2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-218

The article examines the legal and moral and ethical aspects of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system. The considered reason for dismissal has the main feature associated with the integration of legal and moral norms, which often raises a lot of questions about the attribution of a particular offense to this basis. Using the analysis of normative legal acts, the authors attempt to identify the signs that contribute to the separation of the studied grounds for dismissal from all their diversity. The classification of offenses that discredit the honor of an employee of the criminal Executive system is presented, which allows to systematize and organize the knowledge obtained about the considered grounds for dismissal. The analysis of a misdemeanor that defames the honor of an employee of the penal system from a moral and ethical position gives an understanding, first of all, that it does not have a clear regulation from the point of view of the law, but the consequences of committing such a misdemeanor are clearly legal. The concepts of “honor” and “dignity” are considered as ethical categories and are analyzed as personal qualities that are manifested in an employee of the penal correction system during the period of service. These categories in the behavior of a person or employee are manifested both externally (assessment from the outside) and internally (self-assessment). The article describes the value orientation of an employee of the criminal Executive system to ethical standards in professional activity, which is an integral part of the moral and ethical side of a misdemeanor that discredits the honor of an employee.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 140-155

The purpose of the article is to consider the competence capabilities of MFC specialists that require structuring in a professional standard, aimed at increasing satisfaction with the implemented policy of providing public services to the population. The article focuses on the results of a survey of MFC employees, aimed at determining the factors that, according to respondents, form the professional standard of a specialist in a multifunctional center. The authors believe that structuring of a professional standard can act as an innovative mechanism for shaping public opinion in politics. Public opinion, aimed at assessing the quality of interaction with the authorities and the provision of services to the population, can not only reflect the massive satisfaction of the needs of the population, but also take into account the point of view of the current employees of multifunctional centers. Using the self-assessment methodology in the context of an “inside look”, MFC specialists objectively assess their own competence capabilities; identify professional problems, gaps, weaknesses, which should be addressed by additional professional education. In the first part of the article, the authors analyze various mechanisms for shaping public opinion that are often used in modern political science. The second part of the article presents the results of a survey of current MFC employees. Based on the analysis of the survey results, the criteria for the professional standard of an MFC specialist were formed, which include: 1) awareness, that is, understanding the need to implement a professional standard; 2) the range of the most significant competencies of an MFC specialist; 3) a system of individual and personal qualities that form the professional efficiency of employees.

S.A. Seliverstov ◽  

The article discusses the issue of the formation of professionally important qualities (PIQ) in future military aviation navigators in the educational environment of a military university. The goal is to substantiate the activity approach as a practice-oriented basis for the formation of professional qualities in cadets-navigators. A review and analysis of scientific research, publications is carried out, allowing to discover the significance of the activity approach as a methodological direction of research. The methodological basis of the research is the provisions of the activity approach, which are used as the basis for the development and formation of the PIQ among cadets-navigators in the process of a practice-oriented educational process. The description of the results is associated with the characteristics of the content and organization of the professional activity of cadets-navigators in the process of implementation of industrial practice in the form of flight training. Using the activity approach, the main components of the activities of flight instructors, teachers and cadets-navigators are considered, from a unified methodological point of view, and thus the nature of their interaction is revealed. Emphasis have been determined that need to be paid attention to in the course of pedagogical activity on the formation of professional qualities among cadets-navigators. A definition is given and pedagogical technologies are proposed for the formation of professional experience and professional qualities in a future specialist in the context of a practice-oriented pedagogical process. The relationship between the experience gained by the trainee in the practice-oriented pedagogical process and the formation of professionally important personality traits of a specialist is considered. The main goals and objectives for the formation of the necessary professional qualities of cadetsnavigators during flight training have been determined. At the entrance of each stage of flight training, technologies are determined aimed at rational and purposeful impact on the student in order to develop competencies and personal qualities. Recommendations are offered to teachers and instructors to improve the efficiency of development and formation among cadets-navigators of the PIQ.

