scholarly journals SKILLING INDIA: NO TIME TO LOSE

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Suryakant Ratan Chaugule

The National Council of Applied Economic Research is India's oldest and largest independent economic think-tank, set up in 1956 to inform policy choices for both governments and industry. For more than six decades, NCAER has served the nation with its rich offering of applied policy research, unique data sets, evaluations and policy inputs to central and state governments, corporate India, the media and informed citizens. It is one of a few think-tanks world-wide that combine rigorous analysis and policy outreach with deep data collection capabilities, especially for large-scale household surveys.

2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-283
Subhendu Ranjan Raj

Development process in Odisha (before 2011 Orissa) may have led to progress but has also resulted in large-scale dispossession of land, homesteads, forests and also denial of livelihood and human rights. In Odisha as the requirements of development increase, the arena of contestation between the state/corporate entities and the people has correspondingly multiplied because the paradigm of contemporary model of growth is not sustainable and leads to irreparable ecological/environmental costs. It has engendered many people’s movements. Struggles in rural Odisha have increasingly focused on proactively stopping of projects, mining, forcible land, forest and water acquisition fallouts from government/corporate sector. Contemporaneously, such people’s movements are happening in Kashipur, Kalinga Nagar, Jagatsinghpur, Lanjigarh, etc. They have not gained much success in achieving their objectives. However, the people’s movement of Baliapal in Odisha is acknowledged as a success. It stopped the central and state governments from bulldozing resistance to set up a National Missile Testing Range in an agriculturally rich area in the mid-1980s by displacing some lakhs of people of their land, homesteads, agricultural production, forests and entitlements. A sustained struggle for 12 years against the state by using Gandhian methods of peaceful civil disobedience movement ultimately won and the government was forced to abandon its project. As uneven growth strategies sharpen, the threats to people’s human rights, natural resources, ecology and subsistence are deepening. Peaceful and non-violent protest movements like Baliapal may be emulated in the years ahead.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
pp. 42-48
Karen Hahn ◽  
Marco Schmidt ◽  
Anne Mette Lykke ◽  
Adjima Thiombiano

Knowledge about useful plants and their various applications in West Africa is scattered over many publications and often in form of grey literature difficult to access. Several online-databases compile large scale information from these sources and provide comprehensive summarized descriptions of plant usages. Our aim is to additionally build up a database (UseDa) for primary ethnobotanical interview data. Thus, quantitative data can be extracted and synthesized and data sets can be treated according to different research questions analyzing for example uses in specific areas, of different ethnic groups or user groups, which is essential for practical applications on a local level. In this article we give an overview on the technical structure and the content of the database and discuss at the end the possible output for practical application. The database was set up in the frame of the EU-funded Project UNDESERT.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 ◽  
pp. 113 ◽  
Amita Chudgar ◽  
Thomas F Luschei

The objective of this commentary is to call attention to the feasibility and importance of large-scale, systematic, quantitative analysis in international and comparative education research. We contend that although many existing databases are under- or unutilized in quantitative international-comparative research, these resources present the opportunity for important, policy-relevant descriptive studies. We conclude the commentary with overarching observations about the strengths and limitations of such secondary data-based analysis.

2015 ◽  
Vol 59 (7) ◽  
pp. 771-782 ◽  
Kjersti Thorbjørnsrud

The media coverage of irregular immigration has the power to influence public opinion, fuel the formation of popular movements, and mold the political climate related to immigration. Based on comparative and multimethod data sets, this special issue of American Behavioral Scientist contributes to a renewed understanding of the role and impact of the mass media on the current climate, opinions, and policies related to irregular immigration in three different Western countries. Analysis of source strategies and ethnographic methods is combined with large-scale quantitative content analysis of news and surveys measuring the reception of this news coverage by audiences in the United States, France, and Norway. The research design pursued in this special issue of American Behavioral Scientist identifies (a) the dominant voices, narratives, and arguments in the mainstream media coverage of irregular immigration; (b) how stakeholders work strategically to promote their messages in the media; and (c) what attitudes the public holds about the coverage of irregular immigration in the media, and how these media evaluations relate to their attitudes toward immigration. Together, the articles in this issue offer new and surprising insights into how a controversial and important issue is strategically framed, covered in the news, and understood among the audience.

