scholarly journals Tanggapan Alkitab dan Gereja Terhadap Faktor Pemicu Terjadinya Perceraian

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Ricu Sele ◽  
Soelistiyo Daniel Zacheus

The divorce rate in Indonesia is increasingly showing a significant upward trend. Therefore, this study aims to describe the factors of divorce, the response of Lakit and the church to the divorce. Divorce doesn't just happen. Divorce is triggered by various factors. These factors are used as justification for conducting a divorce. Those reasons are used as the basis for suing and carrying out a divorce. The Bible is against divorce. God hates divorce. God never designed a marriage for divorce. Biblical marriage is marriage for life. Marriage must be built on a strong foundation, namely love. Like the bond of love between Christ and His church, so is the bond of husband and wife in a marriage. The church is in line with the Bible / Word of God, does not tolerate divorce. The church must strive to prevent its people from divorcing. Because divorce does not solve problems, but in Christ and His love all problems that arise in marriage can be resolved. He is in Christ and in His love there must be a way out. The method used by researchers in this writing is descriptive qualitative by using literature sources that support the writing of this article. Hopefully the results of this research can be a reference for pastors and churches and people to solve every problem in marriage wisely so that it doesn't end in divorce. Angka perceraian di Indonesia semakin menunjuk tren peningkatan yang signifikan. Karena itu penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memaparkan faktor-faktor perceraian, tanggapan Alkitab dan gereja terhadap perceraian tersebut. Perceraian dipicu oleh berbagai faktor. Alasan-alasan itulah yang dijadikan sebagai dasar untuk menuntut dan melakukan perceraian. Alkitab menentang perceraian. Tuhan tidak pernah merancang sebuah pernikahan untuk perceraian. Pernikahan Alkitabiah adalah pernikahan seumur hidup. Pernikahan harus dibangun dasar yang kuat yaitu kasih. Seperti ikatan kasih antara Kristus dan jemaatNya. Gerejapun sejalan dengan Alkitab/Firman Allah, tidak mentolerir adanya perceraian. Gereja harus berjuang untuk menghindarkan umatnya dari perceraian. Sebab perceraian tidak menyelesaikan masalah, tetapi di dalam Kristus dan kasihNya semua persoalan yang muncul dalam pernikahan bisa diselesaikan. Adapun metode yang dipergunakan peneliti dalam penulisan ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan sumber-sumber literatur yang mendukung penulisan artikel ini. Kiranya hasil penelitian ini, dapat menjadi acuan bagi Pendeta dan gereja serta umat untuk menyelesaikan setiap masalah dalam pernikahan secara bijak sehingga tidak berakhir dengan perceraian.

1999 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
pp. 476-503
Eberhard Busch

How might Karl Barth's engagement with the question of the relationship of the church to Judaism during the Nazi era help us today as we seek to revise that relationship? It is obvious that we cannot simply repeat his statements today. But the reference to Barth would be unproductive if it consisted solely in the assertion that the opponent of anti-Semitism at that time was in fact in league with his adversaries. Protestants all too willingly take on an air of self-importance, imagining the distant past to be the proverbial night in which all cats are gray. It would also be insufficient to find in this theologian some good initial ideas, to the extent that they agree with one's own views, in order then, when one differs from his thinking, to identify all the logical flaws that one believes to have been successfully overcome. In neither case would we learn anything, but only confirm our own position. If our encounter with a teacher of the church is to be fruitful, we must enter into a conversation in which we are not only the questioners, but also those who are questioned. True, such a teacher, whom we may critically question, is only an authority subject to the Word of God. But a proper teacher of the church is an authority under the Word of God, and his or her question to us, therefore, is whether we, as we move ahead, are following the Word of God as attested in the Bible or only our own authority.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-51
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Kalis Stevanus

