scholarly journals Parkour: propostas de aulas na educação física escolar

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-169
Dianne Cristina Souza de Sena ◽  
Miguel Herick Sousa de Lemos

INTRODUÇÃO: O Parkour é uma manifestação da cultura corporal de movimento que foi incluído na Base Nacional Curricular Comum (BNCC), por meio da unidade temática Práticas Corporais de Aventura. Sabe-se que alguns professores de Educação Física limitam suas aulas por não terem informações corretas sobre conteúdos não tradicionais e pela falta de estudos científicos relacionados ao parkour no âmbito escolar. OBJETIVO: O estudo tem como objetivo apresentar propostas de aulas do parkour na educação física escolar. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa é do tipo qualitativa e descritiva, com público-alvo de 30 estudantes do 9º ano do ensino fundamental anos finais. A técnica de investigação foi a observação, realizada a partir dos planos de aulas e imagens das atividades. RESULTADOS: Diante dos planos de aulas ministrados, observamos a participação, o entusiasmo e o empenho dos estudantes na aprendizagem dos movimentos e habilidades motoras básicas do parkour. CONCLUSÃO: O desenvolvimento das aulas foi significativo para os estudantes no que se refere a promover diversas perspectivas de aprendizagens (motoras, cognitivas, afetivas, cultural, social e emocional) do parkour. Promovemos atividades de forma sistematizadas, adequada com a faixa etária e pertinente com a realidade dos estudantes. Objetivamos o aprendizado de forma lúdica, com criatividade usando poucos materiais e espaço não delineado. O estudo é relevante já que há poucos estudos científicos sobre a prática do parkour no contexto escolar. ABSTRACT. Parkour: class proposals in school physical education. BACKGROUND: Parkour is a manifestation of the body culture of movement that was included in the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), through the thematic unit body adventure practices. It is known that some Physical Education teachers limit their classes because they do not have correct information about non-traditional content and because of the lack of scientific studies related to parkour in the school environment. OBJECTIVE: The study aims to present proposals for parkour classes in school physical education. METHODS: This is a qualitative and descriptive research with a target population of 30 students in the ninth grade of elementary school. The study utilized observation methodology through lesson plans and images of activities. RESULTS: We observed the participation, enthusiasm, and commitment of students in learning the basic movements and motor skills of parkour. CONCLUSION: The development of classes was significant for students in terms of promoting diverse learning perspectives (motor, cognitive, affective, cultural, social, and emotional) of parkour. We promoted activities in a systematic way, which were appropriate to the age group and relevant to the students’ reality. Our goal is to promote fun learning through creativity using few materials and nondelineated space. The study is relevant because there are few scientific studies on the practice of parkour in the school context.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 522
Guenther Carlos De Almeida

The teachers training of Physical Education thematizes many debates and reflections of educational profile, political and epistemological. As a new mode in the initial training of physical education teachers , distance education ( DE ) raises old and new questions about the body culture at this time of teacher education. The main question in this article is: how is the process of pedagogical mediation in subjects related to bodily practices in Physical Education Courses through Distance Learning in Goiás? The goal of this research is to comprehend how the knowledge related to the subjects regard bodily practices occurs and it is mediated in the process of teaching and learning on Physical Education Courses through distance. A quanti-qualitative research was made using the method historical and dialectical material and also document analysis, observations, interviews, focus groups to collect information and submit them to a triangulation of data. The results indicate that the knowledge was poor of systematic knowledge and with little teaching time.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Patric Paludett Flores ◽  
Yedda Maria da Silva Caraçato ◽  
Ana Luiza Barbosa Anversa ◽  
Bruna Solera ◽  
Luciane Cristina Arantes da Costa ◽  

