scholarly journals Wacana Bukan Muhrim Pada Tayangan Video Cokro TV (Sebuah Analisis Wacana Kritis)

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Wuriy Handayani ◽  
Yumna Rasyid ◽  
Miftahulkhairah Anwar

The speaker on Cokro TV's Youtube video, Ade Armando, expressed his opinion about the discourse of non-mahram which has invited controversy. The discourse of non-muhrim has sparked debate because it is associated with social problems that occur in society, namely choosing a doctor who is adjusted to the gender of the patient. This research emphasizes more on the ideology that the speaker wants to convey and the strategies used by the speaker to express his ideology. The critical analysis model used in this research is Van Leeuwen's critical analysis model. This research model is used to determine the social actors supported and marginalized by the speaker. This research uses a qualitative research approach with content analysis method. The results showed that the speakers used exclusion and inclusion strategies. The exclusion strategy used by the speaker leads to a passive discourse strategy, while the inclusion strategy used by the speaker leads to an identification discourse strategy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-81
Ipek Danju

The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the Cyprus and Cyprus Turkish History course curriculum’s objectiveness and the teachers’ implementation of the curriculum in schools. The research was conducted using a qualitative research approach and a descriptive research model. The researcher prepared semi-structured interview form to reveal the teachers’ views. Content analysis method was applied through using Nvivo 10 software in the analysis of qualitative data. The analysis of the survey data was conducted by encoding the results, as well as dividing and categorizing the teacher’s feedback and opinions; furthermore, direct opinions have also been noted. According to the findings, not only is there a disparity between the application of the program and its original objectives, but the effectiveness of the curriculum is also questioned.   Keywords: Education, Curriculum, Cyprus and Cyprus Turkish History, Qualitative

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 84-90
Furkan Ozdemir

The aim of this study is to determine whether math teachers have an idea about the open course materials and to get their opinions about the use of open course materials. The study employs a qualitative research approach. The research is carried out on 12 math teachers with professional experience working at all two high schools in the Eastern Anatolia Region in Turkey. In the research, Open Course Materials Interview Form (OCMIF) developed by the researchers was applied as a data collection tool. The content analysis method is used for data analysis. According to the results, it was seen that the teachers had information about the open course materials. Teachers also expressed the opinion that those not insufficient and uncontrolled for such sharing would be unhelpful. In addition, the teachers stated that there are some situations in which open lesson materials are not used in our country. In addition, pre-course preparation and post-course evaluation, the smart board for documents and topics related to the use of video, presentation, animation, such as to benefit from the activities were used.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-214
Alimuddin Alimuddin

This research aims at analysing the interactive education concept in Qur’an wich examines specifically surah al-Baqarah (2) verse 133 and surah al-Saffat (37) verse 102. This research applied both qualitative research approach and are uses type of research literature (Library Research). The technique of data collection carried out in this Reseach was decomentation techniques. Furthermore, the collected data was analysed by using the content Analysis Method. The finding shows that educative interaction in the koran has purposes of promoting a generation of monotheism (Tauhid) to Allah, diligent in worship, and noble character. The achievement is significantly influenced by the personality influenced by the personality of an educator who is patient, caring, and knows the students’ psychology. Moreover, an educative interaction within Qur’an to correspond between values, knowledge and behavior wich lead the learners to be great figures, being able to build a mindset namely scientific thought and noble character.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-86
Mohd Anuar Ramli ◽  
Ahmad Badri Abdullah ◽  
Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele

