2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (16) ◽  
pp. 135-144
Hatice ENGİN

The development of museology in Turkey corresponds to the last period of the Ottoman Empire (westernization period). One of the main reasons why the idea of museology developed in a late period in Turkey was that the protection of cultural heritage did not gain importance. In this direction, the importance of protecting ancient artifacts in a building and being a museum has been understood late. However, thanks to the museum examples that Ahmet Fethi Pasha, one of the important statesmen of the period, saw during his European travels, the lack of a museum in Turkey was constantly mentioned. European museums, which influenced the Pasha, strengthened the idea of establishing a museum in Istanbul day by day. Thus, museology activities were started with the transformation of Hagia Eirene Church into a museum. Hagia Iri Church was the first example in Turkey in terms of forming the core of the idea of museology. Ottoman period museology, after the foreign directors, Osman Hamdi Bey was appointed as the museum director, and Turkish Museology was brought to life in a real sense. Osman Hamdi has spent a lot of effort to advance museology in accordance with the contemporary understanding of museology. Considering in this context, it has been a preparatory stage in the museum of the Republic Period. When we look at the museums of the Republic Period, museum activities were carried out with a rapid breakthrough under the leadership of Atatürk. Community Centers, were established in order to adopt the reforms made in this period to the public. In time, a “museum branch” was added to the Community Centers. With the museology branch, it was aimed to explain the importance of museology to the public and to be sensitive about it. In the community centers, ethnographic materials reflecting the culture of the people were collected in the first place. Thus, preliminary preparations were made for the museums to be established. The main purpose of the study is to emphasize the importance of the Community Centers established in the Republican Period in Turkish Museology. Thanks to the community centers and cultural institutions established under the leadership of Atatürk, the adoption of museology to the public and its contributions to museology will be expressed. In the study, the historical background of the community centers will be included and the connection of these institutions with museology will be tried to be expressed.

Daniele Miano

This chapter studies all the public temples of Fortuna at Rome in the Republican period. The main focal points of the chapter are the precise historical circumstances for the vow, construction, and dedication of each temple, and the connection between these circumstances and the epithets attributed to the goddess. One of the main points made by this chapter is that there is a very solid connection between Republican temples of Fortuna and the plebeian aristocracy, which suggests that Fortuna was characterized as a deity closely associated with the plebs. Another point concerns Fortuna Publica, a deity that during the Roman conquest of the Greek East was associated with Roman imperialism through her translation as Tyche, following a debate on the merits of Roman conquest of which we can read traces in Polybius.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Nurwita Ismail

In essence the right of everyone to get the same job and opportunity in government, is one of the instruments in trying to improve prosperity and prosperity of the people. This corresponds to the basic philosophy of the state summarized in Pancasila, where the five precepts of Pancasila should be viewed as one unified whole. Even has been translated in the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (UUD) Year 1945, as well as a constitutional basis in governance, nation and state.The importance of Gorontalo Regency Government / related agencies especially Regional Personnel Agency (BKD) performs acceptance in accordance with the mechanisms stipulated in several Laws and Regulations in particular PP. 43 of 2007, with the expectation that the quantity of civil servants can dominate the quality so that the public expectation of the quality of service and the acceleration of regional development can be fulfilled. Type of research Sociological Juridical. Juridical Sociological Research is a legal research that combines the research of normative law and sociological law research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Erika Dewi Noorratri

