2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 107-116
Ashar Fahri ◽  
Ruslan Renggong ◽  
Baso Madiong

Kekerasan pada anak dilaporkan terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia dengan prevalens yang cenderung meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Indonesia berada pada kondisi gawat darurat anak disebabkan kasus kekerasan terhadap anak-anak Indonesia meningkat dengan sangat tajam. Jumlah kekerasan pada anak di Kota Makassar cukup tinggi pada tahun 2017 hingga pada tahun 2020.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kekerasan pada anak di Kota Makassar ditinjau dari sosio yuridis. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Nopember tahun 2020 hingga bulan Januari tahun 2021. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan pengambilan sampel secara purposive. Jenis data yang digunakan yaitu data primer dan data sekunder. Sumber data penelitian yaitu dari literature dan data lapangan. Teknik pengambilan data yaitu dengan wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan yaitu secara normative. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penangangan terhadap anak korban kekerasan di Kota Makassar melibatkan beberapa insitusi yang terkait yaitu P2TP2A (Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak), Dinas Sosial, Dinas Kesehatan, Dinas Pendidikan, Kepolisian, Pengadilan. Akibat hukum terhadap kekerasan anak di Kota Makassar yaitu penanganan secara langsung oleh P2TP2A yaitu dengan cara pembinaan di rumah aman sehingga kegiatan preventif lebih diutamakan. Faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kekerasan pada anak yaitu factor keluarga, faktor lingkungan dan factor anak itu sendiri.. Violence in children is reported in almost all over the world with a prevalence that tends to increase from year to year. Indonesia is in a state of emergency for children because cases of violence against Indonesian children have increased very sharply. The number of violence against children in Makassar City is quite high from 2017 to 2020. This study aimed to analyze violence against children in Makassar City in terms of socio-juridical terms. The research was conducted in November 2020 to January 2021. The data was collected through interviews and documentation with purposive sampling. The types of data used were primary data and secondary data. Sources of research data were literature and field data. The data collection techniques were interview and documentation study. The data analysis used was normative. The data analysis used was normative. The results showed that the handling of child victims of violence in Makassar City involved several related institutions, namely P2TP2A (Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children), Social Service, Health Service, Education Service, Police, Court. The legal consequence of child abuse in Makassar City is direct handling by P2TP2A, namely by means of guidance at a safe home so that preventive activities are prioritized. Factors that cause violence in children, namely family factors, environmental factors and factors of the child himself

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 30
Ni Putu Rai Yuliartini

This research aims to analyze the form of legal protection against child victims of violence in Buleleng. In addition, this research also analyzes the obstacles and efforts made by Buleleng police in uncovering cases of child abuse in Buleleng. This research is an empirical study with a study that sees law as a reality that includes social reality, reality of culture and others (examine law in action). This empirical law study aims to examine legal issues in its practical dimensions, especially related to legal protection for victims of violent crime in Buleleng district. This research uses primary data and secondary data with research location in Buleleng. Technique of collecting data is done through observation and interview. The collected data is then processed and analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study indicate that the Buleleng police prepare by receiving reports or complaints from victims of violence, whether orally or in writing as a form of regulation. The place for report or complain is on the section integrated police service center. Basically legal protection against child victims of violence is conducted in accordance with the Child Protection Act. Basically legal protection against child victims of violence is conducted in accordance with the Child Protection Act. While related to obstacles faced by Buleleng police in revealing cases of violence that occur to children that investigators often have difficulty in finding the perpetrators, lack of information from perpetrators or victims, chronology is often covered, not conformity information between perpetrators and victims. In addition, investigators find it difficult to obtain information or information from traumatized victims, lacking evidence, obstacles to finding witnesses, and the results of their visum. Furthermore, related to the efforts made, Buleleng police conducted the process of receiving reports or complaints from families of victims who experienced violence. In addition, assistance was also provided by the integrated service center for the empowerment of women and children in Buleleng, in the case of violence that occurred was accompanied, mainly related to cases of sexual violence. The involvement of an integrated service center for the empowerment of women and children is to further strengthen the mental victim through psychological support. Not only get assistance from integrated service centers for women and children empowerment but also receive assistance from social services.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Ida Musofiana

