba ◽  
Merry Natalia ◽  
Kraichat Tantrakarnapa

Smoking leads to disease and disability as well as harm nearly every organ of the body. Furthermore, smoking of tobacco is known to cause pulmonary dysfunction and lead to complications, pain, or even death. This study aims to measure the risk factors for the respiration of carbon monoxide among smokers. A cross-sectional design was implemented by involving 156 smokers in Karyajaya Subdistrict, Palembang City. The dependent variable was carbon monoxide levels (ppm), while the independent variables were smoking frequency, duration, and the last period of smoking. The carbon monoxide levels (ppm) measured with a PiCO + Smokerlyzer® device from Bedfont Scientific Limited were the research tool and the independent variables of the questionnaire. The pearson Correlation and multiple linear regression were used for the analysis. The results of the multiple linear regression analysis revealed that smoking duration assessment is related to carbon monoxide respiration after controlling smoking frequency, the last period of smoking, and the distance of residence to sources of exposure. The smoker's respiration of carbon monoxide level was 72.5% influenced by the duration, frequency, last period of smoking, and distance of residence to sources of exposure. Reducing the frequency of smoking and stopping may prevent and control carbon monoxide respiration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Harsudianto Silaen

Hemodialysis is a renal replacement therapy performed 2-3 times a week with a duration of 4-5 hours, which aims to remove the remnants of protein metabolism and correct fluid and electrolyte disturbances. This study aims to determine the relationship duration of hemodialysis with anxiety level of hemodialysis patients in Teguh Hospital Murni. This research type is quantitative with cross sectional design. The samples used in this study amounted to 45 people and the sampling technique with purposive sampling is sampling by kebutulan researchers come to research and sebahagian sample was taken from the population. Data collection using questionnaire and data analysis using Chi Square test. From result of research got relationship of duration of hemodialysis with level of anxiety, with degree of meaning (a) 0,05 that is X² hitung: 12,01> X² table: 9,49, p value: 0.00. It is desirable for nurses to provide education and more attention to hemodialysis patients undergoing hemodialysis less than 5 times in order for patients to feel comfortable and not anxious. Hemodialisis merupakan terapi pengganti ginjal yang dilakukan 2-3 kali seminggu dengan lama waktu 4-5 jam, yang bertujuan untuk  mengeluarkan sisa-sisa metabolisme protein dan mengoreksi gangguan keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan lamanya hemodialisis dengan tingkat kecemasan pasien hemodialisis di Rumah Sakit Murni Teguh. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 45 orang dan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan purposive sampling yaitu pengambilan sampel secara kebutulan peneliti datang melakukan penelitian dan sebahagian sampel itu diambil dari jumlah populasi. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner dan analisa data menggunakan uji Chi Square. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan  hubungan lamanya hemodialisis dengan tingkat kecemasan, dengan derajat kemaknaan (a) 0,05 yaitu X²hitung : 12,01 > X²tabel : 9,49, p value : 0.00. Diharapkan kepada perawat untuk memberikan edukasi dan perhatian yang lebih kepada pasien hemodialisis yang sedang menjalani hemodialisis kurang dari 5 kali agar pasien merasa nyaman dan tidak cemas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (9) ◽  
pp. 833-838
Muhammad Saleng ◽  
Bahruddin B ◽  
Natsir M ◽  
Abidin A ◽  
Agussalim A ◽  

Various aspects of human life are organized in Muslim community, including health problems. Islam highly upholds the health in which many people are deceived from such health. One of the efforts that can be done to maintain the health given by god is to implement clean and healthy living behavior in families, schools and others. This research was conducted at Mosque of Antang, Makassar. This research was conducted using Cross Sectional design. The sample used as many as 40 respondents; data analysis used is univariate and bivariate with chi-square test. The results of statistical tests of hand washing orders and defecation obtained a value of p value of 0.000, and smoking prohibition obtained a value of p value of 0.001, the test results showed that there is a relationship between hand washing orders, defecation and smoking prohibition with clean and healthy living behavior, because the calculated value of P < α = 0.05. Based on the research, it can be concluded that clean and healthy living behavior of applied mosque antang is in the good category. Where they are washing their hands, make latrines and without smoking because of the encouragement of faith in their hearts, fear and obedience to the command of god and the magnitude of their love for the messenger. Therefore, it is expected through this research that the People of Indonesia to further increase faith and following to god and love and practice of the Messenger of God in daily life.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 240
Suhartono Suhartono ◽  
Sulistiawati Sulistiawati ◽  
Esty Yunitasari

National problem faced by Indonesia today is the handling of the low quality of Human Resources (HR). HR issues that need attention is the issue of performance. Performance is the rate of success in carrying out the task, as well as the ability to achieve the goals set. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of individual factors, organizational factors, organizational and cultural factors on the Performance of Nurses. This study used a cross sectional study approach. The population used in this study were nurses ponkesdes Tuban and Lamongan district in accordance with the inclusion criteria as much as 55, with a sample size of 48 respondents specified research using simple random sampling technique. The independent variable in this study is the individual factors (abilities and skills), organizational cultural factors and organizational factors, dependent variable is the performance of nurse ponkesdes. Instruments used in the collection of data in the form of questionnaires and performance evaluation sheet. Research analysis using simple linear regression test. Simple linear regression analysis showed variable organizational cultural factors were not statistically significant effect on the performance of the p-value (0.000), organizational factors also significantly influence the performance of the pvalue (0.027). While the variable factors of individual (skills and abilities) does not significantly influence the performance<br />of the p-value (0.103).

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-237
Maria Cica ◽  
Umi Chotimah ◽  
Sri Artati Waluyati

ABSTRAK   Tujuan Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengaruh keterampilan  mengadakan  variasi gaya mengajar  guru terhadap motivasi belajar siswa pad mata pelajaran PPKn kelas VIII 3 di SMP Negeri 1 Palembang. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode  pre experimental desing dengan bentuk one group pretest- postest design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini 254 siswa dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 32 orang yang diambil mengunakan teknik purposive sampling. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dokumentasi observasi dan angket.  Berdasarkan hasil analisi rata-rata angket 65% dan meningkat menjadi 71%. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil uji hipotesis dengan menggunakan rumus uji regresi linier sederhana di dapatkan nilai yang diperoleh .000 dan nilai (?) sebesar .05 dengan demikian hasil yang diperoleh adalah nilai sig < ? (.000 < .05), maka keputusan yang diambil Hoditolak dan menerima Ha.Kata kunci: Keterampilan mengadakan variasi , Motivasi belajar siswa, PPKn  kelas VIII ABSTRACT            The purpose of this research is to describe the influence of skills organizing various teachers' learning styles for students' study motivation in the PPKn class of VIII 3 Senior High School of 1 Palembang. This research used a quantitative approach with the pre experimental desing method with the form of one group pretest- postest design. The population in this research is 254 students with 32 people samples that are taken using purposive sampling techniques. As for data collection techniques had used observation and angket documentation. Based on an analysis of the average sheet of questionnaire 65% and rising to 71%. In. This case, the research is proven by a test of a hypothesis by using a simple linear regression formula to achieve the value generated .000 and a value (?) is .05 as large as a result is a sig < ? (.000 < .05), then the decision taken by Ho is rejected and accepts Ha.Key words: Unvariety skills, Student learning motivation, PPKn VIII class

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