2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-80
Nurintan Madduppa ◽  
Juharni Juharni ◽  
Syamsuddin Maldun

Sumber Daya Manusia adalah suatu hal yang penting dalam usaha apapun karena kualitas dari hal tersebut sangatlah menentukan kinerja dari suatu perusahaan atau organisasi. Pengelolaan dan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia merupakan suatu investasi bagi perusahaan maupun organisasi karena diperlukan biaya untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, namun sejalan dengan hal tersebut, manfaat yang didapat dari perusahaan maupun organisasi juga besar dikarenakan karyawan ataupun pegawai yang dimiliki menjadi lebih profesional dan handal dalam mengerjakan segala pekerjaan dibidangnya. Adapun tujuan daripada penelitian ini tidak terlepas dari rumusan masalah sebagaimana yang telah dibuat, yaitu untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis proses pengembangan sumber daya manusia dalam pelayanan terhadap pelaku usaha, juga mengetahui dan menganalisis tantangan pelaksanaan pengembangan kompetensi sumber daya manusia, serta implikasi pengembangan SDM di DPMPTSP Kabupaten Bulukumba. Pada penulisan ini metode pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah peneliti membuat suatu gambaran kompleks, meneliti kata-kata, laporan terinci dari pandangan responden, dan melakukan studi pada situasi yang alami. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yang menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif analitis, mengingat metode ini digunakan untuk meneliti kejadian-kejadian yang sedang berlangsung dan berhubungan dengan kondisi pada masa sekarang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data kualitatif dengan pendekatan induktif dengan cara menarik kesimpulan dari data yang ada. Artinya dengan bertolak dari fakta di lapangan, penulis mencoba menggali informasi dan data empiris untuk membangun teori. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan pengamatan dilapangan diolah oleh penulis sebelum analisis data dilakukan. Semua data tersebut kemudian ditafsirkan dan dianalisis secara induktif. Dari hasil penelitian ini disimpulkan, melalui pengembangan sumber daya manusia juga membantu menciptakan budaya efisiensi dalam organisasi khususnya terhadap Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kabupaten Bulukumba. Hal ini mengarah pada efektivitas organisasi yang lebih besar. Dengan dukungan sarana dan prasarana serta kerjasama tim dengan OPD terkait, sumber daya dimanfaatkan dengan baik dan tujuan serta target dicapai dengan cara yang lebih baik. Human Resources are an important thing in any business because the quality of these matters greatly determines the performance of a company or organization. The management and development of Human Resources is an investment for companies and organizations because it requires costs to make this happen, but in line with this, the benefits obtained from companies and organizations are also large because their employees become more professional and reliable in doing every work in their field. The purpose of this research is inseparable from the research question that has been made, which is to find out and analyze the process of human resource development in services to businessmen, as well as to know and analyze the challenges of implementing human resource competency development, as well as implications of HR development in DPMPTSP Bulukumba Regency. In this writing, the approach method used is that the researcher makes a complex picture, examines words, reports in detail from the views of the respondents, and conducts studies on natural situations. This research is a qualitative research that uses a descriptive analytical approach, considering that this method is used to examine ongoing events and related conditions in the present. This study uses qualitative data analysis with an inductive approach by drawing conclusions from existing data. This means that by starting from factual information, the writer tries to dig up empirical information and data to build a theory. The data obtained from interviews and observations were processed by the author before data analysis was carried out. All data is then interpreted and analyzed inductively. From the results of this study, it was concluded that through human resource development, this helps to create a culture of efficiency in the organization, especially in Investment and One Stop Services Office (DPMPTSP) Bulukumba Regency. This leads to greater organizational effectiveness. With the support of facilities and infrastructure and teamwork with related DPOs, resources are used well, and goals as well as targets are achieved in a better way.

