Urban Environment Design: New Methodological Approaches Based on the Biosphere Compatibility Paradigm (Part 2)

В. А. Ильичев ◽  
В. И. Колчунов ◽  
Н. В. Бакаева ◽  
А. А. Кормина

Постановка задачи. Новые вызовы современности существенным образом влияют на методологию градостроительства. Актуальной научной задачей, требующей выявления закономерностей функционирования городских элементов планировочных структур (жилых районов), следует считать разработку новых принципов жизнедеятельности города, регламентирующих биосферную совместимость городов и развитие человеческого капитала. Результаты. В работе получили развитие методологические основы градостроительного планирования, проектирования и оценки вариантов проектных решений жилых планировочных единиц города (квартала, микрорайона, жилого района) на принципах парадигмы биосферной совместимости городов и поселений, развивающих человека. Предложена концептуальная модель функционально-планировочной организации территории - иерархия функций города. Разработан алгоритм оценки вариантов проектов планировки жилых районов на основе индекса обеспеченности городскими функциями. Для каждой из функций города определен необходимый и достаточный состав индикаторов оценки проектных решений. Обсуждается перспектива количественной оценки социального благополучия населения жилых районов биосферосовместимого города как безальтернативного условия формирования комфортной городской среды. Вывод. Выполненная численная оценка проектного решения и сравнительный анализ уровня благоприятности жилого микрорайона с использованием принципов парадигмы биосферной совместимости показывают, какие изменения требуются в составе градостроительных решений не только для достижений качества материальной среды жизнедеятельности, но и для развития человека во всех отношениях. Statement of the problem. New challenges of our time significantly affect the methodology of urban planning. The development of new principles of city life, regulating the biosphere compatibility of cities and the development of human capital, should be considered an urgent scientific task that requires identifying the patterns of functioning of urban elements of planning structures (residential areas). Results. The paper develops the methodological foundations of urban planning, design and evaluation of design options for residential planning units of the city (quarter, neighborhood, residential area) on the principles of the paradigm of biosphere compatibility of cities and man-made settlements.. A conceptual model of the functional and planning organization of the territory-the hierarchy of city functions is set forth. An algorithm for evaluating variants of residential area planning projects based on the index of urban function provision has been developed. For each of the functions of the city, the necessary and sufficient composition of indicators for evaluating design decisions is identified. The article discusses the prospect of quantifying the social well-being of the population of residential areas of a biosphere-compatible city as an alternative condition for the formation of a comfortable urban environment. Conclusion. The numerical evaluation of the design solution and a comparative analysis of the level of favorability of a residential neighborhood using the principles of the biosphere compatibility paradigm show what changes are required in the composition of urban planning solutions not only to achieve the quality of the material environment of life, but also for human development in all respects.

V. A. Ilyichev ◽  
V. I. Kolchunov ◽  
N. V. Bakaeva ◽  
A. A. Kormina

Statement of the problem. New challenges of our time significantly affect the methodology of urban planning. The development of new principles of city life, regulating the biosphere compatibility of cities and the development of human capital, should be considered an urgent scientific task that requires identifying the patterns of functioning of urban elements of planning structures (residential areas). Results. The paper develops the methodological foundations of urban planning, design and evaluation of design options for residential planning units of the city (quarter, neighborhood, residential area) on the principles of the paradigm of biosphere compatibility of cities and settlements that develop people. A conceptual model of the functional and planning organization of the territory- the hierarchy of city functions - is proposed. An algorithm for evaluating variants of residential area planning projects based on the index of urban function provision has been developed. For each of the functions of the city, the necessary and sufficient composition of indicators for evaluating design decisions is identified. The article discusses the prospect of quantifying the social well-being of the population of residential areas of a biosphere-compatible city as an alternative condition for the formation of a comfortable urban environment.Conclusion. The numerical evaluation of the design solution and a comparative analysis of the level of favorability of a residential neighborhood using the principles of the biosphere compatibility paradigm show what changes are required in the composition of urban planning solutions not only to achieve the quality of the material environment of life, but also human development in all respects.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-38
Jaana Poikolainen ◽  
Kati Honkanen