This paper aims to assess the role of Integrated Servis Center Seruni Semarang Centra Java. This study is included in the sociological juridical study, as the researcher conducts the the research by going directly to the field. The conseptual framework starts with the theory justice, for children who are victims domestic violence. Primary data sources consist of field research results, while secondary data are references to bibliography related to legaprotection for child victims and related legislation. While data analysis using content analysisThe results showed that children who were subjected to violence in police handling were handled by the Woman and Child Protection Unit, but the police could refer or sent child victims to Semarang Integrated Hospital or Service Center for those domiciled in Semarang.foa child who feel trheatened his soul then lead the victim to a safe house. Integrated Service Center Seruni Semarang Central Java performs its duties in accordance with the Dercree Mayor of Semarang No.463/05/2011 on the Establishment of Integrated Service Team onHandling Violence Againts Women and Children Based on Gender “SERUNI” Semarang City Central Java.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 29
Rina Septiana ◽  
Hermanto Hermanto ◽  
Suryawan Murtiadi

Sesela area is one of the areas in Gunung Sari district, West Lombok. In this Sesela area, there are puddles or floods that disturb the community, especially those in the area of Jati Sela Village. The purpose of this study was to determine the high rainfall, and the existing canal are still able to accommodate the flood discharge or not. In this study began with data collection namely primary data collection and secondary data collection. Then conduct data analysis, namely hydrological analysis and hydraulic analysis. Based on the results of hidrological analysis, the amaount of rain R2th was 86,298 mm and R5th was 108,642 mm. Based on the results of calculations with a 5 year return period  (R5th) comparison of the results obtained flood discharge is greatest at Griya Praja Asri canal is equal to 1,872 m³sec⁻¹. While the calculation is based on 11 sections hydraulics existing canals, namely Johar Pelita canal, Griya Praja Asri canal, Pesona Raya 1 canal, Perum Elite Rinjani Asri canal, Pesona Raya 2 canal, Ireng Daye canal, Ireng Lauk 2 canal, Pesona Raya 3 canal, Jati Ireng canal, Ireng Lauk 1 canal, and Pesona Raya 4 canal almost all of them can not accommodate flood discharge, causing water overflow or puddles. To overcome the overflow of water that occurs in the canal, redimensions are carried out so that the canals can function optimally.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 200-212
Dhoory Vinevera Sigiro ◽  
Suhaidi Suhaidi ◽  
Ibnu Affan

This research is a normative juridical study supported by empirical juridical research. This research is analytical descriptive, that is, describing an object or event without an intention to draw conclusions that are generally accepted. The data source of this research consists of primary data and secondary data, in the form of primary, secondary and tertiary legal materials. The analysis used in this study is qualitative data analysis. Based on the research results obtained, the regulation of incest in a variety of laws currently in force still emphasizes the form of incest committed by a child. Whereas incest is based on the agreement of both parties for those who are adults has not been specifically regulated. The role of the Satreskrim Polrestabes Medan women's and child protection unit in providing legal protection for victims of incest, by seeking the rights of victims. Obstacles to the Protection Unit of Women and Children of the Satreskrim Medan District Police in terms of legal handling of incest in the case of sexual intercourse in the absence of synergic relations between the existing institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-30
Nining Sholikhah

Child is a person who is not yet 18 (eight) years old. Sexual violence is a crime of humanity. Violence and sexual exploitation of children must be stopped, because it is a crime against humanity and harms the dignity of children. Sexual violence against children in Indonesia has been classified as an extraordinary crime. The fact of the high sexual violence against children occurred in almost all of Indonesia and also occurred in the city of Surakarta. KAKAK Foundation carries out prevention and trauma healing (recovery) programs for child victims, as a form of contribution in creating the best life order for children. Through the Program, KAKAK Foundation conducted outreach and assistance to 152 victims of sexual exploitation of children in 1999-2004, 110 children, in 2005-2008, and 76 children in 2008-2011. The choice of children participation methods was very important in the prevention and trauma healing program (recovery) of children victims of sexual violence. For this reason, the program "Theater, As a Form of Child Participation in the Prevention and Trauma Healing of Children Victims of Violence and Sexual Exploitation" is carried out. Through theater children victims are actively involved (participative) in expressing their feelings and can voice children's aspirations to others.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-23
Suwandi Suwandi