1996 ◽  
Vol 76 (06) ◽  
pp. 0939-0943 ◽  
B Boneu ◽  
G Destelle ◽  

SummaryThe anti-aggregating activity of five rising doses of clopidogrel has been compared to that of ticlopidine in atherosclerotic patients. The aim of this study was to determine the dose of clopidogrel which should be tested in a large scale clinical trial of secondary prevention of ischemic events in patients suffering from vascular manifestations of atherosclerosis [CAPRIE (Clopidogrel vs Aspirin in Patients at Risk of Ischemic Events) trial]. A multicenter study involving 9 haematological laboratories and 29 clinical centers was set up. One hundred and fifty ambulatory patients were randomized into one of the seven following groups: clopidogrel at doses of 10, 25, 50,75 or 100 mg OD, ticlopidine 250 mg BID or placebo. ADP and collagen-induced platelet aggregation tests were performed before starting treatment and after 7 and 28 days. Bleeding time was performed on days 0 and 28. Patients were seen on days 0, 7 and 28 to check the clinical and biological tolerability of the treatment. Clopidogrel exerted a dose-related inhibition of ADP-induced platelet aggregation and bleeding time prolongation. In the presence of ADP (5 \lM) this inhibition ranged between 29% and 44% in comparison to pretreatment values. The bleeding times were prolonged by 1.5 to 1.7 times. These effects were non significantly different from those produced by ticlopidine. The clinical tolerability was good or fair in 97.5% of the patients. No haematological adverse events were recorded. These results allowed the selection of 75 mg once a day to evaluate and compare the antithrombotic activity of clopidogrel to that of aspirin in the CAPRIE trial.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Urtak Hamiti

Barbaric, savage, horrific-these were terms to define the decision of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) to murder its captured Jordanian pilot by burning him alive inspired a thesaurus of horror and revulsion. The men who did it, the perpetrators were described by the media as mad men, thugs, monsters. To most of the people, the act itself seemed inexplicable and without sense. However, behind the choreographed and videotaped violence lies a calculated horrible cold logic. Although, ISIS is often portrait as a mighty force on the ground in Syria and Iraq, facts state that they control mainly communications between various provinces in both countries, and, as most guerrilla armies, are militarily weak by conventional measure. ISIS has little or almost none defense against the bombing campaign that is facing now, while US has formed a coalition that is confronting them on the ground as well, after President Barack Obama published the “New Security Doctrine” which includes degrading and finally destroying ISIS. ISIS, however, have proven to be very organized in promoting dramatic acts of violence against their enemies and promoting them two achieve two goals: use terror tactics as a psychological weapon against all those facing them and all those that are to face them in combat. Secondly, through usage of social network platforms to promote killings and executions, the aim of ISIS is to encourage recruits from out of Syria and Iraq, and elsewhere, to join them in their cause. Online operations of ISIS fall under a production group called the Al Hayat Media Center. The Center was created to seduce Westerners into joining the ranks of ISIS and also to distribute propaganda through social and media platforms. It is difficult to assess the success of this operation, but solid sources provided by US military and intelligence estimate that at least 300 Americans are fighting in the ranks of ISIS (at least two Americans have been killed fighting for ISIS in Iraq/Syria region) while the number of Europeans is in thousands. The US Response to this psychological kind of warfare came when President Barack Obama established the Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) aiming to combat terrorist propaganda. The main strategy of CSCC is not directly to confront ISIS operatives, but rather than that to deal with the people they are trying to recruit. Now, with almost entire international public opinion on their side, it is time for US to more actively respond to ISIS especially in the manner of psychological warfare since it is obvious that operations of “winning hearts and minds” of people in Iraq and Syria are not enough compared to ruthless tactics of ISIS which “winning hearts and minds” by brute force, terror, and vivid violent images. The online propaganda war is a new component to conflicts of 21st century that allows enemies to reach one another’s home fronts directly. ISIS might seem not so strong on the ground but it has captured one fundamental flaw of the media of 21st century-the one that bad news is always good news and that televised violence will always have an audience. ISIS has proclaimed that its goal is to create a caliphate of 21st century but its psychological warfare and propaganda is inspiring individuals throughout the West to commit horrible terrorist crimes. Could this be another mind game set up by ISIS, it remains to be seen. However one thing is for certain, US and its allies must tackle ISIS not only by planes and other military means, but also by a strategy that would eliminate its influence in spreading their propaganda.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-76
Disyacitta Neolia Firdana ◽  
Trimurtini Trimurtini

