2021 ◽  
pp. 34-48

Предлагаемая статья посвящена вопросам этнического происхождения тагаурских алдар Дударовых и их роли в общественно-политических событиях на Северном Кавказе в XVIII–XIX вв. В конце XVIII – первой половине XIX в. Дударовы являлись одной из самых влиятельных фамилий Тагаурского общества Северной Осетии. Для выполнения поставленных задач в научный оборот вводятся материалы неопубликованных архивных документов. В работе были использованы общенаучные методы (анализ, синтез, индукция), а также сопоставительный метод, применяемый к историческим источникам для определения степени их достоверности. В статье, на основе архивных и опубликованных источников, рассмотрены варианты происхождения данной фамилии, этнические корни которой по настоящее время являются предметом активного спора, а также населенные пункты, которые основали Дударовы в горах и на плоскости. Прослежена роль представителей фамилии в общественно-политических событиях на Северном Кавказе и в Осетии в XVIII–XIX вв. Материалы исследования могут служить дополнительным источником к изучению истории Осетии. Они позволяют более глубоко и основательно исследовать генеалогию осетинских фамилий. This article examines the questions of the ethnic origin of the tagaur aldars Dudarovs and their role in social and political events in the North Caucasus in the XVIII–XIX centuries. At the end of the XVIII – first half of the XIX centuries, the Dudarovs were one of the most influential families of Tagaur society in North Ossetia. To achieve the tasks not published archival documents are put into scientific circulation. The paper uses general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction), as well as a comparative method applied to historical sources to determine the degree of their reliability. In the article, on the basis of archival and published sources, variants of the origin of this surname are considered, the ethnic roots of which are still the subject of active dispute, as well as localities that were founded by the Dudarovs in the mountains and on the plane. The role of representatives of the surname in social and political events in the North Caucasus and Ossetia in the XVIII–XIX centuries is traced. The research materials can serve as an additional source for studying the history of Ossetia. They allow us to study more deeply and thoroughly the genealogy of Ossetian surnames.

2021 ◽  
pp. 81-90

Статья посвящена изучению поэтического наследия – одной из многочисленных граней творчества кабардинского поэта, писателя, драматурга, ученого-лингвиста Бориса Кунеевича Утижева. Актуальность исследования продиктована, с одной стороны, недостаточной разработанностью некоторых жанров (сонет, баллада, стихотворения в прозе) в адыгской (кабардинской) литературе, с другой – необходимостью восполнения существующего пробела в изучении поэтического наследия Б. Утижева. Научная новизна исследования заключается в том, что поэзия указанного автора впервые стала предметом отдельного комплексного изучения в диалектике формы и содержания. В центре исследовательского внимания – лирические стихи и сонеты поэта. Отдельное внимание уделяется новаторскому жанру стихотворений в прозе, выявляется специфика их идейно-тематической и структурно-композиционной организации. Детализированному анализу подвергается единственная баллада «Песнь», дается жанровая характеристика, выявляется степень соответствия произведения заявленному автором жанру. В целом, в статье рассмотрена тематика и проблематика, эстетика и поэтика лирических и лиро-эпических произведений: выявлены основные мотивы, изучен богатый поэтический язык, представлена характеристика индивидуально-авторского стиля Утижева. Определен вклад поэта в эволюцию национальной поэзии. В работе использован ряд научных методов, в числе главных – анализ, описание, а также герменевтический метод. Полученные результаты могут стать подспорьем при изучении истории адыгских (адыгейской, кабардинской, черкесской, черкесского зарубежья) литератур, в более общем плане – литературы народов Северного Кавказа и Российской Федерации, а также при составлении спецкурсов и написании квалификационных и другого рода исследовательских работ. The article is devoted to the study of the poetic heritage of Boris Kuneevich Utizhev, that is one of the many facets of the work of the Kabardian poet, writer, playwright, scientist-linguist. The relevance of the study is dictated, on the one hand, by the insufficient development of some genres (sonnets, ballads, prose poems) in the Adyghe (Kabardian) literature, on the other hand, by the need to fill the existing gap in the study of B. Utizhev's poetic heritage. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the poetry of this author for the first time became the subject of a separate comprehensive study in the dialectic of form and content. The focus of research is the poet's poems and sonnets. Special attention is paid to the innovative genre of prose poems, the specificity of their ideological-thematic and structural-compositional organization is revealed. The only ballad "Song" is subjected to a detailed analysis, a genre characteristic is given, the degree of conformity of the work to the genre declared by the author is revealed. In general, the article examines the topics and problems, aesthetics and poetics of lyric and lyric-epic works: the main motives are revealed, the rich poetic language is studied, the characteristic of Utizhev’s individual author style is presented. The contribution of the poet to the evolution of national poetry is determined. A number of scientific methods were used in the work, among the main ones - analysis, description, as well as comparative-historical and hermeneutic methods. The results obtained can be helpful in studying the history of the Adyghe (Adyghean, Kabardian, Circassian, Circassian abroad) literatures, more generally – the literature of the peoples of the North Caucasus and the Russian Federation, as well as in the preparation of special courses and writing qualification and other types of research work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 20-25
Fatimat A Polchaeva

