Светлана Станиславовна Пиюкова

Статья посвящена рассмотрению психологических основ совместного пребывания осужденных женщин с детьми в отделениях матери и ребенка пенитенциарных учреждений различных стран. Раскрывается значение регулярных контактов осужденной женщины со своим ребенком на протяжении всего срока ее пребывания в исправительном учреждении. Характеризуется влияние ограничения контактов с матерями, находящимися в местах лишения свободы, на развитие психики их детей. Авторами статьи обосновывается роль поддержания отношений между матерями и детьми как одного из факторов, способствующих увеличению вероятности успешного воссоединения семей после освобождения женщин из мест лишения свободы. Рассматриваются существующие в настоящее время в международной пенитенциарной практике решения по созданию условий для содержания осужденных женщин с детьми в исправительных учреждениях. Характеризуются задачи отделений матери и ребенка, а также приводятся примеры из практики их организации в пенитенциарных системах США, Канады, Великобритании, Новой Зеландии, Германии и других стран. Приводятся данные исследований, свидетельствующие об эффективности работы отделений матери и ребенка. Анализируются аргументы сторонников и противников содержания осужденных женщин с детьми в исправительных учреждениях. Обосновывается тезис о необходимости достижения баланса в удовлетворении потребностей ребенка, с одной стороны, и организации условий для совместного содержания осужденных женщин с детьми в исправительных учреждениях, принимая во внимание вопросы безопасности и серьезность правонарушений со стороны матери. The article is devoted to the examination of the psychological foundations of the joint stay of convicted women with children in the mother and child wards of penitentiary institutions in different countries. The significance of regular contacts between a convicted woman and her child throughout the entire period of her stay in a correctional institution is revealed. The influence of limiting contacts with mothers in prison on the development of the psyche of their children is characterized. The authors of the article substantiate the role of maintaining relations between mothers and children as one of the factors contributing to an increase in the likelihood of successful family reunification after the release of women from prison. The author considers the solutions currently existing in international penitentiary practice to create conditions for the detention of convicted women with children in correctional institutions. The tasks of mother and child departments are characterized, and examples from the practice of their organization in the penitentiary systems of the USA, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, Germany and other countries are given. Research data showing the effectiveness of the work of the mother and child departments are presented. The arguments of supporters and opponents of keeping convicted women with children in correctional institutions are analyzed. The thesis is substantiated that it is necessary to achieve a balance in meeting the needs of the child, on the one hand, and to organize conditions for the joint detention of convicted women with children in correctional institutions, taking into account the issues of safety and the seriousness of offenses on the part of the mother.

Ксения Ивановна Голубцова

Статья посвящена рассмотрению проблем профилактики преступлений оперативными подразделениями исправительных учреждений (далее - ИУ). Автор, раскрывая роль оперативных отделов ИУ в общей профилактике правонарушений, указывает на ее двоякость, поскольку, с одной стороны, рассматриваемые подразделения обладают значительным преимуществом перед другими службами учреждения в выявлении негативных факторов (негласный метод получения оперативно значимой информации), с другой стороны - далеко не все условия, которые способствуют совершению преступлений в ИУ, можно устранить оперативным путем. Изучение специальной литературы позволило выявить в деятельности начальников ИУ определенные проблемы, связанные с оценкой состояния оперативной обстановки в ИУ, сложившейся ситуации; с отсутствием прогноза развития криминогенной ситуации в ИУ, а также с профессиональной некомпетентностью руководителей, неумением объективно оценивать результаты деятельности структурных подразделений. Автор особое внимание уделяет анализу статистических данных о совершенных и предотвращенных преступлениях лицами, находящимися в местах лишения свободы. The article is devoted to the consideration of problems of crime prevention by operational units of correctional institutions (hereinafter referred to as IA). The author, revealing the role of the operational departments of the IA in the general prevention of offences, points to its twofold. On the one hand, the units under consideration have significant advantages over other services of the institution in identifying negative factors (these are tacit methods of obtaining promptly meaningful information). On the other hand, not all conditions conducive to the commission of crimes in IA can be eliminated by operational means: For example, shortcomings in the activities of other departments and services (security department, duty shift, etc.). The study of special literature has made it possible to identify problems in the activities of heads of correctional institutions in the sphere of implementation of solutions in case of lack of objective and complete information on the state of the operational situation in IA, the current situation, the results of the activities of structural subdivisions; No forecast of the development of the crime situation in IE; Professional incompetence of managers, inability to objectively assess the results of activities of structural subdivisions. The author pays particular attention to the analysis of statistics on crimes committed and prevented by persons in detention.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (Supplement_4) ◽  
M Cabral ◽  
G Daminani