Introduction: In this paper, parents’ well-being is examined from their subjective point of view of their living experiences in a certain residential area. The subjective viewpoint is relevant as the focus of the research is interlinked with residential areas. Aims: The research aims to determine what meaning parents ascribe to their residential area (suburb or city centre) as a space for physical, social and psychological well-being. It also aims to discover whether there are qualitative differences between the given meanings of parents living in different areas. Methods: The data were acquired through semi-structured interviews with parents who live in a suburb or the city centre of Lahti, Finland. Data analysis was conducted using abductive thematic analysis. Results: The results revealed that physical, social and psychological spaces were experienced differently depending on the residential area in question. In parents’ narration about the physical space, in both areas the basic services were defined as valuable for well-being. Parents living in the suburb experienced the natural environment as an important source of well-being. When talking about the social space, the parents living in the suburb emphasised social networks and the importance of building well-being bridges in their neighbourhood, unlike the city dwellers. The psychological space was connected to the reputation and security of the residential area. An important well-being factor for all parents was the well-being of their children, with an emphasis on the safety of the residential area. Discussion: Subjective assessments of neighbourhood attributes are more important in explaining neighbourhood satisfaction than any perceived reputation. Parents’ ways of thinking and acting in certain residential areas appear to tie in with the social capital that forms social resources. Almost all parents who participated in this research estimated their well-being as rather high, irrespective of their socioeconomic status, but the city centre residents rated their well-being even higher.

П. В. Капустин ◽  
А. И. Гаврилов

Состояние проблемы. Проблематика городской среды заявила о себе в 1960-е годы как протест против модернистских методов урбанизма и других видов проектирования. Средовое движение не случайно тогда именовали «антипрофессиональным» - оно было направлено против устоявшихся и недейственных методов работы с городом - от исследования до управления. За прошедшие десятилетия в рамках самого средового движения и его идейных наследников наработано немало методов и приемов работы, однако они до сих не подвергались анализу как пребывающая в исторической динамике целостная совокупность инструментария, альтернативного традиционному градостроительству. Результаты. Рассмотрены особенности и проблемы анализа методологического «арсенала» средового движения и урбанистики. Методы работы с городской средой впервые структурированы по типам знания. Показана близость методов исследовательского и проектного подходов в отношении городской среды. Выводы. В ближайшее время можно ожидать появления новых синтетических знаний и частных методологий, связанных как с обострением средовой проблематики, с расширением круга средовых акторов, так и с процессом профессионализации урбанистики. Statement of the problem. The urban environment paradigm emerged in the 1960s as a protest against the modernist methods of urbanism and other types of design. It was no coincidence that the environmental movement was back then called "anti-professional" as it was directed against the established and ineffective methods of working with the city, i. e., from research to management. Over the past decades, within the framework of the environmental movement and its ideological heirs, a lot of methods and have been developed. However, they have not yet been analyzed as an integral set of tools in the historical dynamics which is an alternative to traditional urban planning. Results. The features and problems of the analysis of the methodological “arsenal” of environmental movement and urban studies are considered. The methods of working with the urban environment are first structured according to the types of knowledge. The proximity of research and design approaches in the case when the urban environment is dealt with is shown. Conclusions. In the nearest future, we can expect new synthetic knowledge and particular methodologies related to both the exacerbation of environmental problems to emerge as well as the expansion of the circle of environmental actors and the process of professionalization of urbanstics.

