
2021 ◽  
pp. 138-158
Marek Tuszewicki

This chapter discusses the role of astrology in Jewish medicine, which was another field of great significance for therapeutics. The Bible exhorted Israel not to fear 'portents in the sky' that caused the pagans to tremble. While they rejected the speculations of astrologers of other nations and doubted the accuracy of their predictions, the actual idea of astral influences recurred frequently in their own writings. Knowledge of basic astrological concepts was crucial to an understanding of many aspects of Jewish culture, above all the calendar and the rabbinic discussions surrounding it. The conviction that the seven planets influenced human life and health, in particular at the hour of one's birth, had put down deep roots in the popular consciousness. The Jews perceived a link between the movements of the heavenly bodies and the comparable phenomena of dying and returning to life that they observed in nature. In the folk imagination, the image of the sky was enriched by the conviction that everybody had a light, or lamp, up there which was extinguished with their death. It is pertinent to add that the sun, moon, and stars (and sometimes also the seven planets) featured extremely frequently in the texts of Jewish conjurations. They were mentioned above all in incantations, alongside the attributes of God and religious paraphernalia endowed with an aura of sanctity. Astrology was an intrinsic aspect of views on the rules governing the world that dominated thought in Jewish society until the early twentieth century.

1995 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-158
Malcolm Davies

Theocritus' poem on the women celebrating the festival of Adonis (Idyll 15) has received surprisingly little attention over the years, especially when compared with other Theocritean Idylls of like length. Matthew Arnold's notorious rhapsody (‘a page torn fresh out of the book of human life. What freedom! What animation! What gaiety! What naturalness! … When such is Greek poetry of the decadence, what must be Greek poetry of the prime?’) has perhaps done more harm than good, by focusing attention too exclusively on the first hundred lines or so of the poem (and indeed Arnold himself was of the opinion that the hymn to Adonis at vv. 100ff. contains ‘of religious emotion, in our acceptation of the words, and of the comfort springing from religious emotion, not a particle’). And yet the poem is second only to Euripides' Bacchae as a document revealing the ways in which religion in the ancient Greek world could offer women an escape (however temporary) from the drab banalities of their everyday existence. And the central contrast between the eternal and idealized glamour of the world of myth and the time-bound existence of Praxinoa and Gorgo (a contrast which is crucial for the above-mentioned role of religion) is absolutely characteristic of one essential aspect of Hellenistic poetry, an aspect that looks back to the world of Euripides and forward to that of Roman poets like Catullus or Propertius. In this paper I shall examine both these features of the Idyll. Also, inspired by those scholars who have illuminated facets of the Dionysiac religion by adducing comparable (if secular) twentieth-century material, I shall try to achieve something similar for Theocritus' poem by drawing on comparative material from late twentieth-century Japan relating to a phenomenon that allows Japanese housewives temporary escape from a tedious and restricted way of life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-259
Joseph Acquisto

This essay examines a polemic between two Baudelaire critics of the 1930s, Jean Cassou and Benjamin Fondane, which centered on the relationship of poetry to progressive politics and metaphysics. I argue that a return to Baudelaire's poetry can yield insight into what seems like an impasse in Cassou and Fondane. Baudelaire provides the possibility of realigning metaphysics and politics so that poetry has the potential to become the space in which we can begin to think the two of them together, as opposed to seeing them in unresolvable tension. Or rather, the tension that Baudelaire animates between the two allows us a new way of thinking about the role of esthetics in moments of political crisis. We can in some ways see Baudelaire as responding, avant la lettre, to two of his early twentieth-century readers who correctly perceived his work as the space that breathes a new urgency into the questions of how modern poetry relates to the world from which it springs and in which it intervenes.

