2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Willem R. Matindas ◽  
Siantan Supit ◽  
Joice N. A. Engka

Abstract: Physical exercise can influence body metabolism. The Harvard test is  a simple method used in determining physical fitness. This test is performed by stepping up and down on a bench for certain periods of times. This study aimed to compare the levels of blood glucose of medical students of Sam Ratulangi University aged 20-22 years before and after performing the Harvard test. This was a field experimental study with One Group Pre-Post Test Design. The respondents were 35 students consisting of 22 males and 13 females who met the inclusion criteria. They were instructed to perform the Harvard test for five minutes and then were examined for blood glucose levels. The data were analyzed by using a t-test. The results showed an increase of the mean blood glucose levels from 75.80 mg/dL (before acute physical exercise) to 77.71 mg/dL (after acute physical exercise), but it was not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The acute physical exercise (the Harvard test) had no effect on before or after-exercise blood sugar levels. Keywords: acute physical exercise, Harvard test, blood sugar level    Abstrak: Latihan fisik dapat mempengaruhi metabolisme tubuh. Harvard test merupakan latihan fisik berupa naik turun bangku yang dilakukan dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kadar gula darah sebelum dan sesudah diberikan latihan fisik akut (Harvard test) pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat dengan kisaran usia 20-22 tahun. Jenis penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental lapangan dengan rancangan One Group Pre-Post Test Design. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 35 mahasiswa, terdiri dari 22 laki-laki dan 13 perempuan yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua subyek diberikan latihan fisik akut (Harvard test) selama lima menit dan kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar gula darah. Data statistik di analisis mengunakan uji-t. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan terjadinya peningkatan rerata kadar gula darah dari 75,80 mmHg (sebelum latihan fisik akut) menjadi 77,71 mmHg (sesudah latihan fisik akut) yang secara statistik tidak bermakna (P > 0,05). Simpulan:  Latihan fisik akut (Harvard test) tidak memengaruhi kadar gula darah  sebelum dan sesudah latihan. Kata kunci: latihan fisik akut, Harvard test, kadar gula darah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Renhard Sirumapea ◽  
Nanik Suhartatik ◽  
Nanik Suhartatik ◽  
Yustina Wuri Wulandari ◽  
Yustina Wuri Wulandari

Diabetes melitus menjadi masalah kesehatan di dunia karena terjadi peningkatan setiap tahun. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan obat atau agensi terapi yang efektif dan murah untuk menanggulangi diabetes melitus. Ekstrak kulit terong Belanda mempunyai kandungan antosianin dan betakaroten yang memiliki kemampuan menurunkan kadar gula darah, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai obat tradisional yang efektif dan murah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh pemberian ekstrak kulit terong Belanda terhadap penurunan kadar gula darah tikus wistar jantan yang diinduksi aloksan. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian pre and post test randomized controlled group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan tikus wistar jantan sebanyak 25 ekor  yang dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok perlakuan yaitu perlakuan dengan aquadest (kontrol negatif), ekstrak kulit terong Belanda (Solanum betaceum) dosis 0,25 ; 0,75 ; 1,25 g/kg BB dan metformin sebagai obat diabetes dengan dosis 18 mg/tikus (kontrol positif). Semua kelompok diinduksi aloksan sampai dengan kadar gula darahnya mencapai ≥ 200 mg/dL lalu diukur kadar gula darah sebagai data pre test. Perlakuan diberikan selama 14 hari dan pada hari ke – 14 diukur kadar gula darah sebagai post test. Ekstrak kulit terong Belanda dosis 0,25; 0,75 dan 1,25 g/kg BB mampu menurunkan kadar gula darah secara signifikan selama 14 hari akan tetapi belum ada dosis yang memiliki efektifitas yang sebanding dengan metformin dalam penurunan kadar gula darah apabila diberikan selama 14 hari.Kata kunci: Ekstrak kulit terong Belanda, diabetes, tikus, aloksanABSTRACT Diabetes melitus is a health problem in the world because the sufferers increase from year to year. So that it is needed an effective and economical drug or therapeutic agency to cope with the disease. Tamarillo peel extract contains anthocyanin and beta-carotene which are capable to reducing blood sugar levels, so that it can be used as an effective and economical traditional medicine. The aim of the study was to analyze the effect of the administration of Tamarillo peel extract on decreasing blood sugar levels in male wistar rats induced by alloxan. The research method used a pre and post test randomized controlled group design. This study used 25 male wistar rats divided into 5 treatment groups namely aquadest treatment (negative control), metformin as a diabetes drug with a dose of 18 mg / rat (positive control), and Tamarillo skin extract (Solanum betaceum) dose 0, 25; 0.75; 1.25 g / kg BB. All treatment groups were induced by alloxan until their blood glucose levels reached ≥ 200 mg / dL then measured blood sugar levels as the pre test data. The treatment was given for 14 days and on the 14th day blood sugar levels were measured as a post test. Tamarillo peel extract dose of 0.25; 0.75 and 1.25 g / kg BB can significantly reduce blood glucose levels for 14 days but there is no dose that has an effectiveness comparable to metformin in reducing blood glucose levels if given for 14 days.Keywords: Tamarillo peel extract, diabetes, rats, alloxan

