The Meaning of Name a Place in Perspective Java Migrant Custom in Lampung, Indonesia

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 ◽  
pp. 218-225
Risma Margaretha Sinaga ◽  
Sudjarwo Sudjarwo ◽  
Albet Maydiantoro

Every place on earth has a name. The origin of place names generally has different backgrounds, stories, and histories. Generally, it depends on who gave the name of the place. There is a meaning and purpose behind the naming. This study aims to determine the socio-cultural ecological life of the community in an area and analyze the meaning contained in the socio-cultural context. This qualitative research is sourced from 26 informants. In addition to interviews, this research relies on observation and documentation studies to obtain a comprehensive toponym. This research was conducted at Gedong Tataan. Gedong Tataan is an area where is located that shows the history of transmigration in Lampung during the Dutch colonial period in Indonesia. The results of this study indicate that the naming of Gedong Tataan by the Javanese is influenced by the physical aspects of the area based on the socio-cultural aspect of Java. This study concludes that all areas inhabited by Javanese transmigrants in Lampung have a toponym according to the origin of the population from Java, including the use of the Javanese language for daily communication. This behavior belongs to the realm of cultural preservation and it still thrives in migration and transmigration areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Dimas Wihardyanto ◽  
Sudaryono Sudaryono

Arsitektur merupakan salah satu produk budaya hasil pemikiran manusia yang mampu menggambarkan secara komprehensif bagaimana hubungan dirinya dengan konteks sosial maupun seting lingkungan yang ada. Tidak terkecuali arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia. Kolonialisasi di Indonesia terutama yang dilakukan oleh Belanda merupakan salah satu babak sejarah penting di Indonesia karena mampu merubah cara berfikir arsitektur di Hindia Belanda semakin modern mendekati yang terjadi di Barat. Pengaruh modernisme dalam arsitektur tersebut tentunya tidak dapat dilepaskan dari perkembangan cara berfikir masyarakat barat yang bertitik tolak dari cara memandang alam dan manusia melalui pendekatan kategorisasi dan analogi. Setelah melalui kurun waktu yang cukup panjang arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia akhirnya tidak dapat memaksakan penggunaan arsitektur barat secara penuh. Konteks sosial budaya serta seting lingkungan dan iklim yang berbeda akhirnya mampu mengajak para arsitek untuk mengedepankan cara berfikir yang bertitik tolak pada alam melalui pendekatan analogi alih-alih menonjolkan arsitektur barat sebagai simbol manusia modern melalui pendekatan kategorisasi. Kemunculan arsitektur Indis adalah salah satu buktinya. Selanjutnya melalui metode kajian literatur terhadap sejarah perkembangan filsafat barat, metodologi penelitian arsitektur, dan teori-teori mengenai arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia peneliti mencoba merunut dan merumuskan bagaimana Posisi keilmuan arsitektur kolonial Belanda di Indonesia dalam konteks sejarah filsafat dan filsafat ilmu. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwasanya perkembangan arsitektur kolonial di Indonesia berawal dari cara berfikir dualisme dengan mengambil alam sebagai tidak tolak, kemudian beralih menjadi cara berfikir monisme dengan revolusi industri sebagai latar belakang, dan kemudian kembali ke cara berfikir dualisme dengan menempatkan alam sebagai titik tolak pada abad ke 20.DUTCH COLONIAL ARCHITECTURE IN INDONESIA IN THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF PHILOSOPHY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE                                                  Architecture is one of the cultural products of human thought that can to comprehensively describe how its relationship with the social context and the existing environmental settings. Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia is no exception. Colonialism in Indonesia, especially those carried out by the Dutch, is one of the important historical phases in Indonesia because it can change the way of thinking architecture in the Dutch East Indies increasingly modern that is happening in the West. The influence of modernism in architecture indeed cannot be separated from the development of western society's way of thinking, which starts from the way of looking at nature and humans through a categorization and analogy approach. After a long period of time, Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia finally could not force the full use of western architecture. The socio-cultural context and the different environmental and climatic settings were finally able to invite the architects to put forward the way of thinking that starts with nature through an analogy approach instead of highlighting western architecture as a symbol of modern humans through the categorization approach. The emergence of Indis architecture is one of the proofs. Furthermore, through the method of studying literature on the history of the development of western philosophy, architectural research methodology, and theories about Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia researchers try to trace and formulate the scientific position of Dutch colonial architecture in Indonesia in the context of the history of philosophy and philosophy of science. The results obtained from this study are that the development of colonial architecture in Indonesia started from the way of thinking of dualism by taking nature as not rejecting, then turning into monism with the industrial revolution as a background, and then returning to the way of thinking of dualism by placing nature as a point starting in the 20th century.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-132
Bunyamin Bunyamin

