Integration and Unification of the Dutch Penal System. Some Historical Remarks

1997 ◽  
pp. 143-151
Sjoerd Faber ◽  
Sibo van Ruller
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-218

The article examines the legal and moral and ethical aspects of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system. The considered reason for dismissal has the main feature associated with the integration of legal and moral norms, which often raises a lot of questions about the attribution of a particular offense to this basis. Using the analysis of normative legal acts, the authors attempt to identify the signs that contribute to the separation of the studied grounds for dismissal from all their diversity. The classification of offenses that discredit the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system is presented, which allows to systematize and organize the knowledge obtained about the considered grounds for dismissal. The analysis of a misdemeanor that defames the honor of an employee of the penal system from a moral and ethical position gives an understanding, first of all, that it does not have a clear regulation from the point of view of the law, but the consequences of committing such a misdemeanor are clearly legal. The concepts of “honor” and “dignity” are considered as ethical categories and are analyzed as personal qualities that are manifested in an employee of the penal correction system during the period of service. These categories in the behavior of a person or employee are manifested both externally (assessment from the outside) and internally (self-assessment). The article describes the value orientation of an employee of the criminal Executive system to ethical standards in professional activity, which is an integral part of the moral and ethical side of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee.

Julilly Kohler-Hausmann

In 1970s America, politicians began “getting tough” on drugs, crime, and welfare. These campaigns helped expand the nation's penal system, discredit welfare programs, and cast blame for the era's social upheaval on racialized deviants that the state was not accountable to serve or represent. This book sheds light on how this unprecedented growth of the penal system and the evisceration of the nation's welfare programs developed hand in hand. The book shows that these historical events were animated by struggles over how to interpret and respond to the inequality and disorder that crested during this period. When social movements and the slowing economy destabilized the U.S. welfare state, politicians reacted by repudiating the commitment to individual rehabilitation that had governed penal and social programs for decades. In its place, they championed strategies of punishment, surveillance, and containment. The architects of these tough strategies insisted they were necessary, given the failure of liberal social programs and the supposed pathological culture within poor African American and Latino communities. This book rejects this explanation and describes how the spectacle of enacting punitive policies convinced many Americans that social investment was counterproductive and the “underclass” could be managed only through coercion and force. Spanning diverse institutions and weaving together the perspectives of opponents, supporters, and targets of punitive policies, the book offers new interpretations of dramatic transformations in the modern American state.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 499
Boma Wira Gumilar ◽  
Gunarto Gunarto ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

The most important part in a Book of Criminal Law (Penal Code) is a prison, because the prison contains rules about the size and implementation of the criminal. The position of life imprisonment in the national criminal justice system is still considered relevant as a means of crime prevention, it can be seen from the number of offenses punishable with life imprisonment. However, life imprisonment is considered contrary to the penal system. This study aims to investigate the implementation of life imprisonment, weaknesses, and the solution in the future. The approach used in the study is a non-doctrinal legal research with socio-legal research types (Juridical Sociological).The results of research studies show that life imprisonment is contrary to prison system, and life imprisonment become an obstacle to fostering convicts back into society. Bill Criminal Code of September 2019 can be used as a solution to life imprisonment change in the future. Presented advice, in order to be disseminated to the application of the criminal purpose of the Criminal Code of Prison adopted in the future, so that the public and experts no longer make the criminal as a form of retaliation.Keywords: Reconstruction; Crime; Prison; Life Imprisonment; System; Corrections.

عبد المجيد قاسم عبد المجيد (Qasim Abdulmajid) ◽  
محمد ليبا (Liba)

