Spatio-Temporal Variability of Gamma Radiation Profile Along the Southern-Indian Coastline (Poompuhar to Nagapattinam Stretch)

T. Stalin Subbiah ◽  
R. Mahesh ◽  
P. Parthiban ◽  
A. Das

The present study is aimed at evaluating the radiation profile along the coast of the Poompuhar- Nagore range, which is known to be hydrodynamically active and is enriched with anthropogenic activities. The study of radiation on the coastal belt and evaluating their dynamics (magnitude and spatio-temporal variability) is crucial both for the coastal inhabitants as well as possible exploration of rare-earth minerals. The effective gamma radiation during the new moon along the coastal range varies between 0.9 to 3.55 ?sv.h-1, respectively. The annual equivalent dose is estimated up to gamma radiation of 0.26 to 2.80 ?sv.h-1. Generally, the concentrations of the gamma radiation measured are elevated in certain areas namely Chinnagudi, Kuttiyandiyur, and Chandrapadi. In particular, the gamma radioactivity is high at Chandrapadi and Chinnagudi during the new moon as it shows considerable amounts of radiation. There is a definite variation due to the moon phase on the gamma radiation profile of the area studied. Out of the eight coastal villages under study, about 60% of the coastal line shows high levels of gamma radiation during both new moon and full moon phases.

2020 ◽  
Ting Wang

<p>Natural organic matter (NOM) played an important role in the riverine and global carbon cycle. In order to evaluate the impact of river discharge and anthropogenic activities on the spatio-temporal variability of NOM content and sources in Lancang River, China, a comprehensive study was conducted in two years from the head to the leave-boundary section. As results, the DOC value ranged among 0.91-2.80 mg/L, with sharp decrease in the middle reaches and downstream. While the SOC value significantly enhanced along the water flow, varied from 0.06% to 3.54%. The isotopic composition of organic carbon (δ13C) suggested that predominant contribution of NOM is C3 plants in the upper reach, algae and soil organic matter in the middle reach, and aquatic plants in the downstream. EEM-PARAFAC results proved that NOM in Lancang River is mainly terrestrial organic carbon, while in situ microbial transformed NOM is very low. Moreover, the sharp increase of dissolved CO2 concentration in the lower reaches confirmed the strong respiration of microorganisms due to the higher DO and water temperature, thus resulted in the significantly different fluctuations of DOC and SOC.</p>

1969 ◽  
Vol 47 (6) ◽  
pp. 1183-1186 ◽  
G. J. Doucet ◽  
J. R. Bider

Activity of Microtus pennsylvanicus was recorded as the number of crossings per day over a sand transect during four consecutive summers. Appropriate samples were selected to test the effects of both moon phases and moonlight on activity. Initially the results of tests comparing new moon to full moon phases showed that the voles were more active during new moon in only 3 of 10 discreet paired samples tested. However, when the effects of sampling sequence, phenology of population growth, date at which moon phases occurred, and, finally, the effect of climate were all considered as factors which could have affected the above results, it seemed reasonable to conclude that the new moon phase tended to be associated with higher activity. To establish if moonlight by itself, independent of phases, was a factor affecting the activity, tests were made during brightest and darkest nights of the lunar month and results indicated that moonlight did not affect the differences in activity found in the moon phase tests.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-22
Nila Munana ◽  
Irwani Irwani ◽  
Widianingsih Widianingsih