The condition of Islamic education in Indonesia has existed since the Dutch colonial period, especially Islamic education is in a very dwarf condition that is not yet able to contribute to the progress of the nation. This happens due to the narrow mindset of the community in interpreting the verses of the Qur'an. In addition, there is discrimination by the colonialists against Islamic education. Education established by new Muslims around Islamic boarding schools which are considered unable to meet the demands of the times. This research focuses on the concept of Islamic education according to Mahmud Yunus by using qualitative research, content analysis approaches that examine historical, textual, and comparative approaches. Findings from the results of this study according to Mahmud Yunus, education is more specialized in moral education than the objectives of Islamic education, in the process of learning that places priority over methods. Thus the researcher is able to conclude about the concept of Islamic education from Mahmud Yunus from the objectives, methods, institutions, systems, and curriculum that really gives a great influence on Islamic education in Indonesia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-151
Antti Saari

Writing qualitative research texts often involves the acknowledgement of the researcher being imbued in the systems of meaning that he or she is studying. This provides a background for incitement to reflexivity, i.e. how one’s own life history and broader cultural context is etched in epistemological and ontological assumptions about the object. This article studies the reflexive style of writing in Michel Foucault’s archaeology of the human sciences, which constantly problematises its own assumptions about studying discourses. His style is described with the analogy of a Moebius strip, highlighting the way the ‘outside’ history of the human sciences turns into the ‘inside’ conditions of possibility for analysing discursive formations in the history of educational research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-86
Cindy Elena Kartika ◽  
Lilianny Sigit Arifin

The Kayutangan Corridor is one of the areas in Malang that holds many historical values, namely as a shopping center in the Dutch colonial era. However, the glory and history of kayutangan began to fade with the times. This research's general objective is to provide a design proposal for the Kayutangan corridor that can present historical stories of the buildings along the corridor, such as an open-air museum, with the building as its object. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research with a signage theory approach. The final result of this study is the proposed signage and pedestrian design in the Kayutangan corridor.

Danil Akbar Taqwadin

The history of Aceh in the last century is a cycle of conflict and peace. The presence of conflict and peace is also inseparable from the involvement of the authorities, both during the colonial period and the Aceh compilation which had joined Indonesia. In this case, the ruler does not move alone but is related to no elite at the local level. Therefore, using qualitative analysis and literature and observation methods, this article discusses the construction of the elite, the legitimacy gained, and the existence of the elite in political politics in Aceh, both during the Dutch colonial period and Aceh as a part of Indonesia. This exploration shows that there are differences in the pattern of elite construction, the legitimacy obtained, and the existence of the elite in relations with the authorities. This difference is seen in the pattern of the boss changing local to local strongmen and vice versa. Likewise, the legitimacy is obtained by an elite based on rational law for charismatics and then back again to rational law. Hopefully, this study can add to the academic treasure of Aceh politics from a different perspective.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-29
Berlian Susetyo ◽  
Ravico Ravico