Mandy Mok Kim Man

In the Industry 4.0 arena, human resource management and development are important tasks for public and private sectors to prepare adequate skilled human resources for organizations' daily work, company operations, and agencies' management and administration activities. Long-term investment on an organization's employees to upgrade their knowledge, abilities, and skills will in turn increase their productivity and the organization's performance. Employees with new technological knowledge and technical skills will be able to contribute to their organization and hence to the nation to boost its economy. This chapter discusses charismatic and transformational leadership that can enhance human resource development and practices and proposes some recommendations to overcome the challenges faced in human resource development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-39
Andar Sri Sumantri ◽  
Nur Cholis Majid

AbstrakPenelitian ini sendiri bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh pengaruh pengembangan SDM, iklim kerja dan berbagi pengetahuan terhadap kreativitas SDM di PT. GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam. Perumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian ini dan hipotesis pada penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan secara individual antara variabel independen yaitu pengembangan SDM, iklimkerja dan berbagi pengetahuan terhadap variabel dependen yaitu kreativitas SDM di PT. GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam. Pada penelitian ini objek yang diambil adalah karyawan GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam. Sumber data meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Sampel pada penelitian ini berjumlah 100 responden yang merupakan karyawan PT. GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam melalui teknik nonprobability sampling yaitu dengan tidak menggunakan metode sampling. Teknik analisis datanya adalah teknik regresi linier berganda.Kata Kunci :  Optimalisasi Pengembangan SDMAbstractThis study itself aims to find out how far the influence of human resource development, work climate and knowledge sharing on the creativity of human resources in PT. GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam. The formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study and the hypothesis in this study is to analyze the positive and significant influence individually between the independent variables of human resource development, work climate and knowledge sharing on the dependent variable that is the creativity of human resources in PT. GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam. In this research object is taken employee GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam. Data sources include primary data and secondary data. The sample in this study amounted to 100 respondents who are employees of PT. GAS (Gemalindo Air Support) Batam through nonprobability sampling technique is not by using the method of sampling. Data analysis technique is doubled linear regression technique.Keywords : Optimization of HR Development 

Badrya Abdullah Al-Skran

The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of talent management strategies in human resource development at the University of Taibah, And to develop the necessary scientific solutions and recommendations, which can contribute to enhancing the effectiveness of talent management strategies in human resource development. Using the descriptive approach, study sample consisted of 67 leader, the leader of the 95 representing the entire community of the original study, and88member of the faculty members out of 365. The study relied on questionnaire tool, included thirty-eight parts, distributed over four axes, polarization, the discovery, the professional development, and the retention. In addition to an open question. The study found a range of results, which are; The general grade of the effectiveness of talent management strategies in human resources development at the University of Taibah from the perspective of leaders and members of the faculty average, is a mean 3.13.The polarization strategy is the most effective in the talent management in the development of human resources at the University of Taibah, a mean 3.35. The second was professional development with an average (3.17) and third discovery with an average of (3.09) The retention strategy came to be the least strategy in the talent management effectiveness in human resource development at the University of Taibah, a mean 2.93.In light of the results , a number of recommendations and suggestions.

Chairul Anwar

PT. Semacom Integrated merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang panel listrik. Perusahaan ini perlu mengelola data pegawai tetapi belum mempunyai sistem informasi khusus untuk mengelola data pegawai tersebut agar memudahkan dalam pengelolaan data, pengontrolan serta meningkatkan pekerjaan Human Resource Development, Pimpinan dan Pegawai. Teknologi pemrograman dan database sebagai media penyimpanan diyakini sampai saat ini masih sangat berguna dalam membantu menklasifikasikan data informasi. Pengembangan sistem yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah waterfall. Metode ini terdiri dari requirement gathering, analysis, system design, implementation, testing, dan maintenance. Adapun tools yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah System Operating 10 Pro 64 Bit, Notepad++. Sedangkan, database yang digunakan sebagai penyimpanan data adalah Xampp. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa sistem informasi kepegawaian. Sistem ini meliputi daftar pegawai, daftar SK kerja, daftar prestasi, daftar hukuman, surat kontrak, surat keterangan, surat perintah dan surat peringatan, dan lain-lain. Sistem ini dirancang untuk memudahkan Human Resource Development dalam pencarian dan pengelolaan data kepegawaian pada PT. Semacom Integrated.