Kepiting bakau (Scylla serrata) merupakan jenis kepiting yang banyak ditemukan di beberapa daerah, salah satunya di Perairan Desa Bandengan, Kendal. Kepiting bakau setiap harinya ditangkap oleh nelayan, keadaan ini dapat mempengaruhi terhadap populasi kepiting bakau. Fase bulan dapat memberikan pengaruh terhadap kepiting bakau, seperti pada tingkah laku kepiting bakau. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pola pertumbuhan kepiting bakau pada  fase bulan mati dan purnama di Perairan Desa Bandengan Kendal. Metode yang digunakan yaitu bersifat deskriptif eksploratif. Pengambilan data dilakukan sebanyak 6 kali periode pada 28 Desember 2019 – 9 Maret 2020, data dari kepiting bakau meliputi panjang karapas, lebar karapas, berat tubuh, jumlah kepiting bakau, dan parameter perairan. Jumlah kepiting bakau yang diperoleh selama penelitian sebanyak 212 ekor bulan mati dan 236 ekor bulan purnama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola pertumbuhan kepiting bakau jantan bulan mati bersifat allometrik positif, sedangkan pada kepiting bakau betina bersifat allometrik negatif. Sedangkan, pada purnama 1 bersifat allometrik positif, bulan purnama 2 dan  bulan purnama 3 bersifat allometrik negatif, sedangkan kepiting bakau betina bersifat allometrik negatif. Mud crab (Scylla serrata) is a type of crab that is found in several areas, one of which is in the waters of Bandengan Village, Kendal. Every day mud crabs are caught by fishermen, this situation can affect the mangrove crab population. The moon phase can affect mud crabs, such as the behavior of mud crabs. The purpose of this study was to determine the growth pattern of mud crabs in the new moon and full moon phases in the waters of the village of Bandengan, Kendal. The method used is descriptive exploratory. Data collection was carried out 6 times during the period on 28 December 2019 - 9 March 2020, data from mud crabs included carapace length, carapace width, body weight, number of mangrove crabs, and water parameters. The number of mud crabs obtained during the study was 212 new moons and 236 full moons. The results showed that the growth pattern of male mud crabs in the new moon was positive allometric, while the female mud crabs were negative allometric. Meanwhile, full moon 1 is allometric positive, full moon 2, and full moon 3 allometric negatives, while female mud crabs are allometric negative.

Abu Yazid Raisal ◽  
Yudhiakto Pramudya ◽  
Okimustava Okimustava ◽  
Muchlas Muchlas

<p class="Abstract">In astronomy, there are three types of dawn. They are astronomical, nautical, and civil dawn. The sunlight is starting to appear on the east horizon when the Sun altitude is 18<sup>o</sup> below the horizon. Hence, there is a change on the sky brightness. The sky brightness can be affected by the moon phases. The sky brightness level is monitored by Sky Quality Meter (SQM). The SQM was installed upward to the zenith. There are 4 locations of measurement in Yogyakarta. The data has been collected for nine months to obtain the complete moon phases. The beginning of astronomical dawn is time when the sky brightness level is starting to decrease. The moving average algorithm was employed to determine the beginning of astronomical dawn. The time when the astronomical dawn begins is compared with the sun altitude calculation. The sun altitude calculation has been done using accurate times software. The difference of the beginning of astronomical dawn by measurement and calculation are 18.61±6.81 minutes, 19.12±3.28 minutes, 31.12±7.76 minutes, and 27.24±8.04 minutes, on the new moon (0), on the first quarter (0.25), on the full moon (0.5) and on the last quarter (0.75), respectively. The weather condition is also contributing to the results.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Wukir Berliana Pratiwi ◽  
Ria Azizah Tri Nuraini ◽  
Widianingsih Widianingsih