Юлия Александровна Борзенко

1 августа 2020 г. будет ровно два года, как действует долгожданный сотрудниками уголовно-исполнительной системы Федеральный закон от 19.07.2018 № 197-ФЗ «О службе в уголовно-исполнительной системе Российской Федерации и о внесении изменений в Закон Российской Федерации “Об учреждениях и органах, исполняющих уголовные наказания в виде лишения свободы”» (далее - Закон «О службе в УИС»). Прошедший срок уже позволяет сделать выводы об эффективности его положений, коллизиях и пробелах в нормах с позиции правоприменителя и сложившейся судебной практики. К сожалению, отсутствие доктринальных трудов по рассматриваемому вопросу исключает возможность дискуссии в рамках статьи. Безусловно, все положения Закона «О службе в УИС» заслуживают детального внимания, но, по нашему мнению, особую социальную значимость и озабоченность для сотрудников, проходящих службу, вызывают нормы главы 12 Закона «О службе в УИС», регламентирующей основания и порядок прекращения и расторжения контракта о службе в УИС. В статье проведен анализ отдельных норм Закона «О службе в УИС», касающихся расторжения контракта и увольнения сотрудников УИС, выбор анализируемых положений обуславливается сложившейся судебной практикой и личным мнением автора о последовательном изучении ст. 84 рассматриваемого нормативного акта. Не исключено, что в последующем автор вернется к рассматриваемой теме и продолжит исследование не изученных в настоящей статье положений главы 12 Закона «О службе в УИС». On August 1, 2020, there will be exactly two years since the long-awaited Federal Penitentiary System Act of July 19, 2018 N 197-ФЗ On Serving in the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation and on Amending the Law of the Russian Federation On Institutions and Bodies performing criminal sentences of imprisonment ”(hereinafter - the Law “On Service in the Penal Correction System”). The past term already allows us to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of its provisions, the gaps in the norms, not only on the basis of doctrinal analysis, but also from the perspective of the law enforcer, the prevailing judicial practice. Of course, all the provisions of the Law “On Service in the Penal Administration” deserve detailed attention, but, in our opinion, the norms of chapter 12 of the Law “On Service in the Penal Administration”, which regulates the grounds and procedure for terminating and termination of the service contract in the penal correction system. The article analyzes certain provisions of the Law “On Service in the Penal Correction System” regarding termination of the contract and dismissal of the penal system; the choice of the analyzed provisions is determined by the prevailing judicial practice and the author’s personal opinion on the consistent study of Art. 84 of the considered normative act. It is possible that in the future, the author will return to the subject under consideration and continue the study of the provisions of chapter 12 of the Law “On Service in the Penal Correction System” that are not studied in this article.

Дмитрий Александрович Швец

В современной юридической литературе все чаще в качестве предмета исследования подвергаются научному анализу вопросы реализации права, в частности, такой ее формы, как применение, при этом с точки зрения не только теоретико-правовой сферы знаний, но и отраслевых наук. Применение права является одним из видов юридической деятельности, свойственной государственным органам в процессе реализации правовых предписаний. Это в полной мере, по мнению автора, относится к деятельности учреждений и органов уголовно-исполнительной системы, сотрудники которых при выполнении служебных обязанностей претворяют в жизнь судебное решение - акт применения права. Исследование дискуссионных вопросов относительно количества стадий правоприменительного процесса и их содержания, а также понятия и содержания правоприменительной практики позволяет автору сделать вывод, что исполнение наказания, в том числе и уголовного, является: во-первых, самостоятельным этапом процесса применения права, так как в этот период норма права продолжает реализовываться в форме принудительного исполнения приговора суда; во-вторых, разновидностью правоприменительной практики, которая представляет собой совокупную деятельность суда по вынесению основанного на законе и конкретизированного к представленной жизненной ситуации приговора - правоприменительного акта и его реализацию учреждением уголовно-исполнительной системы - уполномоченным субъектом. In modern juridical literature, issues of the implementation of law, in particular its form as application, are increasingly analyzed as a subject of research, not only from the point of view of the theoretical and legal sphere of knowledge, but also from the branch of science. The application of law is one of the types of legal activity that is typical for state bodies in the process of implementation of legal regulations. According to the author, this fully applies to the activities of institutions and bodies of the Penal system, whose employees, in the performance of their official duties, implement a court decision - an act of applying the law. The study of controversial issues regarding the number of stages of the enforcement process and content, as well as the concept and content of law enforcement practice, the author comes to the conclusion that the execution of punishment, including criminal, is: firstly, an independent stage of process of application of the law, because in this period, the rule of law continues to be implemented in the form of compulsory execution of the verdict; secondly, it is a type of law enforcement practice, which is the combined activity of the court to issue a sentence based on the law and concretized to a specific life situation-a law enforcement act and its implementation by an institution of the criminal Executive system-an authorized subject.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
pp. 57-61
Dmitriy A. Grishin ◽  