ABSTRAKLatar belakang: Wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia secara geografis terletak pada wilayah yang rawan terhadap bencana alam. Banjir rmerupakan peristiwa yang terjadi akibat kondisi tata air dan lahan yang kurang baik dan tingginya curah hujan pada bagian hulu dan tengah suatu daerah aliran sungai. Kota Solo merupakan kota yang di kelilingi sungai-sungai, letak geografis kota Solo sangat rentan terhadap banjir. Pengetahuan yang di miliki masyarakat biasanya dapat mempengaruhi sikap dan kepedulian untuk siap dan siaga dalam menghadapi bencana. Tujuan: Mengetahui Gambaran Pengetahuan dan Sikap Masyarakat Pucang Sawit tentang Kesiapsiagaan Bencana Banjir di Pucang Sawit. Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode diskriptif, tehnik pengambilan data dengan stratified random sampling, sampel 87 responden, instrument penelitian ini adalah   kuesioner. Hasil: Hasil analisis univariat diketahui bahwa dari 87 kepala keluarga di Kelurahan Pucang Sawit gambaran tingkat pengetahuannya 86,2% dalam kategori baik, 2,3% dalam kategori cukup, 11,5% dalam kategori kurang. Gambaran sikap masyarakatnya 98,9% positif dan 1,1% negatif. Kesimpulan: Tingkat pengetahuan masyarakat tentang kesiapsiagaan kepala keluarga di Kelurahan Pucang Sawit mayoritas dalam kategori baik. Sikap masyarakat tentang kesiapsiagaan kepala keluarga di Kelurahan Pucang Sawit mayoritas dalam kategori positif.Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Sikap, Banjir, Kesiapsiagaan.                    ABSTRACTBackground: The territory of unitary State of the the Republic of Indonesia is geographically located in areas prone to natural disasters. Flooding is an event that occurs due to poor conditions of water and land and high rainfall in the upstream and middle of a river basin. Solo city is surrounded by river, the geographical location is very vulnerble to flooding. Commuuity Knowledge can ussually influence attitudes and concerns to be preparred to face disasters. Objectives: To know the knowledge and attitude of the people in the Pucang Sawit flood disaster preparedness in there. Methods: Detailed research, data retrieval techniques with stratified random sampling, sampling of 100 respondents, research instrument questionnaire. Results: Univariate analysis results are known that from 87 family heads in the Pucang Sawit village Overview of the knowledge level of 86,2% in good category, 2,3% is enough, 11,5% in the less category. The overview of the community attitude is 98,9% positive and 1,1% negative. Conclusion: the level of public knowledge about the preparedness of head of family in the Pucang Sawit Village majority in good category. The public attitude about the preparedness of the head of the family in the Pucang Sawit village majority in the positive category.of Kata Kunci: Knowledge, attitude, flood, preparedness.

ARTic ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 193-201
Muhammad Isla

This study aims to find out how to study the Nani Wartabone statue in terms of visuals, to provide knowledge to the people of Gorontalo the meaning of the Nani Wartabone statue and to describe the background study and visualization of the Tilongolo Nani Wartabone monument statue. This research was written using descriptive qualitative research methods, the authors observed in detail the background and visualization of the Tilongolo Nani Wartabone monument, the results of this study allow the writer to know the historical background of the Tilongolo Nani Wartabone monument statue and the writer can also know the visual meaning of the Tilongolo Monument statue Nani Wartabone. The research results obtained by the author are quite good because there are two sources who are quite helpful in the process of writing this research, the conclusion or the final result of this study is that the writer and the public can find out the background of the Nani Wartabone statue made to commemorate his services in fighting the invaders and the meaning of the visualization of the statue of the struggle of Nani Wartabone, namely: (1) The pointing hand has a meaning, namely his birthplace, Bube Village, Suwawa District, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province; (2) Bayonet in the left pocket is made by Suwawa which has the mystical power to protect Nani Wartabone in certain situations; (3) The pistol in the right pocket is used as a helper for the main weapon in the left hand of Nani Wartabone; (4) The weapon in the left hand of Nani Wartabone is a long rifle (hunting rifle) that can be used on the battlefield; (5) The Safari uniform used by Nani Wartabone has patriotic meaning and strength; and (6) Base of 2 and the curve of base of 3 represents the number 23 celebrated as patriotic day by the people of Gorontalo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Rama Halim Nur Azmi