Fase bulan secara periodik mengalami perubahan dan menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi perairan secara fisika, kimia, maupun biologi. Kondisi tersebut di wilayah perairan laut menimbulkan fenomena pasang surut yang memiliki pengaruh besar terhadap kehidupan biota laut seperti rajungan (Portunus pelagicus). Strategi penangkapan yang tepat dapat dilakukan dengan menentukan target satu spesies atau dengan cara melihat fase bulan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian morfometri, nisbah kelamin, hubungan lebar berat, dan tingkat kematangan gonad rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) yang tertangkap nelayan pada fase bulan purnama dan bulan mati dari Perairan Desa Tunggulsari, Rembang. Pengambilan data dilakukan terhadap rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) yang tertangkap oleh nelayan dari perairan Desa Tunggulsari. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 9 Januari 2020, 28 Januari 2020, 10 Februari 2020, 25 Februari 2020, 10 Maret 2020, dan 24 Maret 2020. Hasil penelitian berdasarkan uji T statistik menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan komposisi rajungan dari fase bulan purnama dan bulan mati dengan selisih yang tidak signifikan. Rajungan yang tertangkap pada fase bulan purnama memiliki rata-rata ukuran berat dan lebar yang lebih kecil dibandingkan pada fase bulan mati. Analisis power curve hubungan lebar dan berat rajungan yang ada di perairan Desa Tunggulsari bersifat allometrik negatif yang berarti pertumbuhan lebar karapas lebih cepat dibandingkan beratnya.  The lunar phase periodically changes and becomes a factor that affects the waters physically, chemically, and biologically. These conditions in the marine waters cause tidal phenomena which have a major influence on marine life such as blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus). The right fishing strategy can be done by determining the target of one species or by looking at the phases of the moon. This study aims to study the morphometry, sex ratio, weight-width relationship, and maturity level of the crab gonads (Portunus pelagicus) caught by fishermen in the full moon and new moon phases of the Tunggulsari Waters, Rembang. The method used in this research is descriptive exploratory. Research activities were carried out on January 9, 2020, January 28, 2020, February 10, 2020, February 25, 2020, March 10, 2020, and March 24, 2020. The results of the study based on the statistical T test showed that there was an insignificant difference in the catch of the full moon and new moon phases. The crabs that are caught in the full moon phase have an average size of weight and width that is smaller than in the new moon phase. Analysis of the relationship between the width and weight of small crabs in the waters of Tunggulsari Waters is negative allometric, which means that the carapace width grows faster than its weight.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Romel A. Pangandaheng ◽  
Nego E. Bataragoa ◽  
Jhon L. Tombokan

Fish migration to the intertidal zone at high tide is for feeding, reproduction, escape from predator. The study was aimed to know the fish species inhabiting the intertidal zone,  the individual abundance and fish catch biomass. Sampling was done at high tide in the afternoon and morning in new moon and full moon. Five sampling stations were selected and each station was sampled twice, so that total number of samplings were 10. This study used swept area method and covered a total area of 12,000/m2 (6,000m2 in new moon and full moon, respectively. Individual abundance of each species ranged from 0.0002 to 0.0120/  at new moon and from 0.00012 to 0.0102/  at full moon, respectively, and total abundance ranged from 0.0001 to 0.0111/  in both moon phases. The biomass of each species on the new moon 0.0003t o 0.1749g/ , full moon 0.0009 to 0.1224g/ , and the amount of biomass between the new moon and the full moon 0.0002 to 0,1329g/ .Keywords: Fish, migration, intertidal, reproduction.AbstrakIkan bermigrasi ke dalam zona intertidal pada saat air pasang adalah untuk mencari makan, bereproduksi, dan menghindar dari predator. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui spesies-spesies ikan yang ada didaerah intertidal dan mengetahui kelimpahan individu dan biomasa ikan yang tertangkap di daerah intertidal. Pengambilan sampel dilaksanakan pada ketika air pasang pada sore dan pagi hari setiap fase bulan baru dan purnama. Ditetapkan lima stasiun sampling dan setiap stasiun dilakukan dua kali sampling, sehingga jumlah sampling dalam lima stasiun 10 kali sampling. Dengan metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode swept area (daerah sapuan). Luas daerah sapuan pukat dalam 10 kali sampling adalah 12.000/m2 (6.000m2 pada bulan baru dan bulan purnama), Kelimpahan individu setiap spesies pada bulan baru berkisar antara 0,0002-0,0120/ , bulan purnama 0,00012-0,0102/ , dan jumlah kelimpahan antara bulan baru dan purnama 0,0001-0,0111/ . Kelimpahan biomasa setiap spesies yang paling melimpah pada bulan baru 0,0003-0,1749g/ , bulan purnama 0,0009-0,1224g/ , dan jumlah biomasa antara bulan baru dan purnama 0,0002-0,1329g/ ..Kata kunci : Ikan, bermigrasi, intertidal, reproduksi

