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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. e001556
Swyn Lewis ◽  
Gwenlli Mai Jones ◽  
Paul Barach ◽  
Hawys Tomos ◽  
Mari Davies ◽  

Clinicians can enable patients to actively participate in their care but communication with patients is often poor and highly variable. The aim of this study was to explore patients’ understanding of their current illness while in hospital and using a codesign process to create prototype tools to facilitate better communication during ward rounds.A mixed-methods, multistep design with step 1: Application of a questionnaire addressing domains of care in the acute medical unit; step 2: Development of communication aids that were codesigned with active help of patients, students and a specialist in user centric design to address patient needs and step 3: Evaluation of tools with patients in four Plan–Do–Study–Act cycles.In the initial survey of 30 patients 12 (40%) patients did not know what their diagnosis was and 5 (17%) did not know the results of recent key tests. 20 (67%) patients felt that staff communication and coordination could be improved.An intervention was prototyped with four variations: (1) An A6 ward-round summary sheet completed by doctors during ward rounds. The system worked well but was highly person dependent. (2) An A4 patient-owned diary (‘How to Hospital’) that contained information about key processes in hospital and space to document conversations from rounds and prompts for questions. 10 patients read the diary and commented favourably but did not complete any pages. (3) ‘Diary-cards’: a basic set of information cards was given to patients on admission to hospital. (4) Patient specific ‘diary-cards’ were completed by clinicians—10 forms were piloted during rounds and improved subsequent day information retention of diagnosis to 80%.Our study identified interventions that were feasible but remained person-dependent. The patients’ ownership of information in relation to their care might facilitate retention and satisfaction but the optimal format for these interventions for enhancing communication remains unclear.

Bogdan Litvinov ◽  
Mariia Bilova

Relevance of the research work is the analysis of the main features of 3D modeling for further implementation in e-commerce. Namely, the features ofcreating a human body 3D model with the ability to edit personal settings of individual parts of the body, as well as a basic set of clothes to provide amore realistic representation of the model. The features of the 3D model in general were considered in this article. The mathematical analysis of the 3Dgraphics rendering on the 2D monitor and the possibilities of control and editing of such models have been presented. The developed software productallows the user to create an anatomical three-dimensional model of the human body and then adjust it to his needs. The user can apply on createdmodel variety of settings, namely more than 15 different views, with a full package of changes. It is possible to change the size, color of hair,eyebrows, eyes, face, body, legs. Also, the user is able to select the levels of skeletal frame views and additionally can select different backgrounds toprovide a more realistic representation of the model in space. Additional functionality was implemented for more flexible configuration of the model’sface. The user can pre-determine points to select directions or sizes of different parts of the face using settings, displayed on the mouse or touchpadcontrol. After adjustments, the user is able to manage the clothes that he had saved in the shopping cart from the online store, from which he laterproceeded to the online fitting. After the fitting the user can test the creation of animations in 360 degrees of free movement. Finally, the user can go tothe store to pay for the items he left in the shopping cart. Developed software allows improving main metrics of the on-line stores, which has a positiveimpact on increasing the growth of earnings.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Agnieszka Kruszyńska-Fischbach ◽  
Sylwia Sysko-Romańczuk ◽  
Mateusz Rafalik ◽  
Renata Walczak ◽  
Magdalena Kludacz-Alessandri

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many countries to implement a variety of restrictive measures to prevent it from spreading more widely, including the introduction of medical teleconsultations and the use of various tools in the field of inpatient telemedicine care. Digital technologies provide a wide range of treatment options for patients, and at the same time pose a number of organizational challenges for medical entities. Therefore, the question arises of whether organizations are ready to use modern telemedicine tools during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of this article is to examine two factors that impact the level of organizational e-readiness for digital transformation in Polish primary healthcare providers (PHC). The first factor comprises operational capabilities, which are the sum of valuable, scarce, unique, and irreplaceable resources and the ability to use them. The second factor comprises technological capabilities, which determine the adoption and usage of innovative technologies. Contrary to the commonly analyzed impacts of technology on operational capabilities, we state the reverse hypothesis. The verification confirms the significant influence of operational capabilities on technological capabilities. The research is conducted using a questionnaire covering organizational e-readiness for digital transformation prepared by the authors. Out of the 32 items examined, four are related to the operational capabilities and four to the technological capabilities. The result of our evaluation shows that: (i) a basic set of four variables can effectively measure the dimensions of OC, namely the degree of agility, level of process integration, quality of resources, and quality of cooperation; (ii) a basic set of three variables can effectively measure the dimensions of TC, namely adoption and usage of technologies, customer interaction, and process automation; (iii) the empirical results show that OC is on a higher level than TC in Polish PHCs; (iv) the assessment of the relationship between OC and TC reveals a significant influence of operational capabilities on technological capabilities with a structural coefficient of 0.697. We recommend increasing the level of technological capability in PHC providers in order to improve the contact between patients and general practitioners (GPs) via telemedicine in lockdown conditions.