Indonesia is a pluralistic nation because it consists of various races, languages, cultures, and religions. Diversity has the potential for horizontal conflict in society. Jesus commanded that Christians manifest love for others as well as for themselves. Sincere love will create harmony and harmony with others regardless of the differences in it. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method through exploring literature related to the topic and using parallel biblical texts that describe how believers carry out their call to live in harmony and at the same time carry out a Christian mission to save those who do not believe in Christ. From this research, it is concluded that the Christian mission is the application of the love of Christ. Love is the basis in society to foster tolerance and mutual respect for the rights of everyone, including belief. This reality must change the paradigm and practice of modern Christian mission. Christian mission must stick to the Bible which affirms that faith in Christ is an absolute requirement of salvation. Therefore, there is no reason for the believer or the church not to carry out this missionary command by maintaining religious harmony so that it can be a blessing for those who do not know Christ.Indonesia adalah bangsa yang majemuk karena terdiri dari berbagai suku, bahasa, budaya dan agama. Kemajemukan memiliki potensi konflik horisontal di masyarakat. Yesus memerintahkan agar orang Kristen mewujudkan kasih kepada sesama seperti kepada diri sendiri. Kasih yang tulus akan menciptakan kerukunan dan keharmonisan dengan sesama tanpa memandang perbedaan yang ada di dalamnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui menggali literatur yang berkaitan dengan topik dan menggunakan teks-teks paralel Alkitab yang mendeskripsikan bagaimana orang percaya menjalankan panggilan untuk hidup rukun sekaligus mengemban misi Kristen untuk menyelamatkan mereka yang belum percaya pada Kristus. Melalui penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa misi Kristen adalah penerapan dari kasih Kristus. Kasih itu menjadi dasar dalam  bermasyarakat untuk menumbuhkembangkan sikap toleransi dan saling menghormati hak-hak setiap orang termasuk berkeyakinan.  Realitas ini harus mengubah paradigma dan praktik dari misi Kristen modern. Misi Kristen harus tetap berpegang teguh pada Alkitab yang menegaskan bahwa iman dalam Kristus sebagai persyaratan mutlak keselamatan. Tetapi tidak ada alasan bagi orang percaya atau gereja untuk tidak menjalankan perintah misioner tersebut dengan tetap menjaga kerukunan beragama agar dapat menjadi berkat bagi orang yang belum mengenal Kristus.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 81
K Katarina ◽  
I Putu Ayub Darmawan

This article discusses spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The formulation of the problem is the relationship between spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. The author uses literature studies to collect information about spiritual formation and God's Word in reformation. Spirit for sola scriptura has produced a change in the life of the church at that moment. All teachings, church traditions, and practical actions which is conducted by church member must be tested under the Word of God. In the present context, church who facing various challenges related to moral life, teaching, and practical actions must return to the principles of word of God. To build a spiritual life, we must start from the Bible that is interpreted correctly, which then becomes a theological development, which then influences the concept of believer's thinking and practical actions. Artikel ini membahas tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kaitan antara formasi rohani dan firman Tuhan dalam reformasi? Penulis menggunakan studi pustaka untuk menggali informasi tentang formasi rohani dan Firman Tuhan dalam reformasi. Semangat untuk sola scriptura menghasilkan perubahan dalam kehidupan gereja pada masa itu. Segala pengajaran, tradisi gereja, dan tindakan praktis yang dilakukan oleh setiap anggota gereja harus diuji di bawah Firman Tuhan. Dalam konteks masa kini, menghadapi berbagai tantangan gereja baik yang terkait dengan kehidupan moral maupun pengajaran dan tindakan praktis, gereja harus kembali pada prinsip Firman Tuhan. Untuk membangun kehidupan rohani maka harus dimulai dari Alkitab yang ditafsirkan secara benar yang kemudian menjadi sebuah bangunan teologi yang kemudian mempengaruhi konsep berpikir orang percaya dan tindakan praktis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-131
Herdiana Sihombing ◽  
Elisamark Sitopu ◽  
Herowati Sitorus ◽  
Roy Charly HP Sipahutar ◽  
Bintahan M. Harianja

The high divorce rate in Indonesia, including among Christian families, has in recent years been a struggle together. Divorce itself is the mouth of a variety of pressures faced by Christian families that are not properly resolved. Not a few Christian families have a vulnerable resilience due to their inability to manage conflicts that occur. On the other hand, the Church must recognize that it has an ethical and theological responsibility to maintain the resilience of the family members of its congregation. However, the fact is that most churches do not have a programmed mission to nurture husband and wife members of their congregations in order to maintain family resilience. In fact, many churches do not have documented teaching material for cultivating Christian families. This article is a summary of development research that seeks to create a design for Christian husband and wife formation materials that can later be used by church leaders for the survival of the family of church members. The research method used is Research and Development (R & D), which is used to produce certain products, and test their effectiveness. In this research, the design of Christian husband and wife guidance materials for the family resilience of church members is produced.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-111
Ferderika Pertiwi Ndiy ◽  
S Susanto

Church growth is an important study in church history. The Bible has important principles in church growth, therefore these principles need to be analyzed so that they can contribute to the study of church growth. The Acts of the Apostles is a book that has a history and principles of church growth, therefore the author conducted research on church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The author uses a qualitative approach to literature study to find the principles of church growth based on Acts 2: 1-47. The results showed that there were three principles for the growth of the early church. The first principle based on the fourth verse is to depend on the Holy Spirit, the second principle based on verses 14-36, 42 is to preach the Word of God, the third principle based on verses 42-46 is to live in fellowship. For the growth of the church today the church must depend on the power of the Holy Spirit, teaching based on the word of God, and the church lives in fellowship.