This research aimed to determine the properness and effectiveness of the big book media on learning equivalent fractions of fourth grade students. The method of research is Research and Development  (R&D). This study was conducted in fourth grade of SDN Karanganyar 02 Kota Semarang. Data sources from media validation, material validation, learning outcomes, and teacher and students responses on developed media. Pre-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest design. Big book developed consist of equivalent fractions material, students learning activities sheets with rectangle and circle shape pictures, and questions about equivalent fractions. Big book was developed based on students and teacher needs. This big book fulfill the media validity of 3,75 with very good criteria and scored 3 by material experts with good criteria. In large-scale trial, the result of students posttest have learning outcomes completness 82,14%. The result of N-gain calculation with result 0,55 indicates the criterion “medium”. The t-test result 9,6320 > 2,0484 which means the average of posttest outcomes is better than the average of pretest outcomes. Based on that data, this study has produced big book media which proper and effective as a media of learning equivalent fractions of fourth grade elementary school.

2007 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
M. V. Civita ◽  
M. De Maio ◽  
A. Fiorucci

In the early 1980's the Italian scientific community, together with a number of institutional decision-makers, realized how urgent it was to protect natural and environmental resources. They agreed that an adequate level of scientifically organized knowledge allows the accurate planning and development of environmental systems through management and direction of the actual development process, without hindering it. Since the special project was first set up in 1984, as part of the GNDCI-CNR (National Group for the Defence against Hydrogeologic Disasters, of the Italian National Council of Research) scientific context, it has been the cardinal point of Research Line 4 “Assessment of Aquifer Vulnerability”. The problem of groundwater contamination was examined in this project for the very first time in Italy in an organic and extensive manner as a key for forecasting and prevention purposes. The Italian approaches to assessing and mapping groundwater vulnerability to contamination are essentially based on two main methodologies:- The GNDCI Basic Method a HCS (Hazard Contamination Source) type approach that can be used for any type of Italian hydrogeologic situation, even where there is a limited amount of data. A unified legend and symbols are also defined for each hydrogeologic level.- The SINTACS [Soggiacenza (depth to groundwater); Infiltrazione (effective infiltration); Non saturo (unsaturated zone attenuation capacity); Tipologia della copertura (soil/overburden attenuation capacity); Acquifero (saturated zone characteristics); Conducibilità (hydraulic conductivity); Superficie topografica (Slope)] method, a PCSM (Point Count System Model) developed for use prevalently in areas with good data base coverage. The methodological approaches described in this paper now make up the Italian standard which has been set in the recent very important Italian Law (152/99) and which has now been ratified in the national guidelines produced by ANPA, the Italian National Agency for Environment Protection. In this paper the structure of the Research Line, the progress obtained by the 21 Research units (over 100 researchers) in 20 years of activity, the results gained etc. are briefly highlighted.

2014 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
Mariela Gabioux ◽  
Vladimir Santos da Costa ◽  
Joao Marcos Azevedo Correia de Souza ◽  
Bruna Faria de Oliveira ◽  
Afonso De Moraes Paiva

Results of the basic model configuration of the REMO project, a Brazilian approach towards operational oceanography, are discussed. This configuration consists basically of a high-resolution eddy-resolving, 1/12 degree model for the Metarea V, nested in a medium-resolution eddy-permitting, 1/4 degree model of the Atlantic Ocean. These simulations performed with HYCOM model, aim for: a) creating a basic set-up for implementation of assimilation techniques leading to ocean prediction; b) the development of hydrodynamics bases for environmental studies; c) providing boundary conditions for regional domains with increased resolution. The 1/4 degree simulation was able to simulate realistic equatorial and south Atlantic large scale circulation, both the wind-driven and the thermohaline components. The high resolution simulation was able to generate mesoscale and represent well the variability pattern within the Metarea V domain. The BC mean transport values were well represented in the southwestern region (between Vitória-Trinidade sea mount and 29S), in contrast to higher latitudes (higher than 30S) where it was slightly underestimated. Important issues for the simulation of the South Atlantic with high resolution are discussed, like the ideal place for boundaries, improvements in the bathymetric representation and the control of bias SST, by the introducing of a small surface relaxation. In order to make a preliminary assessment of the model behavior when submitted to data assimilation, the Cooper & Haines (1996) method was used to extrapolate SSH anomalies fields to deeper layers every 7 days, with encouraging results.

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