Abstract Background Leadership and chronic diseases are two frequent topics in current public health discussions. We performed a bibliometric analysis to study what interactions exist between these two themes. This study allows an insight on what is being published and also identifies potential gaps that need to be addressed. Methods We have reviewed all the titles and abstracts of articles available at PUBMED with the MESH terms ’Leadership’ and ’Chronic Disease’. We collected information about the authors, year, journal and type of publication and country where the study was done. We have also done a qualitative analysis on the themes addressed. Results We have found 171 entries, of witch 85 (49,7%) referred to apparent peer reviewed studies in English. All other publications referred to editorials, commentaries or the PUBMED entry did not allow for greater clarification. From 1998 the publication of articles became regular, with a peak of 14 articles published in 2014. The average of authors per publication was 3,19. The most frequent country involved was the USA (62), follow by the UK (14), Canada (11) and Australia (10). 128 publications were identified, of which BMC Health Serv Res was the one with the highest number of articles included (5). There was some form of a call for greater leadership from nurses in 22 articles. We also highlight 5 articles that called for a greater role of pastors and religious communities in this field. Conclusions Despite the perception of being common topics, there is still a low rate of publication of studies in the field of leadership and chronic diseases. There is a predominance of articles from the USA. There was not a predominant publication in this field. Despite doctors being typically seen as the leaders within the health field, the articles included seem to point to a trend in calling for a bigger leadership role of other actors, such as nurses. Key messages There is a need for more research in the field of leadership in chronic diseases. There seems to be a trend calling for greater leadership in the field from non-physician actors.

Paul B. de Laat

AbstractThe term ‘responsible AI’ has been coined to denote AI that is fair and non-biased, transparent and explainable, secure and safe, privacy-proof, accountable, and to the benefit of mankind. Since 2016, a great many organizations have pledged allegiance to such principles. Amongst them are 24 AI companies that did so by posting a commitment of the kind on their website and/or by joining the ‘Partnership on AI’. By means of a comprehensive web search, two questions are addressed by this study: (1) Did the signatory companies actually try to implement these principles in practice, and if so, how? (2) What are their views on the role of other societal actors in steering AI towards the stated principles (the issue of regulation)? It is concluded that some three of the largest amongst them have carried out valuable steps towards implementation, in particular by developing and open sourcing new software tools. To them, charges of mere ‘ethics washing’ do not apply. Moreover, some 10 companies from both the USA and Europe have publicly endorsed the position that apart from self-regulation, AI is in urgent need of governmental regulation. They mostly advocate focussing regulation on high-risk applications of AI, a policy which to them represents the sensible middle course between laissez-faire on the one hand and outright bans on technologies on the other. The future shaping of standards, ethical codes, and laws as a result of these regulatory efforts remains, of course, to be determined.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-54 ◽  
Eden Begna Gobena ◽  
Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff Hean

The needs of female inmates are different from those of their male counterparts. Little is understood of the nature of these differences, particularly for mothers who in countries such as Ethiopia may be accompanied by their children when in correctional facilities. This article is aimed at exploring these inmates’ experiences of motherhood, the challenges they and their children face and their experiences of the services and support programmes available. The central research question was: ‘What is the experience of incarcerated mothers living in prison with their children in Ethiopia?’ A general qualitative approach was taken in the study, using in-depth interviews (n=10) with incarcerated mothers who had a child living with them in a typical large, high-security Ethiopian correctional institution. Mothers questioned the perceived inclusiveness of the services available to them, with access often being denied owing to their childcare responsibilities. Participation in small business enterprises within the institution was an exception to this. They discussed the challenges facing the mother and child as a family unit, the relationship between the mother, the criminal justice system and society and finally their perceptions of the incarcerated mother as a survivor, resilient in the face of the challenges being experienced. These themes showed that incarcerated mothers perceive themselves as victims of societal discrimination, abuse and structural injustice before and after incarceration, and that correctional institution facilities left them unable to provide adequately for the physical, emotional and educational needs of their children. The role of correctional administrations, policymakers, correctional institution social workers and researchers alike in addressing the inequalities facing mothers in Ethiopian correctional institutions is discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 137
Romayana Sari Lumbantoruan ◽  
Santoso Tri Raharjo

Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui, bagaimana pengaruh pola asuh orangtua dalam pembentukan konsep diri, serta rasa bersalah yang dimiliki oleh anak didik pelaku pembunuhan di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Khusus Anak (LPKA) kelas II A, Bandung. Subyek penelitian ini sendiri adalah seorang anak didik pelaku pembunuhan yang berumur 16 tahun. Data penelitian yang diperoleh dari wawancara dan observasi. Melalui penelitian ini juga memberikan informasi, seberapa besar peranan orangtua atas masalah yang timpa oleh anaknya, serta bagaimana respon anak atas perilaku yang telah klien perbuat. Dari penelitian yang di lakukan, memberikan hasil bahwa peran orangtua sangat berpengaruh terhadap konsep diri anak, serta rasa bersalah yang dimiliki. Melaui penelitian ini, subyek menyatakan tidak bersalah atas apa yang telah klien perbuat, hal ini juga dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan sosialnya, yang tidak lain adalah orangtuanya. Sehingga subjek cenderung berperilaku tidak aktif terhadap kegiatan yang diadakan oleh pihak LPKA, sukar bergaul dengan teman-teman yang berada di LPKA, mudah tersinggung, dan bersikap tidak peduli terhadap lingkungan sekitarnya.  This research was conducted to find out, how the influence of parenting in the formation of self-concept, as well as the guilt that is owned by ANDIK of perpetrators of murder in Special Correctional Institutions of Children (LPKA) class II A, Bandung. The subject of this study was a 16-year-old student of murder. Research data obtained from interviews and observations. Through this research also provides information, how big the role of parents on the problems that befall the child, and how the child responds to the behavior he has done. From the research that was done, the results showed that the role of parents greatly influences the child's self-concept, as well as the guilt they have. Through this study, the subject stated his innocence for what he had done, this was also influenced by his social environment, which was none other than his parents. That's make the subject tends to behave inactively towards the activities held by the LPKA, it is difficult to get along with friends who are in LPKA, easily offended, and do not care about the surrounding environment.

Светлана Станиславовна Пиюкова ◽  
Елизавета Юрьевна Еремеева

Статья посвящена рассмотрению сущности и содержания психологического сопровождения осужденных женщин, имеющих детей в возрасте до трех лет в домах ребенка при исправительных учреждениях. Авторами статьи обосновывается актуальность психологического сопровождения осужденных женщин-матерей как одного из видов психологической помощи, направленного на качественные изменения в специфике их отношения к своей материнской роли, социальную адаптацию и ресоциализацию личности осужденной женщины в условиях исправительного учреждения и после освобождения. Характеризуются основные проблемы, возникающих в отношениях матери с ребенком при выполнении материнских функций. Рассматривается общая структура психологического сопровождения осужденных женщин, включающая в себя непрерывное отслеживание динамики личности женщин посредством психологической диагностики, осуществление психологической профилактики негативных изменений в пенитенциарной среде, а также психологическую коррекцию отношения указанной категории осужденных к своей материнской роли. На примере ФКУ ИК-15 УФСИН России по Самарской области раскрываются особенности реализации модели совместного проживания осужденных женщин с детьми как необходимого условия для достижения эмоционального единства и устойчивой психологической связи матери и ребенка, способствующего формированию здоровой привязанности к малышу, являющейся залогом его нормального психического развития и личностного благополучия. Раскрываются психотерапевтические направления, используемые в работе с осужденными женщинами, имеющими детей в домах ребенка при исправительных учреждениях, рассматривается структура программы их психологического сопровождении, а также анализ результатов ее реализации. Содержатся выводы и рекомендации по организации психологического сопровождения указанной категории осужденных. The article is devoted to the consideration of the essence and content of psychological support for convicted women with children under the age of three in children's homes in correctional institutions. The authors of the article substantiate the relevance of psychological support for convicted women mothers, as one of the types of psychological assistance aimed at qualitative changes in the specifics of their attitude to their maternal role, social adaptation and resocialization of the personality of a convicted woman, both in a correctional institution and after release. The main problems arising in the relationship between a mother and a child during the performance of maternal functions are characterized. The general structure of psychological support for convicted women is considered, which includes continuous tracking of the dynamics of the personality of women through psychological diagnostics, the implementation of psychological prevention of negative changes in the penitentiary environment, as well as psychological correction of the attitude of this category of convicts to their maternal role. Using the example of PKU IK-15 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Samara Region, the peculiarities of the implementation of the model of cohabitation of convicted women with children as a necessary condition for achieving emotional unity and stable psychological connection between mother and child, contributing to the formation of healthy attachment to the baby, which is the key to his normal mental development and personal well-being. The article reveals the psychotherapeutic directions used in work with convicted women with children in children's homes at correctional institutions, the structure of the program of their psychological support, as well as the analysis of the results of its implementation. Contains conclusions and recommendations on the organization of psychological support for this category of convicts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (02) ◽  
pp. 127-133
Svetlana Grimalskaya ◽  
Sergey Stepashkin ◽  
Nataliya Khromova ◽  
Alexander Khudin ◽  
Aleksander Chernyavsky