Islamic jurisprudence is a dynamic system. It is facilitated by some flexible methodologies. Nowadays, there are varieties of issues in Muslims’ societies that are results or implications of developments in science and technology, and also results of changes that happen in the structures of the societies. In order to face these realities, a contemporary integrative approach has to be applied in Islamic Law's research process. In accordance to this, this paper will elaborate the integrative approaches that try to unify and integrate theories in Islamic jurisprudence with social research methods. Basically, there are models that have been introduced by several Islamic thinkers that related to this integrative approach. For example the Islamization of sociology based on maslahah model, the Islamic Jurisprudence sociology model, the unified approach to textual and contextual analysis model. All of these models contain their own strength and weakness in their integrative approaches. This paper is trying to introduce an approach that integrates Islamic jurisprudence theories with the gender analysis method that is among social critics methods. This introduced method is to be used to analyze an issue in fiqh pertaining to polygamy that is always been debated nowadays and also to analyze the applicability of the practice in the social and contemporary conditions of our country. According to this research, social research methods are able to support Islamic jurisprudence in order to improve its research process and its results. Keywords: integrative approach, Islamic jurisprudence, social science, gender analysis, polygamy   Hukum Islam merupakan satu sistem dinamik yang dibangunkan berasaskan metodologi yang bersifat anjal. Pada hari ini, wujudnya pelbagai isu yang melanda masyarakat umat Islam kesan daripada perkembangan sains dan teknologi serta perubahan sosial yang berlaku dalam struktur masyarakat. Dalam usaha untuk berdepan dengan realiti ini, pendekatan integratif yang bersifat kontemporari perlu digunakan dalam proses penyelidikan hukum Islam. Justeru, artikel ini akan menjelaskan pendekatan integratif yang cuba menyatukan dan mengintegrasikan teori hukum Islam dengan kaedah penyelidikan sosial. Pada asasnya, terdapat model yang telah diperkenalkan oleh beberapa pemikir Islam berkaitan dengan pendekatan integratif ini. Sebagai contoh Islamisasi ilmu sosiologi berdasarkan model maslahah, model model sosiologi hukum Islam, model pendekatan bersepadu dalam analisis tekstual dan kontekstual. Semua model ini mengandungi kekuatan dan kelemahan dalam pendekatan integratif yang tersendiri. Lantaran itu, kajian ini cuba memperkenalkan satu pendekatan yang mengintegrasikan teori hukum Islam dengan kaedah analisis gender yang merupakan salah satu metodologi kritik sosial. Kaedah ini diperkenalkan untuk digunakan dalam menganalisis isu fiqh berkaitan poligami yang sentiasa menjadi perbahasan pada masa kini serta melihat kesesuaiannya dalam konteks sosial dan kemodenan negara ini. Kajian mendapati, kaedah penyelidikan sosial dapat menyokong kajian hukum Islam dalam usaha meningkatkan kualiti proses penyelidikan dan hasil dapatannya.   Kata kunci: Pendekatan integratif; hukum Islam; sains sosial; analisis gender; poligami

James Costa Wilson

This chapter proposes a critical analysis of the types of discourse articulated by children involved in language revitalization programmes in two Western European contexts: Provence (south-eastern France) and southern Scotland. It focuses on how the minority language (Occitan and Scots) is described and what this means for how children categorize the language and speech communities within which they are being socialized. Of all the social actors involved in language revitalization programmes, and despite the central part they play, children are the only ones whose opinion on participation is never required. Children occupy a very ambiguous place in language revitalization movements. On the one hand, they are perceived as the embodiment of the future of the language, while, on the other hand, they are often accused of not speaking the language properly or of mixing minority and dominant languages. This seems to be a fairly widespread pattern in Europe, where ‘neo-speakers’ are generally viewed with mistrust.

Murtadho Ridwan ◽  

This study aims to interconnect the concept of waqf and social entrepreneurship. Interconnection is viewed from social entrepreneurial capital, social entrepreneurial profit and social entrepreneurship model. The data were obtained from the results of previous studies and were analyzed using the content analysis method. The results of the study show that the waqf institution obtains financial capital of people’s funds. Financial capital will increase the impact of public trust as the social capital for waqf institutions. Waqf institutions as Nazhirs are human capital that are required to improve their skills and abilities, especially in business sector. The waqf institutions income from social entrepreneurs are distributed for operational costs, social programs and reinvestment of waqf assets. There was a transformation of waqf institution into a social company as a result of the social enterprises that were carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-140
Hartanto Hadi

ABSTRAKProses mengadaptasi novel menjadi skenario tidaklah mudah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji lebih dalam karakterisasi, struktur, isu sosial, dan dialog. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis isi (content analysis) model Philipp Mayring dengan strategi membandingkan isi novel dan skenario film. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Penelitian ini mengungkap adanya pengubahan karakterisasi asli Anya dengan membuatnya menjadi wanita yang lebih tegar dan tahu tujuan hidupnya. Sementara, Ale yang digambarkan lebih cool pada novel, digambarkan sebagai suami yang penuh rasa khawatir dan mudah emosi. Penulis skenario harus memangkas bagian deskriptif panjang dari novel ini menggunakan aksi, dialog, dan karakter lain untuk mengungkapkan karakternya. Novel yang memilki banyak penggambaran isu sosial mengharuskan penulis skenario menyederhanakannya menjadi satu permasalahan saja. Film hasil adaptasi memuat dialog yang baik dan terdengar nyata, singkat dan membuat cerita tetap bergerak serta terhubung banyak tercipta pada skenario.Kata kunci: adaptasi, novel, skenario film ABSTRACT  The process of adapting a novel into a situation is easy. The purpose of this research is to examine more deeply the characterization, structure, social issues, and dialogue. This study uses a qualitative approach with the content analysis method of Philipp Mayring's model with a strategy of comparing the contents of novels and film scenarios. The method used is a qualitative method. This research resulted in changing Anya's original characterization by producing a woman who is stronger and knows her purpose in life. Meanwhile, Ale is described as cooler in the novel, portrayed as a husband full of worries and easily emotional. The screenwriter should trim down the long descriptive part of the novel using action, dialogue, and other characters to reveal the characters. In a novel that has many social problems that occur, it requires the screenwriter to be one problem only. Good dialogue that sounds real, is short and keeps the story moving and connected a lot is created in the scenario. Key words: adaptation, novel, film scenario