Тhe article deals with the theoretical aspects of state coercion used by employees of bodies and institutions of the criminal Executive system. Based on the analysis of scientific ideas about the system of ensuring state, public, national and personal security, the author’s definition of “public security of the criminal Executive system” is formulated, and its structural elements are defined. The author’s classification of the types of state coercion implemented by UIS officials is proposed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3C) ◽  
pp. 345-353
Valentina Miroshnichenko ◽  
Halina Topolnicka ◽  
Nataliia Holiardyk ◽  
Nataliia Makohonchuk ◽  
Liudmyla Levytska ◽  

The article is devoted to the definition of criteria, indicators of the professional experience formation of future border guards in the process of military and border guard practical training. Criteria for the professional experience formation of future border guards in the process of military and border guard practical training have been defined as follows: value and personal (indicators: the formation of personal qualities; expression of value orientations of the individual; awareness of the importance of professional activity), motivational and functional (indicators: motivational activity; attitude to professional activity; responsibility for own actions), activity and reflexive (indicators: ability to apply the acquired professional experience; ability to reflect in the assessment of own actions; self-assessment of own behavior and own decisions). According to the criteria and indicators, three levels of professional experience of future border guards in the process of military and border guard training have been identified: high, average, low.

Sergey Sivtsov

В статье анализируются проблемные вопросы распространения коррупционных проявлений в уголовно-исполнительной системе России. В работе выражена мысль о необходимости комплексного исследования проблем коррупции (с социологической, экономической, политической и правовой точек зрения). Комплексная стратегия противодействия коррупции в уголовно-исполнительной системе должна заключать в себе: изучение коррупции как негативного социального явления, изучение коррупции в рамках экономических отношений социума, изучение политических рисков в рамках функционирования государственных органов в процессе своего взаимодействия, изучение правовых норм, запрещающих и ограничивающих коррупционные проявления в рамках законодательного регулирования разных уровней, а также формирование нетерпимого отношения общества к коррупционному поведению. Рассматривается коррупционные преступления в уголовно-исполнительной системе, приводятся примеры совершения сотрудниками УИС должностных преступлений. Коррупция с уголовно-правовой точки зрения определяется через преступления коррупционной направленности, наказания за которые закреплены в Уголовном кодексе РФ. Анализируются нормативные правовые акты, регламентирующие антикоррупционные механизмы. Выделяются пути решения коррупционной проблематики в стране в целом и в уголовно-исполнительной системе в частности.The article analyses problematic issues of the spread of corruption manifestations in the penal system of Russia. The paper suggested the need for a comprehensive study of corruption from different perspectives (sociological, economic, political and legal). The comprehensive strategy against corruption in the penal system should include: Study of corruption as a negative social phenomenon, study of corruption within the framework of economic relations of society, study of political risks within the framework of the functioning of state bodies in the process of their interaction, study of legal norms prohibiting and limiting corruption manifestations within the framework of legislative regulation at different levels, as well as formation of intolerance of society towards corruption behavior. Corruption offences are considered in the penal correction system, examples of the commission of official crimes by officials of the Penitentiary Service are given. Corruption is defined from a criminal legal point of view through corruption-related offences, the penalties for which are enshrined in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Normative legal acts regulating anti-corruption mechanisms are analyzed. Ways of solving corruption issues are identified, both in general and in the penal correction system in particular. The work deals with the official crimes of employees of the penal correction system in the criminal legal aspect of anti-corruption activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (86) ◽  
pp. 147-152
R.Y. Zveryuk