2005 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 593-613
B Weber

This article endeavours to evaluate an integrated understanding and interpretation of the Bible, which simultaneously takes cognisance of the “self-understanding” of the Bible, complies with academic standards, and is helpful to the church in its service to bring the Word of God to the (post)modern world.  Therefore a “3-circles-model” has been developed, tested in the classroom and is here presented for discussion and further refinement. In this model the task of biblical exegesis is, in accordance with the three dimensions found in the Bible itself, explained as interpretation of the literary, historical and theological dimensions of the text(s).  The three dimensions are hermeneutically  and methodologically investigated. Some final considerations are given to the integration of the three dimensions into the whole process of interpreting the Bible.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
Dani�l J. Maritz ◽  
Henk G. Stoker

This article investigates the biblical motivation that is given for the secular idea of the so-called spiritual law of attraction to become part of Christian doctrine. In 2010 Pastor At Boshoff of the Christian Revival Church (CRC) preached two sermons on the law of attraction in which he claimed it as a powerful principle in the Word of God. According to him this biblical �law� provides human beings with physical manifestations of their thoughts and words. The idea to create one�s own favourable future through the law of attraction flows from a New Age worldview and is similar to the positive confession doctrine taught by popular Word of Faith teachers. Boshoff�s claim regarding the law of attraction cannot be deduced from the key Scripture passages he uses, which reflects an unfounded use of Scripture to promote this idea.Intradisciplinary and/or interdisciplinary implications: The article challenges the secular infiltration of the Law of Attraction in the church. This is important since the so-called Law of Attraction was preached by Pastor A. Boshoff of the CRC. Many of his listeners embrace his teaching although it reflects a poor exposition and application of Scripture.

2009 ◽  
Vol 41 (114) ◽  
pp. 165 ◽  
Johan Konings

Em outubro de 2008 transcorreu em Roma a XII Assembleia Geral Ordin ária do Sínodo dos Bispos, o qual é uma instituição permanente criada pelo Concílio Vaticano II para manter o diálogo dos pastores-bispos das Igrejas particulares. Nesta Assembleia, dedicada à Palavra de Deus na vida e na missão da Igreja, foi retomada praticamente a Constituição Dogmática Dei Verbum do Vaticano II. Depois de apresentar o tema da Palavra de Deus, traçamos um breve histórico focalizando os inícios da Tradição cristã e os tempos modernos desde Leão XIII até hoje. Em seguida descrevemos a XII Assembleia Geral, especialmente a Relatio post Disceptationem e as Propositiones. Concluímos com uma reflexão teológicopastoral sobre a Revelação e a leitura bíblica, e sugestões para a prática.ABSTRACT: In October of 2008 the XII Ordinary General Assembly of the Sinod of Bishops took place in Rome. The Sinod of Bishops is a permanent institution created by the II Vatican Council in order to maintain the dialogue of pastorsbishops of the particular Churches. This Assembly, dedicated to the Word of God in the life and in the mission of the Church, basically treated again the Dogmatic Constitution Dei Verbum of the II Vatican Council. After presenting the theme of the Word of God, we outline a brief history focusing on the beginnings of the Christian Tradition and the modern epoch since Leo XIII until today. Next we describe the XII General Assembly, especially the Relatio post Disceptationem and the Propostiones. We conclude with a theological-pastoral reflection on Revelation and the reading of the bible, and some practical suggestions. 

Gerald O’Collins, SJ

Dealing with biblical inspiration within the scheme of the Word of God in its threefold form (as preached, written, and revealed), Karl Barth distinguished between divine revelation and the inspired Bible. He insisted that the revelation to prophets and apostles preceded proclamation and the writing of Scripture. He interpreted all the Scriptures as witness to Christ. While the human authors of the Bible ‘made full use of their human capacities’, the Holy Spirit is ‘the real author’ of what is written. Raymond Collins, in dialogue with Thomas Aquinas, Barth, and others, interpreted biblical inspiration in the light of the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on Divine Revelation. He spoke of the Holy Spirit as the ‘principal, efficient cause’ (with the human authors as the ‘instrumental’ causes), rejected dictation views of inspiration, and examined the scope of biblical truth and the authority of the Bible for the Church.

2001 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
J. Smit

Should the teaching and practice of theology be dictated by the church? In this article it is argued that the practice of theology as a science, based on the presupposition that the Bible is the word of God, is inherently part of the calling and responsibility of the church. Therefore, practising theology as a science rooted in faith should also be ecclesiastically subservient to theology in general, and should indicate the way for the training of ministers of the Word. In this article it is argued that practising theology as a science rooted in faith is not to be regarded as an old-fashioned approach as this way of practising theology can be related to one of the positive trends in post-modernism: the increasing need for expressed presuppositions. This view stands in opposition to the rationalistic approach of theology in which the Bible is seen as a collection of texts of historical origin. According to the rationalistic view point, the Bible represents a collection of texts which reflect narratives of people’s experiences and should be studied historically-critically. Thus the Bible becomes an object of rational analysis. Should the focus of theology (in contemporary postmodern times) move to the phenomenon of religions emphasizing rational analysis, churches will have to take the sole responsibility for the training of future ministers – even if the consequence implies that the involvement of universities in theological training be excluded.

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