Abstrak: Kajian tentang Kota Lubuklinggau berdasarkan kronologis sejarah masih belum ada kajian yang komprehensif, sehingga terjadi kegagalan pemahaman generasi muda dalam memahami sejarah Kota Lubuklinggau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kota Lubuklinggau pada masa Kolonial Belanda, masa pendudukan Jepang, masa setelah proklamasi kemerdekaan serta masa agresi militer pertama dan kedua. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode sejarah, antara lain heuristik, kritik sumber, intepretasi dan historiografi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Lubuklinggau Tahun 1929 menjadi dusun kedudukan marga Sindang Kelingi Ilir, kemudian dikembangkan menjadi ibukota Onder Afdeeling Moesie Oeloe masa kolonial Belanda Tahun. Pada masa Jepang Tahun 1942, Lubuklinggau menjadi ibukota Bunshu Musikami Rawas. Pada masa setelah kemerdekaan Tahun 1945, Lubuklinggau menjadi Kawedanaan Musi Ulu sekaligus menjadi ibukota Kabupaten Musi Ulu Rawas. Kemudian pada masa agresi militer Belanda I Tahun 1947 dan agresi militer Belanda II Tahun 1948, Lubuklinggau menjadi pusat pemerintahan Karesidenan Palembang sekaligus pusat pemerintahan militer Sub Teritorium Sumatera Selatan (SUBKOSS). Kata Kunci: Moesie Oeloe, Musi Ulu Rawas, LubuklinggauAbstract: The study of Lubuklinggau City is based on historical chronology, there is still no comprehensive study, so that there is a failure in understanding the young generation in understanding the history of Lubuklinggau City. Furthermore, this study aims to describe the city of Lubuklinggau during the Dutch colonial period, the Japanese occupation period, the period after the proclamation of independence and the period of the first and second military aggression. The research method used is the historical method, including heuristics, source criticism, interpretation and historiography. The results showed that Lubuklinggau in 1929 became the hamlet of the Sindang Kelingi Ilir clan, then it was developed into the capital of Onder Afdeeling Moesie Oeloe during the Dutch colonial period. During the Japanese period in 1942, Lubuklinggau became the capital of the Bunshu Musikami Rawas. In the period after independence in 1945, Lubuklinggau became Kawedanaan Musi Ulu as well as the capital of Musi Ulu Rawas Regency. Then during the Dutch military aggression I in 1947 and Dutch military aggression II in 1948, Lubuklinggau became the center of the Palembang Residency government as well as the center of the South Sumatra SubTerritory (SUBKOSS) military government. Keywords: Moesie Oeloe, Musi Ulu Rawas, Lubuklinggau

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Kunto Sofianto ◽  
Agusmanon Yuniadi ◽  
Agus Nero Sofyan ◽  
Budi Gustaman

This article discusses the symbols and identity of Garut City, especially with regard to heritage buildings that were established since the Dutch colonial period. These buildings are very important to be maintained so that the identity of the Garut community is not eroded by the increasingly strong current of globalization. The research method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a historical approach. In addition, the concept of conservation is also used which refers to physical and non-physical aspects and adaptive re-use theory. The conclusion from this research is that various infrastructures, especially the buildings at the beginning of the establishment of Garut city are symbols and identities for the Garut people. The conclusion of this study is that the buildings are very important to be preserved so that they could be proud of by the people of Garut city or the people of Garut regency in general. Thus the Garut people will not lose direction in building a whole human. In addition, the Garut community will understand the importance of buildings in Garut city as a symbol or identity of the Garut community.

Durba Mitra

During the colonial period in India, European scholars, British officials, and elite Indian intellectuals—philologists, administrators, doctors, ethnologists, sociologists, and social critics—deployed ideas about sexuality to understand modern Indian society. This book shows how deviant female sexuality, particularly the concept of the prostitute, became foundational to this knowledge project and became the primary way to think and write about Indian society. The book reveals that deviant female sexuality was critical to debates about social progress and exclusion, caste domination, marriage, widowhood and inheritance, women's performance, the trafficking of girls, abortion and infanticide, industrial and domestic labor, indentured servitude, and ideologies about the dangers of Muslim sexuality. British authorities and Indian intellectuals used the concept of the prostitute to argue for the dramatic reorganization of modern Indian society around Hindu monogamy. The book demonstrates how the intellectual history of modern social thought is based in a dangerous civilizational logic built on the control and erasure of women's sexuality. This logic continues to hold sway in present-day South Asia and the postcolonial world. Reframing the prostitute as a concept, the book overturns long-established notions of how to write the history of modern social thought in colonial India, and opens up new approaches for the global history of sexuality.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Ngo Quang Son ◽  
Nguyen Thi Phuong

