scholarly journals Trabalho e educação no pensamento (neo)liberal e histórico-crítico: fundamentos para pensar a reforma curricular no ensino médio

Carlos Soares Barbosa

Resumo: O presente artigo tem o objetivo de identificar os principais aspectos de duas propostas para a formação das classes trabalhadoras, radicalmente opostas teórica e metodologicamente. De um lado, a matriz (neo)liberal, baseada nas idéias de Adam Smith e Friedrich Hayek; do outro, a matriz histórico-crítico, fundamentada nas idéias de Karl Marx e Antonio Gramsci. Trata-se de pesquisa histórica e bibliográfica, com o propósito de demonstrar o conservadorismo do discurso do governo Temer, que tenta apresentar como “novo” as mudanças efetuadas no Ensino Médio, por meio da Lei nº 13.415/2017. O estudo demonstra que o novo desenho curricular atende a interesses antigos: o de reforçar a histórica dualidade estrutural do ensino brasileiro, retomando a formação instrumental e fragmentada proposta na Lei nº 5692/71, do período da ditadura civil-militar, e no Decreto nº 2208/97, editado no governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Conclui que, com a retomada da agenda neoliberal, os planejadores da reforma buscam adequar o Ensino Médio as demandas econômicas e de mercado, abandonando o projeto de formação humana e integral, defendido pelos teóricos da matriz histórico-social e presente nas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para o Ensino Médio, de 2012. Além de abandonar os objetivos previstos na LDB (1996) para o Ensino Médio, entre eles, desenvolver a autonomia intelectual e o pensamento crítico dos estudantes, por meio da articulação teoria e prática. Palavras-chaves: Trabalho. Educação. Neoliberalismo. Teoria Histórico-Social. Ensino Médio.  WORK AND EDUCATION IN THE NEOLIBERALISM AND HISTORICAL SOCIAL THEORY: FUNDAMENTALS FOR REFLECTING CURRICULUM REFORM IN MIDDLE SCHOOL Abstract: This article aims to identify the main aspects of two proposals for the formation of the working classes, radically opposed theoretically and methodologically: the liberal matrix, based on the ideas of Adam Smith and Friedrich Hayek; and the historical-social matrix, based on the ideas of Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci. It is a historical and bibliographical research, with the purpose of demonstrating the conservatism of the Temer government`s discourse, which attempts to present as "new" the changes made in High School, through Law nº 13.415 / 2017. The study demonstrates that the new curriculum design serves old interests: to reinforce the historical structural duality of Brazilian education, retaking the instrumental and fragmented formation, proposed in Law 5692/71, of the period of the civil-military dictatorship, and in Decree nº 2208/97, edited under the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. It concludes that, with the resumption of the neoliberal agenda, reform planners seek to adapt high school to economic and market demands, abandoning the project of human and integral formation, defended by theorists of the historical-social matrix and present in the National Curricular Guidelines (2012). In addition to abandoning the objectives set forth in the LDB (1996) for High School, among them, to develop the students' intellectual autonomy and critical thinking, through the articulation of theory and practice.Keywords: Work. Education. Neoliberalism. Historical-Social Theory. High School.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 361-380
Sávia Lorena Barreto Carvalho De Sousa

Este ensaio teórico de base analítica visa entender criticamente aspectos do liberalismo e da intervenção do Estado. Com o objetivo central de resgatar questões trabalhadas por autores modernos da Ciência Política a respeito das formas que uma sociedade pode ser mais justa e combater as desigualdades no mundo, o questionamento principal se desdobra em reflexões sobre como conciliar a liberdade com a atuação dos mercados e a respeito dos limites da democracia neste contexto, discutidos em uma problematização de pensadores como Adam Smith, Alex de Tocqueville, Stuart Mill, Max Weber e Karl Marx em diálogo com teóricos mais contemporâneos, como Friedrich Hayek, John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas e Anthony Giddens. Conclui-se a urgência de um processo de fortalecimento dos Parlamentos, com políticas públicas de inclusão social que permitam uma sociedade mais igualitária e uma educação que abra portas para formar um cidadão crítico, que compreenda as diferenças dentro do campo do respeito ao Outro e às liberdades de escolha. A proposta de contínuo aprimoramento das instituições e juízos através de sistemas de consultas, reformas e revisões jurídicas e políticas, é cada vez mais necessária em um mundo de constantes mudanças.