Abstract:President Joko Widodo in 2018 revealed the government's target of making a law by means of the omnibus law to overcome the existence of regulatory obesity and overlapping regulations in Indonesia. One of the sectors the government has targeted for the enactment of the omnibus law is the employment sector. The drafting of the omnibus law bill on labor began in 2019 with the target completed within 100 days. At that time the draft law was called the Draft Cipta Lapangan Kerja Bill. However, in the draft last in February 2020 the draft law was named the Draft Cipta Kerja Bill. According to the Chairperson of the People's Legislative Assembly, Puan Maharani, in the DraftCipta Kerja Bill, which was made in an omnibus law, consisted of 79 laws. In the Draft Cipta Kerja Billnotonly includes the employment sector but also other sectors such as the environment. However, the Cipta Kerja Bill has so far drawn rejection from the public, laborers, activists, academics, and practitioners because it is considered in the drafting of the Cipta Kerja Bill that it has problems both formally and materially, even according to some experts the Cipta Kerja Bill has the potential to violate human rights if authorized. In this paper, we will discuss the existence of the omnibus law as one of the mechanisms for the formation of laws and regulations and how the problems in the Draft Cipta Kerja Bill. The method used in this research is a normative juridical method with the statutory and comparative approach. The results of this study are an analysis of the existence of the omnibus law as one of the mechanisms for the formation of legislation and the existence of a picture and a critical attitude towards the issue of the Cipta Kerja Bill. So that through this paper, it can be seen whether the drafting of the Cipta Kerja Bill is intended for the interests of the people or only for the sake of investment which will certainly sacrifice human rights and harm national interests.   Keywords: omnibus law, Draft CiptaKerja Bill, employment, human rights.   Abstrak:Presiden Joko Widodo pada tahun 2018 mengungkapkan target pemerintah yakni membuat suatu undang-undang dengan cara omnibus law untuk mengatasi adanya obesitas regulasi dan tumpang tindihnya regulasi di Indonesia. Salah satu sektor yang menjadi target pemerintah untuk dibuatkan undang-undang omnibus law adalah sektor ketenagakerjaan. Penyusunan rancangan undang-undang omnibus law tentang ketenagakerjaan dimulai sejak tahun 2019 dengan target selesai dalam waktu 100 hari. Saat itu rancangan undang-undang tersebut dinamakan Rancangan Undang-Undang Cipta Lapangan Kerja. Namun, dalam draft terakhir pada Februari 2020 rancangan undang-undang tersebut bernama Rancangan Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja (RUU Cipta Kerja). Menurut Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Puan Maharani dalam RUU Cipta Kerja yang dibuat secara omnibus law tersebut terdiri dari 79 undang-undang. Dalam RUU Cipta Kerja tersebut tidak hanya memuat tentang sektor ketenagakerjaan saja tetapi juga sektor-sektor lainnya seperti lingkungan hidup. Tetapi, RUU Cipta Kerja tersebut hingga saat ini menuai penolakan baik dari masyarakat, buruh, aktivis, akademisi, dan praktisi karena dinilai dalam penyusunan RUU Cipta Kerja tersebut memiliki masalah baik secara formil maupun materiil bahkan menurut sebagian ahli RUU Cipta Kerja berpotensi melanggar hak asasi manusia apabila disahkan. Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai bagaimana keberadaan omnibus law sebagai salah satu mekanisme pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan dan bagaimana permasalahan dalam RUU Cipta Kerja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan perbandingan. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah adanya analisis terhadap keberadaan omnibus law sebagai salah satu mekanisme pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan dan adanya suatu gambaran dan sikap kritis terhadap permasalahan RUU Cipta Kerja. Sehingga melalui tulisan ini dapat terlihat apakah penyusunan RUU Cipta Kerja memang diperuntukkan kepentingan rakyat atau hanya demi kepentingan investasi semata yang tentunya akan mengorbankan hak asasi manusia dan merugikan kepentingan nasional.   Kata Kunci:omnibus law, RUU Cipta Kerja, ketenagakerjaan, hak asasi manusia.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Rory Jeff Akyuwen