Traditional culture of ethnic minorities is the material and spiritual values that are accumulated and preservedin the whole history of ethnic minority development. In thatcommon cultural flow, every ethnic minorities group in ourcountry has its own characteristics in traditional culture.That identity is expressed firstly in language. Language is animportant element of the ethnic minorities character, therefore,the loss of language is the loss of a great asset, thereby leadingto the erasure of art literature, religious beliefs and the custom,customary law.Therefore, in the context of modern life, preserving andpromoting the cultural and linguistic identity of ethnicminorities is an urgent task. In particular, pay specialattention to the method of cultural preservation through thedevelopment of Information, Education and CommunicationModel in ethnic minorities languages in schools and localcommunities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Nurman Kholis

Abstract. Many Muslims in the Riau Islands do not know the history of the development of Islamic theory from the center of power to spread to various corners. This is as the existence of the Great Mosque of Raja Haji Abdul Ghani (MBRHAG) on Buru Island, Karimun. Thus, to uncover the existence of this mosque, qualitative research methods are used so that history, architecture, and socio-religious functions can be known. Based on the results of the study it was concluded that the establishment of MBRHAG was initiated by Raja Haji Abdul Ghani. He was the first Amir (sub-district level government) of the kingdom of Riau-Lingga on Buru Island, in the 19th century. The architecture is a Chinese. Therefore, on the right side of this mosque is around 200 m, there is also the Sam Po Teng Temple and the Tri Dharma Dewa Bumi. Thus, the close location of the mosque with Chinese and Confucian worship houses's shows a harmonious relationship between Malay Muslims and Chinese Buddhists. In fact, in the continuation of this relationship there was information that a Chinese Buddhist had joined a Muslim friend to fast for half a month of Ramadan.Keywords: Mosque, Malay Muslims, Chinese Buddhists/Confucians, Harmonious RelationsAbstrak. Umat Islam di Kepulauan Riau banyak yang tidak mengenal sejarah perkembangan ajaran Islam dari pusat kekuasaan hingga tersebar ke berbagai pelosok. Hal ini sebagaimana keberadaan Masjid Besar Raja Haji Abdul Ghani (MBRHAG) di Pulau Buru, Karimun. Dengan demikian, untuk mengungkapkan keberadaan masjid ini digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif  agar dapat diketahui sejarah, arsitektur, dan fungsi sosial keagamaannya.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa pendirian MBRHAG diprakarsai oleh Raja Haji Abdul Ghani. Ia adalah Amir (pemerintah setingkat kecamatan) pertama kerajaan Riau-Lingga di Pulau Buru, pada abad ke-19. Adapun arsitekturnya adalah seorang Tionghoa. Karena itu, di sebelah kanan masjid ini sekitar 200 m juga terdapat Kelenteng Sam Po Teng dan cetya Tri Dharma Dewa Bumi. Dengan demikian, dekatnya lokasi masjid dengan rumah ibadah umat Tionghoa dan Khonghucu ini menunjukkan hubungan yang harmonis antara muslim Melayu dengan Budhis Tionghoa. Bahkan, dalam kelangsungan hubungan ini terdapat informasi seorang Buddhis Tionghoa pernah ikut temannya yang beragama muslim untuk berpuasa selama setengah bulan Ramadhan.Kata Kunci: Masjid, Muslim Melayu, Buddhis/Khonghucu Tionghoa, Hubungan Harmonis

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