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Ronik Harsono Kamal ◽  
Kristanti Wanito Wigati ◽  
Achmad Lefi

Background: There is a lot of research on the importance of exercise but studies on the effective time of exercise regarding regulation of blood glucose levels are not clearly known. Objective: This study aims to determine the comparison of changes in blood glucose levels before and after moderate intensity physical exercise in the morning and night. Material and method: Healthy men (n=34), Age between 17-22 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5-22.9 kg/m2 (normal Asia Pacific), participating in the morning group (8.00 am) or the night group (20.00 pm) are asked to do moderate intensity physical exercise (55-70% of maximum heart rate) using ergocycle for a total of 40 minutes. Blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial capillaries are taken before exercise and blood glucose levels after exercise are taken acutely. Result: The mean decrease in blood glucose levels in the morning group was -8.353±9.16 mg/dL and in the night group was -6.294±10.10 mg/dL. Blood glucose levels decreased significantly for the morning group (p=0.002) and the night group (p=0.021). The comparison of changes in blood glucose levels between the morning and night groups was not significant (p=0.538). Conclusion: There is no difference between morning or night exercise related to changes in blood glucose levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Sitti Fatimah M. Arsad ◽  
Erna Rochmawati ◽  
Arianti Arianti

Abstract Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease with metabolic disorders in the form of increased blood glucose levels caused by disruption of insulin secretion or insulin efficacy. Management of diabetes can be done by pharmacology or nonphamacology therapy. One of the nonpharmacological therapies is dhikr therapy. The study design used quasy experiment with the control group pre-post test design. The collected samples are 40 diabetes patients with simple random technique. The research sample was divided into 2 groups,control and intervention group, each of which was 20 respondents. Data analysis uses independent t-test. The results showed that dzikir therapy of sentences thayibah, asmaul husna and prayers performed every day for 2 weeks could significantly reduce patients blood glucose levels (p = 0.000) or p <0.05. Key Words : Dhikr Therapy, Blood Glucose Level, Type 2 Diabetes Melitus

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 439
Efa Trisna ◽  
Musiana Musiana

Riskesdas (2013), reported the prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Indonesia based on interviews showed an increase from 1.1 percent (2007) to 2.1 percent in 2013. The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates that DM patients in Indonesia in 2020 amount to 178 million people above 20 years and assuming DM prevalence of 4.6% will be obtained 8.2 million DM patients. Lampung Provincial Health Office Data (2015), DM patients in Lampung Province in 2015 totaled 26,791 people. This number increased compared to 2014 totaling 24,238 people, and in 2013 which amounted to 23,783 people. One of the most common complications of diabetes mellitus is a diabetic foot (diabetic foot), which can manifest as ulcer, infection, and gangrene and Charcot arthropathy. This study was to determine the effect of foot gymnastics on blood glucose levels and ABI values of DM patients. The research design was quasy-experimental with pre and post-test group design data collection. The number of respondents was 80 respondents consisting of 40 groups intervention and 40 control groups. Data were analyzed using T-test. The results were 0.008; 0.002; 0,000; and 0,000. There was a difference between blood glucose levels before and after the intervention. Suggestion for DM sufferers to be able to do foot exercises regularly 3 times a week to prevent blood control and prevent blood circulation disorders.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 39
Ronik Harsono Kamal ◽  
Kristanti Wanito Wigati ◽  
Achmad Lefi

Background: There is a lot of research on the importance of exercise but studies on the effective time of exercise regarding regulation of blood glucose levels are not clearly known. Objective: This study aimed to determine the comparison of changes in blood glucose levels before and after moderate intensity physical exercise in the morning and evening. Materials and Methods: Healthy men (n=34), age between 17-22 years, Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18.5-22.9 kg/m2 (normal Asia Pacific), participating in the morning (8.00 am) or evening group (20.00 pm) are asked to do moderate intensity physical exercise (55-70% of maximum heart rate) using ergocycle for a total of 40 minutes. Blood glucose levels 2 hours post prandial capillaries were taken before exercise and blood glucose levels after exercise were taken acutely. Results: The mean decrease in blood glucose levels in the morning group was ± 8.353 ± 9.16 mg/dL and in the evening group was ± 6.294 ± 10.10 mg/dL. Blood glucose levels decreased significantly for the morning group (p=0.002) and the evening group (p=0.021). The comparison of changes in blood glucose levels between the morning and evening groups was not significant (p=0.538). Conclusion: There was no difference between morning or evening exercise related to changes in blood glucose levels.