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Sakila ◽  

The purpose of this study commonly   described about the background of the  Pertemuan Dua Hati novel and specifically interpreted its  physical background and social setting . The research used descriptive method with qualitative research model. The research approach was using structural approach. The source of the data was taken  from a novel entitled Pertemuan Dua Hati by Nh. Dini which had been published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, in 1992, the sixth printing, and consists of 85 pages. Based on the analysis, it concluded that the physical setting that  presented by the author was quite well. This can be seen from the description of the house and the area. Furthermore, the social background that presented by the author  was good enough. It has been explanated from the conditional   economy, the views of life and the attitude of the character.Tujuan penelitian ini secara umum adalah untuk mendeskripsikan latar dalam novel Pertemuan Dua Hati, sedangkan secara khusus untuk menginterpretasikan latar fisik dan latar sosial novel tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan model penelitian kualitatif. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah pendekatan struktural. Sumber datanya berasal dari novel yang berjudul Pertemuan Dua Hati karya Nh. Dini yang diterbitkan oleh PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, tahun 1992, cetakan keenam, dan terdiri dari 85 halaman. Berdasarkan hasil analisis terhadap novel tersebut, latar fisik yang disajikan pengarang cukup baik. Hal ini terlihat dari keterangan mengenai rumah dan daerah. Selanjutnya, latar sosial yang disajikan pengarang cukup baik. Hal ini terlihat dari pemaparan tentang keadaan ekonomi, pandangan hidup, dan sikap hidup tokoh.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Mohd. Nasir Omar ◽  
Ahmad Sunawari Long ◽  
Abdull Rahman Mahmood ◽  
Zaizul Ab Rahman

Miskawayh (d.1030), through his famous book on ethics, Tahdhib al-Akhlaq (The Refinement of Character), has separated ethics from other disciplines, offering a very thorough analytical system of Islamic ethics. His Tahdhib al-Akhlaq was thus occupying a prominent place in this particular branch of Islamic ethical literature. It is scarcely an exaggeration to say that most of the later works that deal with this subject such as those by al-Ghazali, al-Tusi and al-Dawwani, use it as their main authority and some of them are even based on it. Thus, the objective of this qualitative study, which applies conceptual content analysis method, is to make a critical analysis of such an influential works on ethics in Islam with the purpose of elucidating its views concerning happiness, as well as the ways by which man may achieve a noble state of character, so as to attain such a great goal. To this end, the present study confines itself to discussing the concept of happiness and to finding out the answer to those particular questions regarding its nature such are, what is meant by happiness, or what does happiness consist of? Why is happiness the end to be achieved by man and for which sake he was created? Is happiness attainable in this life or the next? Who is the happy man? and so forth. The result of this study shows that the thought of Aristotle and other philosophers enable Miskawayh to philosophise about moral happiness and how Islamic faiths brings about the development of that legacy.

Esma Gökçe ◽  
Meral Atıcı ◽  
Sevban Arslan

Aim: The aim of this research is to determine the ways of communication between nurses and patients, the relevant problems, and expectations. Method: The research was carried out within the scope of qualitative research model and using the case study design. Observation and semi-structured interview methods were used in the study. In this context, interviews and observations were made with five nurses working in a university hospital clinic and five inpatients in December 2019. In the analysis of qualitative data obtained from observations and interviews, themes were created using the content analysis method. Results: The research was presented as findings on semi-structured interviews and observations together with introductory features. Findings obtained as a result of the interviews were analyzed as two main themes, three subthemes and codes under each subtheme. Conclusion: To establish a better communication as a result of the research; significant findings were obtained related to the issues of establishing mutual empathy, increasing the level of education, taking patient complaints seriously, increasing the number of employees by improving the technological equipment of institutions, ensuring coordination by creating an atmosphere of trust, nurses’ doing their job lovingly, gaining therapeutic communication skills, and especially explaining medical terms in a comprehensible manner.

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