Олена Василівна Гаращук ◽  
Віра Іванівна Куценко

Relevant theoretical and methodological, methodical, and practical issues of the role of education in ensuring sustainable development and achieving social stability under the transformation processes in Ukraine and the world are considered. It seems essential, as nowadays there are many new threats in our country, which require the identification of factors that may affect them, and primarily in terms of mitigation. In this regard, studying the problems associated with identifying and disclosing the factors that positively and negatively affect the growth of social stability and sustainable development, in particular factors of social and production, innovation and technological, natural and technogenic character under the deep transformation processes, is carried out. Among the factors that characterize and determine a socially stable environment, the factors of the population size, the level of urbanization, and the state of the industrial and social infrastructure development are of great importance. At the same time, the interaction of various factors plays an important role. Their dynamism, efficiency, and harmonization facilitate this. This should be the goal of state policy to achieve interaction between the processes of public consumption and the restoration of natural resources at a harmonious balance of economic, social, and environmental goals and needs, ensuring the overcome of both external and internal threats. In achieving sustainable development, special importance belongs to the educational sphere, which is an important factor in ensuring social stability. At the same time, special attention in the context of the educational sphere as a factor exerting a critical influence is paid to innovative technologies, human and other types of capital. Within the framework of studying various aspects of the educational sphere, practical approaches to the development of the social policy directed on the successful decision of modern problems of development of civilization are also considered.

2018 ◽  
pp. 906-924
Indrani Basu

A modern economy is market focused. It is held that when a woman becomes a participant in the market on her own term as a rational economic agent she is empowered in an economic sense. It does not take into account the other spectrums of empowerment viz. gender political, cultural and like. A nation's infrastructure provides the basic scaffolding for development. The differences in how men and women use infrastructure services have important implications for sector policies, investment priorities, and program designs. This chapter will analyse how the infrastructure development programme as an economic process assist women to enhance capability of them within society and how its actual impact is mutually constituted by other non-economic social processes and make it an over determined matter. Our study has shown that adequate access of the social infrastructure services has fetched benefits for women and ensures empowerment of women.

Indrani Basu

A modern economy is market focused. It is held that when a woman becomes a participant in the market on her own term as a rational economic agent she is empowered in an economic sense. It does not take into account the other spectrums of empowerment viz. gender political, cultural and like. A nation's infrastructure provides the basic scaffolding for development. The differences in how men and women use infrastructure services have important implications for sector policies, investment priorities, and program designs. This chapter will analyse how the infrastructure development programme as an economic process assist women to enhance capability of them within society and how its actual impact is mutually constituted by other non-economic social processes and make it an over determined matter. Our study has shown that adequate access of the social infrastructure services has fetched benefits for women and ensures empowerment of women.

2019 ◽  
pp. 301-318
Indrani Basu

A modern economy is market focused. It is held that when a woman becomes a participant in the market on her own term as a rational economic agent she is empowered in an economic sense. It does not take into account the other spectrums of empowerment viz. gender political, cultural and like. A nation's infrastructure provides the basic scaffolding for development. The differences in how men and women use infrastructure services have important implications for sector policies, investment priorities, and program designs. This chapter will analyse how the infrastructure development programme as an economic process assist women to enhance capability of them within society and how its actual impact is mutually constituted by other non-economic social processes and make it an over determined matter. Our study has shown that adequate access of the social infrastructure services has fetched benefits for women and ensures empowerment of women.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 93-110
Fatima Nesmane

This paper aims to study Islamic financing formulas in terms of their impact on achieving sustainable development, and alerting points of influence and distinction, and the research problem lies in revealing the status of Islamic financial institutions. Achieving sustainable development, and Islamic financing formulas are important and related to the dimensions of sustainable development. If used optimally, it achieves sustainable development, and Islamic financing formulas directly affect aspects of sustainable development by providing social stability, economic advancement, and commercial movement, and they also contribute to environmental development because they do not allow transactions that lead to damage and waste of resources. The study descriptive analytical approach and the study concluded that Islamic financial institutions should diversify their products so that Islamic financing formulas achieve their goal in contributing to the development of all aspects of sustainable development, whether on the social, economic or environmental level and not limited to one product without the other.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 1063-1078
T.N. Skorobogatova ◽  
I.Yu. Marakhovskaya

Subject. This article discusses the role of social infrastructure in the national economy and analyzes the relationship between the notions of Infrastructure, Service Industry and Non-Productive Sphere. Objectives. The article aims to outline a methodology for development of the social infrastructure of Russia's regions. Methods. For the study, we used the methods of statistical and comparative analyses. The Republic of Crimea and Rostov Oblast's social infrastructure development was considered as a case study. Results. The article finds that the level of social infrastructure is determined by a number of internal and external factors. By analyzing and assessing such factors, it is possible to develop promising areas for the social sphere advancement. Conclusions. Assessment and analysis of internal factors largely determined by the region's characteristics, as well as a comprehensive consideration of the impact of external factors will help ensure the competitiveness of the region's economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 295 ◽  
pp. 01029
Alina Ibragimova ◽  
Yan Wang ◽  
Michail Ivanov