Hariyadi DM ◽  
Athiyah U ◽  
Hendradi E ◽  
Rosita N ◽  
Erawati T ◽  

The prevention of Diabetic Mellitus (DM) and its complications is the main aim of this study, in addition to the training of lotion foot care application and the development of small scale industry. The research team delivered knowledge in the form of training on Diabetic Mellitus, healthy food, treatment and prevention of complications, and small-scale production of cosmetic products. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between training on diabetic and lotion foot care application as preventive measures against diabetic complications on the patient's blood glucose levels in the community of residents in Banyuurip Jaya, Surabaya. It was expected from this training that the knowledge of the residents increases and people living with diabetic undergo lifestyle changes and therefore blood sugar levels can be controlled. The parameters measured in this research were blood glucose levels, the anti diabetic drug types consumed, and compliance on diabetics. This study used the data taken from 60 patients with DM over a period of one month. Questionnaires and log books was used to retrieve data and changes in blood glucose levels in diabetic patients. The results showed the demographic data of patients with type 2 diabetic of 85% female and 15% male, with the range of patients aged of 61-70 years of 46.67% and had history of diabetic (90%). The history of drugs consumed by respondents was anti diabetic drugs such as metformin (40%), glimepiride (33.37%) and insulin (6.67%). In addition, the increased knowledge of DM patients after being given the training compared to before training was shown in several questions in the questionnaire. A statistical analysis using t-test analyzed a correlation between training provided in order to enhance understanding of the patient, as well as correlation with blood glucose levels. A paired T-test showed that there was a relationship between the knowledge of trainees before and after training (p less than 0.05). An interesting result was that there was no relationship between blood glucose levels before and after training provided (p> 0.05).

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 433
Nurhidajah Nurhidajah ◽  
Nurrahman Nurrahman

The process of germination of grains such as rice, could increase some nutritional values of  amino acids and dietary fiber. Red rice and its sprouts are believed to be able to decrease blood glucose in patients with diabetes mellitus (DM). The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypoglycemic effect of red rice sprouts in STZ-NA induced diabetic rats on blood glucose level, insulin level, and HOMA-IR and HOMA-β index. This experimental study was conducted based on randomized post test only control group design using 24 male Wistar rats aged 2.5 months. Rats were divided into 4 groups, one group without induction of STZ-NA fed with a standard diet (control) and three groups of STZ- NA induced with a standard diet, red rice and red rice germ. Experiments were conducted for 6 weeks. The results showed that sprouted red rice lowered blood glucose levels by 61.88 % and the value of HOMA-IR (insulin resistance parameters) by 56.82%. Insulin level increased by 16.35 % and HOMA-β by 763.6 %. This study showed that red rice germ was able to decrease blood glucose levels and increase insulin resistance of DM rats and the strength of the pancreatic beta cells. ABSTRAKProses perkecambahan biji-bijian seperti beras, dapat meningkatkan beberapa nilai gizi seperti asam amino dan serat pangan. Beras merah dan kecambahnya diyakini mampu menurunkan glukosa darah pada penderita diabetes melitus (DM). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi efek hipoglikemik kecambah beras merah pada tikus diabetes yang diinduksi STZ-NA terhadap kadar glukosa darah, insulin, serta indeks HOMA-IR dan HOMA β. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental in vivo pada hewan coba tikus Wistar jantan usia 2,5 bulan sebanyak 24 ekor dengan desain penelitian randomized post test only control group. Tikus dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, masing-masing 1 kelompok tanpa induksi STZ-NA dengan diet standar dan 3 kelompok diinduksi STZ-NA dengan diet standar, beras merah dan kecambah beras merah. Percobaan dilakukan selama 6 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kecambah beras merah mampu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah sebesar 61,88 % dan nilai HOMA-IR (parameter resistensi insulin) 56,82 %. Kadar insulin meningkat 16,35 % dan HOMA β 763,6 %. Disimpulkan, kecambah beras merah mampu menurunkan kadar glukosa darah dan memperbaiki kondisi resistensi insulin tikus DM, dan kekuatan sel beta pankreas.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Setyoadi Setyoadi ◽  
Heri Kristianto ◽  
Siti Nur Afifah