Михаил Игоревич Скобин ◽  
Мариана Александровна Феофанова ◽  
Тимофей Владимирович Крюков

Исследование синтетических и природных материалов пригодных для создания наноносителей и их модификация обеспечит прорыв в лечении многих заболеваний. Хорошим выбором для создания наноносителей являются гликозаминогликаны (гепарин и его производные), благодаря их уникальным биологическим и физико-химическим особенностям. Формирование композиций было исследовано методом pH -метрического титрования при 37 °С на фоне 0,15 М NaCl. С использованием программы NewDALSFEK определены значимые формы и химические равновесия. В диапазоне pH от 2,7 до 5 образуется комплекс вида {[LnHep]}, где Hep - мономерное звено макромолекулы гепарина. Получены данные об устойчивости нанокомпозиций: lgβ[PrHep] = 4,27 ± 0,04, lgβ[SmHep] = 4,28 ± 0,03 , lgβ[EuHep] = 4,28 ± 0,03. Методом M06-HF в сочетании с базисным набором CSDZ+* выполнено квантово-химическое моделирование комплексов. Study of synthetic and natural materials suitable for the creation of nanocarriers and their modification will provide a breakthrough in the treatment of many diseases. Glycosaminoglycans (heparin and its derivatives) are a good choice for creating nanocarriers due to their unique biological and physicochemical properties. The complexation of Pr (III), Sm (III), Eu (III) with heparin anions was studied by potentiometric titration at 37 °C and an ionic strength of 0,15 M NaCl. Significant forms and chemical equilibria were determined using the NewDALSFEK program. In the pH range from 2,7 to 5 , a complex of the type {[LnHep]} is formed, where Hep is a monomeric unit of the heparin macromolecule. Data on the stability of nanocompositions were obtained: lgβ[PrHep] = 4,27 ±0,04, lgβ[SmHep] = 4,28±0,03, lgβ[EuHep] = 4,28±0,03. The M06-HF method in combination with the CSDZ+* basic set was used to perform quantum chemical modeling of the complexes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-232
Mohammad Moustakin

Muhammad Abed Al-Jabri (1935-2010) is one of the significant philosophical and scientific figures who left their strong and broad imprint in various fields of contemporary Arab culture. Al-Jabri created his philosophy towards various aspects of Arab history. This included philosophy, theology, politics, ethics, and other aspects. His philosophical works culminated in his famous book on "The Arab Mind," in which he dealt with "The Structure of the Arab Mind" and supplemented it with his famous book - "Critique of the Arab Mind." The article's primary task is limited to addressing the intellectual path of Al-Jabri by tracing what he wrote and the content of these works. Besides, in this article, what Al-Jabri wrote is arranged in chronological order in order to clarify the features of the general and particular course of his philosophical creativity. It is a necessary task for scientific research in his philosophy. It provides the reader and researcher with the complete basic set of his books.

Adam Domalewski

The article is a meta-study and provides an original typology of research on film and religion, based on Polish and English academic sources. The author proposes to divide this field of research into four main domains, which he names successively: substantial-theological, anthropological-mythological, socio-cultural and post-secular. The following descriptive criteria were used to introduce this division: the relationship between religion and culture adopted (usually implicitly) in a given direction of research, the concept of both human and religion emerging from them, and the established subject and scope of research, as well as the basic set of tools used within them. The proposed systematic is intended to help capture the significant differences between the main types of research on film and religion, both in terms of research assumptions, methods of analysis, and set goals.