Vidhi Nagar

In the modern era, it would be like glorifying the media to include every media related to human life from fingernail to fire. It is the medium that has the ancient ideology and values ​​of society as popular with globalization and modern thought stream The society, which is inhabited by the rajas, has also been plunged to the present day, seeing the reach and impact of media in particular, a frazzled Schmimiya state has been born, especially in order to achieve the concept of global global culture of Mishwa. It is from these media that we can see the news of events at the far end of the world, as far as music is concerned, it is possible that we can cope with many ages, ages and lives. When it is achieved in its present form, in the same continuous stream of time, it is infectious, sometimes Pallimat and Sushobhamat are the modern communication mediums in this stream are also pushing it deeper.Achayat Sharangadei has said in his famous book, Song Ratnakaresh आधुमनक काल में मानि जीिन से संबंमधत हर क्षेत्र को नख से मशख तक प्रभामित करने िाले संचार माध्यमों को ममहमादृमंमित करनाए सूरज को मदया मदखाने जैसा होगा द्य यह िह माध्यम है मजसने िैश्वीकरण ि आधुमनक मिचार धारा से लबरेज समाज के सार्थ ही पुरातन मिचारधाराए मान्यताओं ि रीमत ररिाजों से सराबोर समाज को भी तह तक प्रभामित मकया है द्य िततमान समय में संचार माध्यमों कीए मिशेषकर मीमिया की पह ंच और प्रभाि को देखते ह ए ही एक फ्रेज़ श्मीमिया स्टेटश् का जन्म ह आ है द्य मिशेषकर मिश्व के श्ग्लोबल मिलेजश् की पररकल्पना को प्राप्त करने में सबसे महत्िपूणत हार्थए इन्हीं संचार माध्यमों का हैए इन्हीं की बदौलत हम कोसों दूर की क्याए मिश्व के दूरस्र्थ छोर की खबरोंए घटनाओं का उसी पल अिलोकन कर सकते है द्य जहां तक संगीत का सम्बन्ध हैए यह सित मिमदत है मक अनेकों युगोंए कालोंए ि पररमस्तमर्थयों का सामना करते ह ए यह अपने िततमान स्िरुप को प्राप्त ह आ है द्य समय की इसी सतत प्रिामहत धारा में कभी यह संक्रममत ह आए तो कभी पल्लमित ि सुशोमभत द्य इसी धारा क्रम में आधुमनक संचार माध्यम भी इसे गहरे तक प्रभामित कर रहे है द्यआचायत शारंगदेि ने अपने प्रमसद्ध ग्रन्र्थ श्संगीत रत्नाकरश् में कहा है

2018 ◽  
pp. 42-53
Yuliya Strielkova

The author Strielkova Yuliya A. in the article «Demythologization and existential theology: formation of paradigm» analyzed the conception of the demythologization of Sacred Scripture and Sacred translation as a fundamental setting not only within the dialectical theology of the twentieth century, but also for contemporary searches for the forms of correlation of philosophy and theology in the context of the scientific world pictur. The author outlines the heuristic potential of a reinterpretative approach to the concept of demythologization, considered beyond the conceptual and chronological framework of dialectical theology. Also, attention was focused on clarifying the heuristic content of the concept of "demythologization" for the modern philosophical and theological tradition, as well as the nature of its genetic connection with the existential paradigm of philosophizing and christology. Particular attention is paid to the paradigmatic and formative aspects of the phenomenon of demythologization; the role of language practices and discursive models in the development of the contemporary picture of the world is accentuated 

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Досліджується роль митрополита Андрея Шептицького у розвитку музичної культури української діаспори ХХ століття. Акцентована увага на таких аспектах діяльності Митрополита: розбудова української греко-католицької церкви у світі, його візити у різні країни, розвиток системи духовних навчальних закладів, підтримка світських навчальних закладів, встановлення стипендій для музикантів, які здобували освіту за кордоном, участь у процесах розвитку церковного співу. Виокремлюються святкування на честь Митрополита та вшанування його пам’яті за участю музикантів у різних країнах світу. Питання втілення художнього образу митрополита Андрея Шептицького в музичній творчості композиторів діаспори розглянуто на прикладі аналізу хорових творах одного із його стипендіатів – А. Гнатишина з Австрії.Ключові слова: музична культура, українська діаспора, українська греко -католицька церква, художній образ, митрополит Андрей Шептицький. The author studied role of Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptytskyi in the development of musical culture of the Ukrainian Diaspora during the twentieth century Emphasis is made on the following aspects of the Metropolitan Archbishop’s activity: development of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in the world, his visits to different countries, development of the system of spiritual educational institutions, support of religious educational institutions, establishment of scholarships for musicians who have received education abroad, participation in processes of church singing development. The article highlights the celebration in honor of the Metropolitan Archbishop and honoring his memory with the participation of musicians from around the world. The author reveals embodiment of the image of Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptytskyi in the musical creativity of the Diaspora composers at the example of the choral works of one of his fellows, Andrei Hnatyshyn from Austria.Key words: musical culture, Ukrainian diaspora, Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, image, Metropolitan Archbishop Andrei Sheptytskyi.