تناولت هذه الورقة فلسفة العقوبة في الشريعة الإسلامية، وفلسفتها في القانون الوضعي، وتمت الموازنة بين الفلسفتين، وخلص العرض والموازنة إلى نتائج ملخصها أن مسألة عصمة الشريعة وسموها تعد علامة فارقة بين الشريعة الإسلامية والقانون الوضعي، هذه العلامة نتج عنها فروق كثيرة أولها أن العقوبة في التشريع الوضعي تكون تابعةً للهدف، فالهدف يوضع أولاً ثم تصاغ على ضوئه العقوبة، ولذلك كلما ظهرت مدرسةٌ جديدةٌ تؤسس لفكرٍ جديدٍ ظهر اختلافٌ في التشريع العقابي. بينما النظام العقابي الإسلامي ثابتٌ ومعصوم، وقد وُجدت الحاجة إلى معرفة أهدافه وفلسفته ليتسنى السير على مقتضاها فيما يستجد من وقائع، وأن سمو فلسفة العقوبة في الشريعة الإسلامية ينبع من سمو مصدرها، فواضع هذه العقوبات هو خالق البشر. بينما العقوبة في القانون الوضعي تعتمد في فلسفتها على خبرة واضعيها، وهي خبرة محدودة وأحكامها نسبية، لذا كان تطبيق العقوبات الشرعية أجدر حتى وإن لم يُدرَك كنه هذه العقوبات وفلسفتها. الكلمات الرئيسية: فلسفة العقوبة، القانون الإسلامي، القانون الوضعي، التشريع العقابي.******************************In this paper light is shed on the philosophy of punishment in Islamic and positive laws and a comparison between them is accomplished. In brief, the conclusion of the exposition and comparison is that issue of infallibility of SharÊ‘ah and its nobleness are the distinguishing marks between Islamic and positive laws. This led to further differences. The first difference is that the punishment in positive laws is in accordance with the stipulated goal, that is, the goal is set first and then the punishment is formulated in that light. That is why whenever any new school of thought appears based on some ideology, differences emerge in punitive legislation. Islamic penal system is, however, immutable and infallible. There is a need to know its objectives and wisdom so as to in order to tackle new emerging issues. The nobility of the philosophy of punishment in Islamic law stems from the nobility of its source and that is no one but the Creator of human beings. The punishment in the positive law, on the other hand, relies on the philosophy that is based on the experiences of the authors of these laws. And these experiences are limited and their rulings are relativistic. Applying Islamic legal punishments are, therefore, more legitimate, even though their essence and philosophy are not fully grasped.Key words: Philosophy of Punishment, Islamic Law, Positive Law, Punitive Legislation.

Анна Николаевна Королева

Беспилотные воздушные суда и беспилотные авиационные системы становятся частью повседневной жизни, в том числе в деятельности органов и учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы. В статье исследован исторический аспект появления беспилотных воздушных судов в России и зарубежных странах, необходимость, типовые задачи и особенности правового регулирования использования беспилотных воздушных судов в уголовно-исполнительной системе. Однако ряд вопросов до настоящего времени является предметом дискуссии и требуют правового регулирования. Современные технологии позволяют оснастить беспилотные воздушные суда различными приборами, придающими им дополнительные функциональные характеристики: приборами видео- и фотофиксации, тепловизором, громкоговорителем, оружием. В зарубежных странах сложилась разная практика регулирования: от разрешения использования беспилотных воздушных судов с оружием в правоохранительной деятельности и уголовно-исполнительной системе (США, Великобритания и др.) до протестов гражданского общества и требований законодательного запрещения использования беспилотных воздушных судов, способных причинить вред человеку. Не решены вопросы в части регулирования порядка сбора, обработки, передачи и хранения (в том числе длительности хранения) информации, полученной в ходе видео- и фотофиксации, включая передачу информации, содержащей персональные данные гражданина, в частности, его изображение. Обсуждается вопрос о соблюдении прав человека и гражданина, в том числе осужденного, при получении и использовании информации, полученной при помощи беспилотных воздушных судов в деятельности органов и учреждений уголовно-исполнительной системы. Требуется внесение изменений в процессуальное законодательство в части регулирования использования данных, полученных при помощи беспилотных воздушных судов, как доказательств, а также в целом их юридическое значение в административном, уголовном, гражданском (арбитражном) процессе. Необходимо урегулирование вопросов ответственности сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы, которые могут превысить полномочия с помощью использования беспилотных воздушных судов. В рамках Национальной технологической инициативы происходит активное развитие рынка АэроНет, поэтому беспилотные воздушные суда в деятельности уголовно-исполнительной системы могут стать частью этого рынка. Unmanned aerial vehicles and unmanned aircraft systems are becoming part of everyday life, including in the activities of bodies and institutions of the penal system. The article examines the historical aspect of the appearance of unmanned aerial vehicles in Russia and foreign countries, the need, typical tasks and features of the legal regulation of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in the penal system. However, a number of issues are still the subject of discussion and require legal regulation. Modern technologies make it possible to equip unmanned aerial vehicles with various functional characteristics, ranging from video and photo capture, the availability of a thermal imager, a loudspeaker, to weapons. In different countries, different regulatory practices have developed: from allowing unmanned aerial vehicles with weapons in law enforcement and the penal system (USA, UK, etc.) to civil society protests and the requirements of the legislative prohibition on the use of unmanned aircraft that can cause harm to humans. Unresolved issues regarding the regulation of the procedure for collecting, processing, transferring and storing (including the duration of storage) of information obtained during video and photo recording, including the transmission of information containing personal data of a citizen, including its image. The issue of observing the human rights of a citizen, including a convict, is discussed when receiving and using information received by unmanned aerial vehicles in the activities of bodies and institutions of the penal system. Amendments to the procedural legislation are required in terms of regulating the use of data obtained by unmanned aerial vehicles as evidence, as well as in general their legal significance in the administrative, criminal, civil (arbitration) process. It is necessary to resolve the issues of responsibility of employees of the penitentiary system, which may exceed their authority through the use of unmanned aerial vehicles. As part of the National Technological Initiative, the AeroNet market is actively developing, therefore unmanned aerial vehicles in the activities of the penitentiary system can become part of this market.

