Assessment Techniques in EFL Brain-Compatible Classroom

Walaa M. El-Henawy

Neuroscience has disclosed important information about the brain and how it learns. Brain-Based Learning is student centered learning that utilizes the whole brain and recognizes that not all students learn in the same way. Assessment and evaluation are necessary and important elements of the instructional cycle. Feedback also motivates students and allows students to apply what they have learned to real-life situations. This chapter presents attempts to explain brain-compatible assessment and alternative or authentic assessment and its different forms that can be used in providing brain-based education.

Walaa M. El-Henawy

Neuroscience has disclosed important information about the brain and how it learns. Brain-Based Learning is student centered learning that utilizes the whole brain and recognizes that not all students learn in the same way. Assessment and evaluation are necessary and important elements of the instructional cycle. Feedback also motivates students and allows students to apply what they have learned to real-life situations. This chapter presents attempts to explain brain-compatible assessment and alternative or authentic assessment and its different forms that can be used in providing brain-based education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Junjun Muhamad Ramdani ◽  
R. Rahmat

In the last two decades, teaching spoken English to EFL students has become a critical issue in the TESOL context. However, a few studies touch upon how EFL learners are taught to speak English spontaneously. Learning to speak English spontaneously in large classes becomes a big challenge for ESOL teachers because of space and time constraints. In response to this growing need, this article provides an empirical account of how modified role playing, more student-centered learning, is implemented as an innovative learning design in an EFL university setting where a large class is concerned. Data were garnered from open-ended and close-ended questionnaires, students’ personal narratives, and photovoices. These data were analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Findings of the study show that the students were finally able to survive in their speaking tasks, engaging them in a real-life communicative encounter. This study concludes with some pedagogical implications for how a teacher as a curriculum designer engages students in motivating and anxiety-free speaking tasks.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Degi Alrinda Agustina ◽  
Ali Mustadi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan muatan tematik integratif, scientific approach, dan authentic assessment pada buku teks Kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analisis konten yang menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah tiga buku teks Kurikulum 2013 kelas V Tema I yang diterbitkan oleh Puskurbuk, Non Puskurbuk 1, dan Non Puskurbuk 2 tahun 2014. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut. (1) Semua buku teks yang dianalisis telah memenuhi sebagian besar muatan tematik integratif, yaitu pada aspek pengalaman bermakna dan student centered learning. Sebagian kecil indikator yang belum terpenuhi adalah pada aspek multidisipliner karena kekurang-telitian dan perbedaan pandangan yang digunakan oleh penulis. (2) Semua buku teks yang dianalisis telah memenuhi semua muatan scientific approach. Kegiatan mengumpulkan informasi merupakan kegiatan yang mendominasi. (3) Semua buku teks yang dianalisis telah memenuhi sebagian besar muatan authentic assessment. Rubrik penilaian pada buku teks berupa contoh format penilaian yang dapat dikembangkan oleh guru.

Zulfikri Anas

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengeksplorasi gagasan penggunaan pendekatan brain based learning dalam penanaman nilai budaya melalui pendidikan formal. Undang-Undang  menyatakan dengan tegas bahwa pendidikan adalah upaya sadar untuk mengembangkan potensi setiap siswa agar menjadi warga negara yang cerdas, kreatif dan berakhlak mulia.  Nilai-nilai budaya  mengkondisikan manusia untuk hidup saling menghargai dengan berbagai nilai-nilai yang diyakini bersama. Seyogyanya kehidupan menjadi harmonis karena semua yang melingkupi kehidupan manusia menggiring ke arah sana. Akan tetapi mengapa tatakrama, kreatifitas, kemandirian dan ciri-ciri kemanusiaan lainnya menjadi memudar? Dunia pendidikan termasuk yang paling disoroti. Berbagai pendapat ekstrim menyatakan, pendidikan telah mencabut anak dari akar budayanya. Penyebabnya adalah pembelajaran yang monoton, mengekang, dan mempoisisikan anak sebagai obyek pembelajaran, bukan subyek yang aktif. Untuk mengembalikan fungsi pendidikan ke arah yang diharapkan, harus diciptakan iklim pembelajaran yang semirip mungkin dengan kehidupan nyata serta pengintegrasian kurikulum dengan hal-hal nyata dalam kehidupan. Kondisi ini akan mendorong  peserta didik  untuk berkembang dan menjadi anak-anak yang cerdas, kreatif, dan berakhlak mulia. Hal inilah yang menjadi salah satu sasaran penerapan brain based learning. The objective of this study is to explore ​​the use of brain based learning approach in character education ​​through formal education. Law insists that education is a conscious effort to develop the potential of every student to become a smart, creative, and noble citizen. Cultural values suggest human condition to live with mutual respect with different values ​​shared together. If this condition is achieved, a harmonious life for all human life can be realized. However, why manners, creativity, independence and other human traits is fading? Education is among the most highlighted. Some extreme opinions has highlighted that the education has uprooted children from their cultural roots. This is caused by monotone and curbing learning, which places child as an object of learning, rather than active subjects. To restore the function of education in the direction expected, the learning climate must be created as closely as possible to real life as well as the integration of curriculum with real things in life. This condition will encourage learners to develop and become intelligent, creative, and noble children. This has become one of the target of the application of the brain based learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 64
Ummu Khairiyah

The research objective is to describe the activities of students during the learning process that uses the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach based on Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) and determine students' responses to learning using the JAS-based CTL approach. Research is a descriptive quantitative research that uses survey methods and literature studies. The learning activities with CTL approach based on the Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) in science or IPA  is a group discussion, direct observation, practicum, game, and final/ test. Where through these activities in accordance with the principles of the JAS approach which consists of exploration, constructivism, the scientific process, learing community, bioedutainment and authentic assessment. So that the learning process based on Student Centered Learning is no longer Teacher Centered Learning which can make students 'scientific skills honed. Students' responses to learning with the CTL approach based on Jelajah Alam Sekitar (JAS) is 89% in the good category (interest and very interest).