Vyshnevetska Maryna ◽  

The paper considers the issue of developing aesthetic needs of a future music teacher in the course of professional training. The author defines notions such as culture, aesthetic culture, aesthetic activity as well as explores the essence of the notion of an aesthetic need of a future music teacher. The paper substantiates the role of art and aesthetic activity as the main factor for aesthetic needs development. The study reveals that there is a reason for the interest to human needs since a large number of branches in material and spiritual culture of society depend on defining the nature of needs and trends in their development. The author emphasises that the functioning of all levels of human life requires needs that would meet human development both physically and emotionally, thus, there should be an aesthetic form of activity because it harmoniously combines both spiritual and functional aspects. The paper substantiates the role of art as the main factor for development of aesthetic needs that can be met in various activities, but it is in art that they find the greatest expression. The author supports the idea that art is a special area of human existence and it combines knowledge and communication, intelligence, a sense of morality, and imagination of people. Involvement of a person in art is a necessary condition for development of aesthetic consciousness since elevation of the spirit and actualization of an essential aesthetic force take place during the process of perception, experience and understanding of works of art. Art integrates a dialogue of a person with the world. Considering the concept of an aesthetic need, the author defines it as an internal need to comprehend certain aesthetic values, development of certain skills, because an aesthetic need is based on aesthetic feelings that are embodied in aesthetic tastes and consist of individual selection of those aesthetic phenomena and objects that best suit views and interests of a person. The paper emphasises that an aesthetic need embodies richness and diversity of spirituality of a person who seeks to fulfill their potential in all fullness of life and if a person has a need for personal fulfillment, they will find the strength and ways to do that. It has been proved that an aesthetic need has semantic and aesthetic properties and has an artistic and perceptual nature, which provides an opportunity to obtain pleasure, enjoyment, joy, delight from beauty. It has been established that the process of perception or direct creativity of art are characterized by a combination of a goal and means, where the means develop into the goal, and the goal is the process itself when spiritual, functional and aesthetic needs of the individual are met, i.e. a person reaches a certain level in their activity when they create products and forms of cultural activity that meet more and more of their needs. The paper outlines that an emerging aesthetic need motivates a music teacher to create conditions and means for achieving satisfaction with their own creative activities, because an aesthetic need is a desire of a future music teacher to harmonize the internal and external world as well as development of aesthetic awareness of the world: to perceive and appreciate the beauty, to live and create according to the laws of beauty.

Alan L. Mittleman

This chapter reconstructs the meanings of holiness from representative texts of the Jewish tradition. The discussion is anchored on two claims. First, biblical thought does not divide the world into a neat dualism of sacred and profane. Second, the Bible and subsequent Judaism conceive of holiness in three different ways: holiness sometimes refers to a property, holiness indicates a status, and holiness is a value or project. These three characteristics of holiness are examined in detail using the Bible. The chapter is primarily concerned with the ideas of the holiness of the people of Israel and the holiness of the Land of Israel. It considers the sacred/profane dichotomy by focusing on the views of twentieth-century scholars such as Emile Durkheim, Rudolf Otto, and Mircea Eliade. It also explores holiness and purity as they relate to God before concluding with an analysis of holiness in ancient and medieval rabbinic Judaism.

2019 ◽  
pp. 38-55 ◽  
Duncan Bell

This chapter will explore the similarities and differences between late nineteenth-century debates on the British settler Empire and more recent visions of the Anglosphere. It suggests that the idea of the Anglosphere has deep roots in British political thought. In particular, it traces the debates over both imperial federation and Anglo-American union from the late nineteenth century onwards into the post-Brexit world. I examine three recurrent issues that have shaped arguments about the unity and potential of the ‘English-speaking peoples’: the ideal constitutional structure of the community; the economic model that it should adopt; and the role of the United States within it. I conclude by arguing that the legacy of settler colonialism, and an idealised vision of the ‘English-speaking peoples’, played a pivotal role in shaping Tory Euroscepticism from the late 1990s onwards, furnishing an influential group of politicians and public intellectuals, from Thatcher and Robert Conquest to Boris Johnson and Andrew Roberts, with an alternative non-European vision of Britain’s place in the world.

2021 ◽  
pp. 76-124
Michah Gottlieb

This chapter covers the role of Bible translation in Mendelssohn’s endeavor to effect a reformation Jewish society by reimagining Jewish education. It explores Mendelssohn’s childhood education and his critique of the prevailing system of German Jewish education for males. Mendelssohn’s conception of the goal of education, his view of Yiddish, his understanding of biblical aesthetics, and his account of the roles of the Bible and rabbinic teachings in Jewish education is analyzed. The place of gender and class in Mendelssohn’s approach to Jewish education is investigated. The connection between Mendelssohn’s efforts to reform Jewish education, his attempt to restructure the hierarchy of German Jewish society and his argument for Jewish civil rights are explored. It is argued that Mendelssohn uses Protestantism and Catholicism as conceptual categories to elaborate his enlightened, bourgeois concept of Judaism.

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