Swot Analysis Utilization In Designing Performance Development Strategy for Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises in Malang Area Coordinator

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 5198-5206
Adya Hermawati
2021 ◽  
Vol 322 ◽  
pp. 05006
Ina Restuwati ◽  
Achmad K. A. Munif

The purpose of this research was to identify performance and determine the strategy for improving the performance of fish farmers groups in this area, which has excellent and dominant potential in freshwater aquaculture. There were about 131 fish farmers and 11 fish hatchery and rearing groups from this region's six research sample villages. The identification results of the fishbone diagram analysis showed that the fish farmer group's growth and development, in general, were still low, based on several dominant categories, namely infrastructure, fisheries extension performance, contribution performance, and the interests of fish farmers. In detail, the causes were: 1) insufficient facilities and infrastructure; 2) management in implementing fish farmers groups function has not run optimally; 3) the lack of fisheries extension workers; 4) the lack of contribution among group members; 5) relationship between fish farmers groups and local government institutions was still low; 6) fisheries activities were dominated by certain people; and 7) the interests of the fish farmers to form groups were still low. As the results of the SWOT analysis, the fish farmers group's performance development strategy was carried out by improving the performance of group roles and functions through mentoring and facilitating group activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
Muhammad Adhi Prasnowo ◽  
Gusti Adriansyah ◽  
Khoirul Hidayat

<p>Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role and strategic for economic growth. This is because at the time of the economic crisis in Indonesia, SMEs are the economic sectors which have the most excellent durability. Wedoro Village in Sidoarjo city, Indonesia, is famous for the footwear creative industry especially slippers and shoes. A wide variety of slippers and shoes with different types available. Stores and outlets are widespread across the village. Wedoro region has been known as one of the predecessors of creative industries in the field of footwear. Currently the industrial centres of creative footwear is experiencing a decline in sales compared with its heyday in 2001-2006 years ago. This research aims to design a development strategy of the creative industry centre in Wedoro by using SWOT analysis and grand strategy. The results of this study indicate that the cause of the decline in sales is a flood of Chinese products, rising raw material prices, and the lack of innovation in product design. Hence, creative industry in Indonesia especially in Wedoro Village might need a guidance from the government in developing innovation in product design and marketing. It is therefore expected that the existence of a creative industry in Wedoro can grow and create occupations especially for local residents and also increase the revenue of the Sidoarjo city.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-122
Asri Delmayuni ◽  
Musa Hubeis ◽  
Eko Ruddy Cahyadi

Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) mempunyai potensi sangat besar untuk kemajuan perekonomian Indonesia, karena tersebar diseluruh wilayah Indonesia. Mensejahterahkan UMKM akan berdampak besar bagi perekonomian negara indonesia. Penelitian mengenai strategi untuk meningkatkan daya saing Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) Pangan di Kota Palembang ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Strength, Weaknes, Opportunity, and Threats (SWOT) dan Analisis Hirarki Proses (AHP).Sampel usaha UMKM Pangan di Palembang diambil dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Berdasarkan SWOT dan AHP diperoleh hasil bahwa strategi prioritas yang harus dilakukan oleh UMKM pangan berdaya saing di Kota Palembang adalah penggunaan peralatan yang lebih moderndalam proses produksiagar variasi makanan dapat dibuat secara lebih efisien dan efektif; serta pemanfaatan manajemen modern agar pengolahan UMKM dapat mencakup ekonomi lokal (dalam negeri) dan juga luar negeri. Untuk itu kontribusi dan kerjasama yang baik antar pemerintah dan UMKM akan membuat UMKM bisa melakukan perannya dengan baik dan menciptakan UMKM pangan yang berdaya saing. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has a large potential for the economic progress in Indonesiasince it has been widespread throughout the country. Prospering the SMEs will bring a major impact for the economy of Indonesia.The research about strategy to improve the competitiveness of Food Micro Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Palembang City was done by using the Strength, Weaknes, Opportunity, and Threats (SWOT) analysis and Hierarchy Analysis Process (AHP). The sample of SMEs food business in Palembang was taken by using purposive sampling technique.The result shows that the priority strategy that should be done by the SMEs are using the modern equipment in production process in order to make the food variation more effective and eficient;and  utilizingthe modern management for SME’s processing can cover the domestic and international economy. Therefore, good cooperation between goverment and SMEs will lead to a better function of SMEs which creates high competitiveness in SMEs.