Baiq Sri Handayani ◽  
A. D. Corebima

<p class="Abstract">The learning process is a process of change in behavior as a form of the result of learning. The learning model is a crucial component of the success of the learning process. The learning model is growing fastly, and each model has different characteristics. Teachers are required to be able to understand each model to teach the students optimally by matching the materials and the learning model. The best of the learning model is the model that based on the brain system in learning that are the model of Brain Based Learning (BBL) and the model of Whole Brain Teaching (WBT). The purposes of this article are to obtain information related to (1) the brain’s natural learning system, (2) analyze the characteristics of the model BBL and WBT based on theory, brain sections that play a role associated with syntax, similarities, and differences, (3) explain the distinctive characteristics of both models in comparison to other models. The results of this study are: (1) the brain’s natural learning system are: (a) the nerves in each hemisphere do not work independently, (b) doing more activities can connect more brain nerves, (c) the right hemisphere controls the left side motoric sensor of the body, and vice versa; (2) the characteristics of BBL and WBT are: (a) BBL is based on the brain’s structure and function, while the model WBT is based on the instructional approach, neurolinguistic, and body language, (b) the parts of the brain that work in BBL are: cerebellum, cerebral cortex, frontal lobe, limbic system, and prefrontal cortex; whereas the parts that work WBT are: prefrontal cortex, visual cortex, motor cortex, limbic system, and amygdala, (c) the similarities between them are that they both rely on the brain’s system and they both promote gesture in learning, whereas the differences are on the view of the purposes of gestures and the learning theory that they rely on. BBL relies on cognitive theory while WBT relies on social theory; (3) the typical attribute of them compared to other models are that in BBL there are classical music and gestures in the form of easy exercises, while on the WBT model there are fast instructions and movements as instructions or code of every spoken word.</p>

Ainul Khafid

The purpose of this research is to produce teaching materials based on Brain-based learning that appropriate to improve student’s learning achievement on the topic of salt hydrolysis. The development models of teaching materials used 4-D models using one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of the research were teaching materials based on Brain-based learning that tried to 30 students of XI grade MIA 1 MA Nahdhatul Ulama Sidoarjo in academic year of 2015/2016. The data-collecting techniques in this research were validation, observation, test, and questionnaire. The results showed that (1) the validity of the lesson plans, student book, worksheet, and learning achievement test were valid; (2) the readability level of student book and worksheet were good category; (3) learning feasibility were good category; (4) the students activities refers to student-centered learning; (5) majority of students gave positive response to learning process; (6) all of students achieved learning completeness criteria on aspect of cognitive, attitudes, and skills. Based on these results, it could be concluded that the teaching materials based on Brain-based learning were appropriate to improve student’s learning achievement on the salt hydrolysis topic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-69
Amina Alobaidi

Background: PBL appears to answer many concerns regarding educational methods, encourages students to look for new solutions to relevant problems using available knowledge and resources. The process expands students' critical thinking and problem solving skills while enhancing their creative capabilities Objective: To develop a PBL modules for teaching of organic chemistry. Methods: This module was developed for implementation in the curriculum of Chemistry Departments in Colleges of Sciences and Education. This is an innovations to be developed for increasing the wide-ranging abilities of students. A series of strategies which are involved in PBL, concept mapping and online communications, are suggested and discussed in terms of encouraging student-centered learning.  

Eden Handayani Tyas ◽  
Sunarto Sunarto ◽  
Lamhot Naibaho

This study is about the evaluation of student centered learning implementation by Internship students of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training at PSKD Jakarta. The purpose of this study to find out how the implementation of student centered learning at the school. The research method used was survey method by using qualitative research approach. The respondents of this study were 31 teachers who were taken using proportional random sampling (50%) from 62 companion teachers. The instruments used in this study were questionnaires (which consists of 24 statements) and interviews. Questionnaire data was analyzed quantitatively by classification of Likert scale value while interview data was analyzed descriptively. From the data collected through questionnaires and interviews found that the implementation of student centered learning in PSKD partner schools in Jakarta is good, and 30% of teachers still believe that the implementation of student centered learning in PSKD partner schools is still poor. Thus, it can be concluded the implementation of students centered learning at PSKD is good, but it still needs improvement. Keyword: evaluation, implementation, students centered learning, PPL


It is argued that the digital technology has made possible the vast range of applications and media forms including virtual reality, digital special effects, digital film, digital television, electronic music, computer games, multimedia, the Internet, the World Wide Web, digital telephony and so on [8]. Digital transformation has been particularly influential in new directions of society.Providing schools with digital technology promises a high return on investment. The presence of computers and Internet access raises technology literacy and skills, better preparing the future generations to participate in the information society [12]. To this end, schools represent ideal access points because they cover a large part of the population, especially in developing countries. Starting from 1990s, many educators have been realised the potential of Internet for educational purposes and began to introduce it into classrooms. According to [10] the popularity of web-based teaching and learning lies in the strengths of its distributed nature and the case of its browsing facility. Both the use of digital technology and increased interest in student-centered learning may lead to a significant change of the teacher’s role, as well as the recognition of the active role of the learner in the learning process.

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