scholarly journals Assessment of the quality of beet varieties in the Moscow region

2020 ◽  
pp. 28-32
Л.Н. Тимакова ◽  
В.А. Борисов ◽  
Н.А. Фильрозе ◽  
 О.Н. Успенская ◽  
Л.М. Соколова

Пищевая ценность свеклы столовой определяется высоким содержанием сахаров, своеобразным составом азотистых веществ. Эта культура – источник натурального красителя бетанина, который обладает антиканцерогенным, антибактериальным и противовирусным действием на организм человека. В статье представлены результаты изучения биохимических качеств корнеплодов свеклы столовой. Исследования проводились в период 2014–2019 годов на шести сортах свеклы столовой селекции Агрохолдинга «Поиск». За стандарт взяты широко распространенные образцы отечественной и голландской селекции Бордо 237 (ВНИИССОК) и F1 Пабло (Bejo), районированные во всех регионах РФ. Полевые опыты выполнены по единой методике на базе ВНИИО – филиала ФГБНУ ФНЦО в Раменском районе Московской области. Почва опытного участка относится к типу аллювиальных луговых, среднесуглинистая, насыщенная, влагоемкая. Погодные условия наиболее благоприятно для роста и развития растений свеклы столовой складывались в периоды вегетации 2014–2017 годов. Особенность погодных условий 2018–2019 годов – неравномерное выпадение осадков, что повлияло на время прорастания семян. Дефицит влаги в период вегетации компенсировали поливами методом дождевания, поддерживая НВ на уровне 80–85%. Наибольшее количество сухого вещества накапливает сорт Русская односемянная – 18,4%, что соответствует уровню стандарта Бордо 237. Высокое содержание сахаров свойственно сорту Креолка – 10,7%, и превосходит стандарты на 1,8%. Образцы, восприимчивые к заболеваниям листовой розетки во время вегетации культуры – Эфиопка и F1  Пабло накапливают меньше пигмента бетанина. Биохимические качества корнеплодов сорта Креолка больше сопряжены с его генотипом. Накопление нитратов у образцов крайне подвержено условиям года. Более чем в десять раз изменяется содержание нитратов в зависимости от года у сортов Славянка, Русская односемянная, Креолка и Бордо 237. Выход товарной продукции после шести месяцев хранения по изучаемым образцам колебался от 49,1 до 91,4%. Отличную сохранность на уровне стандартов – свыше 85% показал сорт Русская односемянная. The nutritional value of table beets is determined by a high content of sugars, a peculiar composition of nitrogenous substances. This culture is a source of the natural dye betanin, which has anti-carcinogenic, antibacterial and antiviral effects on the human body. The article presents the results of a study of biochemical qualities of root crops of table beet. Research was conducted in the period 2014–2019 on 6 varieties of beet of table selection of the Poisk Agrо Holding. Widespread samples of domestic and Dutch breeding Bordo 237 (FSCVG) and Pablo F1 (Bejo), zoned in all regions of the Russian Federation, were taken as a standard. Field experiments were performed according to a single methodology on the basis of ARRIVG – branch of FSCVG. The soil of the experimental site belongs to the type of alluvial meadow, medium-loamy, saturated, moisture-intensive. Weather conditions were most favorable for the growth and development of table beet plants during the growing season of 2014–2017. A feature of the weather conditions of 2018-2019 was uneven precipitation, which affected the time of germination of seeds. The lack of moisture during the growing season was compensated by irrigation by sprinkling, maintaining the HB at the level of 80–85%. The largest amount of dry matter accumulates Russian single-seeded variety – 18.4%, which corresponds to the level of the standard Bordeaux 237. High sugar content is characteristic of the Creole variety – 10.7%, and exceeds the standards by 1.8%. Samples that are susceptible to diseases of the leaf rosette during the growing season of the culture-Ethiopian and F1Pablo accumulate less of the pigment betanin. The biochemical qualities of Creole root crops are more associated with its genotype. The accumulation of nitrates in samples is highly susceptible to the conditions of the year. The nitrate content varies more than 10 times depending on the year in the varieties Slavyanka, Russian single-seeded, Creole and Bordo 237. The output of marketable products after 6 months of storage in the studied samples ranged from 49.1 to 91.4%. Excellent preservation at the level of standards – over 85% showed the Russian single-seeded variety.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1399
Stefania Toscano ◽  
Antonio Ferrante ◽  
Ferdinando Branca ◽  
Daniela Romano