В. А. Ильичев ◽  
В. И. Колчунов ◽  
Г. А. Птичникова ◽  
А. А. Кормина

Постановка задачи. Ставится вопрос о необходимости развития методологических подходов градостроительного проектирования на микротерриториальном уровне, направленных на создание комфортной и безопасной среды жизнедеятельности в городах и поселениях. Результаты. Получила развитие методология разработки проектов планировки территории - градостроительной документации элементов планировочной структуры (кварталов, микрорайонов, жилых районов) - на основе разрабатываемой в РААСН парадигмы биосферной совместимости городов и поселений, развивающих человека. Предлагается методика оценки вариантов проектов планировки на основе сравнения четырех блоков индикаторов: экологической безопасности жилых территорий, пространственно-территориальных ресурсов, структурно-планировочной и архитектурной организации территории и обеспеченности городскими функциями. По каждому из этих блоков определен необходимый и достаточный состав индикаторов оценки проектных решений. Показаны перспективы развития количественной оценки проектных решений с использованием принципов парадигмы биосферной совместимости на микротерриториальном уровне. Выводы. Выполненная численная оценка проектных решений жилых кварталов показывает прежде всего социальное с точки зрения предоставления необходимых условий жизнедеятельности и развития человека содержание проектов планировки территории, а также их экологический императив. Statement of the problem. The question is raised about the need to develop methodological approaches to urban planning at the microterritorial level aimed at creating a comfortable and safe environment for life in cities and settlements. Results. The authors propose a methodology development project plan for the area - planning documentation of the town-planning elements of the planning structure (blocks, neighborhoods, residential areas) based on the paradigm developed in RAACS of biosphere compatibility of man-made cities and settlements. The method of evaluating variants of planning projects based on a comparison of four blocks of indicators: environmental safety of residential areas, spatial and territorial resources, structural planning and architectural organization of the territory and provision of urban functions. For each of these blocks, the necessary and sufficient composition of indicators is determined, which are calculated based on the design solutions. The prospects for the development of quantitative evaluation of design solutions using the principles of the biosphere compatibility paradigm at the microterritorial level are shown. Conclusion. The numerical evaluation of the design solutions shows the social content of the territory planning projects and reflects the decisions on the urban environment of the city.

2021 ◽  
Jack J. Jiang

<p>Cycling is a memory of the past for most of us, the lack of support from the authorities on the cycling infrastructure made it difficult to attract people to cycle in the city. Urban sprawl, traffic congestion, car dependency, environmental pollution and public health concerns have pressured cities around the world to consider reintegrating cycling into the urban environment.  Design as a research method was utilised to investigate the effectiveness of design methodology and workflow for cycling infrastructure from an architecture and design perspective. Using Wellington City as a design case study, this research aimed to improve the legibility, usability and the image of cycling as a mode of transport in the city. To achieve this, a customisable graphical design framework and branding strategies were developed to structure and organise the design components within cycling infrastructure. The findings from the iterative design processes were visualised through the appropriate architectural and presentation conventions.  This research provided an unique architectural perspectives on the issues of cycling infrastructure; the results would support the transportation advisers and urban planners to further the development and integration of cycling, as a viable mode of transport, within the city.</p>

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-13
Anna Tikhonova ◽  
Anna Kholodenko ◽  

This paper examines the existing in the Russian Federation approaches to assessing the quality of the urban environment, the concept of the quality index of the urban environment; the analysis of indicators for calculating the quality index of the urban environment and the factors that form the ecological well-being of the urban environment for the local population has been carried out. The territory of the northern industrial hub of Volgograd was chosen as the object of research, in particular, the zone of influence of the ferrous metallurgy enterprise AO “VMK ‘Krasny Oktyabr’”, which has a historically specific location relative to the functional zones of the city. The analysis of the results of monitoring the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in the soil cover, carried out by the method of atomic absorption spectrometry, and the assessment of the general life state of tree green plantations in the territory of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise based on the enumeration of trees is presented. The identified zone of influence of the enterprise, taking into account the presence of additional sources of pollution of the soil cover and MPC of metals, instead of their background concentrations, extends for 3.5–3.7 km from the border of the enterprise in the form of elongated areas of increased concentrations. Cartographic visualization reveals the presence of two clearly pronounced foci of pollution located to the west of the existing SOC of the enterprise. When assessing the general condition of trees, it is also possible to recognize the worst territory of the test plots located to the west of the operating TWCs in accordance with the directions of the prevailing winds. The data obtained confirm the feasibility of organizing regular monitoring of the soil cover and the state of green forests in the city as one of the directions for assessing the quality of the environment and taking these indicators into account when calculating the quality index of the urban environment.