2017 ◽  
Vol 55 (244) ◽  
pp. 141
Norka López Zamarripa

<p>Si bien el objeto de estudio de este artículo se centra en el proceso de desarrollo de las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales, tanto en México como en América Latina, es pertinente ubicar la evolución histórica del concepto de sociedad civil. La sociedad civil tomó forma cuando la Iglesia dejó el Gobierno, o co-gobierno, del cuerpo político, o fue expulsada de él para ocupar su nuevo lugar como un elemento esencial de la sociedad civil y de ahí se desglosa la consideración de las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales. En esta comprensión, destaca el pensamiento de los Iusnaturalistas del siglo XVIII, en el que la sociedad civil se consideraba como origen del Estado frente a la llamada<br />‘sociedad natural’. Sin embargo, eso no garantizaba la condición de sociedad política a la llamada sociedad civil, que dependía del establecimiento previo de un contrato social, como lo concibe Rousseau, mientras que Hegel reflexionaba que la sociedad civil es el espacio social de intermediación de intereses comunes de las familias y los individuos en relación con el Estado.</p><p>Esto deja ver de manera evidente, el pensamiento de Alexis de Tocqueville, quien aborda los regímenes democráticos, en los que el ciudadano es independiente aunque débil, por lo que se requieren las agrupaciones sociales formadas en el interior de la sociedad para garantizar la civilidad y el abandono de la barbarie. De modo análogo, para Antonio Gramsci la sociedad civil es el espacio de constitución y disputa de la hegemonía política, en donde la cultura y la ideología cobran especial importancia. De tal suerte que la sociedad civil organizada funcione como un espacio en donde se ejerzan la articulación de alianzas y políticas alternativas de los grupos en el poder.<br />Para el pensamiento económico clásico, la sociedad civil representa la posibilidad de autorregulación de las fuerzas del mercado sin intervención estatal. Ejemplo de ello son Adam Smith y Alfred Marshall, quienes concibieron el mercado en pleno empleo y sin crisis, por lo que a la sociedad civil le corresponde el papel de mecanismo de autocontrol.<br />En efecto, la sociedad civil está integrada en el funcionamiento de las fuerzas del mercado. Por su parte, Karl Marx considera que la sociedad civil se confunde con la sociedad burguesa, y en ese sentido expresaría los principales intereses dominantes del capital.<br />En este contexto y con diversas concepciones teóricas tan disímiles, surgen los patrones de funcionamiento y operación de las Organizaciones no Gubernamentales (ONG) en los movimientos sociales latinoamericanos.<br />En primer lugar aparecen estas organizaciones concebidas a<br />partir de la premisa de que hay una relación de polaridad entre Estado y sociedad.</p>

Derliani Daulay

<p>This study aims to describe the learning implementation of Islamic<br />religious education curriculum in improving the quality of education in<br />Al-Azhar High School Medan. Include; Curriculum design, efforts to<br />improve the quality of education, planning, implementation, and<br />evaluation. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews. Data<br />analysis techniques using data reduction, data display, and conclusion<br />drawing / verification. The results of the study show that: 1) The design of<br />the Islamic religious education curriculum that is used in Al-Azhar Medan<br />High School is the same as the government curriculum, only there is<br />development in the material. 2). Efforts are made in improving the quality<br />of education by taking into account the education, output and process of<br />education. 3) Implementation of the PAI curriculum in the presence of:<br />planning, implementing, and evaluating education.</p>

Temporalis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (41) ◽  
pp. 190-204
Diego de Oliveira Souza

O objetivo desse ensaio é realizar uma reflexão sobre o Estado em face da pandemia de Covid-19. Como particularidade analítica, toma-se o caso do financiamento de políticas sociais (sobretudo, na saúde) no contexto do neoliberalismo. Busca-se os fundamentos teórico-analíticos na concepção de Estado de Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels, dialogando com Antonio Gramsci, Ernest Mandel e István Mészáros. Critica-se, brevemente, a concepção jusnaturalista de John Locke e Adam Smith para, em seguida, desenvolver a crítica ao neoliberalismo. A partir de bibliografia atual e de documentos, demonstra-se as consequências do neoliberalismo para as políticas públicas, sobretudo com o processo de subfinanciamento. A pandemia de Covid-19 comparece nesse mosaico social fazendo com que essa questão fique ainda mais evidente, uma vez que o seu enfrentamento é limitado pela capacidade dos sistemas públicos de saúde e suas sequelas se agravam ante um conjunto de políticas sociais fragilizadas.

Antoine Despres-Bedward

Rwanda’s rates of urban growth and urbanization are unprecedented [1]. This change in the number of urban-dwellers will require increased engineering talent and resources to support resulting demands on the urban infrastructure. This study builds on the engineering education literature in Rwanda, explores how the country is prepared to manage current and future urban growth rates through engineering education, and examines the processes universities undergo when reforming their engineering curriculum in Rwanda. A research team travelled to Rwanda in July, 2016 to study engineering programs and interview two faculty members at two universities. Four significant subjects emerged from this study: the involvement of the political institutions in the curriculum design and approval processes, the need for allocating new resources to meet an increase in student enrolment, the importance of considering the historical and regional contexts in the curriculum, and the need for more hands-on training in engineering education. Further study is recommended on the political involvement in engineering curriculum reform, the government-led student and faculty funding initiatives, the impacts of the historical and regional contexts on the tertiary education system, and the increase