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 223-228
Ulfah Nur Hidayah ◽  
Ibnu Partikto ◽  
Irwani Irwani

Rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) merupakan salah satu komoditi perikanan yang memiliki nilai ekonomis tinggi yaitu Rp. 70.000 – 90.000 /kg dan banyak diminati oleh masyarakat baik di dalam maupun luar negeri. Penurunan potensi sumberdaya rajungan (Portunus pelagicus) di beberapa perairan Indonesia mulai memprihatinkan. Hal tersebut dapat dihindari dengan memahami faktor-faktor internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh pada sumberdaya rajungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi ukuran, nisbah kelamin dan tingkat kematangan gonad, hubungan panjang berat dan faktor kondisi, serta tingkat pertumbuhan rajungan berdasarkan fase bulan baru dan bulan purnama di Perairan Teluk Awur Jepara. Hasil penelitian distribusi ukuran lebar rajungan rata-rata 12,65 ± 1,335 pada bulan purnama dan 12,64 ± 1,259 cm pada bulan baru. Distribusi berat rata-rata 147,28 ±53,85 gram pada bulan purnama dan 146,65 ± 53,31 gram pada bulan baru. Distribusi tingkat kematangan gonad rajungan betina yaitu TKG 1 sebanyak 126 ekor, TKG 2 sebanyak 77 ekor, dan TKG 3 sebanyak 112 ekor sedangkan rajungan betina yang belum matang gonad 225 ekor. Nisbah kelamin rajungan jantan dan betina di Teluk Awur yaitu 0,9 : 1. Pola pertumbuhan rajungan di Teluk Awur yaitu bersifat allometrik negatif dimana pertumbuhan panjang karapas lebih dominan daripada pertumbuhan bobot tubuhnya. Sedangkan tingkat pertumbuhan rajungan untuk mencapai panjang maksimal yaitu 8,16 cm dengan koefisien pertumbuhan 0,6 per tahun. Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) is one of the fisheries commodity which has high economic value Rp. 70.000 – 90.000 /kg and is much in demand by the both domestic and foreign societies. The decrease of blue swimming crab (Portunus pelagicus) resource potential in some Indonesian waters is starting to apprehensive, that can be avoided by understanding the internal and external factors that influence the blue swimming crab resources. This research aimed to determine the size distribution, sex ratio and gonad maturity level, the relationship of length of weight and condition factor, and blue swimming crab growth rates according to the phase of the new moon and full moon in the Jepara Teluk Awur Waters. The results of the research of the width distribution of most crab in the full moon 12,65 ± 1,335  cm and 12,64 ± 1,259 in the new moon. The distribution of weight are 147,28 ±53,85 grams in the full moon and 146,65 ± 53,31 in the new moon phases. The distribution of maturity levels of female blue swimming crab gonads that is TKG 1 amounted 126 crabs, TKG 2 amounted 77 crabs, and TKG 3 amounted 112 crabs. While the female immature blue swimming crab were gonads 225. The sex ratio of male and female blue swimming crab in Teluk Awur is 0,9 : 1. The blue swimming crab growth pattern in Teluk Awur is negative allometric where the growth of carapace length is more dominant than the growth of its body weight. While the blue swimming crab growth rate to reach the maximum length is 8.16 cm with a growth coefficient of 0.6 per year. 