Introdução: analisar o papel do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado (ECS) na formação inicial de professores de Educação Física implica em entender que o conhecimento pedagógico especializado se legitima na prática, e, mais do que no conhecimento das disciplinas, compreende os procedimentos de transmissão, de forma complexa e desafiadora, dos conhecimentos da cultura corporal de movimento. Nesse sentido, esta Objetivo: verificar, a partir da perspectiva de estudantes-estagiários, a organização e relevância da realização do ECS, bem como, a compreensão didático-pedagógica que esses apresentam com relação à realização desse primeiro contato com o ambiente escolar. Métodos: participaram deste estudo qualitativo, trinta e cinco acadêmicos de uma instituição pública do norte do estado do Paraná/Brasil. As informações levantadas decorreram dos relatórios finais apresentados na disciplina de ECS I. Resultados: da análise das informações coletadas emergiram-se duas categorias de apresentação dos resultados: a) organização e estrutura da disciplina de ECS I e b) significados do ECS I para a formação docente. Na primeira categoria, os participantes destacam que a carga horária das ações do ECS possui caráter excessivo frente aos demais componentes curriculares, porém entendem que tal processo se faz necessário pois possibilita uma efetivação da relação teoria e prática. Na segunda, revelam que o ECS auxilia na reflexão contínua do futuro professor para com o exercício da sua profissão, traduz-se em uma ação educativa a partir da práxis, torna-se meio de socialização profissional, e, possibilita a reflexão das amarras entre a profissão e a escola. Conclusão: entende-se que o estágio se configura como um dos componentes essenciais na lapidação do processo inicial de construção do ser professor em suas mais diversas facetas para o contexto escolar dentro da formação de professores de Educação Física.ABSTRACT. Initial training of physical education teachers: a look at the supervised practicum. Background: analyze the role of the Supervised Practicum (SP) at the initial training of the Physical Education Teachers implies understanding that specialized pedagogical knowledge is legitimated in practice and, more than the knowledge of the subjects, comprehends the procedures of transmission of the knowledge of body movement culture, in a complex and challenging way. Objective: to verify, from the perspective of student-trainees, the organization and relevance of the SP, as well as the didactic-pedagogical understanding that the students present regarding the accomplishment of this first contact with the school environment. Methods: Thirty-five students from a public institution in the north of the state of Paraná/Brazil participated in this qualitative study. The collected information came from the final reports presented in the SP I subject. Results: from the analysis of the information collected, two categories of results were presented: a) organization and structure of the SP I subject and b) SP I significance for teacher training. In the first category, the participants emphasize that the workload of the SP actions is excessive compared to the other curricular components, but they understand that this process is necessary because it allows an effective relationship between theory and practice. In the second, they reveal that the SP helps in the continuous reflection of the future teacher towards the exercise of their profession, it is translated into an educational action from the praxis, it becomes a means of professional socialization, and, it allows the reflection of the relations between the profession and the school. Conclusion: it is understood that the practicum is one of the essential components in the stoning of the initial process of construction of being a teacher in its most diverse facets for the school context within the training of Physical Education teachers.

Professare ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Angélica Wrublak ◽  
Elaine Caroline Boscatto

<p class="resumoabstract">Acidentes e fatalidades podem acontecer desde simples contusões até as mais urgentes hemorragias e parada cardiorrespiratória. Os primeiros socorros realizados de forma adequada podem minimizar os agravos e até mesmo salvar vidas. No âmbito escolar, situações de emergência fazem parte do cotidiano e é essencial que Professores de Educação Física tenham um conhecimento básico para atender as necessidades escolares. O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar o conhecimento dos Professores de Educação Física (EF) da rede pública de Ensino da Cidade de Santa Cecilia-SC com relação aos Primeiros Socorros (PS). Caracterizou-se em natureza descritiva, transversal, com análise quanti-qualitativa dos dados. Participaram do estudo 11 Professores de EF. Para a coleta de dados, foi desenvolvido um questionário abordando aspectos conceituais, procedimentos e atitudes referentes ao cotidiano profissional. Do total, apenas um professor não teve a disciplina de PS na graduação. Os professores na sua minoria se sentem aptos a prestar os PS e inclusive assumir as situações, demonstrando conhecimento satisfatório na teoria, mas na prática sentem-se inseguros para agir diante de situações mais graves. Destaca-se que mais de 80% sabem como agir em atendimentos menos agravantes. Já nas situações de parada cardiorrespiratória (RCP) e hemorragias, os mesmos relataram que necessitam de um treinamento mais atualizado. Em crianças principalmente eles não sentem muito seguros em prover o auxílio. Foi possível concluir que os professores de EF apresentaram um nível de conhecimento satisfatório na teoria, mas sugerem atualizações periódicas em forma de cursos.</p><p class="resumoabstract"><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>: Primeiros Socorros. Docentes. Educação Física e Treinamento.</p><h3>ABSTRACT</h3><p class="resumoabstract">Accidents and fatalities can occur from simple bruises to the most urgent hemorrhages and cardiopulmonary arrest. First aid performed properly can minimize the aggravations and even save lives. In the school context, emergency situations are part of the daily life and it is essential that Physical Education Teachers have a basic knowledge to carry out the school needs. This study verified the Physical Education (PE) Teachers knowledge from Santa Cecilia-SC public teaching related to first aid. It featured in descriptive nature, transversal, with quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data. Eleven PE teachers participated of the study. For the data collection, it was developed a questionnaire addressing conceptual aspects, procedures and attitudes concerning professional daily life. From the total, only one teacher did not have the first aid subject at the college. Teachers in their minority feel able to provide the first aid and even take on the situations, showing satisfactory theory knowledge, however in real life they feel insecure to act on before serious situations. It points out that more than 80% know how to act before less aggravating calls. Nonetheless, during cardiopulmonary arrest (CPR) and hemorrhages, they reported the need of an updated training. Mainly in children, they do not feel safe to provide the aid. It was possible to conclude that Physical Education Teachers showed a satisfactory level of knowledge in theory, however it suggest courses periodic updates.</p><p class="resumoabstract"><strong>Keywords</strong>: First Aid. Faculty. Physical Education and Training.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-330
Tongyang Chu