This paper attempts to reconstruct the genealogical tree of the Quba khans. The starting point of the study is the time of the appearance of the Khanate in the second half of the 17th century, when the Persian Shah segregated Quba into a separate possession. The study ends with the time of the elimination of the khanate as an independent political entity in the XIX century, which resulted into the end of the ruling dynasty. The work uses general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction), as well as a comparative method applied to the historical sources to determine the degree of their reliability. Information from various sources and the conclusions of historians have been analyzed and compared with each other. Due to this, unreliable information has been revealed. As a result of the study, an integral picture of the genealogy of the Quba rulers was compiled, which included the rulers themselves, their dynastic ties, and also heirs and all other children. The collected material is presented in the form of a genealogical tree. In the course of the study, based on the received material, some conclusions were drawn on certain controversial issues of Quba history. In particular, the origin of the Quba rulers (divergent data on this issue in various sources), the transfer of power.

G. Е. Mamaeva

The current paper uses the sources of the State Archives of Kokshetau, the State Archive of Akmola region (Kokshetau) and the Archive of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty) to cover the history of the deportation of the Chechen and the Ingush peoples to Kazakhstan. These are mainly reports, notes, various correspondence, which contain information about the process of resettlement, the economic and domestic and labor arrangements of the socalled special settlers from the North Caucasus. The identified sources of archives give the author an opportunity to recreate the history of the resettlement and the economic accommodation of the special settlers – the Chechens and the Ingush – from the North Caucasus to the territory of the Kokchetau region in the Kazakh SSR. The information obtained has allowed the author to analyze the economic, socioeconomic, cultural structure of the special settlers and, thus, to consider the formation of the Chechen and the Ingush Diasporas on the territory of Kazakhstan. The author introduces a large number of previously unpublished archival materials into scientific use. The use of archival documents allowed the author to disclose various aspects of the issue under consideration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-302
Bakyt Zh. Atantaeva ◽  
Gulnara Y. Mamayeva

The present paper features various sources obtained from the Documentation Center of Contemporary History of Eastern Kazakhstan (the city of Semey). The research objective was to draw a detailed picture of the resettlement and economic conditions that special immigrants from the North Caucasus had to face in the Semipalatinsk region of the Kazakh Republic during World War II. A source study analysis of the archive documents revealed various aspects of the subject in question. The documents were divided into several blocks: (1) information on the number and geography of the resettlement; (2) complex characteristics of the labor and economic household; (3) education and social security. The analysis of the documents showed that the placement of Chechens as special settlers led to extremely negative social and demographic consequences, causing an irreparable damage to their material and spiritual culture. Despite various economic, household, and labor measures, the deported people had to live in hard conditions.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 105-121
И.Т. Марзоев