Natural biostimulants obtained by plants are intensively used nowadays to improve crop yield and quality. The current study aimed to evaluate the effects of leaf extract of moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) (MLE) in modifying baby leaf characteristics of two genotypes of Brassica. The trial was started in October 2020 in a greenhouse; a cultivar of kale ‘Cavolo Laciniato Nero di Toscana’ (CL) and a Sicilian landrace of sprouting broccoli ‘Broccoli Nero’ (BN) were used. The plants, after 15, 30 and 40 days from sowing, were treated with MLE, while the control plants (C) with distilled water. Treatment with MLE modified morphological and nutritional value, but with different behavior in the two genotypes. In fact, in BN the treatment reduced the antioxidant activity (2.2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH)) by 54%, while in CL the treatment increased this parameter by 40%. For the phenolic concentration and the sugar content the values recorded were significantly increased by MLE compared to control plants in CL, where in BN a significant reduction was registered. The CL plants treated with MLE showed a significant reduction (−70%) in nitrate content compared to the control plants; a negative effect was, instead, observed in BN, where the plants treated with moringa showed an increase of 60%. Results of this study showed how the foliar application of MLE was effective in improving various nutraceutical parameters, in particular in kale, because it appears to be a species-specific response.

2021 ◽  
Vol 845 (1) ◽  
pp. 012015
E V Aminova ◽  
R R Salimova ◽  
O E Merezhko

Abstract Nowadays the study of the interrelation of the genotype of strawberry plants in garden and climatic conditions is extremely relevant. Due to the various systems of genetic control and the modifying effects of growing conditions on the manifestation of quantitative traits, there is the need to assess the genotypic variability of economically valuable features, focused on the identification of genotypes characterized by stability and adaptive qualities in growing conditions. The study examined 15 varieties of garden strawberries of domestic and foreign selection. The field experiments and surveys were carried out according to the Program generally accepted in the Russian Federation and methodology for the variety study of fruit, berry and nut crops. We studied such features as the number of peduncles (pcs/bush), number of berries (pcs/bush), average weight of berries (g), total and marketable yield (g/bush), sugar content in berries, soluble solids and ascorbic acid. The purpose of this work was to assess the genotype-year interrelation in terms of the variability of productivity features and berry quality and to identify strawberry varieties with a stable genotype. As a result of two-way analysis of variance for the variety-year interrelation, the obtained values were 1.10-8.50 at standard Fst. - 1.24. Statistically important differences had indicators of productivity of a bush between the first and second clusters (t = 5.89 at p <0.01), the first and third (t = 15.83 at p <0.01), the second and third clusters (t = 8.13 at p <0.01), as well as the average berry weight between the first and third, second and third clusters (t = 15.50 and 6.99 at p <0.01, respectively). Significant differences in the value of the Euclidean distance were revealed for varieties Mishutka (54.5), Daryonka (54.5), Pervoklassnitsa (58) realizing their productivity potential in different years of cultivation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 822-829
Achmad Dairobbi ◽  
Irfan Irfan ◽  
Ismail Sulaiman