ABSTRACT Introduction Outdoor sports can help people develop good living habits and improve people’s physical fitness. For this reason, it is very important to cultivate sports hobbies and analyze the factors of healthy sports. Objective To understand the factors that affect the healthy sports behavior of college students, we provide a reference for the relevant departments of the school and physical education teachers. Methods The thesis uses literature data method, questionnaire survey method and mathematical statistics method to analyze sports influencing factors with college students as the research object. Results The physical education method and the completeness of the facilities will affect the students’ interest in sports. Students from different family backgrounds have very different preferences for healthy sports. Conclusions The school environment and sports atmosphere are the main factors that constitute the school sports environment. College students’ cognition and understanding of healthy sports will affect their own sports situation. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Marion Costa da Silva

INTRODUÇÃO: O texto apresenta abordagem sobre formação continuada com professores da Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (SME), baseada em experiências com Esporte de Orientação que motivou a formulação de uma proposta interdisciplinar a ser desenvolvida nas Unidades Escolares.OBJETIVO: Analisar a possibilidade de uma ação educativa entre a educação física escolar e a educação ambiental por meio de uma prática pedagógica com o esporte de orientação. MÉTODOS: Foram oferecidas duas formações docentes, distribuição de um material didático (Cartilha Pedagógica do Esporte de Orientação) para o desenvolvimento das aulas práticas nas Unidades Escolares, e a viabilização de duas aulas externas em ambientes naturais para prática do esporte. Os professores de Educação Física que participaram deste processo formativo fizeram uma avaliação sobre as experiências oportunizadas com o Esporte de Orientação dentro e fora das Unidades Escolares.RESULTADOS: A formação docente possibilitou vivências exitosas com a prática do Esporte de Orientação, tanto no ambiente escolar quanto no ambiente natural. Para os professores, as experiências viabilizaram reflexões e discussões sobre um trabalho interdisciplinar para questões socioambientais e experiências inéditas m ambientes naturais para os estudantes.CONCLUSÃO: A partir das experiências oportunizadas e avaliadas positivamente pelos professores, compreendeu-se a importância de ampliar e aprofundar a proposta pedagógica. Assim, a Coordenadoria de Projetos de Extensão Curricular (CPEC) da SME planeja e se organiza para desenvolver o Projeto #MAPAAÇÃO, visando à materialização de ações pedagógicas que relacionam intrinsicamente educação, esporte e sustentabilidade através do Esporte de Orientação.Reflections from a teaching formation: school physical education articulated with environmental educationABSTRACTBACKGROUND: The text presents the approach on continuing education with teachers from Rio de Janeiro Municipal Education Secretariat (SME-RJ) based on experiences with the “Orienteering Sport” that motivated the formulation of an interdisciplinary proposal to be developed in School Units.OBJECTIVE: Seeking to analyze the possibility of an educational action between School Physical Education and Environmental Education through a pedagogical practice with the Orienteering Sport.METHODS: Two teaching courses were offered, distribution of didactic material (Pedagogical Guide to Orienteering Sport) for the development of practical classes in School Units, and the possibility of two external classes in natural environments for the practice of sport. The Physical Education teachers who participated in this formative process made an assessment of the experiences provided with the Orienteering Sport inside and outside the School Units. RESULTS: Teacher training enabled successful experiences with the practice of Orienteering Sport, both in the school environment and in the natural environment. For teachers, the experiences enabled reflections and discussions on interdisciplinary work for socio-environmental issues and unprecedented experiences immersed in natural environments for students.CONCLUSION: From the opportunized experiences and positively evaluated by the teachers, the importance of expanding and deepening the pedagogical proposal was understood. Thus, the Coordination of Curricular Extension Projects (CPEC) of Municipal Education Secretariat (SME) plans and organizes itself to develop Project #MAPAAÇÃO, aiming at the materialization of pedagogical actions that intrinsically relate education, sport and sustainability through Orienteering Sport.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1356336X2110562
Gustavo González-Calvo ◽  
Vanesa Gallego-Lema ◽  
Göran Gerdin ◽  
Daniel Bores-García