2017 ◽  
purwantoro ◽  
Rina Ari Rohmah

Micro Small medium enterprises (UMKM) in each state specifically in the ASEAN region faced with the situation of global competition. A very tight competition is forcing businessmen to Become the best. One of the ways that it can be Reached by the trade to be Able to be the best business strategy is Appropriate, effective and efficient. This research aims to find out how the application business model canvas in creating alternative business strategies for the development of UMKM. The second objective is to know the proper strategic alternatives for the development of UMKM. The methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach with the use of informants as respondents research. The source of data used is the business owners as much as 16 UMKM who open businesses in the downtown area of Pasir Pengaraian. Data collection techniques directly using interview techniques, observation and documentation. This research uses a template business model canvas to map strategy for the effort and combined with the SWOT analysis. Based on Data Obtained from the results of research, that the description of the business model approach of UMKM using Business Model Canvas outline can be used as Recommendations for business strategy, the business model of the which is currently already underway is Able to meet the Nine elements of the blocks on the template business model canvas. The findings of this research are that not all the UMKM business strategy and have just run a business without the vision of enterprise development. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis can be found that new alternative Efforts by optimizing internal strength in revenue streams on each of UMKM and conduct of elections to the right customer segments. Suggestions that may the researcher pointed out every UMKM should be more online to have the vision to grow and continue to innovate against products goods or services, increase of customer segmentation and the make use of business model canvas approach in making the strategy of the business.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-174
Purwantoro Purwantoro

Micro Small medium enterprises (UMKM) in each state specifically in the ASEAN region faced with the situation of global competition. A very tight competition is forcing businessmen to become the best. One of the ways that it can be reached by the trade to be able to be the best business strategy is appropriate, effective and efficient. This research aims to find out how the application business model canvas in creating alternative business strategies for the development of UMKM. The second objective is to know the proper strategic alternatives for the development of UMKM. The methods used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach with the use of informants as respondents research. The data source used is the business owners as much as 16 UMKM who open businesses in the downtown area of  Pasir  Pengaraian. Data collection techniques using interview techniques directly, observation and documentation. This research uses a template business model canvas to map strategy for the effort and combined with the SWOT analysis. Based on data obtained from the results of research, that the description of the business model approach UMKM using Business Model Canvas outline can be used as recommendations for business strategy, the business model which is currently already underway is able to meet the Nine elements of the blocks on the template business model canvas. The findings of this research are that not all the UMKM business strategy and have just run a business without the vision of enterprise development. Based on the results of the SWOT analysis can be found that alternative new efforts by optimizing internal strength in revenue streams on each UMKM and conduct elections to the right customer segments. Suggestions that may the researcher pointed out every UMKM should be more daring to have the vision to grow and continue to innovate against products goods or services, increase customer segmentation and make use of business model canvas approach in making the strategy of the business.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 72
Irfan Cholid

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector in Indonesia has some important roles in development, one of which is MSMEs are able to reduce unemployment due to labor force that is not absorbed in the world of work. One of the village development efforts is through One Village One Product approach. Kauman Village is the center of amplang MSME which is considered by the community to be a typical product of the area and has been operating for years and still exists up to today. Despite being operated for a while, its financial feasibility has not been recognized. In addition, business development strategies are also essential because until now most of these MSMEs still face challenges which one of them is on the marketing aspect. The marketing strategy used is conventional one, which is considered less suitable for today’s digital era. The analytical method used to determine the financial condition ofamplang’s business in KaumanVillage,Ketapang is by calculating the net profit of the business. While the SWOT analysis is used to formulate the amplang MSME development strategy in Kauman Village based on the respondents’ answers on the questionnaires. Based on the results of the financial analysis with net profit calculation, it can be concluded that all amplang MSMEs are feasible to maintain. Meanwhile, according to the results of the SWOT analysis, all amplang MSMEs are positive and in quadrant I which proves that amplangMSMEs are very strong and have a chance to grow and develop. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 162-172
Hadi Sasana ◽  
Hastarini Dwi Atmanti ◽  
Dul Muid

