The Belief in Dialectic Materialism

2019 ◽  
pp. 37-56
Péter Krasztev

In the Twilight of Ideologies: Power and Esotericism in Soviet State SocialismAt the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, esoteric/occult ideas and movements played an important part in the intellectual, scientific and artistic life of Russia. Occultism lived in symbiosis for some time with virtually every 19th-century ideology, and, to a certain degree, it managed to convert this strange ability into the ideological environment of state socialism as well – a system that was officially hostile towards occultism. However, the relationship between state power, based on “dialectic materialism”, and the various forms of occult ideas that survived in that era was not always clear: it kept changing with time, and depended on the influence of those ideas on society. In this paper I will propose some frameworks for the interpretation of the bizarre dynamics between esotericism and Soviet state power, and argue that the reactions of state power to the various manifestations of esoteric ideas – from (quasi-) scientific to community-building and individualistic manifestations – require different interpretative approaches. Az ideológiák szürkületében: hatalom és ezoterika a szovjet állami szocializmusban A 19-20. század fordulóján Oroszország szellemi, tudományos és művészi életében az ezoterikus/okkult eszmék és mozgalmak meghatározó szerepet játszottak. Az okkultizmus szinte minden 19. századi ideológiával képes volt valamiféle szimbiózisba kerülni, s ezt a különös tulajdonságát a hivatalosan ellenséges államszocialista ideológiai közegbe is képes volt bizonyos mértékig átörökíteni. A „dialektikus materializmus” alapjain álló hatalom viszonya az okkult eszmék továbbélési formáihoz ugyanakkor nem mindig volt egyértelmű: ez korszakonként és az eszmék társadalmi-közösségei hatásától függően is változott. A tanulmány értelmezési kereteket próbál javasolni az ezotéria és szovjethatalom sajátosan bizarr dinamikájú viszonyára, s arra a következtetésre jut, hogy az ezoterikus eszmék különböző megnyilvánulási formái – a (kvázi)tudományos, a közösségépítő és az individuális-önmegvalósító – által kiváltott hatalmi reakció más-más interpretációs megközelítést igényel. W mroku ideologii: władza i ezoteryka w radzieckim socjalizmie państwowym Na przełomie XIX i XX wieku idee i ruchy ezoteryczne/okultystyczne grały znaczącą rolę w życiu duchowym, naukowym i artystycznym Rosji. Okultyzm był w stanie wejść w jakiś rodzaj symbiozy z niemal każdą dziewiętnastowieczną ideologią i do pewnego stopnia mógł przekazać w spadku tę szczególną sposobność oficjalnie wrogim im ideologicznie organom państwa socjalistycznego. Jednak relacja między władzą państwową, opartą na „materializmie dialektycznym”, a różnymi formami okultystycznych idei, które przetrwały w tamtym okresie, nie zawsze była jasna: zawsze zmieniała się ona wraz z upływem czasu i zależała od wpływu tych idei na społeczeństwo. Niniejszy artykuł proponuje pewne ramy interpretacji niecodziennej dynamiki relacji stosunków między ezoteryzmem i władzą radziecką, oraz dochodzi do konkluzji, że ogromna reakcja [władzy państwowej] wywołana poprzez różne formy manifestacji idei ezoterycznych – quasi-naukowe, tworzące wspólnotę, indywidualnie się realizujące – wymaga wielu różnych podejść interpretacyjnych.

Christoph Irmscher

After his return to the United States in 1927, Max Eastman finds himself isolated from his former radical friends. A controversy with Sidney Hook over his interpretation of Marxism increases his depression, as does the lackluster response to his novel, Venture. Crystal Eastman’s untimely death in 1928 nearly ends Max’s career as a professional lecturer, but Eliena’s devotion to their marriage sustains him. Max’s translation of Trotsky’s History of the Russian Revolution reinvigorates his friendship with the exiled leader, although during Max’s visit to Prinkipo Island the men nearly come to blows over their different interpretations of dialectic materialism. Max publishes more poetry, a book on literature and science, an edition of Marx’s writings, and Artists in Uniform, a critique of the totalitarian takeover of literature in the Soviet Union. He collaborates on the innovative documentary Tsar to Lenin, while Enjoyment of Laughter, his second book on humor, becomes a best-seller. Max’s scathing review of Hemingway’s Death in the Afternoon leads to a well-publicized fistfight between the two men. Worried about the Soviet infiltration of American life, Max is keeping lists of suspected communists in the U.S. and acts as the host of the popular radio show Word Game.