The purpose of this work is to provide information on the development of the infrastructure of the African economy. The study provides statistics on African regions and industries. This article focuses on the forms of economic and social infrastructure, and directs to determine the share development infrastructural in Africa. The Africa has entered an era of devastating change this study shows that with the unfolding economic downturn in the northern economies that have traditionally dominated the global economy. The article provides empirical evidence on how the industrial sectors developed from an economic point of view. The authors believe that infrastructure affects output and productivity directly as a contribution to the production function of other sectors and as part of GDP formation. The article discusses the development of infrastructure for the period 1999-2019 without more detailed dynamics. It also does not explain the main topics developed by the authors. The work provides knowledge on how investments are developing in Africa, how industries have developed, and what is the role of each infrastructure sector in this development. It also shows how different areas of infrastructure work with different successes in creating new paths in the African economy.

2007 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 213-224
Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė ◽  
Vilma Karvelytė-Balbierienė

Rural areas cover the largest part of the territory of Lithuania as well as that of the whole Europe. Rural settlements are also the most abundant category in the settlement system of the country. Therefore, their social, economic, and cultural viability- as well as ecologic sustainability playan important role striving towards the goals of sustainable development. During the last years projects promoting various aspects of sustainability are implemented not only in large cities and towns, but also in smaller municipalities, nevertheless many rural settlements still are not influenced by these trends. The tendency of decrease of the population of the country, emigration, migration of young and qualified persons to larger cities and towns, poverty and unemployment cause the threat to the most fragile elements of the rural settlement system, such as steadings, manor residencies and ethnographic village settlements. In order to stop these processes it is necessary to search for means to sustain the social and economic viability of rural settlements. During the last decade significant role of cultural heritage in implementing strategies of sustainable development was universally recognized. It is acknowledged that sustainable preservation, maintenance, and use of cultural heritage, especially immovable, positively influence the social, economic, cultural and even environmental dimensions of sustainable development. Sustainable development opportunities provided by immovable cultural heritage are essential for small rural settlements which are not distinguished by important natural resources or favorable location. In this instance social and cultural viability is as much essential for preservation of immovable cultural heritage of these settlements, as immovable cultural heritage is essential for sustention of their social and economic viability. Nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo įtaka darniam kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių vystymuisi Santrauka Didžiąją Lietuvos, kaip ir visos Europos, teritorijos dalį sudaro kaimo vietovės, o didžiąją dalį gyvenamųjų vietovių – kaimo gyvenamosios vietovės, taigi jų socialinis, eko nominis ir kultūrinis gyvybingumas bei eko loginis tvarumas atlieka lemiamą vaidmenį siekiant šalies darnaus vystymosi tikslų. Pastaraisiais metais darnų vystymąsi skatinantys projektai jau įgyvendinami ne tik didžiuosiuose Lietuvos miestuose, bet ir mažesnėse savivaldybėse, tačiau daugelio kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių šis procesas kol kas nepaliečia. Bendro šalies gyventojų skaičiaus mažėjimo tendencija, emigracija, jaunų ir kvalifikuo tų žmonių migracija į didžiuosius šalies miestus, skurdas ir nedarbo grėsmė kelia sunykimo grėsmę patiems jautriausiems ir kultūriniu požiūriu vertingiausiems šalies kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių sistemos elementams, tokiems kaip vienkieminės sodybos, buvusių dvarų ir palivarkų sodybos ar etnografinės kaimų gyvenvietės. Siekiant sustabdyti šiuos neigiamus socialinius, eko nominius bei kultūriniu procesus, būtina ieškoti būdų, kaip užtikrinti kaimo gyvenamųjų vietovių socialinį bei eko nominį gyvybingumą. Pastaraisiais metais pasaulyje vis aiškiau suvokiamas kultūros paveldo vaidmuo darnaus vystymosi kontekste. Visuotinai pripažįstama, jog kultūros paveldo, ypač nekilnojamojo, apsauga, priežiūra bei naudojimas turi teigiamos įtakos darniam vystymuisi socialinėje, eko nominėje, kultūrinėje ir kt. dimensijose. Nekilnojamojo kultūros paveldo teikiamos darnaus vystymosi galimybės itin reikšmingos nedidelėms, išskirtinių gamtinių išteklių neturinčioms bei patogia geografine padėtimi nepasižyminčioms kaimo gyvenamosioms vietovėms. Jų socialinis ir eko nominis gyvybingumas kultūros paveldui išsaugoti yra toks pats svarbus, kaip ir kultūros paveldas socialinio ir eko nominio šių gyvenamųjų vietovių gyvybingumo palaikymu.