Buah kopi memiliki kandungan gula tinggi yang dapat diproses dengan cara fermentasi alami. Fermentasi kopi arabika bertujuan untuk mengurangi rasa pahit dan meningkatkan citarasa kopi. Senyawa-senyawa kompleks pada kopi fermentasi akan meningkatkan mutu kopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey purposive sampling, yaitu cara pengambilan sampel berdasarkan pertimbangan tertentu dan disesuaikan dengan ketersediaan produsen wine coffee. kadar air wine coffee rata-rata 9.08% (SNI), kadar abu rata-rata 4.5% (SNI) dan kadar alkohol 0%. Dari 6 sampel wine coffee yang di analisis, total skor terbaik uji deskriptif ditunjukkan pada sampel E yaitu 83,75 dan sampel F yaitu 83,00. Secara keseluruhan, 6 sampel wine coffee di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah terdapat perbedaan pada lamanya waktu fermentasi wine coffee yang dibutuhkan. Hal ini dibuktikan pada sampel E yaitu proses pembuatan wine coffee dilakukan dengan waktu fermentasi 7-10 hari pada suhu secara natural di dalam ruang tertutup. Abstract: Coffee fruit has a high sugar content that can be processed by natural fermentation. Fermented arabica coffee aims to reduce bitterness and improve coffee flavor. The complex compounds in fermented coffee will improve the quality of coffee. This research uses survey purposive sampling method, that is the way of sampling based on certain consideration and adjusted with the availability of wine coffee producer. Water wine coffee average 9.08% (SNI), average ash content of 4.5% (SNI) and alcohol content 0%. From 6 samples of analyzed wine coffee, the best total score of descriptive test is shown on sample E that is 83,75 and sample F is 83,00. Overall, 6 samples of wine coffee in Aceh Tengah District have differences in the duration of fermentation of the required coffee. This is evidenced in the sample E is the process of making wine coffee is done with a fermentation time of 7-10 days at a temperature naturally in a closed space.

2021 ◽  
pp. 34-36
М.А. Долгополова ◽  
Л.Н. Тимакова

Для повышения уровня механизации производства свеклы столовой важное значение имеет признак раздельноплодности, который позволяет исключить проведение прореживания растений в рядках. Создание раздельноплодных сортов и гибридов длительный и трудоемкий процесс, который осложняется не ясным до конца механизмом наследования этого признака. Цель исследований – создать раздельноплодный исходный материал свеклы столовой с комплексом хозяйственно ценных признаков. Исследования проводили в 2015–2020 годах во ВНИИО – филиале ФГБНУ ФНЦО. Изучение и описание линий столовой свеклы проводили согласно «Методическим указаниям ВИР по изучению и поддержанию в живом виде мировой коллекции корнеплодов». Полевые опыты закладывали на Центральной части Москворецкой поймы (Раменский район Московской области). Почва аллювиальная, луговая, среднесуглинистая, хорошо окультуренная, с мощным гумусовым горизонтом. Метеорологические условия 2015–2020 годов складывались благоприятно для формирования корнеплодов и созревания семян свеклы столовой, за исключением условий 2017 и 2018 годов, которые повлияли на сроки вегетации растений, но не помешали получить посевной и посадочный материал. В качестве исходного материала использовали 5 сортов отечественной и зарубежной селекции (Бордо односемянная, Модана, Моника, Фортуна и Хавская односемянная). Агротехнические мероприятия выполнены в соответствии с требованиями, принятыми для Центрального региона Нечерноземной зоны РФ. Оценку поражения церкоспорозом проводили визуально по пятибалльной шкале Н.И. Салунской. Содержание сухого вещества в корнеплодах определяли термостатно-весовым методом; содержание сахаров в соке – рефрактометрическим методом; содержание бетанина – спектрофотометрическим методом. Уровень плодности семенных растений оценивали визуально во время бутонизации до начала цветения. Для проведения самоопыления использовали только растения с уровнем раздельноплодности 99 и 100%. Изолировали растения до начала цветения под индивидуальными изоляторами из нетканого материала спанбонд, плотностью 80 г/м². Выделено две линии из сорта Моника. Степень раздельноплодности у линии №1 составила 97%, у линии №4–90%. Эти линии характеризуются округлой формой корнеплода с темно-красной окраской мякоти. В корнеплодах содержится растворимых сахаров 6,6–6,3%, сухого вещества и бетанина – 11,2–12,8% и 133,3–130,8 мг/100 г соответственно. To increase the level of mechanization of the production of dining beet, the sign of separation is important, which allows to exclude the decimation of plants in rows. The creation of separate fruit varieties and hybrids is a long and time-consuming process, which is complicated by the mechanism of inheritance of this feature that is not fully clear. The purpose of the research is to create a separate source material of canteen beets with a complex of economically valuable features. Research was carried out in 2015–2020 in ARRIVG – branch of FSBSI FSCVG. The study and description of the dining lines of beets was carried out in accordance with the «Methodological Guidelines of the VIR for the study and living maintenance of the world collection of root crops». Field experiments were carried out on the central part of the Moskvoretskaya floodplain (Ramensky district of Moscow region). The soil is alluvial, meadow, medium-grained, well-cultured, with a powerful humus horizon. Meteorological conditions of 2015–2020 developed favorably for the formation of root crops and the ripening of beet seeds in the dining room, with the exception of the conditions of 2017 and 2018, which affected the timing of plant vegetation, but did not prevent the production of sowing and planting material. As a starting material, 5 varieties of domestic and foreign breeding were used (Bordeaux single-seeded, Modana, Monica, Fortuna and Havskaya single-seeded). Agrotechnical measures were carried out in accordance with the requirements adopted for the Central region of the Non-Black Earth Zone of RF. The cercosporosis assessment was evaluated visually on the five-point scale of N.I. Salunskaya. The content of dry matter in root crops was determined by thermostatic-weight method; sugar content in juice – by the refractometric method; betanine content – by the spectrophotometric method. The level of fertility of seed plants was assessed visually during butonization before flowering. To carry out self-pollination, only plants with a separation level of 99 and 100% were used. Plant insulation was carried out before flowering under individual insulators made of Spanbond nonwoven material with a density of 80 g/m². Two lines from the Monica variety were isolated. The degree of separation at line No1 was 97%, at line No4–90%. These lines are characterized by a rounded shape of the root fruit with a dark red color of the pulp. The root crops of soluble sugars contain 6.6–6.3%, dry matter and betanin – 11.2–12.8% and 133.3–130.8 mg/100 g accordingly.