Денис Анатольевич Брыков ◽  
Александр Юрьевич Долинин ◽  
Александр Владимирович Паршков

Статья посвящена проблеме внедрения в практику управления персоналом уголовно-исполнительной системы современных технологий командообразования. Рассматривая технологию командообразования в качестве одного из средств повышения эффективности работы с кадрами уголовно-исполнительной системы, авторы раскрывают содержание и значение технологии командообразования в деятельности организации, характеризуют современные способы формирования команды. Акцентируется внимание на проблемных аспектах, связанных с использованием современных технологий командообразования в работе с кадрами уголовно-исполнительной системы (ограниченные объемы финансирования, отсутствие навыков использования нестандартных инструментов воздействия на персонал и внутренней готовности к их применению). На основе анализа современного состояния работы с кадрами уголовно-исполнительной системы и положений концепции формирования команд сформулированы предложения по использованию технологии командообразования в учреждениях и органах ФСИН России: 1) кадровая политика учреждений и органов ФСИН России должна строиться на принципах командного менеджмента, что позволит согласовать взаимные интересы работников и уголовно-исполнительной системы, укрепить организационную культуру структурных подразделений; 2) мероприятия по формированию команды должны стать неотъемлемой составляющей деятельности системы управления персоналом учреждений и органов ФСИН России, касаться всех работников и носить регулярный характер; 3) характер и содержание мероприятий по командообразованию должны развиваться, видоизменяться и усложняться по мере сплочения команды; 4) на начальном этапе внедрения технологий командообразования наиболее приемлемой представляется такая форма, как организация профессиональных праздников и проведение специальных мероприятий-событий с элементами тимбилдинга. The article is devoted to the problem of introduction into the practice of personnel management of the penal system of modern command formation technologies. Considering the technology of teambuilding as one of the means of increasing the efficiency of work with the personnel of the penal system, the author reveals the content and importance of teambuilding technology in the activities of the organization, characterizes the modern ways of forming a team. Attention is focused on the problematic aspects associated with the use of modern teambuilding technologies in working with the personnel of the penal system (limited amounts of funding, lack of skills to use non-standard instruments of impact on personnel and internal readiness for their application). Based on the analysis of the current state of work with the cadres of the criminal executive system and the concept of the formation of teams, proposals are formulated on the use of teambuilding technology in the institutions and bodies of the FPS of Russia: 1) the personnel policy of the institutions and bodies of the FPS of Russia should be based on the principles of command management, which will allow to coordinate the mutual interests of employees and the penal system, to strengthen the organizational culture of structural divisions; 2) the activities to form a team should become an integral part of the personnel management system of the institutions and bodies of the FPS of Russia, concern all employees and be of a regular nature; 3) the nature and content of team building activities should develop, change and become more complex as the team rallies; 4) at the initial stage of introduction of teambuilding technologies, the most acceptable form is the organization of professional holidays and the holding of special event-events with elements of team building.