This research aims to find out the implementation of criminal protection against child victims of criminal acts against child victims of sexual violence in Jombang District. This research uses empirical juridical methods, namely research in the form of empirical studies to find theories regarding the implementation of legal protection for children who are victims of criminal acts of sexual violence in Jombang. Data sources were obtained from literature, applicable legislation and interviews with the Protection Unit for Women and Children at the Jombang Regional Police. Analysis of the data used is a qualitative approach to primary data and secondary data. The results of the study can be concluded that the implementation of legal protection provided by the Jombang Regional Police Unit for children who are victims of criminal acts of sexual violence is to conceal the identity of the victim, provide counseling outside the legal channels, conduct investigations, provide a Notification of the Progress of Investigation (SP2HP), cooperating with Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ria Manurung

Research conducted to obtain empirical evidence how the influence of independent variables of intellectual intelligence to accounting with moderating variables of emotional and spiritual intelligence. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with explanatory descriptive or explanatory research. This method is an explanatory research that proves the existence of causal relationship of independent variable (independent variable) that is intellectual intelligence; moderating variable (emotional and spiritual intelligence); and dependent variable (accounted dependent variable). Research begins by conducting library search, followed by primary data collection conducted by using questionnaires and secondary data through data analysis. And for the use of data analysis consists of descriptive analysis, classical assumption test and verification analysis with the method of Moderated Regression Analysis (MRA). This study is a census study with homogeneous and limited population of 92 students, all students of Accounting Graduate Program at UNSOED. Conclusion of research result that is: (1) Intellectual intelligence have influence either positively or signifikan to accountancy. Thus intellectual intelligence can lead students to more easily understand accounting, (2) Intellectual intelligence can be strengthened by emotional intelligence on accounting both positively and significantly. (3) Spiritual intelligence can strengthen the influence of intellectual intelligence on accounting both positively and significantly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-51
Dwi Indah Sulistiani ◽  
Ujang Maman ◽  
Junaidi J

Objective of this research; 1) determine the perception of ranchers against the properties and behavior of the leadership of the companion in the Society of Al-Awwaliyah 2) analyze the relationship between productivity breeder with productivity of livestock in the Society of Al-Awwaliyah 3) identify the relationship perceptions of ranchers against the leadership companion with productivity of livestock in the Society of Al-Awwaliyah , The data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from questionnaires which stem from ranchers while secondary data sourced from literature in the form of books and articles. Data processing was performed using Chi-square analysis using SPSS software version 21. One of the factors relating to the productivity of ranchers is the perception of ranchers against the leadership of their companion. Leadership companion views of the nature and behavior of which is owned by a companion. Productivity ranchers indirectly related to the productivity of the cattle business. Characteristics breeder visits of age, years of education, experience ranchers, and businesses in addition to ranchers. The results of data analysis showed that there is a significant relationship between business other than ranchers with ranchers productivity. The relationship between the perception of the nature of the companion breeder with productivity ranchers produce Pearson Chi-Square value is 9.751 and Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) of 0.002. This is due to interest ranchers against leadership qualities possessed by a companion who produce prolific ranchers. Ranchers consider that a companion of his leadership qualities are ideal as a companion.

2020 ◽  

The research is proposed to test the influence of Leadership and Motivation Work on Public Service Quality. The population in this study was the Kantor Kementerian Agama Sungai Penuh who had received the last 1 year service at the Kantor Kementerian Agama Sungai Penuh, amounting to 260 people. Furthermore, by using the Slovin formula, a sample size of 158 people was chosen with a sampling technique based on Simple Random Sampling. This study uses primary data and secondary data. Data analysis techniques used are path analysis and hypothesis testing using t test with data analysis using SPSS version 20. The results of the study based on showing that partially the Leadership and motivation work have a positive and significant effect on Public Service Quality. The results also show that motivation work variables act as intervening variables between Leadership and Public Service Quality.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-228
Edy Sudaryanto

This study aims to identify and analyze opportunities, challenges, constraints and efforts of vocational high school or Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) to create graduates especially accounting programs that are able to manage village funds. The object of the study are accounting program students of SMK PGRI 2 Cibinong. Data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Data is collected using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis methods use data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results of this study show that the SMK PGRI 2 Cibinong Bogor aware of the opportunities for SMK graduates of the accounting program to fill the scarcity of skilled human resources to manage village funds. But teachers have less experience in the practice of village fund accounting so that they do not have confidence in  teaching. Other constraints are less discussion of government accounting in the accounting syllabus and the absence of a standard handbook/module for teachers to teach accounting subjects.

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