V.A. Ovtov ◽  
A.V. Polikanov ◽  
А.А. Orekhov ◽  
V.V. Shumaev ◽  
V.M. Gudin

Эффективность выращивания сахарной свеклы зависит от многих факторов, таких как погодные условия, соблюдение технологии, наличие современной техники, своевременное внесение удобрений и качество используемых семян. В настоящее время до 95 семян сахарной свеклы импортируются из-за границы. Модернизация производства, разработка необходимой семеноводческой сельскохозяйственной техники приобретает актуальное значение. Задача обеспечения полностью автоматизированной технологической цепочки от выборки маточников сахарной свеклы из бункера до их посадки в современных посадочных машинах на данный момент полностью не решена. В статье рассмотрены теоретические исследования геометрических и кинематических параметров вальцов, имеющих винтовую навивку с переменным шагом при транспортировании маточников сахарной свеклы к высаживающему аппарату. Полученные результаты проведенных исследований позволяют обосновывать геометрические и кинематические параметры вальцового транспортирующего устройства при заданной норме посадки маточников сахарной свеклы и, тем самым, полностью механизировать процесс посадки маточников сахарной свеклы.The effectiveness of growing sugar beet depends on many factors, such as weather conditions, technology compliance, the availability of modern machinery, timely fertilization and the quality of the seeds used. Currently, up to 95 of sugar beet seeds are imported from abroad. The modernization of production, the development of the necessary seed-growing agricultural machinery is becoming of current importance. The task of providing a fully automated technological chain from the selection of sugar beet mother root crops from the hopper to their planting in modern planting machines has not yet been completely solved. The article considers theoretical studies of the geometric and kinematic parameters of rollers having screw winding with variable pitch during transportation of sugar beet mother root crops to the planting unit. The obtained results allow to justify the geometric and kinematic parameters of the roller transporting device for a given planting rate of sugar beet mother root crops and, thereby, fully mechanize the process of their planting.

L.A. Kuksa ◽  
L.N. Timakova ◽  
A.N. Khovrin

Полевые опыты в условиях юга России позволили уточнить технологические приемы возделывания свеклы столовой. Оптимальный срок посева свеклы столовой для получения корнеплодов с высокой товарностью и закладки их на зимнее хранение в условиях Ростовской области 5 15 июля. При посеве в этот срок улучшается качество корнеплодов, а выход товарной продукции составляет 84 90.In the conditions of field experiments the technological methods of seed growing of table beet in the conditions of the South of Russia are specified. The optimal period of red beet sowing for root crops with high marketability producing for winter storage in the Rostov region is 5 15 of July. When sowing in this period, the quality of root crops improves, and the yield of marketable products is 84 90.

2020 ◽  
pp. 28-32
Л.Н. Тимакова ◽  
В.А. Борисов ◽  
Н.А. Фильрозе ◽  
 О.Н. Успенская ◽  
Л.М. Соколова