Diabetes mellitus is a disease that required good self-management. Noncompliance in diet and meal plans cause the instability of blood glucose levels. Nutrition education calendar method can improve knowledge and ability to consume food that matches the number, hours and types with dietary adjustments listed in the calendar diet. This study aimed to determine the effect of nutrition education calendar method on blood glucose levels of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Community Health Center Pakis Malang. Pre-experimental design one group pretest-posttest with purposive sampling was conducted in this study and sample obtained as many as 21 people. Blood glucose levels were measured before and after the nutrition education calendar methods. Compliance in using calendar method with the observation sheet. Statistical analysis values obtained by Wilcoxon, the p-value of 0.007 (p <0.05). The results of the analysis, 16 respondents showed a decrease in blood glucose levels and 5 respondents experienced an increase in blood glucose levels after the given intervention. It can be concluded that there are differences between blood glucose levels before and after nutrition education calendar method. Differences in blood glucose levels can be influenced by controlling diet respondent in accordance with the calendar method in education, but also antidiabetic drugs, and sports. Should be added to the control group to determine objectively the effect of nutrition education on the calendar method.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Febria Syafyu Sari ◽  
Ridhyalla Afnuhazi

ABSTRAK Diabetes Melitus merupakan penyakit yang paling menonjol yang disebabkan oleh gagalnya pengaturan gula darah. Lidah buaya berkhasiat untuk menurunkan kadar gula dalam darah bagi penderita diabetes dan dapat mengontrol tekanan darah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui pengaruh jus lidah buaya (AloeBarbadensis Miller) terhadap penurunan glukosa darah puasa GDP) dan 2 Jam PP (Post Prendial) pada penderita DM (Diabetes Melitus). Desain penelitian merupakan Quasi Eksperimental dengan pendekatan one group pretest – postest design. Sampel terbagi menjadi 14 responden. Data dianalisis dengan paired t-test. Hasil menunjukan rata-rata penurunan glukosa darah puasa pada intervensi (28,42 gr/dl) dan glukosa darah 2 jam pp pada intervensi (40,57 gr/dl). Untuk analisis bivariat terdapat perbedaan antara glukosa puasa dan 2 jam pp dengan glukosa darah puasa GDP) dan 2 Jam PP (Post Prendial) pada penderita DM (Diabetes Melitus). Kesimpulan didapatkanlidah buaya dapat menurunkan kadar glukosa darah.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian jus lidah buaya dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif keperawatan non farmakologi dalam penyakit diabetes melitus. Kata Kunci : Lidah Buaya ; Diabetes Mellitus THE EFFECT OF VEGETABLE VOCATIONAL JUICE ON FAST BLOOD GLUCOSE LEVELS AND 2 HOURS OF PP (Post Prandial) IN DIABETES MELLITUS  ABSTRACT Diabetes mellitus is the most prominent disease caused by the failure of blood sugar regulation. Aloe vera is efficacious can to  reduce blood sugar levels for diabetics and can control blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Aloe Barbadensis Miller on the reduction of fasting blood glucose GDP and 2 hours of PP (post prendial) in patients with diabetes mellitus. The research design is Experimental Quasi with one group pretest - postest design approach. The sample is divided into 14 respondents. Data were analyzed by paired t-test. The results showed an average decrease in fasting blood glucose at intervention (28.42 gr / dl) and 2 hours pp blood glucose at intervention (40.57 gr / dl). For bivariate analysis there was a difference between fasting glucose and 2 hours pp with fasting blood glucose GDP) and 2 hours PP (Post Prendial) in patients with diabetes mellitus. The conclusion is that aloe vera can reduce blood glucose levels. Based on the results of research on aloe vera juice can be an alternative non-pharmacological nursing in diabetes mellitus. Keywords: Aloe Vera ; Diabetes Mellitus

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Arizta Primadiyanti ◽  
Novilla Anindya Permata ◽  
Andina Devi Arvita ◽  
Rosidah Inayati ◽  
Dian Handayani

The provision of nutrition care process (NCP) in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients is very important in determining the patient's diet to control blood glucose and to prevent complications. This study aimed to determine the diff erences in levels of intake and blood glucose levels before and after the implementation of NCP for type 2 DM (T2DM) inpatients of RSUD Dr. Saiful Anwar Malang. The design of this study was cross sectional, using secondary data sources from 32 patient medical records consisting of data on age, gender, nutritional status, complications of disease, nutritional diagnosis, nutritional intervention, energy intake, and blood glucose level. The analysis test used was the T-test dependent test on the normal data distribution and the Wilxocon test on the abnormal data distribution. The results of this study indicate a diff erence in the level of after and before intake (p = 0.020) with an increase in the average intake of 65.75 ± 18.23% to 75.50 ± 17.69% of the total energy needs. The analysis of blood glucose before and after showed p = 0.023, which means that there were diff erences in blood glucose before and after the NCP implementation. Blood glucose results showed an average decrease of 205 ± 93.85 mg/dl to 155.9 ± 50.53 mg/dl. The results of this study showed that there were diff erences in levels of energy intake and blood glucose levels before and after the provision of NCP by dietitians/nutritionists.

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