The Nuremberg trial of Nazi criminals, which took place from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946, became an important milestone in the history of world civilization. The article is devoted to consideration of the process of developing an agreement on the establishment of an International Military Tribunal and its charter, drawing up an indictment, direct preparation of the process and its progress. The main focus of the article is on the role of the USSR in the preparation and conduct of the Nuremberg trials. The work reveals the relations between the prosecutors from the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and France, their mutual assistance, the contradictions, that arose from time to time, and the course of closed sessions is highlighted.

1981 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 583-607 ◽  
Kristine S. Retherford ◽  
Bonnie C. Schwartz ◽  
Robin S. Chapman

ABSTRACTMother and child speech in two half-hour free play conversations of six pairs were analysed for 15 semantic roles such as AGENT and ACTION, and five additional syntactic categories such as negation. Children were taped at the beginning of word combinations (1; 7–2; 0) and again 3 to 6 months later. Mothers and children were similar to one another in the relative frequency with which they used the different semantic and syntactic categories. However, the mothers' use was stable, including a larger number of categories than the children and showing few shifts in relative frequency. Insofar as changes took place over time, it was the children who changed to become more like their mothers, both in the semantic roles present and in their relative frequency of use. These findings are interpreted as evidence against a Fine-Tuning Hypothesis to explain the content of mothers' speech to children. The role of discourse topic restrictions in limiting the distribution of semantic roles is discussed.

Mundo Eslavo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Mariia Shymchyshyn

The article deals with the English translations of Lesia Ukrainka’s works. The author considers the new approaches to translation that emerged after the Cultural turn in the last part of the 20th century. In particular, the attention has been paid to the issues of migration and translation, negation of the Eurocentric ideas about translation, and translation as a constituent part for the formation of migrant’s community. Considering the chronology of the translation of Lesia Ukrainka’s works into English, it is argued that as a rule they were done by the Ukrainian diaspora and published in the periodicals, financed by the Ukrainian communities in Great Britain, the USA, and Canada. The most intensive phase of the popularization of poetess’s works in English happened to be during the middle of the last century. This could be explained by the nature of the third wave of migration, which occurred after World War II. This wave brought the highly politicized people, who tried to oppose the Soviet regime. They used literature to oppose the Soviet appropriation of the Ukrainian cultural heritage. Besides the Ukrainian diaspora have utilized the native fictional discourse to maintain the boundaries and consciousness of their collectivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 693-711
Dmitrii V. Kniazev ◽  

The article deals with the influential mechanism of the contingent fee and the American rule on the number of filings to the US judicial system, and, consequently, on the judicial caseload as a whole. The author concludes that at the moment there is no uniform idea about the role of contingent fee arrangements and the American rule in the growth of the number of filings to courts. There are two opposing views on this issue: those who stand on the side of the plaintiffs’ attorneys (and therefore for the contingent fee and for the American rule), on the one hand, and those who act on behalf of the defendants (which means against these institutions). With certainty, it can only be argued that the contingent fee and the American rule complement each other. The contingent fee justifies its existence by expanding the accessibility of justice. Under the fee, those who are unable to pay for the services of a lawyer get the opportunity to go to court. And this availability is largely based on the plaintiff ’s belief that even in the event of a loss, he will not have to pay the defendant’s costs. Together, these rules, according to their supporters, make it possible to ensure the implementation of one of the unshakable values — the right of every American to get their “day in court”. At the same time, many facts indicate that the “bundle” of the contingent fee and the American rule has led to an increase in the number of clearly unreasonable, frivolous, nuisance lawsuits that are filed not with the aim of obtaining a positive court decision, but only to persuade the defendant to accept a settlement agreement on the payment of compensation to the plaintiff.

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