Пищевая ценность свеклы столовой определяется высоким содержанием сахаров, своеобразным составом азотистых веществ. Эта культура – источник натурального красителя бетанина, который обладает антиканцерогенным, антибактериальным и противовирусным действием на организм человека. В статье представлены результаты изучения биохимических качеств корнеплодов свеклы столовой. Исследования проводились в период 2014–2019 годов на шести сортах свеклы столовой селекции Агрохолдинга «Поиск». За стандарт взяты широко распространенные образцы отечественной и голландской селекции Бордо 237 (ВНИИССОК) и F1 Пабло (Bejo), районированные во всех регионах РФ. Полевые опыты выполнены по единой методике на базе ВНИИО – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО в Раменском районе Московской области. Почва опытного участка относится к типу аллювиальных луговых, среднесуглинистая, насыщенная, влагоемкая. Погодные условия наиболее благоприятно для роста и развития растений свеклы столовой складывались в периоды вегетации 2014–2017 годов. Особенность погодных условий 2018–2019 годов – неравномерное выпадение осадков, что повлияло на время прорастания семян. Дефицит влаги в период вегетации компенсировали поливами методом дождевания, поддерживая НВ на уровне 80–85%. Наибольшее количество сухого вещества накапливает сорт Русская односемянная – 18,4%, что соответствует уровню стандарта Бордо 237. Высокое содержание сахаров свойственно сорту Креолка – 10,7%, и превосходит стандарты на 1,8%. Образцы, восприимчивые к заболеваниям листовой розетки во время вегетации культуры – Эфиопка и F1  Пабло накапливают меньше пигмента бетанина. Биохимические качества корнеплодов сорта Креолка больше сопряжены с его генотипом. Накопление нитратов у образцов крайне подвержено условиям года. Более чем в десять раз изменяется содержание нитратов в зависимости от года у сортов Славянка, Русская односемянная, Креолка и Бордо 237. Выход товарной продукции после шести месяцев хранения по изучаемым образцам колебался от 49,1 до 91,4%. Отличную сохранность на уровне стандартов – свыше 85% показал сорт Русская односемянная. The nutritional value of table beets is determined by a high content of sugars, a peculiar composition of nitrogenous substances. This culture is a source of the natural dye betanin, which has anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial and antiviral effects on the human body. The article presents the results of a study of biochemical qualities of root crops of table beet. Research was conducted in the period 2014–2019 on 6 varieties of beet of table selection of the Poisk Agrо Holding. Widespread samples of domestic and Dutch breeding Bordo 237 (FSCVG) and Pablo F1 (Bejo), zoned in all regions of the Russian Federation, were taken as a standard. Field experiments were performed according to a single methodology on the basis of ARRIVG – branch of FSCVG. The soil of the experimental site belongs to the type of alluvial meadow, medium-loamy, saturated, moisture-intensive. Weather conditions were most favorable for the growth and development of table beet plants during the growing season of 2014–2017. A feature of the weather conditions of 2018-2019 was uneven precipitation, which affected the time of germination of seeds. The lack of moisture during the growing season was compensated by irrigation by sprinkling, maintaining the HB at the level of 80–85%. The largest amount of dry matter accumulates Russian single-seeded variety – 18.4%, which corresponds to the level of the standard Bordeaux 237. High sugar content is characteristic of the Creole variety – 10.7%, and exceeds the standards by 1.8%. Samples that are susceptible to diseases of the leaf rosette during the growing season of the culture-Ethiopian and F1Pablo accumulate less of the pigment betanin. The biochemical qualities of Creole root crops are more associated with its genotype. The accumulation of nitrates in samples is highly susceptible to the conditions of the year. The nitrate content varies more than 10 times depending on the year in the varieties Slavyanka, Russian single-seeded, Creole and Bordo 237. The output of marketable products after 6 months of storage in the studied samples ranged from 49.1 to 91.4%. Excellent preservation at the level of standards – over 85% showed the Russian single-seeded variety.

L.N. Timakova ◽  
V.A. Borisov ◽  
N.A. Filroze

В статье представлены результаты испытания новых отечественных сортов свеклы столовой в Московской области на различных фонах минерального питания: контроль без удобрений, N120P60K180 (расчетная доза) и N240P120K360 (двойная доза). Количество удобрений рассчитывалось согласно схеме опыта по фонам питания и по процентному содержанию действующего вещества. Почва опытного участка относится к типу аллювиальных луговых, среднесуглинистая, насыщенная, влагоемкая. Погодные условия наиболее благоприятно для роста и развития растений свеклы столовой складывались в периоды вегетации 20142017 годов. Особенность погодных условий 20182019 годов неравномерное выпадение осадков, что повлияло на время прорастания семян. Дефицит влаги в период вегетации компенсировали поливами методом дождевания, поддерживая НВ на уровне 7580 . В 20142019 годах изучали сорта свекла столовой селекции Агрохолдинга Поиск для товарного производства: с округлой формой корнеплода Креолка, Мулатка, Русская односемянная, Эфиопка цилиндрической Славянка округло-плоской Смуглянка. Урожайность корнеплодов на фоне без удобрений изменялась от 36,5 (Мулатка) до 47,9 т/га (Славянка). Внесение удобрений в рекомендуемой дозе способствовало прибавке урожая, в среднем, на 20,3 без снижения товарности продукции. Наиболее отзывчивы на минеральные удобрения в расчетной дозе (N120P60K180) оказались сорта Мулатка (33,1) и Смуглянка (29). Внесение удвоенных доз минеральных удобрений не повлекло за собой дальнейшего увеличения урожайности культуры. Сорт Креолка показал на фоне (N240P120K360) наибольшую урожайность 58,6 т/га. Выращивание свеклы столовой с применением удобрений в расчетной и удвоенной дозах уменьшает вариабельность урожайности сортов по годам.Results of testing of new domestic cultivars in the Moscow region on various backgrounds of mineral nutrition: control (without fertilizers), N120P60K180 (calculated dose) and N240P120K360 (double dose) are presented. The amount of fertilizers was calculated according to the scheme of the experiment by nutrition backgrounds and by the percentage of active substance. The soil of the experimental site belongs to the type of alluvial meadow, medium-loamy, saturated, moisture-intensive. Weather conditions were most favourable for the growth and development of table beet plants during the growing season of 20142017. A feature of the weather conditions of 20182019 was uneven precipitation, which affected the time of germination of seeds. The lack of moisture during the growing season was compensated by irrigation by sprinkling, maintaining the HB at the level of 8085. In 20142019, we studied varieties of beet of table selection of Poisk Agro Holding for commercial production: with a rounded root crop Kreolka, Mulatka, Russkaya odnosemyannaya, Efiopka cylindrical root crop Slavyanka round Smuglyanka. The yield of root crops on the background without fertilizers varied from 36.5 (mulatto) to 47.9 t/ha (Slavyanka). Application of fertilizers in the recommended dose contributed to an increase in yield, on average, by 20.3 without reducing the marketability of products. The most responsive to mineral fertilizers in the calculated dose (N120P60K180) were varieties Mulatka (33.1) and Smuglyanka (29). The introduction of doubled doses of mineral fertilizers did not lead to a further increase in crop yield. The Creole variety showed a maximum yield of 58.6 t/ha against the background (N240P120K360) growing table beet with the use of fertilizers in calculated and doubled doses reduces the variability in the yield of varieties over the years.