Ewin Karman Nduru ◽  
Efori Buulolo ◽  
Pristiwanto Pristiwanto

Universities or institutions that operate in North Sumatra are very many, therefore, of course, competition in accepting new students is very tight, universities or institutions do certain ways or steps to be able to compete with other campuses in gaining interest from community or high school students who will continue their studies to a higher level. STMIK BUDI DARMA Medan (College of Information and Computer Management), is the first computer high school in Medan which was established on March 1, 1996 and received approval from the government through the Minister of Education and Culture, on July 23, 1996 with operating license number 48 / D / O / 1996, in promoting the campus, the team usually formed a promotion team to various regions in the North Sumatra Region to provide information to the community. Students who have learned in this campus are quite a lot who come from various regions in North Sumatra, from this point the need to process data from students who are active in college to be processed using data mining to achieve a target, one method that can be used in data mining, namely the ¬K-Modes clustering (grouping) algorithm. This method is a grouping of student data that will be a help to campus students in promoting, using the K-Modes algorithm is expected to help and become a reference for marketing in determining the marketing strategy STMIK Budi Darma MedanKeywords: STMIK Budi Darma, Marketing Strategy, K-Modes Algorithm.

J.S. Grewal

In the early 1890s, Master Tara Singh (Nanak Chand) was so impressed by the stories of Singh martyrs that he thought of becoming a Keshdhārī Singh. Initiated by Sant Attar Singh in 1901, Master Tara Singh decided to dedicate his life to the service of the Sikh Panth. After the government took over the management of Khalsa College, Amritsar, he began to participate in all anti-government agitations. As Head Master of Khalsa High School, Lyallpur, he was closely associated with the group of Sikh leaders who were more radical than the Chief Khalsa Diwan. His sympathy with the ‘Canadian’ Sikhs, and his interest in the Komagata Maru voyage and the Budge Budge firing made him all the more anti-British. His familiarity with gurbāṇī, Sikh history, and Punjabi literature was reflected in his controversy with the Arya Samaj leaders.

2012 ◽  
Toni Pierenkemper

Realökonomische Probleme haben zu allen Zeiten die Theorien der Ökonomie und ihrer großen Denker beeinflusst. Wichtige Themen der Ökonomie sind das gesamtwirtschaftliche Wachstum, Verteilungsprobleme, individuelle Nutzenmaximierung, Keynesianismus, Monetarismus – und ganz neue Ansätze wie Evolutorik, Spieltheorie oder Verhaltensökonomie, die ihr Potenzial noch beweisen müssen. Sie verbinden sich in der Moderne mit Namen von Ökonomen wie Adam Smith, Robert Malthus, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Friedrich List, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes oder Milton Friedman. Oder die Betrachtung der Ökonomie verdichtet sich in Stichworten wie Marginalanalyse, Historische Schule, Neoklassik, Institutionalismus, Neue-Institutionenökonomik und Monetarismus – neuerdings auch Evolutorik, Verhaltensökonomik oder Spieltheorie. Für alle, die zur Ökonomie gründlich aufbereitetes und grundlegendes Überblickswissen mit Prüfungsrelevanz suchen.

Cameron McCarthy

Key arguments regarding the relationship between postcolonial art and aesthetics and the emancipatory imagination have implications for pedagogical and curriculum reform in the era of globalization. Postcolonial art, aesthetics, and postcolonial imagination are, and invoke paths through and exceeding, dominant traditions of thought in critical thinking on the status of art. These dominant critical traditions have led us to what Cameron McCarthy calls the “forked road” of cultural Marxism and neo-Marxism: the antipopulism of the Frankfurt School and Habermas and their contemporary affiliates versus the populism of the Birmingham School of Cultural Studies and those insisting on the nearly virtuous engagement of the First World working classes with contemporary consumer culture. These approaches have tended, McCarthy maintains, to generate critical apparati that silence the historically specific work of the colonized inhabitants of the Third World and the periphery of the First. In beckoning curriculum and pedagogical actors in a different direction, toward postcolonial art and aesthetics, McCarthy argues that the work of the postcolonial imagination dynamically engages with systems of domination, authority over knowledge, and representation, destabilizing received traditions of identity, association, and feeling, and offering, in turn, new starting points for affiliation and community that draw on the wellspring of humanity, indigenous and commodified. Key motifs of postcolonial art (literature, performance art, sculpture, and painting) illuminate organizing categories or new aesthetic genres: counter-hegemonic representation, double or triple coding, and utopic and emancipatory visions. These ethically informed dimensions of postcolonial art and aesthetics constitute critical starting points, or tools of conviviality, for a conversation over curriculum change in the tumult of globalization and the reassertion in some quarters of a feral nationalism.

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