Iman Iskandar

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of group investigation by sigil and The objective of the research is to obtain information about the effect of group cohesiveness and job satisfaction on productivity of the employee on Human Resource Development Agency of Ministry of Home Affairs. The research was conducted to all of employees on on Human Resource Development Agency of Ministry of Home Affairs by using a survey method with path analysis applied in testing hypothesis. The number 133 employees as sample was selected by using Slovin formula. The research conclude: (1) there is direct effect of group cohesiveness on productivity. (2) there is direct effect of job satisfaction on productivity. (3) there is direct effect of group cohesiveness on job satisfaction. Therefore, to enhance employees’ productivity can be carried out by group cohesiveness, and job satisfaction.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Željko M. Radosavac

Contemporary business conditions do not impose only need for adjustment of the organization but also the need for adjustment of employees. Human resources, manifested through individual knowledge, skills, individual qualities and achievements, is the basis of competitive advantage of organizations and the main resource for the survival, the growth and development of modern organizations. Treating employees as a decisive factor for the success of organizations, it follows that their primary duty is to provide, maintain and develop the best people through the wide range of human resource activities. Thus, Human Resource Development, designated as a key activity for achieving the projected goals of the organization, can be defined as a set of systematic and planned activities appointed by an organization to provide its members with the opportunities to learn necessary skills to meet current and future job demands. Employees are increasingly accepting the reality that education becomes their responsibility in order to develop their full working potential and to ensure self employment opportunities. On the other hand, encouraging educational programs, organizations strive not only to meet the business needs for education of employees, but also their interests, creating and developing the climate of continuous learning and dissemination of knowledge in all areas. To what extent will the organization attach importance to certain practices that guide and encourage staff development depends on its current situation, activities, goals and adopted development strategy. Adequate choice, the assignment according to their abilities and affinities, continuous training and education, are generally accepted methods without which the development of employees is not possible. The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) estimates that U.S. organizations spent $134.1 billion on employee learning and development in 2008, and $125.9 billion in 2009.Human resource managers in large organizations ranked training and development as the most important functional area they had to deal with because HRD programs must respond to job changes and integrate the long-term plans and strategies of the organization to ensure the efficient and effective use of resources. Combining different methods and approaches, and referring to all employees in the organization, training and human resources development become a tools for achieving change and the effects they produce are becoming a far-reaching and strategic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
Billy Nugraha ◽  
Wahyudin Wahyudin ◽  
Fahriza Nurul Azizah

<p class="Abstrak">Research on human resource development have been carried out. With the aim of can be used as parameters to create the development of quality human resources. This research aims to know the influence of opportunities on the assessment of the performance of employees. Opportunities under study is divided into three indicators, namely the environment, the rules and colleagues. Sampling technique in this study using a sampling of saturated. The technique of data analysis was conducted gradually, starting from the editing, coding, scoring and tabulation. In addition, using a likert scale developed by Ransis Likert. While for the development of research using statistical methods, it is necessary to qualify the classical assumption test before the test is conducted multiple linear regression. It aims to determine how much significance of significance testing. The results from the hypothesis t, there is on the value t<sub>count</sub> for the partial (sequential) starting from X<sub>1</sub> = 2,639, X<sub>2</sub> = 3,379 and X<sub>3</sub> = 2,210. In addition, the results of the hypothesis F, contained in the value of F<sub>count</sub> simultaneously (together) was 12,597. While the value of R Square (R<sup>2</sup>) of 0,282, if then the result of 28.2%. It can be concluded from the three independent variables affect the dependent variable by 28,2%.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 487-495 ◽  
Kylie Goodell King

The use of data analytics in the field of human resource development is becoming increasingly common. This rise in popularity is accompanied by skepticism about the ability of human resource professionals to effectively utilize data analytics to reap organizational benefits. This article provides a review of literature both supportive and critical of human resource analytics, argues for the involvement of academia in implementing analytical practices, and uses a case study to illustrate how quantitative tools may positively influence the management and development of human resources.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Jam'ah Abidin

Theories of human resource development in the context of existentialism really uphold the fundamental principles inherent in every individual. That's, in the development of human resources through the efforts of Islamic Education must provide guarantees of freedom (hurriyyah/liberalism) to all students subject to be imaginative and creative according to their talents and their irâdah (will). For this flow, just the way a subject so students can develop their potential, so they were able to become a man of independent, creative, innovative and dynamic. This guarantees certainly described in the overall of educational system, both in the context of the curriculum, the learning process and the learning environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Pham Van Long

The article focuses on analyzing some solutions to promote the development of tourism human resources of enterprises in Hai Phong city. Those are solutions on strengthening the state management for tourism human resource development for enterprises; improving the effectiveness of training, fostering human resource, and building a specific mechanism to attract tourism human resources for enterprises. <p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0995/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

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