2018 ◽  
pp. 18-24
V. Doronin ◽  
Yu. Kravchenko ◽  
V. Dryga ◽  
M. Budovsky ◽  
V. Doronin

In the intensive arable farming the productivity of sugar beets depends on many factors: soil-climatic conditions, introduction of highly productive hybrids, quality pre-sowing seed treatment, use of updated machinery and technologies, fertilizers, reliable plant protection, high technological processing at sugar mills and others. All the mentioned factors can reduce the productivity of sugar beets considerably, but it is not possible to reach a maximum potential of crop productivity without the use of good-quality seeds of the latest hybrids. The quality of sugar beet seeds is formed during the growth, and it depends on several factors, and first of all on the quality of mother root crops – their mass, sizes, turgor, disease damage and others. Laboratory trials were carried out at the Institute of bio-energy crops and sugar beets of Ukraine’s NAAS, field trials were carried out in the conditions of Ivanivka research-breeding station in the years of 2016–2018. The trial scheme envisaged the planting of root crops, which were not damaged with root rot and damaged with root rot, a focal point of rot being removed before planting. During vegetation, seed plants were treated with fungicides at a bud stage (one–time treatment) and at a bud stage and the beginning of flowering (two–time treatment). Fungicides were not used in the control. Mother root crops, seed plants and seeds of a sugar beet hybrid, developed on the basis of cytoplasm male sterility Romul, were the object of the research. In the field trials the following was determined: viability of the root crops (the number of the emerged crops as to the number of the panted root crops) and the seed plant density at a full emergence stage and before harvesting. Agro-biological evaluation of the seed plant condition was made before harvesting – the number of non-productive seed plants (dried, infertile ones and others), the number of disease-damaged plants and the degree of their development. A record plot area of one replication was 20 m2 in field trials, a fourfold replication. The technology of seed plant cultivation is conventional, in accordance with the recommendations of the Institute of bio-energy crops and sugar beets of Ukraine’s NAAS. The paper covered some peculiarities of the yield formation and the quality of sugar beet seeds, depending on the quality of mother root crops. It was proved that the use of the root crops, partially damaged with rot during storage, and even when a focal point of rot was removed before harvesting, had an effect on the root crop viability (which was by 4.4 % lower), the formation of more non-productive plants – by 1.6–1.8 times – due to the increase of prematurely dried plants and infertile ones, which resulted in a serious yield decease – by 0.09-0.13 t/ha and seed quality – viability by 4 % and emergence by 6 %, as compared with the variants where health root crops were planted. Two-time spraying of the seed plants with fungicides resulted in the increase of the yield capacity and the seed quality in the variants where only partially rot-damaged root crops were planted. A tendency to the increase of the mentioned indicators, both in the variants with healthy root crops planted and with partially damaged root crops planted, was recorded under one-time spraying of the seed plants with fungicides. The research of the seeds gathered from the seed plants, which were grown from the root crops, disease-damaged and healthy ones, confirmed the results of the field trials. The viability of the seeds, received from the healthy (not disease-damaged) root crops was higher by 9 %, emergence – by 5 %, as compared with the root crops, partially rot-damaged, focal points of which were removed before planting. Key words: mother root crops, rot, productive seed plants, yield capacity, viability, germination.