2017 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Bernardo Xavier dos Santos Santiago ◽  
Enzo Bello

Resumo: O presente artigo objetiva pensar criticamente como se dá a relação entre democracia e bens naturais na Bolívia a partir das categorias colonialidade e dependência. A hipótese de base da pesquisa é que a democracia avança no país na medida em que novos e tradicionais sujeitos políticos emergentes resistem a processos de expropriação e mercantilização da natureza, afirmando modos de vida em harmonia com a Madre Tierra e produzindo novos paradigmas de relações e interações entre seres humanos e meio ambiente. Assim, busca-se situar os impasses gerados a partir da renovação do extrativismo como paradigma de desenvolvimento econômico para a efetivação dos dispositivos de democracia da carta do Novo Constitucionalismo, conformando um campo aberto de disputa dos sentidos do Vivir Bien. Adota-se a metodologia da pesquisa interdisciplinar com orientação epistemológica na Teoria Crítica através da conjunção dos marcos teórico-metodológicos do materialismo histórico e dialético, e do pensamento descolonial. Adotam-se, ainda, os raciocínios indutivo e dedutivo, numa abordagem jurídico-sociológica, pelos modos de pesquisa qualitativa, o que envolve as técnicas de pesquisas de revisão bibliográfica e análise documental.Abstract: Thispaperaims to thinkcritically, from the categories "coloniality" and “dependence",abouthowtherelationshipbetweendemocracy and natural goodsworksin Bolivia. The basic research hypothesis is that democracy goes ahead in that country according to the new and traditional emergent political subjects resistance to processes of disposession and merchandizing/commodification of nature, affirming ways of life in harmony with the Madre Tierra and producing new paradigms of relationships and interactions between human beings and environment. Thus, this study seeks to place the deadlocks created from the renewal of extractivism as a paradigm of economic development. And to the effectiveness of democratic dispositions on one of the main texts of the so called New Constitutionalism, generating an opened field of meanings dispute of the Vivir Bien. It is adopted the interdisciplinary methodology of research, with epistemological reference in the Critical Theory, through a link between the theoretical and methodological guidelines of the historical and dialectic materialism, and the decolonial thought. It is used, already, inductive and deductive reasoning, in a sociological and legal approach, through the tools of qualitative research, which involve two techniques of research: bibliographical review and documentary analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 563-581
Divanez Alves Correia ◽  
Jair José Maldaner ◽  
Rivadávia Porto Cavalcante ◽  
Wallysonn Alves de Sousa

Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar e discutir as concepções e contradições constantes na Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), sobre Educação Profissional Técnica de Nível Médio (EPTNM). Para a realização do estudo procedeu-se criterioso levantamento bibliográfico de cunho teórico sobre a temática em questão. Revisou fontes teóricas sobre educação e EPTNM, formação humanística e currículo integrado na perspectiva da politecnia. Fez-se análise documental da Lei 13.415/2017 e da BNCC, à luz dos aportes do materialismo histórico-dialético enquanto filosofia, teoria e método para a compreensão da realidade, dos conceitos e das contradições envolvendo a EPTNM e sua reconfiguração na atual política de reforma do ensino médio brasileiro. Considerou sua história e a formação técnica integrada na perspectiva omnilateral. Os resultados indicam que, as concepções de EPTNM e sua reconfiguração, no texto da BNCC, ficaram restringidas aos itinerários formativos constatando que, quando se trata da educação integral, há muitas contradições.Palavras-chave: Educação Profissional Tecnológica; Novo Ensino Médio; Base Nacional Comum Curricular; Formação Integral. Abstract: This article aims to analyze and discuss the conceptions and contradictions contained in the National Common Curricular Base-BNCC, on High School Technical Professional Education (EPTNM). In order to carry out the study, a thorough theoretical bibliographic survey about the topic was conducted. Theoretical framework for Education and EPTNM, human development and integrated curriculum from the polytechnic perspective were reviewed. Document analysis, the Law 13.415/2017 and the BNCC, were accomplished in light of the historical-dialectic materialism contributions as a philosophy, theory and method for reality understanding, concepts and contradictions involving EPTNM and its reconfiguration in the current Brazilian policy for high school reform. Its history and integrated technical formation from the omnilateral perspective were considered as well. The results indicate that EPTNM concepts and its reconfiguration in the BNCC text were restricted to the formative itineraries, highlighting that, when it comes to integral education, there are many contradictions.Keywords: Technological Professional Education; New High School; Common National Curricular Base; Integral Formation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Renata Machado De Assis

 Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar um estudo realizado sobre o método em Marx, a partir de algumas de suas publicações e de outros autores que estudaram suas obras. A metodologia utilizada foi pesquisa bibliográfica, por meio de revisão teórica, utilizando os escritos deste autor e de outros. A análise das obras selecionadas permite depreender que os princípios defendidos por Marx se caracterizam na ideia de que a solução para os mistérios especulativos, para os problemas e contradições da ordem social, efetivamente existentes, deve ser buscada por meio de uma reorientação extrema do próprio pensamento, em contraste com as concepções filosóficas do passado, buscando uma forma de abordagem qualitativamente diferente, ou seja, toda investigação teórica deve se focar na prática transformadora relevante aos seus interesses. Para este autor, não importa apenas a interpretação, mas a transformação; e o método cientificamente exato é o último método. O concreto só o é porque sintetiza as múltiplas determinações, isto é, “unidade do diverso”. Por isso o concreto é o processo da síntese, o resultado, e não o ponto de partida, ainda que o seja. Pode-se concluir que a proposta apresentada por Marx supera o dualismo sujeito e objeto na construção do conhecimento. O que ele propõe, é o método como um instrumento de mediação entre o homem que pretende conhecer e o objeto desconhecido, como parte da realidade a ser desvelada. A abstração utilizada pela dialética revela a essência além da aparência. O que importa é o que é abstrato, o que é imediado, ao contrário do que é mediado; é partir do simples para o complexo; do abstrato para o concreto; da parte para o todo; do singular para o universal.Palavras-chave: Método. Materialismo histórico-dialético. Produção científica.THE METHOD IN MARX Abstract: This article aims to present a study about the method in Marx, from some of his publications and other authors who studied his works. The methodology used was a bibliographical research, through theoretical revision, using the writings of this author and others. The analysis of the selected works allows us to understand that the principles defended by Marx characterised in the idea that the solution to the speculative mysteries, to the problems and contradictions of the social order, effectively existing, must be fetched of a reorientation of the extreme own thought, in contrast with the philosophical conceptions of the past, seeking a way to qualitatively different approach, that is, the total theoretical research must focus on the practical transforming relevant to their interests. For this author, not only important to the interpretation, but the transformation; and the scientifically accurate method is the last method. The concrete is only because it summarises the multiple determinations, that is, "unity of different". For this reason the concrete is the process of synthesis, the result and not the point of departure, that is still. It can be concluded that the proposal submitted by Marx surpasses the dualism subject and object in the construction of knowledge. What he proposes, is the method as an instrument of mediation between the man who wants to know and the unknown object, as part of the reality to be unraveled. The abstraction used by dialectic reveals the essence beyond the appearance. The important thing is what is abstract, what is imediated, contrary to what is mediated; is from simple to complex; of abstract for the concrete; the part for the whole; the singular to universal.Keywords: Method. Historical-dialectic materialism. Scientific production. EL MÉTODO DE MARXResumen: Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un estudio sobre el método de Marx, de algunas de sus publicaciones y otros autores que han estudiado sus obras. La metodología utilizada fue la literatura, a través de revisión de la literatura, usando los escritos de este autor y otros. El análisis de las obras seleccionadas nos permite concluir que los principios defendidos por Marx caracteriza en la idea de que la solución a la especulación, a los misterios de los problemas y las contradicciones del orden social existente, eficazmente, debe buscarse por medio de una reorientación de la extrema pensamiento propio, en contraste con las concepciones filosóficas del pasado, en busca de una manera cualitativamente diferente enfoque, es decir, toda la investigación teórica debe centrarse en la transformación de prácticas relevantes para sus intereses. Para este autor, no sólo es importante para la interpretación, pero la transformación; y el método científicamente exacto es el último método. El hormigón es sólo porque resume las múltiples determinaciones, es decir, "la unidad de diferentes". Por esta razón, el hormigón es el proceso de síntesis, el resultado y no el punto de partida, sin embargo, quién es. Se puede concluir que la propuesta presentada por Marx supera el dualismo sujeto y objeto en la construcción del conocimiento. Lo que él propone, es el método como un instrumento de mediación entre el hombre que quiere saber y el objeto desconocido, como parte de la realidad de ser develado. La abstracción utilizados por la dialéctica revela la esencia más allá de la apariencia. Lo importante es lo abstracto, qué es imediado, contrariamente a lo que está mediado; es de simple a complejo de abstract para el hormigón; la parte por el todo; lo singular a lo universal.Palabras clave: Método. Materialismo histórico-dialéctico. Producción científica.

2001 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 671-987 ◽  
Edson Perreira da Silva

The history of the Theory of Evolution has been told a number of times by historians, philosophers, professors, writers, scientists and so on. However, many of these versions differ from or even contradict one another. In this article, the history of the Theory of Evolution is retold according to a dialectical-materialistic perspective. It analyzes the historical contradictions between Darwinian evolution theory and Mendel's model, the background that led to the synthetic theory of evolution, the debate carried out by classic schools and the result of synthesis, as well as the still current debate between Neutralism and Selectionism. Finally, it also discusses the interpretative model used ("an idiosyncratic dialectic materialism"), mainly in relation with Popper's and Kuhn's models.

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