Предлагаемая статья посвящена происхождению фамилий Алагирского общества Северной Осетии. Согласно народным преданиям, множество фамилий этого общества происходит от общего родоначальника – осетинского царя Ос-Багатара. Целью данной работы является определение с помощью архивных документов XIX в. происхождения фамилий Алагирского общества – потомков Ос-Багатара, воссоздание их генеалогического древа, получение информации о представителях рассматриваемых фамилий, их браках, а также установление их социально-политической значимости в своем обществе и в Осетии в целом. Объектом исследования являются осетинские фамилии, происходящие от колен Сидамона, Царазона, Кусагона и Агуза, потомков Ос-Багатара. Для выполнения поставленных задач в научный оборот вводятся материалы не опубликованных архивных документов. Это документы «Комитета, учрежденного при Военно-Осетинском округе для разбора поземельных и личных прав туземцев этого округа», посемейные списки, составленные самими представителями фамилий в 1859-1860 гг. и 1871-1872 гг., родословные древа, разного рода прошения на имя чиновников Военно-Осетинского округа и Терской области и др. В работе были использованы общенаучные такие методы, как анализ, синтез, индукция, а также сопоставительный метод, применяемый к историческим источникам для определения степени их достоверности. В статье на основе архивных и опубликованных источников рассмотрены варианты происхождения фамилий Алагирского общества Северной Осетии, возводящих себя к четырем прародителям, сыновьям Ос-Багатара: Сидамону, Царазону, Кусагону и Агузу. Также был определен ряд фамилий Алагирского общества, претендовавших на дворянские привилегии и доказывавших свои права на основе народных преданий, грамот грузинских царей и документов Российской администрации на Кавказе. Материалы данного исследования могут служить дополнительным источником к изучению истории Северной Осетии. Они позволяют более глубоко и основательно исследовать генеалогию осетинских фамилий. The aim of this work is to determine the origin of the surnames of the Alagir society, originating from Os-Bagatar, using archival documents of the 19th century, to recreate their family tree, to obtain information about representatives of the surnames in question, their marriages, as well as to determine their socio-political significance in their society, and in Ossetia as a whole. The object of the study is the Ossetian surnames originating from the tribes of Sidamon, Tsarazon, Kusagon and Aguz, descendants of Os-Bagatar. To accomplish the tasks, materials of unpublished archival documents are introduced into scientific circulation. These are the documents of the “Committee established at the Military Ossetian District for the analysis of the land and personal rights of the natives of this district”, family lists compiled by the representatives of the surnames in 1859-1860. and 1871-1872, the family trees, various petitions addressed to the officials of the Military Ossetian district, Terek region, etc. In the work, general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction) were used, as well as a comparative method applied to historical sources to determine the degree of their reliability. Based on archival and published sources, the article discusses the origin of the surnames of the Alagir society of North Ossetia, raising themselves to the four ancestors, the sons of Os-Bagatar: Sidamon, Tsarazon, Kusagon and Aguz. A number of surnames of the Alagir society were also identified, claiming noble privileges and proving their rights on the basis of folk traditions, letters of Georgian tsars and documents of the Russian administration in the Caucasus. Research materials can serve as an additional source for studying the history of Ossetia. They allow you to more deeply and thoroughly explore the genealogy of Ossetian families.

ZDM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Johan Prytz

AbstractThis paper concerns the relationship between research and governance policy in three Swedish major development projects in mathematics education: the New Math project (1960–1975), the PUMP project (1970–1980), and the Boost for Mathematics project in (2012–2016). All three projects were driven or financed by the Swedish central school authorities. Using a historical comparative method, this study deepens the understanding of how research co-exists with governance policy when preparing innovations in mathematics education. The main historical sources are official reports and governmental decisions concerning the three projects. The analysis is focused on the nature of the innovations of each project and the role of researchers in the process of creating the innovations. The analysis highlights the theories and the methods involved in those processes. The three projects are also positioned in a context of school governance policy. In Sweden, the prevailing school governing policy changed from a highly centralised governance in the 1960s to a highly decentralised governance in the 2010s. The paper concludes by discussing to what degree the researchers adhered to principles of research or school governance; in particular, the Boost for Mathematics project is considered in this regard. The relevance of the paper in relation to the emerging field of implementation research in mathematics education concerns how historical studies can give new insights about contemporary development projects in mathematics education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (12-1) ◽  
pp. 150-167
Alexey Grishchenko

The article tells about the life path and research work of the Don agricultural historian P.G. Chernopitsky. The stages of scientific creativity are determined, the main scientific works in the context of the era are considered, its position on the debatable problems of the Don and North Caucasus history, in particular, on the essence and stages of decossackization is determined. The contribution of P. G. Chernopitsky to the study of the socio -economic history of the Soviet pre -collective farm village, collectivization, the famine of 1932-1933 in the North Caucasus, the history of the Don Cossacks in the Soviet period is demonstrated. Relations with colleagues at Rostov State University are highlighted.

