scholarly journals China’s Rapid Growth and Development: A Historical and International Context

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-32
Ruzimurod B. Boimurodov ◽  
Zebinisso Q. Bobokhonova

In this article is showing, that the irrigation mountain brown carbonate soils prone methods of irrigation and grassing comes the rapid growth and development of natural vegetation, which leads to intensive humus accumulation. Humus content in the upper layer is increased by 0.98% and a significantly smaller severely eroded. Increasing the amount of humus promotes accumulation mainly humic acids, that conducts to expansion of relations the content of humic acid: The content of folic acid. When grassing of soil traced sharp increase in the number associated with the related and R2 O3 humic acid.

2022 ◽  
Emily Robb ◽  
Erin McCammick ◽  
Duncan Wells ◽  
Paul McVeigh ◽  
Erica Gardiner ◽  

Fasciola spp. liver fluke have significant impacts in veterinary and human medicine. The absence of a vaccine and increasing anthelmintic resistance threaten sustainable control and underscore the need for novel flukicides. Functional genomic approaches underpinned by in vitro culture of juvenile Fasciola hepatica facilitate control target validation in the most pathogenic life stage. Comparative transcriptomics of in vitro and in vivo maintained 21 day old F. hepatica finds that 86% of genes are expressed at similar levels across maintenance treatments suggesting commonality in core biological functioning within these juveniles. Phenotypic comparisons revealed higher cell proliferation and growth rates in the in vivo juveniles compared to their in vitro counterparts. These phenotypic differences were consistent with the upregulation of neoblast-like stem cell and cell-cycle associated genes in in vivo maintained worms. The more rapid growth/development of in vivo juveniles was further evidenced by a switch in cathepsin protease expression profiles, dominated by cathepsin B in in vitro juveniles and then by cathepsin L in in vivo juveniles. Coincident with more rapid growth/development was the marked downregulation of both classical and peptidergic neuronal signalling components in in vivo maintained juveniles, supporting a role for the nervous system in regulating liver fluke growth and development. Differences in the miRNA complements of in vivo and in vitro juveniles identified 31 differentially expressed miRNAs, notably fhe-let-7a-5p , fhe-mir-124-3p and, miRNAs predicted to target Wnt-signalling, supporting a key role for miRNAs in driving the growth/developmental differences in the in vitro and in vivo maintained juvenile liver fluke. Widespread differences in the expression of neuronal genes in juvenile fluke grown in vitro and in vivo expose significant interplay between neuronal signalling and the rate of growth/development, encouraging consideration of neuronal targets in efforts to dysregulate growth/development for parasite control.

Vipin Nadda ◽  
Harminder Singh Chaudhary ◽  
Ian Arnott

With rapid growth and development in technology, cloud computing has become a dominant platform for small businesses as well as major enterprises. Cloud computing streamlines the overall delivery of services and resources, helps keeping the costs in control, and global business is set for a huge change in the way businesses are done. The substantial transformation over the past few years has evolved tourism industry towards Tourism 3.0, where the consumers can easily connect to travel websites and interact by sharing their experiences. This considerably influences the perceptions, expectations and decisions both the actual as well as and potential travelers. This provides sufficient reasons for the tourism industry players to adopt and adept themselves with the latest advancements in the information technology, and the adoption of cloud computing is key in this regard as it provides easy access to a web platform that offers more productive, efficient, and competitive services to promote tourism as a vehicle of sustainable development.

2012 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 218-222
Shan Dan Zhou ◽  
Li Ming Hu ◽  
Xiao Dong Ouyang

The 21st century is the period of the rapid growth and development of renewable energy, which refers to fuel and raw materials that replaces the oil and can be recycled and required by people’s living and production activities, and biomass energy resides in the first of renewable energy. This paper carries on a analysis and study mainly on the three basic technologies of biomass energy, analyzes the meaning and future development trend of biomass energy and proposes measures of the development.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1073-1076 ◽  
pp. 2634-2636
Jing Zhu ◽  
Qun Gu

This article tries to bring you an idea that using LNG distributed energy system in domestic ports. Ports used LNG instead of diesel as fuel for container trailers and bulk cargo loaders. The quantity of LNG consumption of port is in small scale with this way. LNG distributed energy will be good for port power optimization. It can decrease emission and improve port environment. Under the rapid growth and development of LNG application in China, it’s time to study this subject now. At the end of article, the author gives some questions about how to well use LNG distributed energy for deep studies in the future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 286
Hasni Nursyamsiah ◽  
Teni Puja Cendana ◽  
Euis Eti Rohaeti ◽  
Syah Khalif Alam