In the era of globalized demands readiness state or area to be able to compete. This study dug condition flagship cluster in Central Java that is industrial metal casting in Klaten Regency. Methods of analysis using qualitative and quantitative analysis (R/C Ratio; Analytical Hierarcy Process). Using primary data as well as secondary data collected from selected samples or related institutions. Those results found: (1) the actors cast metal Small medium enterprises (SME) efforts largely have joined in a group/cluster (2). Based on the analysis of the feasibility of the effort, all the effort in the area of the cluster of decent run because it has a value of R/C ratio is more than 1 (one) (3). Industrial cluster development priority scale cast metal are: marketing, production aspects, aspects of the infrastructure, institutional aspects, and managerial aspects.

Siti Arbainah ◽  
Hadiahti Utami ◽  
Sugiarti Sugiarti

The Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in economic development. It is reasonable if the empowerment of MSMEs gets special attention by the government, including MSMEs in tourism villages. The tourist village of Loram Kulon MSME which is one of the objects of this research is growing and diverse in both number and type. The diversity of MSMEs has resulted in village governments having difficulties in implementing MSME development programs that are in harmony with the characteristics of tourism villages. This study aims to formulate a business development strategy model for MSMEs in resource-based and local wisdom-based tourism villages. Except in the village of Loram Kulon, research has been carried out with the object of the Jambearum tourism village in Kendal Regency. The study used 7-10 samples of MSMEs taken randomly. Respondents are owners / managers of MSMEs. Data was collected through interviews with the help of questionnaires. Processed using descriptive statistics and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. From these two studies can be formulated a model of village tourism MSME development. The results show that the development model based on the SWOT analysis is the right model for formulating the tourism village MSME development strategy. This is because the SWOT analysis considers the internal and external conditions of MSMEs and provides four alternative strategies namely SO, ST, WO, WT which can be selected according to the general objectives of MSMEs in the tourism village

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Novia Hepriani Pane ◽  
Zaili Rusli

The circulation of screen printing Ulos and the Covid 19 pandemic caused a negative impact on Ulos SMEs in Tarutung District which could threaten the sustainability of small industrial businesses. The strategic importance is right in accordance with Ulos and its ancestral values by the Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Trade Office and the North Tapanuli Dekranasda. The purpose of this research is to see how the Ulos development strategy through SMEs is carried out by the Small and Medium Enterprises Cooperative Trade Office of North Tapanuli Regency and what factors influence the Ulos development strategy. The research method used is a qualitative approach with descriptive data, followed by a strategy formulation using the SWOT analysis method. Based on research and discussion, it was found that the Ulos Development Strategy through SMEs in Tarutung District, North Tapanuli Regency had not been implemented optimally, this was influenced by limited capital and the less than optimal role of the government.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-112
Helmawati Helmawati

The only tourism attraction with waterfall based located closest to the center of Padang city administration.isPemandianLubukTampuruang. This attraction is still natural, had not been built and managed by local government as well as the private sector in the Belimbing sub district, The district of Belimbing, Padang,West Sumatra province. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to formulate appropriate policies to be applied in the development of tourism attractions that can improve Micro, Small, Medium EnterpriseS (UMKM) in the area. This research employed SWOT analysis, by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses (internal), opportunities and threats (external) in the tourism object Pemandian LubukTampuruang. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Based on this research, its main strength is that it is the only waterfall tourist attraction in the city that is easy to be reached, while the weakness is inadequate infrastructure.The opportunitiesof this attraction is it has the potential to be a good quality tourism attraction while the threats to be anticipated is a sudden natural disaster that would have a negative impact and impede the development of the attraction. Suggested strategy in developing Pemandian LubukTampuruang Baths is SO strategy (Strengths Opportunitis) which is a strategy to maximize the existing strengths in the location to seize opportunities that will make this attraction even better than before.

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