Petr Babiánek ◽  
Petra Vavroušová ◽  
Pavel Ryant ◽  
Luděk Hřivna ◽  
Radim Cerkal

The objective of the three-year small-plot trial was to assess the effect of the weather of the year, forecrop, variety, form of sulphur (elementary and sulphate) and additional nitrogen fertilising on the yields and the content of N-substances of the malt barley varieties Jersey and Sebastian. The trial was carried out in 2006–2008 at the experimental site of the Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno, the Žabčice locality. The Jersey and Sebastian varieties were grown after three different forecrops – winter wheat with ploughed down straw, sugar beet with ploughed down tops and maize for grain with ploughed down straw. The fertilising treatments differed in the form of sulphur (elementary and sulphate) and date of the additional nitrogen fertilising. As the sulphate form we chose ammonium sulphate (40 kg . ha−1 N and 45.6 kg . ha−1 S) and the same amount was supplied in the form of elementary sulphur; nitrogen was in the form of urea. A dose of 30 kg . ha−1 of ammonium nitrate with limestone (ANL) was applied as additional nitrogen fertilising. The results show that the weather conditions of the respective years had an almost 94 % effect on yields. The very strong effect of the weather overshadowed the effect of the forecrop (3.8 %); the effect of the variety was only half that of the forecrop (1.8 %). The form of additionally applied sulphur and nitrogen during cultivation had a relatively little effect on the yields (0.2 %). The forecrop affected the content of N‑substances most of all (47.3 %). The quality of barley grain is markedly dependent on the course of the weather of the year (40.1 %); the effect of the variety on the content of N‑substances was relatively low (1.6 %). Applications of various forms of sulphur had a small effect on the grain quality (0.01 %), while the effect on additional nitrogen fertilising on the content of N-substances was 8.5 %.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-73 ◽  
V. Adamchuk ◽  
V. Bulgakov ◽  
I. Holovach ◽  
V. Kuvachov

The main index of quality work of wide-span tractors for controlled traffi c farming is the scale of damaging the plants with the working tools. Damaging the plants is considerably dependent on the scope of transversal deviations of the working tools which is conditioned by the movement stability of the wide-span tractor and some deviation from the trajectory of the established controlled traffi c farming and working tools in the fi eld dimension. Therefore, the study of the transversal movement of the working tools of a wide-span tractor and the impact of their deviations on the quality of implementing the technological process requires in-depth re- search and substantiation of constructive and kinematic parameters, which would ensure high quality of their work within the controlled traffi c farming system. Aim. To enhance the work quality of the wide-span tractors using the elaborated mathematical model of transversal deviations of the working tools, which would allow substantiating the constructive and kinematic parameters as well as the scope of the protection zone, based on condition of avoiding damage to the plants. Methods. The methods of building estimated mathematical models for the functioning of agricultural machines and equipment, based on theoretical mechanics, advanced mathematics, and the probability theory were used. Results. The article offers the methods of determining kinematic parameters of wide-span tractors and the probability of damaging plants in a row, which provide for substantiated selection of distances between the kinematic center of the tractor and the center of resistance of the device, used to lay the controlled traffi c farming, and the working tools as well as for selection of the scope of the protection zone with the consideration of their constructive parameters, stability and movement controllability. New mathematical dependences were elaborated, the application of which allows determining permissible thresholds of transversal deviations of the working tools, remarkable for standard deviation in agrotechnical conditions regarding the damage to plants in a row, which takes place while estimating the work- ing indices of wide-span tractors in the controlled traffi c farming. Conclusions. The optimal zone of placing the devices for controlled traffi c and working tools is concentrated on minimally possible longitudinal distance from the kinematic center of the tractor. The factor of deviation difference should be taken into consideration while placing the working tools for wide-span tractors.

В. М. Смірних ◽  
М. В. Тищенко ◽  
С. В. Філоненко ◽  
В. В. Ляшенко ◽  
М. М. Нікітін