Alex Rosenberg

Each of the sciences, the physical, biological, social and behavioural, have emerged from philosophy in a process that began in the time of Euclid and Plato. These sciences have left a legacy to philosophy of problems that they have been unable to deal with, either as nascent or as mature disciplines. Some of these problems are common to all sciences, some restricted to one of the four general divisions mentioned above, and some of these philosophical problems bear on only one or another of the special sciences. If the natural sciences have been of concern to philosophers longer than the social sciences, this is simply because the former are older disciplines. It is only in the last century that the social sciences have emerged as distinct subjects in their currently recognizable state. Some of the problems in the philosophy of social science are older than these disciplines, in part because these problems have their origins in nineteenth-century philosophy of history. Of course the full flowering of the philosophy of science dates from the emergence of the logical positivists in the 1920s. Although the logical positivists’ philosophy of science has often been accused of being satisfied with a one-sided diet of physics, in fact their interest in the social sciences was at least as great as their interest in physical science. Indeed, as the pre-eminent arena for the application of prescriptions drawn from the study of physics, social science always held a place of special importance for philosophers of science. Even those who reject the role of prescription from the philosophy of physics, cannot deny the relevance of epistemology and metaphysics for the social sciences. Scientific change may be the result of many factors, only some of them cognitive. However, scientific advance is driven by the interaction of data and theory. Data controls the theories we adopt and the direction in which we refine them. Theory directs and constrains both the sort of experiments that are done to collect data and the apparatus with which they are undertaken: research design is driven by theory, and so is methodological prescription. But what drives research design in disciplines that are only in their infancy, or in which for some other reason, there is a theoretical vacuum? In the absence of theory how does the scientist decide on what the discipline is trying to explain, what its standards of explanatory adequacy are, and what counts as the data that will help decide between theories? In such cases there are only two things scientists have to go on: successful theories and methods in other disciplines which are thought to be relevant to the nascent discipline, and the epistemology and metaphysics which underwrites the relevance of these theories and methods. This makes philosophy of special importance to the social sciences. The role of philosophy in guiding research in a theoretical vacuum makes the most fundamental question of the philosophy of science whether the social sciences can, do, or should employ to a greater or lesser degree the same methods as those of the natural sciences? Note that this question presupposes that we have already accurately identified the methods of natural science. If we have not yet done so, the question becomes largely academic. For many philosophers of social science the question of what the methods of natural science are was long answered by the logical positivist philosophy of physical science. And the increasing adoption of such methods by empirical, mathematical, and experimental social scientists raised a second central question for philosophers: why had these methods so apparently successful in natural science been apparently far less successful when self-consciously adapted to the research agendas of the several social sciences? One traditional answer begins with the assumption that human behaviour or action and its consequences are simply not amenable to scientific study, because they are the results of free will, or less radically, because the significant kinds or categories into which social events must be classed are unique in a way that makes non-trivial general theories about them impossible. These answers immediately raise some of the most difficult problems of metaphysics and epistemology: the nature of the mind, the thesis of determinism, and the analysis of causation. Even less radical explanations for the differences between social and natural sciences raise these fundamental questions of philosophy. Once the consensus on the adequacy of a positivist philosophy of natural science gave way in the late 1960s, these central questions of the philosophy of social science became far more difficult ones to answer. Not only was the benchmark of what counts as science lost, but the measure of progress became so obscure that it was no longer uncontroversial to claim that the social sciences’ rate of progress was any different from that of natural science.

2018 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 02018
Svetlana Ershova ◽  
Tamara Orlovskaya ◽  
Svetlana Shishelova

The article considers the issues of social infrastructure planning. The purpose of the study is to draw up the list of social infrastructure facilities that provide favorable and secure conditions of living, differentiation of placement of these facilities in the territory and interpretation of priorities in planning sustainable development of the city. The authors have analyzed the researches of global cities development problems, the characteristics of life quality of population and the characteristics of the most demanded facilities of social infrastructure. On the base of a general methodological approach, random decomposition and induction methods, taxonomic analysis and expert evaluation, the authors constructed models for planning the placement of social infrastructure facilities. Comparative analysis of the models allowed describing three levels of social facilities placement that provide favorable living conditions and life quality for population. The authors have systemized the indicators of social infrastructure that is significant for the sustainable urban development, largely ensuring the good quality of the urban environment, secure and favorable living conditions. The results of the research can be used as a methodological basis for studying problems of sustainable development of global cities, good quality of urban environment. The authorities can use the results of the research to develop standards for urban planning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 02003
Ludmila Kamenik

The paper considers the following components: business and problems of modernization of former industrial areas, as one of the important trends forming urban development stability. It is revealed that the social factor is not considered, which also prevents city are as from transforming and business from developing. Reconstructing urban space while handling former industrial areas is becoming a growing problem of cities and requires that business community should be involved in this sector. The specific role of business here is that these objects are located in residential neighborhoods and are closely connected with the social factor (population). Itimplies that the social factor need to be considered and leads to additional costs. Business does not want to participate in bearing these costs, there is no attractive model, and authorities can not fully cover all the costs by themselves. Citizens protest if the transformations violate their interests, which is accompanied by risks for capital, business and government bodies. Within a market economy, citizens are a business structure too, since they have an impact on capital. To solve the problem it is necessary to search for a new form of interaction between the three structures: business, state andcitizens. The author suggests a new model of interaction between the participants of the process, which, in her opinion, if applied in practice, is able to activate business development and accelerate the transformation of depressed areas, thereby contributing to the sustainable development of a city.

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