Ángela C. López ◽  
Camilo B. García

Postlarvae and juvonilos of Farlantepenaous spp. and Xiphopenaeus kroyen were collected at Boca de la Barra (Ciénaga Grande de Santa Marta) by means of a channel net that orientates with tho tido. Sampling was carried out every two weeks for a year (February 1998-February 1999) so that oach sampling date corresponded to full and now moon alternatively. Farlantopenaous spp postlarvae tended to appear in tho dry soason and with significantly greater abundance during full moon (Mann-Whitney test. P<0.05). Juveniles showed a different pattern: there were significant differences between seasons (Mann-Whitney test. P<0.05) with higher concentrations in tho rainy soason. but not so between moon phasos (Mann-Whitnoy tost. P>0.05). In tho caso o! X. kroyen in no instance s»gnifcant differences were found between seasons or moon pitases (Mann-Whitney lest, P>0.05). However, some tendencies can be pointed out: postlarvae appeared in higher proportions during the new moon but no ma;or diHoronco was rocordod botwoon soasons whoroas juvonilos appeared in greater concentracions in the rainy season with almost no difference between moon phases. These results are disscused in torms of the scanty historical previous work. The relations Tl-CL and CL-Woight and somo morphomotnc and monstic foaturos aro roportod

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-63 ◽  
Jillian C Banfield ◽  
Mohamed Abdolell ◽  
Jai S Shankar

Background The lunar cycle and seasons may be associated with rates of rupture of intracranial aneurysms, but the literature is mixed. Studies of the association between the lunar cycle and rates of aneurysm rupture used the eight qualitative moon phases. The purpose of this study was to assess any association of aneurysm rupture with the lunar cycle and with the season. Materials and methods We retrospectively reviewed all cases of subarachnoid haemorrhage secondary to ruptured intracranial aneurysm treated with endovascular coiling in our institution over a 10-year period. We included only cases with a known rupture date. We used the degree of illumination of the moon to quantitatively code the lunar cycle. Results A total of 212 cases were included in our analyses. The odds of aneurysm rupture were significantly greater ( p < 0.001) when the moon was least (new moon) and most (full moon) illuminated, as compared to the middle of the lunar cycle. The odds of rupture tended to be higher ( p = 0.059) in the summer, compared to autumn. Conclusions The odds of aneurysm rupture were greater when the moon was least illuminated (new moon) and most illuminated (full moon), compared to the middle of the lunar cycle.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nuske Kamurahan ◽  
Nego E. Bataragoa ◽  
Anneke V. Lohoo

The objective of the study is to know the fish individual abundance and biomass in the mouth of Poigar River. The study employed swept area method, sampling was done at high tide and low tide of a new moon and full moon phase using a beach seine. The seine covered 2700 m2 at low tide and 900 m2 at high tide. The fish catches in both moon phases and tidal conditions consisted of 40 species of 25 families and 481 individuals. Total fish weight was 3,804 g. The individual abundance in the new moon was 0.0004/m2 – 0.1200/m2, and the biomass in the new moon was 0.0002 g/m2 – 0.5044 g/m2. The individual abundance in full moon was 0.0004/m2 – 0.0622/m2, and the biomass in full moon was 0.0002 g/m2-0.4017 g/m2. As a whole, both individual abundance and biomass in new moon and full moon at were 0.3922g/m2  and 2.7778 g/m2, respectively.Keywords: abundance, biomass, river poigar.AbstrakTujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui kelimpahan individu dan biomassa penelitian ini menggunakan metode (swept area), pengambilan sampel dilakukan saat air surut dan air pasang pada fase bulan baru dan bulan purnama dengan menggunakan pukat pantai. Luas daerah sapuan pukat pada periode surut 2700 m2 dan periode pasang 900 m2. Hasil tangkapan selama dua periode bulan saat air pasang maupun air surut sebanyak 40 spesies ikan dari 25 famili, 481 individu dan berat 3804. Ki bulan baru 0,0004/m2-0,1200/m2, Kb bulan baru 0,0002g/m2-0,5044g/m2. Ki bulan purnama 0,0004/m2-0,0622/m2, Kb bulan purnama 0,0002g/m2-0,4017. Secara keseluruhan kelimpahan individu dan biomassa pada fase bulan baru dan bulan purnama saat air surut dan pasang adalah Ki sebesar 0,3922/m2 sedangkan Kb sebesar 2,7778 g/m2.kata kunci: Kelimpahan, biomassa, sungai poigar

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