Наведено результати досліджень впливу регулятора росту рослин «Грейнактив-С», що застосовується для передпосадкової обробки садивних коренеплодів цукрових буряків, на процеси формування насіннєвої продуктивності висадків та посівні якості гібридного бурякового насіння, а також на розвиток морфологічних елементів насіннєвих рослин. У результаті польових досліджень було встановлено, що обробка садивних коренеплодів цукрових буряків регулятором росту рослин «Грейнактив-С» за 12 годин до їх висаджування сприяє кращому відростанню висадків і збільшенню їх висоти, порівняно з контролем, на 8,0 і 28,7% відповідно. Ураження рослин висадків буряків мозаїкою і некрозом судин листя на ділянках із «Грейнактивом-С» виявилось у 1,41 і 1,52 рази, відповідно, меншим порівняно з варіантом, де коренеплоди не оброблялись цим препаратом. Застосування «Грейнактиву-С» для обробки садивних коренеплодів перед їх висаджуванням сприяло зменшенню у 2 рази кількості насінників цукрових буряків, заселених листковою буряковою попелицею. Препарат «Грейнактив-С», що застосовувався для обробки садивних коренеплодів, сприяв збільшенню врожайності гібридного насіння буряків на 11,5 %, маси 1000 плодів – на 14,0 %. На 5-й день кількість схожого насіння в термостаті на відповідному варіанті виявилася на 10 % більшою, ніж на контролі, а ростковість – у 1,3 рази більшою, ніж на контрольному варіанті. To solve the problem of increasing the seed productivity of sugar beet deforestation, and, having low costs for their cultivation, it is possible not only by genetic selection methods, the application of mineral fertilizers and pesticides, but also by means of growth regulators of plants that become integral elements of intensive technology growing this crop. All this testifies to the relevance of the study of the influence of the growth regulator of plants «Grainaktiv-S», which was used for the processing of seedy root crops of sugar beet, on the processes of growth and development of planting of plants, as well as on the seed quality of the hybrid beet seed. As a result of field studies, it was found that the treatment of sugar beet seedy root crops 12 hours prior to their planting by the growth regulator «Grainaktiv-S» contributes to a better growth of landings and an increase in their height compared with control of 8.0 and 28.7 %, respectively. The damage to beet plants by mosaic and necrosis of leaf vessels on sites with «Grainactiv-C» was 1.41 and 1.52 times lower, respectively, compared to the variant where the root crops were not treated with this drug. The number of seeds of sugar beets populated with leafy beetroot aphids was 2 times lower in the variant where «Grainaktiv-S» was used for processing root crops before planting. The drug «Grainaktiv-S», used to treat the planting root crops, contributed to an increase in the yield of hybrid beet seeds by 11.5 %, and a weight of 1000 fruits – by 14.0 %. On day 5, the number of similar seeds in the thermostat in the corresponding variant was 10 % higher than that of the control, and germination in the same variant under the conditions of the thermostat on the 5th day was 1.3 times higher than in the control version.

A.V. Zagorulko ◽  
T.Ya. Brovkina ◽  
V.A. Kalashnikov

The influence of cultivation technology on the productivity of sugar beet has been established with two studied methods of basic soil cultivation. The best in terms of sugar collection (114.2 and 115.5 c / ha) was the option with pesticide-free cultivation technology, both against the background of moldboard and moldboard with periodic deep loosening of soil cultivation. The maximum bioenergy efficiency has been revealed for this technology. At the same time, the highest values of the coefficients of net efficiency and the ratio of received and expended energy were noted, as well as the maximum yield of sugar beet root crops per 1 gJ of energy expended, regardless of soil cultivation

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-30
Oleg Kukharev ◽  
Ivan Semov ◽  
Ivan Starostin

Sugar beets are the only source of sugar in Russia. The use of new highly productive varieties and hybrids of sugar beet with high sugar content can significantly increase sugar production. To ensure the country’s food security in sugar production and reduce import dependence on sugar beet seeds, the strategic task is to resume domestic selection of sugar beets and provide it with beet seeds for the country. One of the factors restraining the development of domestic selection and seed production is the physically and morally obsolete technical base of selection and seed-growing institutes, centers and farms. In the selection of sugar beets, non-transplanting, planting and transplanting (plug-in) methods for producing sugar beet seeds are used. Of great practical interest is the introduction of the plug-in method for producing seeds, in which thickened sugar beet crops are created, due to which the optimal specific yield of uterine root crops is ensured, the area of arable land is most effectively used and the cost of seed production is reduced. Moreover, in the struggle for light, moisture and nutrients, the most powerful biotypes survive. The analysis of machines for selection and seed production shows that commercially available machines in our country do not meet the requirements of the technology for producing sugar beet seeds using the plug-in method. It is necessary to create and implement specialized machines, such as bed-forming mills, seeders for creating a thickened sowing, machines for minting seed plants and removing pollinators. The lines used for sorting the plugs require additional manual selection of root crops and rejection of damaged, rotten or infected plugs. Machines for landing plugs require the use of monotonous manual labor. It is promising to conduct research in the direction of automating the processes of cleaning, sorting and planting of plugs, minting testes, and eliminating manual labor during these operations.

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