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-167 ◽  
Izabela Zawiska ◽  
Piotr Siwek

ABSTRACT The results of two years (2010-2011) of field studies using two types of nonwoven mulches (one biodegradable, polylactic acid PLA 54 g m-2, and traditional polypropylene PP 50 g m-2) on the yield and quality of tomato are presented. Seeds of tomato (‘Mundi’ F1) were sown in a greenhouse, in containers filled with perlite and sand, and then the plants at the cotyledon stage were replanted in multipot trays filled with substrate for vegetable plants. In the last week of May, seedlings were planted on mulches in the field at a spacing of 50 × 100 cm. The mulch was maintained throughout the growing season. A plot that remained unmulched served as the control. Tomatoes were harvested once a week. The fruits were evaluated for L-ascorbic acid, dry matter, soluble sugars and nitrate content. In 2011, the analysis of the plant material showed that the concentration of L-ascorbic acid was about 23% higher in the tomato fruits harvested from plants grown on biodegradable PLA 61 g m-2 mulch in comparison to the control. A similar effect was demonstrated for the soluble sugar concentration in 2011 for both types of nonwovens.

L.A. Kuksa ◽  
L.N. Timakova ◽  
A.N. Khovrin

Полевые опыты в условиях юга России позволили уточнить технологические приемы возделывания свеклы столовой. Оптимальный срок посева свеклы столовой для получения корнеплодов с высокой товарностью и закладки их на зимнее хранение в условиях Ростовской области 5 15 июля. При посеве в этот срок улучшается качество корнеплодов, а выход товарной продукции составляет 84 90.In the conditions of field experiments the technological methods of seed growing of table beet in the conditions of the South of Russia are specified. The optimal period of red beet sowing for root crops with high marketability producing for winter storage in the Rostov region is 5 15 of July. When sowing in this period, the quality of root crops improves, and the yield of marketable products is 84 90.