The purpose of the work was to investigate the ideas of Yakym Yarema regarding the moral development of a personality. The content of his report «The Stages of Moral Development» (1937) is analyzed for this purpose. In order to achieve the goal, the digitization of this work was carried out, its scientific and literary editing and analysis. The study of the stages of moral development is carried out in accordance with the logics applied by Ya. Yarema: firstly, a general overview of the concepts and criteria of moral and immoral, then – periodization in accordance with different criteria and analysis of recommended methods of educational influence, relevant at different stages of the development of morality. Moral and immoral Yakym Yarema categorizes from the point of view of the participation of consciousness in the implementation of morally evaluated acts, which significantly distinguishes it from traditional educational approaches. Concerning the criteria for the classification of degrees, the scholar distinguishes between three: the common course of social and moral development; the basis of the legitimization of moral norms; development of the quality of motivation as a motive for moral development. According to each criterion, Ya. Yarema described three levels of moral development: premoral (neutral, immoral), second and third (different names according to the classification criterion). His conclusions on the transition from the second to the third stages and the conditions under which it occurs (or does not happen), the completion of moral development (quantitatively) in the second stage and incompleteness as a specific characteristic of the development of qualitative indicators of moral consciousness are pedagogically important. The methods of moral education proposed by Yakym Yarema are correlated with age characteristics, qualitative characteristics of individual degrees and social environments of different magnitude.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 321-325
Rustam Bulatovich Zhalmurzin

The paper substantiates the importance of ethical responsibility of the penal system employee in the context of his professional activities. It is substantiated that moral choice is common to ethics, psychology and pedagogy in the understanding of responsibility: moral choice as an ethical category, psychological mechanisms for making a choice, formation of ethical responsibility for choice. The status of responsibility is concretized within the framework of the concept ethical responsibility of the penal system employee. The paper analyzes this concept at the ethical (description of the content in the categories of ethics), psychological (defining the mechanisms for such responsibility formation) and pedagogical (disclosing the content in the context of pedagogical knowledge) levels. The author proves that the responsibility in general and the ethical responsibility of the penal system employee in particular can be considered both a value and a personal quality. It is substantiated that the ethical responsibility of the penal system employee is a systemic personal formation that has a value as a set of relations of the penal system employee (to professional activity, to people involved in the sphere of his professional activity, to himself as a subject of such activity), implemented in his activities through personal qualities that determine the implementation by the penal system employee of a moral choice in the process of professional activity and form the content of ethical responsibility as a personal quality. The content of the ethical responsibility of the penal system employee is revealed through the attraction of the values duty, dignity, honor, good, virtue, justice, freedom, conscience and personal qualities perseverance, efficiency, organization, exactingness, obligation, initiative

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 160-169
D V Gorban

In presented article the author attempts a comprehensive analysis of the purpose of the penal law, as the correction of convicts, as well as its fixed assets. The relevance of the chosen topic actual the fact that the search for new ways and means of correction of convicts is one of the modern trends of reforming criminal-executive system. The aim of correction condemned is secured in the criminal and criminal-executive legislation, however, in the literature it is a lot of debate. A controversial issue is the consolidation of the list of fixed assets of correction condemned, to which the authors propose to assign treatment, psychological work, etc. the purpose of correction condemned, and therefore the study of this process more actual in terms of rising every year numbers of recidivism. Because the rate of recidivism is directly linked to the effectiveness of the correctional institutions of the penal system. In this paper, the analysis includes consideration of different points of view of scientists on the concept of «rehabilitation of offenders», the identification of shortcomings of this concept and proposal author. The second focus of the study is the question of the classification of fixed assets of correction condemned, and also fastening of additional means of correction in the penal law. In the preparation and writing of scientific articles were used methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as the dialectical method of scientific knowledge. In conclusion, the author summarizes the main results of the conducted research and proposes a concept of prisoners, the classification of assets corrections for basic and optional.

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