Visual culture affects the way people understand the world and themselves, contributing to the creation of certain roles and stereotypes, some of which are related to body image. This study focused on interrogating future physical education teachers’ beliefs about the body and physical activity to understand the construction of bodily subjectivities and their perceptions of how these are influenced by visual (physical) culture. Data were collected through the use of visual methods consisting of photo-elicitation and individual interviews with 23 students from a Primary Education Degree with a specialization in physical education at a Spanish university. Data were analyzed using thematic content analysis. The results of the study show that these future physical education teachers are aware of both the great influence of gender stereotypes and the values of consumerism in the field of physical activity stemming largely from the media, which inevitably will shape their future professional practice. However, the results also highlight how these future physical education teachers consider and position the subject of physical education as an important space where they could help students problematize and challenge these beliefs. We suggest that a focus on visual (physical) literacy is needed for future physical education teachers (and their students) to understand the world from a socially critical perspective and transform it in the interest of equity and social justice.

Retos ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 442-448
Carlos Fernández-Espínola ◽  
Bartolomé J. Almagro ◽  
Javier A. Tamayo Fajardo

El objetivo del estudio fue analizar el rol que puede ejercer la necesidad de novedad en la motivación humana, testando un modelo en el que se relacionaba el clima motivacional que implica a la tarea con la necesidad de novedad, la motivación intrínseca y la intención de ser físicamente activo. Se utilizó una muestra de 732 estudiantes que cursaban de 1º de ESO a 1º de Bachillerato y con una edad media de 13.92. Se emplearon el factor clima tarea del cuestionario de Medida de las Estrategias Motivacionales en las clases de Educación Física, el factor novedad de la Escala de Medición de las Necesidades Psicológicas Básicas, el factor motivación intrínseca de la Escala del Locus Percibido de Causalidad en Educación Física y la Escala de Intención de ser Físicamente Activo. Los resultados del modelo mostraron que el clima motivacional que implica a la tarea predijo positivamente la necesidad novedad, la cual predijo positivamente la motivación intrínseca y ejerció un rol mediador entra ambas. Finalmente, la motivación intrínseca predijo de forma positiva la intención de ser físicamente activo. En conclusión, este estudio ha mostrado que la propuesta de tareas, metodologías y materiales novedosos por parte del docente de Educación Física, podrían aumentar los niveles de motivación autodeterminados en el alumnado y, en consecuencia, incrementar su intención de practicar actividad física fuera del contexto escolar en un futuro.Abstract. The aim of this study was to analyze the role that novelty need can play on human motivation. For that purpose, a model that linked task-involving motivational climate, novelty need, intrinsic motivation, and intention to be physically active, was tested. A sample of 732 students enrolled from the first year of Secondary School to the first year of Baccalaureate (five courses), with mean age of 13.92 years, participated in the study. The mastery climate factor from the Measurement of Motivational Strategies in Physical Education Classes Questionnaire, the novelty factor from the Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale, the intrinsic motivation factor from the Perceived Locus of Causality Scale, and the Intention to be Physically Active Scale, were used. The model outcomes showed that task-involving motivational climate positively predicted novelty need, which positively predicted intrinsic motivation and played the role of mediator between the two of them. Finally, intrinsic motivation positively predicted intention to be physically active. In conclusion, this study has shown that Physical Education teachers’ proposal of novel tasks, methodologies, and materials, could increase self-determined levels of motivation in students and, consequently, their intention to practice physical activity outside the school context in the future.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Dimitri Wuo Pereria ◽  
Renan Oliveira De Paula ◽  
André Batista Da Silva ◽  
Camila Bianca Galindo ◽  
Vinicius Sampaio Feitoza Dos Santos