Вячеслав Александрович Шиханов ◽  
Валерий Александрович Казначеев

В статье подробно изучены и проанализированы нормативно-правовые акты Российской Федерации, охраняющие жизнь и здоровье каждого человека, так как данные нормативно-правовые акты в такой же мере распространяются и на лиц, находящихся в местах лишения свободы. Актуальность данной проблемы, на наш взгляд, обусловлена тем, что в своей практической деятельности администрация учреждения часто сталкивается с вопросом такого характера. Это в свою очередь порождает ряд проблем современной УИС: медицинское обеспечение УИС, сокращение численности штата, плохо организованное сотрудничество с государственными медицинскими учреждениями, что также было рассмотрено в данной работе. Авторы, проанализировав вышеупомянутые пробелы в УИС, предложили свои пути решения, которые, по их мнению, позволят решить как основную проблему - организацию безопасных условий во время охраны осужденных и заключенных под стражу лиц в медицинских учреждениях, так и сопутствующие проблемы. In this work, the author examined in detail the problematic issues of organizing safe conditions during the protection of convicted and detained persons in state and municipal medical institutions. For this, the author thoroughly studied and analyzed the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation protecting the life and health of each person, since the data of the legal acts apply to persons in prison to the same extent. In my opinion, the problem of this article in prisons is relevant today, since in its practical activities the administration of the institution often faces a question of this nature. I believe that the relevance of this article gives rise to many gaps that are inherent in penal correction systems, such as: medical support of Penal System, downsizing, poorly organized cooperation with state medical institutions, which was also considered in this paper. Having analyzed the above-mentioned gaps inherent in the Penal System, the author proposed his own solutions, which, in his opinion, will solve both the main problem, the organization of safe conditions during the protection of convicted and detained persons in medical institutions, and related gaps in general.

Atoms ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Ryoichi Hajima

Generation of few-cycle optical pulses in free-electron laser (FEL) oscillators has been experimentally demonstrated in FEL facilities based on normal-conducting and superconducting linear accelerators. Analytical and numerical studies have revealed that the few-cycle FEL lasing can be explained in the frame of superradiance, cooperative emission from self-bunched systems. In the present paper, we review historical remarks of superradiance FEL experiments in short-pulse FEL oscillators with emphasis on the few-cycle pulse generation and discuss the application of the few-cycle FEL pulses to the scheme of FEL-HHG, utilization of infrared FEL pulses to drive high-harmonic generation (HHG) from gas and solid targets. The FEL-HHG enables one to explore ultrafast science with attosecond ultraviolet and X-ray pulses with a MHz repetition rate, which is difficult with HHG driven by solid-state lasers. A research program has been launched to develop technologies for the FEL-HHG and to conduct a proof-of-concept experiment of FEL-HHG.

Geosciences ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 119
Vincenzo Guerriero ◽  
Stefano Mazzoli

The effective stress principle (ESP) plays a basic role in geology and engineering problems as it is involved in fundamental issues concerning strain and failure of rock and soil, as well as of other porous materials such as concrete, metal powders, biological tissues, etc. Although since its introduction in the 1920s the main ESP aspects have been unravelled and theoretically derived, these do not appear to have been always entirely perceived by many in the science community dealing with ESP-related topics but having little familiarity with the complex theories of porous media and poroelasticity. The purpose of this review is to provide a guidance for the reader who needs an updated overview of the different theoretical and experimental approaches to the ESP and related topics over the past century, with particular reference to geological fracturing processes. We begin by illustrating, after some introductive historical remarks, the basic theory underlying the ESP, based on theory of elasticity methods. Then the different ESP-related theories and experimental results, as well as main interpretations of rock jointing and fracturing phenomena, are discussed. Two main classical works are then revisited, and a rigorous ESP proof is derived. Such a proof is aimed at geologists, engineers and geophysicists to become more familiar with theories of porous media and poroelasticity, being based on the classical theory of elasticity. The final part of this review illustrates some still open issues about faulting and hydraulic fracturing in rocks.

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