L.N. Timakova ◽  
V.A. Borisov ◽  
N.A. Filroze

В статье представлены результаты испытания новых отечественных сортов свеклы столовой в Московской области на различных фонах минерального питания: контроль без удобрений, N120P60K180 (расчетная доза) и N240P120K360 (двойная доза). Количество удобрений рассчитывалось согласно схеме опыта по фонам питания и по процентному содержанию действующего вещества. Почва опытного участка относится к типу аллювиальных луговых, среднесуглинистая, насыщенная, влагоемкая. Погодные условия наиболее благоприятно для роста и развития растений свеклы столовой складывались в периоды вегетации 20142017 годов. Особенность погодных условий 20182019 годов неравномерное выпадение осадков, что повлияло на время прорастания семян. Дефицит влаги в период вегетации компенсировали поливами методом дождевания, поддерживая НВ на уровне 7580 . В 20142019 годах изучали сорта свекла столовой селекции Агрохолдинга Поиск для товарного производства: с округлой формой корнеплода Креолка, Мулатка, Русская односемянная, Эфиопка цилиндрической Славянка округло-плоской Смуглянка. Урожайность корнеплодов на фоне без удобрений изменялась от 36,5 (Мулатка) до 47,9 т/га (Славянка). Внесение удобрений в рекомендуемой дозе способствовало прибавке урожая, в среднем, на 20,3 без снижения товарности продукции. Наиболее отзывчивы на минеральные удобрения в расчетной дозе (N120P60K180) оказались сорта Мулатка (33,1) и Смуглянка (29). Внесение удвоенных доз минеральных удобрений не повлекло за собой дальнейшего увеличения урожайности культуры. Сорт Креолка показал на фоне (N240P120K360) наибольшую урожайность 58,6 т/га. Выращивание свеклы столовой с применением удобрений в расчетной и удвоенной дозах уменьшает вариабельность урожайности сортов по годам.Results of testing of new domestic cultivars in the Moscow region on various backgrounds of mineral nutrition: control (without fertilizers), N120P60K180 (calculated dose) and N240P120K360 (double dose) are presented. The amount of fertilizers was calculated according to the scheme of the experiment by nutrition backgrounds and by the percentage of active substance. The soil of the experimental site belongs to the type of alluvial meadow, medium-loamy, saturated, moisture-intensive. Weather conditions were most favourable for the growth and development of table beet plants during the growing season of 20142017. A feature of the weather conditions of 20182019 was uneven precipitation, which affected the time of germination of seeds. The lack of moisture during the growing season was compensated by irrigation by sprinkling, maintaining the HB at the level of 8085. In 20142019, we studied varieties of beet of table selection of Poisk Agro Holding for commercial production: with a rounded root crop Kreolka, Mulatka, Russkaya odnosemyannaya, Efiopka cylindrical root crop Slavyanka round Smuglyanka. The yield of root crops on the background without fertilizers varied from 36.5 (mulatto) to 47.9 t/ha (Slavyanka). Application of fertilizers in the recommended dose contributed to an increase in yield, on average, by 20.3 without reducing the marketability of products. The most responsive to mineral fertilizers in the calculated dose (N120P60K180) were varieties Mulatka (33.1) and Smuglyanka (29). The introduction of doubled doses of mineral fertilizers did not lead to a further increase in crop yield. The Creole variety showed a maximum yield of 58.6 t/ha against the background (N240P120K360) growing table beet with the use of fertilizers in calculated and doubled doses reduces the variability in the yield of varieties over the years.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-126 ◽  
N.S.A. Derkyi

Pine bark is a good source of natural polyphenolic compounds for wood adhesives. The objective of this study was to obtainthe most suitable solvent for extracting pine tannins in the preparation of tannin-formaldehyde plywood adhesives. Aqueousacetone, aqueous ethanol, aqueous NaOH and water as solvents were used to obtain crude tannins from pine bark. Thetannin content, sugar content and Stiasny number of the extracts were determined. Using the extracts from the solventextractions, synthesis of tannin-formaldehyde resin was carried out. Plywood panels were made using the synthesized resinsand the quality of the resins in plywood application determined. The quality of tannin-formaldehyde resins produced from thetannins were generally in close agreement with the chemical characteristics of the extracts obtained from the various solventextractions. The aqueous NaOH extraction although gave very high tannin yield (16.1%), its associated high sugar content(33.8%) and very low Stiasny number (49) resulted in poor quality resin. Similarly, although aqueous extraction gave a veryhigh Stiasny number (91), its low tannin yield (8.7%) might not be of commercial interest. The extraction process that gave ahigh tannin yield (12.9%) and a very good Stiasny number (81.5) with a corresponding good quality resin (shear strength =1.9 MPa, 22% delamination) was found for 60% aqueous ethanol extraction.