A observação de pessoas procurando praças, ruas, paredes de escalada, bancos, muros e rampas pela cidade, para se divertir e se exercitar representa um novo contexto de prática esportiva que esta pesquisa busca revelar. O objetivo deste estudo foi reconhecer os locais e atores das práticas de skate, escalada e slakline e suas motivações para a busca destas modalidades. Utilizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva exploratória com 46 sujeitos, sendo 16 escaladores, 20 skatistas e 10 slakliners, da cidade de São Paulo, que responderam um questionário desenvolvido especificamente para essas atividades. Os resultados apontaram que: Há predominância do sexo masculino entre os participantes, revelando um preconceito que ainda perdura na prática esportiva. Os escaladores têm média de idade maior do que os demais, talvez devido à necessidade de equipamentos mais caros, dos maiores riscos da prática e da necessidade de cursos para aprendizagem. Os skatistas em média praticam há mais tempo, provavelmente porque a cultura do skate é mais antiga e consolidada em São Paulo. Observa-se que no slakline todos praticam a menos de três anos mostrando que é uma modalidade ainda recente no cenário nacional. Os participantes da pesquisa afirmam ter aprendido sozinhos, ou com amigos e familiares, evidenciando-se nesse aspecto que a Educação Física não é considerada como iniciação. Os sujeitos apontam o ganho de benefícios físicos, mentais e sociais nas suas vidas e sua intenção de continuar a prática pela qualidade de vida, diversão, evolução física e psicológica. Apenas 10,8% afirmam competir, o que mostra que os esportes radicais são considerados na perspectiva da participação voluntária. Conclui-se que os esportes radicais estão sendo incorporados à rotina das pessoas, acrescentando novo contorno à cultura corporal, numa busca de superação, de enfrentamento de desafios, do controle do risco, do prazer, e da qualidade de vida. Fica evidente que há uma distância entre a formação dos profissionais de Educação Física e estas novas práticas.ABSTRACT.  Extreme sports through urban environment in the São Paulo City.  The observation of people looking for squares, streets, climbing walls, benches, walls and ramps around the city to have fun and exercise represents a new context of sports practice that this research seeks to reveal. The objective of this study was to recognize the places and actors of skateboarding, climbing and slakline practices and their motivations for the search of these sports. Exploratory descriptive research was used with 46 subjects, 16 climbers, 20 skaters and 10 slakliners, from the city of São Paulo, who answered a questionnaire developed specifically for these activities. The results showed that: There is predominance of males among the participants, showing a prejudice that still persists in sports practice. Climbers have a higher average age than others, perhaps due to the need for more expensive equipment, greater risks of practice and the need for courses to learn. Skaters on average have been practicing for more time, probably because the skate culture is older and consolidated in São Paulo. It is observed that in slakline all practice less than three years showing that it is a modality still recent in the national scenario. The participants of the research affirm to have learned alone, or with friends and family, evidencing in this aspect that the Physical Education is not considered like initiation. The subjects point out the gain of physical, mental and social benefits in their lives and their intention to continue the practice by quality of life, fun, physical and psychological evolution. Only 10.8% claim to compete, which shows that Extreme Sports are considered from the perspective of voluntary participation. It is concluded that Extreme Sports are being incorporated into the routine of the people, adding a new contour to the body culture, in a search for overcoming, facing challenges, control of risk, pleasure, and quality of life. There is evidence that there is a gap between the graduation in Physical Education professionals and these new practices.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Guenther Carlos Feitosa De Almeida

The body becomes the object of intense study and investigations with the modernity. But he was not the object of indifference. Even with the denial of the bodily pleasures that the average age undertook, the body was object of attention and normalization, being understood in a double meaning, the sacred and the profane. The relation body and nature gains different contours with the birth of modern science, giving rise to new dualities, between matter and spirit or psyche. Such dualities have produced enduring and persistent meanings in bodily practices and body conceptions. Physical Education as an area of knowledge and intervention that has in the body culture its privileged object, inherits and re-signifies such conceptions, reproducing or breaking with dualistic practices and understandings of the relation body and nature. This essay seeks to discuss the relationships between body and nature as well as its implications for the formation of the academic and professional field of Physical Education. We seek to reflect on the social-historical constructions on the body, especially those centered on biological aspects. We understand that the relationship body nature is an important point of understanding the uniqueness and continuities on the conceptions of body. In this way we undertake a qualitative, historical and sociological analysis centered on authors who elucidate these questions, such as: Corbin, Courtine e Vigarello (2010), Gélis (2010), Suassuna et al. (2005), Vaz (1999), Csordas (2008) and Le Breton (2003). Based on the elements discussed by the authors, we identify ruptures and continuities in relation to conceptions and practices with the body, remaining a desire for the split between body and spirit/mind.

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