Wim Ectors ◽  
Bruno Kochan ◽  
Davy Janssens ◽  
Tom Bellemans ◽  
Geert Wets

Previous work has established that rank ordered single-day activity sequences from various study areas exhibit a universal power law distribution called Zipf’s law. By analyzing datasets from across the world, evidence was provided that it is in fact a universal distribution. This study focuses on a potential mechanism that leads to the power law distribution that was previously discovered. It makes use of 15 household travel survey (HTS) datasets from study areas all over the world to demonstrate that reasonably accurate sets of activity sequences (or “schedules”) can be generated with extremely little information required; the model requires no input data and contains few tunable parameters. The activity sequence generation mechanism is based on sequential sampling from two universal distributions: (i) the distributions of the number of activities (trips) and (ii) the activity types (trip purposes). This paper also attempts to demonstrate the universal nature of these distributions by fitting several equations to the 15 HTS datasets. The lightweight activity sequence generation model can be implemented in any (lightweight) transportation model to create a basic set of activity sequences, saving effort and cost in data collection and in model development and calibration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 101-107
Dmytro Cherkasov

Communication networks are complex information systems influenced by a vast amount of factors. It is critically important to forecast the paths that data take to verify the network, check its security and plan its updates. Model allows exploring processes that take place in the network without affecting performance and availability of a real network itself. With modelling it becomes possible to investigate the results of infrastructural changes introduced to the network before actually implementing them. It is important to be able to formally convert real network description into the model definition which preserves all data that is significant for network operation and skip data which is not. Outlining the rules for such conversion and using a limited set of basic functional components provide the ground for automatic model creation for the network of different levels of complexity.Proposed approach to modelling of communication networks is based on decomposition of the overall function of every particular real network component into a set of functions that belong to some predefined basic set. Functions of the basic set include L3 routing, L2 switching, packet filtering, NAT, etc. Model of a real network component is defined as a group of functional nodes each of which implements some function from the basic set.Configuration and current state of network components that influence its operation are also decomposed into elements each of which relates to some particular functional node. Configuration of network components is modelled as a set of configuration storage elements and current state is modelled as a set of current state storage elements.Links that connect real network components and links that connect functional nodes in the model are presented as singledirection channels that implement propagation of L2 frames thus simplifying the model due to excluding physical layer (L1) from the scope.Using the proposed approach to modelling may allow to formalize conversion of a real network descrip- tion to a model thus making automated modelling possible. By using a sufficient basic set of functional nodes it is possible to model the network containing components of any complexity level.

2021 ◽  
Badriah Alotaibi

Abstract Nonlinear propagation of dust-acoustic waves DAWs in a weakly collisional dusty plasma comprising warm adiabatic fluid dust particles, isothermal electrons, and ions is investigated. We used the reductive perturbation theory to reduce the basic set of fluid equations to one evolution equation, namely damped Kadomtsev--Petviashivili (DKP). The analytical stationary solutions of the DKP equation are numerically analyzed, and the effect of various dusty plasma parameters on DAWs wave propagation is taken into account. We obtained, blast, anti-kink, periodic cnoidal and cnoidal waves. It is well known that explosive waves are a double edged sword. They can be seen, for example, in the atmosphere, or in engineering applications in metal coating. _______________________________________________

2021 ◽  
pp. 095400832110556
Subramani Manigandan ◽  
Athianna Muthusamy ◽  
Raju Nandhakumar ◽  
Charles Immanuel David ◽  
Siddeswaran Anand

Three azine oligomeric esters were synthesized, characterized by IR, UV, 1H, 13C{1H} and GPC technique, and applied to chemosensor application. The sensitivity response of the oligomers towards the metal ion was evaluated for a metal ion series. The results have shown selective and sensitive “turn off” fluorescence response towards Fe3+ ion in DMF/H2O (1:1, pH: 7.4, fluorophore: 5 μM) solution. The binding stoichiometry and binding constant of the fluorophores were calculated using the Stern–Volmer equation and Benesi–Hildebrand plots, respectively. The quenching of fluorophores on the addition of Fe3+ ion indicates the capability of fluorophore towards quantitative analysis of Fe3+. The dimer of oligomers was theoretically studied using DFT, B3LYP/6-311G level basic set to support and explain the quenching mechanism of LMCT, PET process and to explain the DC, AC electrical studies results. The electrical conductivity measurements of solid-state, I2 doped and undoped oligomers were carried out and the conductivity gradually increases with increase in iodine vapor contact time of oligomers. The electrical conductivity was related with band gap and charge density values of imine nitrogen obtained by Huckel calculations. The dielectric measurements at different temperatures and frequencies were made by two probe method. Among the oligomers, EBHAP has recorded a high dielectric constant at the low applied frequency of 50 Hz at 373 K due to loosely attached π bonds resulting good polarization.

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