Valenina Mordvinceva ◽  
Sabine Reinhold

This chapter surveys the Iron Age in the region extending from the western Black Sea to the North Caucasus. As in many parts of Europe, this was the first period in which written sources named peoples, places, and historical events. The Black Sea saw Greek colonization from the seventh century BC and its northern shore later became the homeland of the important Bosporan kingdom. For a long time, researchers sought to identify tribes named by authors such as Herodotus by archaeological means, but this ethno-deterministic perspective has come under critique. Publication of important new data from across the region now permits us to draw a more coherent picture of successive cultures and of interactions between different parts of this vast area, shedding new light both on local histories and on the role ‘The East’ played in the history of Iron Age Europe.


Письма патриарха Константинопольского Николая Мистика архиепископу Аланскому Петру – основной документальный источник по истории христианства на Северном Кавказе в X в. Изучение «Аланского досье» патриарха Николая сохраняет актуальность в связи с ростом интереса к духовной истории народов Кавказа, находившихся на стыке цивилизаций, религий и культур и сформировавших под их влиянием собственные самобытные национально-культурные традиции. Основным методом исследования стало сопоставление лексических и семантических средств, используемых апостолом Павлом и патриархом Николаем в двух различных, но соотносимых исторических и религиозных контекстах. Цель исследования – выявление жанровых и литературных связей писем патриарха с книгами Нового Завета. Научная новизна заключается в обосновании лингвистических, семантических и богословских параллелей между письмами Николая и посланиями апостола Павла, особенно пастырскими (1-2 Тим и Тит). Хотя сравниваемые тексты хронологически разделены почти тысячелетием, отмечается типологическое сходство исторических контекстов, в которых они были написаны (духовный наставник – ученик в епископском сане – молодая христианская община из «варваров», нуждающихся в просвещении). В интерпретации Николая миссия – это именно тяжкий труд, но совершаемый по прямому повелению Бога и ради награды свыше, и в этом смысле патриарх вполне укоренен в новозаветной традиции. Как показали результаты исследования, риторическая и богословская насыщенность писем Николая Мистика не снижает их историческую ценность, однако для корректной интерпретации необходимо учитывать их литературный характер. Letters of Nicholas Mysticus, Patriarch of Constantinople, to Peter, Archbishop of Alania, remain the chief documentary source for the history of Christianity in the North Caucasus in the 10th century. The study of the "Alan Dossier" of Patriarch Nicholas remains relevant due to the growing interest in the spiritual history of the peoples of the Caucasus, who lived at the crossroads of civilizations, religions and cultures and formed their own distinctive national and cultural traditions under such diverse influence. The main research method was the comparison of lexical and semantic means used by the Apostle Paul and Patriarch Nicholas in two different, but correlated historical and religious contexts. The purpose of the study is to identify genre and literary connections between the letters of the Patriarch and the books of the New Testament. Scientific novelty lies in the substantiation of the linguistic, semantic and theological parallels between the letters of Nicholas and the letters of the Apostle Paul, especially the pastoral ones (1-2 Tim and Titus). Although the compared texts are chronologically separated by almost a millennium, there is a typological similarity in the historical contexts in which they were written (a spiritual mentor - a bishop student - a newly formed Christian community of “barbarians” in need of education). In the interpretation of Nicholas, mission is a hard work, but it is done at the direct command of the God and is rewarded from above, and in this sense, the Patriarch is completely rooted in the New Testament tradition. As the results of the study have shown, the rhetorical and theological richness of the letters of Nikolas the Mysticus does not diminish their historical value, yet for correct interpretation it is necessary to take into account their literary character.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 25-29
D. Avdeev

The subject. The paper is devoted to the constitutional basis of modern legal policy.The purpose of the paper is to confirm or disprove the hypothesis that constitutional concept of legal policy is necessary basis of reform of legal relations between constituent entities in federative state.The methodology of the study includes general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparative method, description) as well as particular academic methods (formal-legal method, interpretation of legal acts).The main results, scope of application. The emergence and further development of a legal policy based on constitutional provisions and norms continues to impact significantly on the organization of state and local authorities. Democracy, federalism, republicanism and legalism are the four components that can form the basis for the development of the doctrinal conception of legal policy aimed to the strategic development of these constitutional axiomatic postulates. In Russia there is no clearly defined "road map", which is based on the strategic planning of the constitutional system. The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains enough inaccuracies of both legal and technical and substantive nature.Conclusions. It is necessary to develop a concept of legal policy. Such concept is necessary basis of reform of legal relations between constituent entities in federative state.

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