Early childhood is an individual figure who is experiencing rapid growth and development, at this time the need for proper stimulation so that children can develop all aspects of their development optimally. One aspects that needs to be developed in early childhood is cognitive aspects with in the scope of symbolic thinking. This is because the ability of symbolic thinking can develop the mental world of children.This study aims to analyze the ability of symbolic thinking of young childhood at the age of 5-6 years. The instrument of this study was in the form of observation sheet about the ability to think symbolically, in the form of a checklist of developmental achievement scales based on an assessment scale using the numerical scale 1-4. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The subjects in this study was the children of group B. The results showed that the symbolic thinking ability of group B children reached 38.5% of the minimum percentage of 77%. This shows that the symbolic thinking ability of group B children in RA is still low. This results form the basis for researchers to conduct further research on the ability of symbolic thinking of young children in group B.Anak usia dini adalah sosok individu yang sedang mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang sangat pesat, pada masa ini perlu adanya stimulasi yang tepat agar anak dapat mengembangkan seluruh aspek perkembangannya secara optimal. Salah satu aspek yang perlu dikembangkan pada anak usia dini adalah aspek kognitif dalam lingkup berpikir simbolik. Hal ini dikarenakan kemampuan berpikir simbolik dapat mengembangkan dunia mental anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini pada usia 5 – 6 tahun. Instumen dari penelitian ini berbentuk lembar observasi mengenai kemampuan berpikir simbolik, berbentuk ceklis skala capaian perkembangan yang disusun berdasarkan skala penilaian dengan menggunakan skala numerik 1-4. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah anak – anak kelompok B. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak kelompok B mencapai 38,5 % dari persentase minimal 77%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak kelompok B masih rendah. Hasil ini menjadi dasar bagi peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian lanjutan mengenai kemampuan berpikir simbolik anak usia dini pada kelompok B.

1977 ◽  
Vol 109 (12) ◽  
pp. 1563-1570 ◽  
Gordon Pritchard ◽  
Brian Pelchat

AbstractSamples of a population of Argia vivida Hagen larvae were taken at about monthly intervals from a series of warm sulphur pools at Banff, Alberta, from June 1973 to December 1974. Changes in head capsule width and wing pad length in field-collected and laboratory-reared specimens show that the life-cycle is univoltine. Only the final (Z) instar can be recognized with certainty, but methods are described whereby the population can be divided into size classes which are thought to correspond well with the last nine larval instars. Periods of rapid growth occur in the autumn and again in the spring. Larvae overwinter in the instars U, V, W, X, and Y and the major shift to the final instar occurs in March and April. Adults emerge from April to August. In the laboratory, growth is temperature dependent until the penultimate (Y) instar and this could be a factor in the field since, although larvae can exist year-round at a constant 26 °C, some larvae live in the cooler areas at the edges of the streams and pools. Entry to the final instar appears to require the long photoperiods that follow the vernal equinox.

2021 ◽  
Matthew Zambri

Toronto has been undergoing rapid growth and development, dramatically changing the skyline of this city. Although this growth is exciting, it plays a hand in the threat against some of Toronto’s oldest buildings, sitting on prime real estate seen as ripe for redevelopment. Toronto needs to be more assertive when protecting its heritage assets, but has become largely reactive rather than proactive due to an overburdened Heritage Preservation Service department. The system needs to provide for more vigilance over threats to heritage and increase public awareness regarding the many benefits to protecting heritage properties. This paper explores how Business Improvement Associations can take on this role and stimulate the conversation of heritage conservation with property owners, developers, and other stakeholders, providing the support and vision over alternatives to demolition. This report also looks at the potential role the private sector has in heritage conservation, seeing it not as a barrier to development but something that needs to be commemorated because it is what makes Toronto unique.

2021 ◽  
Matthew Zambri

Toronto has been undergoing rapid growth and development, dramatically changing the skyline of this city. Although this growth is exciting, it plays a hand in the threat against some of Toronto’s oldest buildings, sitting on prime real estate seen as ripe for redevelopment. Toronto needs to be more assertive when protecting its heritage assets, but has become largely reactive rather than proactive due to an overburdened Heritage Preservation Service department. The system needs to provide for more vigilance over threats to heritage and increase public awareness regarding the many benefits to protecting heritage properties. This paper explores how Business Improvement Associations can take on this role and stimulate the conversation of heritage conservation with property owners, developers, and other stakeholders, providing the support and vision over alternatives to demolition. This report also looks at the potential role the private sector has in heritage conservation, seeing it not as a barrier to development but something that needs to be commemorated because it is what makes Toronto unique.

Physical growth and its measurement 2Physical development 4Developmental milestones 6Cognitive development 10Language development 12Social development 14Psychological theories of attachment 16Promoting child health and health promotion models 18Immunization 22Growth proceeds in a continuous pattern but can be sporadic; the most rapid growth takes place ...

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