2012 ◽  
Vol 174-177 ◽  
pp. 2318-2321 ◽  
Ying Jie Chen ◽  
Xiang Hong Hu ◽  
Yao Qi ◽  
Jian Liu ◽  
Heng Zhao

In view of the overall space of Urumqi, use of overall space is not sufficient, detail partition in the major functional divisions is imperfect, land functional structure is irrational, city operation is not efficient, traffic congestion, air pollution is serious, etc, use optimizing the urban functional divisions method, study on inter-relate between the city urban functions zoning and urban effective and efficient, through its intrinsic link explore optional ideas to find a perfect urban planning.

2021 ◽  
Dylan Lewis

<p>Throughout Aotearoa-New Zealand many of our landscape features are deeply connected to whakapapa (genealogy/lineage) and hold grave amounts of cultural and spiritual significance to tangata whenua (indigenous people). One prominent example of this is the Whanganui River. Throughout history being seen as a sacred source, the recent acquisition of legal personhood has witnessed the acknowledgement of its mauri (life force) and future well-being. Being a widely used and respected waterway, the river holds identifiable character and meaning throughout its journey through the Manawatu. </p> <p>With the scope set with the city of Whanganui, something that is lost with the reaches of the urban river environment is the ability to convey these ideas and values to the people of the city. Many significant sites and history are lost to the standardization of the river’s edge. This added with the issue of flooding leaves areas lacking in connection and resilience. With a river surrounded in cultural importance and personhood, how can these ideas be conveyed to people less familiar, but still respect the values of local iwi (tribe) and the river itself? </p> <p>This design-led research aims to explore the ideas and values behind Te awa tupua, and how the contrasting perspectives of nature and culture can be understood and re-thought in regards to the riverside landscape. Focusing on the understanding of values, history, connection and health. The research uses a built framework to guide decision making. While the design solution acts to improve the cultural and spiritual presence along the river’s edge. Utilizing forgotten areas of land along the river’s journey, old Pā sites are resurfaced and reconnected to the city. While the connection the riverside landscape has been rethought to bring the idea of ownership and use, back to the river environment itself. </p>

V.S. Teodoronsky ◽  
V.A. Leonova ◽  
K.K. Vardanyan ◽  

The article examines the historical, landscape and urban planning features of Yerevan, which determined the planning structure and development of the city's greening system. The analysis of the city relief in terms of heights and natural types of landscapes is given. Particular attention is paid to the description of urban planning axes and compositional nodes of the landscaping system, created during the Soviet period according to the general plan of 1937.For the first time, the structure and types of tree plantations of squares and city streets are analyzed, depending on their functional purpose and location in the city. The description of the design solution for the Children’s railway in the gorge of Hrazdan river and the station building, as well as the widespread assortment of the trees and bushes in the city in the Soviet period. The main problems of the current state of the green areas of the center are considered and the directions of reorganization of the city greening system are given. The ways of solving existing problems by the introducing regulations for the preservation of existing plantings in center of Yerevan and the prospects for their development are proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 175 ◽  
pp. 06006
Albina Mokina ◽  
Evelina Vereshchagina

At present, the environment of a large modern city is technologically saturated to the limit, urbanized, and the most important task is a competent system of improvement and greening of urban areas. The article discusses the key projects of the city of Rostov-on-don to improve the quality of the urban environment from 2007 to the present. Existing projects included in the system of Federal projects operate only on small sections of the city territory, and do not solve the entire set of tasks within the entire city budget. This study shows that in urban planning there is no unified system of improvement and landscaping, implemented throughout the city according to a single plan. The article points out that modern systems and technologies are not used in the city, and if they are used, they are not used in a complex way, but only in fragments. The article focuses on the prospects for the integrated application of modern systems. The final part contains conclusions based on research materials. A comprehensive solution based on the collaboration of science and technology, all existing problems in the city territory will improve the main indicators of comfort and investment attractiveness of Rostov-on-don.

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