L. I. Petrova ◽  
Yu. I. Mitrofanov ◽  
N. K. Pervushina ◽  
V. N. Lapushkina

The article presents the results of studies in 2011-2019. to study the effect of various fertilizer norms, weather conditions on the yield and quality of potato products, soil water regime, photosynthetic activity, payment of 1 kg a.v. fertilizers with a crop increase in the conditions of the Tver region. The experiment is based on sod-podzolic light loamy drained soil with closed drainage. Potatoes were grown in 3 variants: without fertilizers, average norms and high norms. Weather conditions during the years of research (according to G.T. Selyaninov) are divided into groups: excessively humid, moist and arid. The moisture content of the arable layer of the soil under planting of potatoes, according to the gradations of these years, the average vegetation period was 73, 60, 39% of the lowest moisture capacity. A more favorable state of the water-air regime of the soil during the cultivation of potatoes according to the ridge technology during the growing season was formed in excessively wet years, in the wet years the plants experienced a lack of moisture in certain phases, especially during the period from tuberization  to ripening. In dry years, plants experienced a large lack of moisture throughout the growing season. On average, according to the experimental variants, a higher potato crop was formed in excessively wet years compared to wet years by 21%, and with dry ones by 68%. The use of fertilizers had a positive effect on the formation of potato crops and depended on weather conditions. A greater effect from the use of fertilizers was noted in excessively wet years, with average rates the yield increased by 32.2 t / ha, at high - by 41.5, in wet - by 10.3 and 14.9, respectively, in dry - by 11.0 and 16.8. The share of weather conditions in crop variability was 23%, fertilizers - 61%.

А. L. Nikitin ◽  
М. А. Makarkina

Weather conditions affect both the resistance of apple fruits to physiological disorders during their storage, and the decrease in resilience to them. The damage of the fruits of susceptible apple cultivars by "scald" (browning of the skin) at the end of storage is influenced by weather conditions 30 days before harvesting them. In hot weather During the hot day and warm night, the fruits are more affected by "tan". Losses increase if the sum of the average daily temperatures >+10° C for the month before harvesting exceeds the threshold of 360-380°C. The analysis of the damage to the fruits by “scald "of susceptible new scab-immune columnar apple cultivars of the VNIISPK breeding – Vostorg, Poesia and Priokskoye at the end of their storage in various years (2014, 2016, 2018) showed a close dependence of this disorder on the conditions of humidification of the active growing season a month before harvest, expressed using the indicator of the conditional moisture balance, i.e. Selyaninov hydrothermal coefficient (SHC). The damage to fruits by "sunburn" directly depends on the level of SHC. The dependence is approximated by the second-order parabola equation. The equations for calculating the quantitative losses of apple fruits from "scald" (at the end of storage) under hydrothermal conditions for a month before harvesting are obtained. The correlation relations between the empirically obtained and calculated data are from 0.99 to 1. The tops of the parabolas reflecting the maximum calculated damage of fruits by "scald" at the end of storage in relation to the coordinate axes have maximum peaks – from 11.17 (Priokskoye) to – 15.21-15.24% (for Vostorg and Poesia, respectively) with a SHC corresponding to dry conditions – 0.68; 0.69 and 0.70 (Priokskoye, Poesia and Vostorg, respectively). The higher the SHC, the lower the dependence curve and the damage to the fruits by "scald". The calculated data can be interpolated, and the SHC can be used as one of the predictor indicators that affect the quality of fruits during storage.

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