The role of the state through BUMN becomes so important when it is formulated in a provision as formulated in Article 33 Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, where the production branches which are important for the State and which affect the livelihood of the public must be controlled by Country. Here it indicates the authority of the State to participate in economic activities through the operation of production branches that can be categorized as important for the State and considered vital and strategic for the interest of the State.This is based on the reasons as formulated in the explanatory section of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia, so that the benefits of the production branches do not fall into the hands of individuals, the State actively takes the role to cultivate it because the production branch is considered important and which control the livelihood of the people for the greatest prosperity of the people. State-Owned Enterprises is formed with the aim of contributing to the development of the national economy in general and the state's revenue in particular; The pursuit of profit; To hold general benefit in the form of providing goods and / or services of high quality and adequate for the fulfillment of the livelihood of the public; Pioneering business activities that have not yet been implemented by the private sector and cooperatives and actively providing guidance and assistance to weak economic entrepreneurs, cooperatives, and communities.SOEs are given the right to monopoly in the economic field which is considered to control the livelihood of many people.

1974 ◽  
Vol 14 (155) ◽  
pp. 86-86

The ICRC wishes to draw attention to the following corrections to be made in the Summary Report of Activities from 1969 to 1972, which it had issued for the XXIInd International Conference of the Red Cross:On page 9, column 1, the second paragraph of the section concerning the Democratic People's Republic of Korea should read as follows:The ICRC asked the Red Cross Society of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea for news about the people. In January 1970, the Society informed the ICRC that the Government of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was prepared to release and repatriate those wishing to return to the Republic of Korea. Thus, thirty-nine passengers were released at Pan Mun Jom, on 14 February, while the others remained in North Korea.

Callie Williamson

During most of the Republic, the Romans viewed only perduellio as a threat to state security. Other threats were dealt with through institutionalised mechanisms of stability in Rome’s political structure, above all through the public lawmaking assemblies. Only when the political system wavered in the late Republic did the Romans criminalise “diminishing the superiority of the Roman people” maiestas populi Romani minuta (maiestas) as a crime against the state. Inherent in maiestas is the authority of the Roman people to negotiate consensus through the public lawmaking process in which the people voiced their commands. During the Empire, the emperor embodied the superiority of the Roman people and through him, as the chief lawmaker of Rome, were channelled the commands of the people. The scope of maiestas was altered to adapt to changing ideas of the state, but the idea that maiestas constituted the chief crime against the state persisted.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Pendi Ahmad ◽  
Bima Guntara ◽  
Dadang Dadang

The development of the times and the rapid pace of globalization that is getting faster make humans need adequate transportation facilities so that a technology in the field of online-based transportation has developed using an application via a smartphone. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 118 of 2018 concerning the Administration of Rental Vehicles and Regulation of the Minister of Transportation Number 12 of 2019 concerning Safety Protection of Motorbike Users Used in the Interest of the Community, online transportation is now a new and alternative breakthrough in fulfilling the needs of the public. do not have private vehicles as happened to the community in South Tangerang City. However, the presence of online transportation in the community forgets something that is so important, namely its protection as a consumer. This study aims to determine consumer protection for users of online transportation services in South Tangerang City according to Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection and to determine the quality of online transportation services in South Tangerang City. The research method uses qualitative methods using an empirical juridical approach. Data samples were taken from key informants such as PT. Karya Anak Bangsa (Go-Jek) Application, PT. Indonesian Transportation Solutions (Grab), online transportation drivers, and of course the people of South Tangerang City who are directly involved in the implementation of consumer protection and service activities on online transportation in South Tangerang City. Meanwhile, the supporting informants in this study were the South Tangerang City Police and the South Tangerang City Transportation Agency as government agencies that indirectly knew about consumer protection and the quality of online transportation services in South Tangerang City. The results of the study found that consumer protection for online transportation users in South Tangerang City was quite good, this can be seen from the results of interviews with online transportation service providers such as Gojek and Grab that have implemented SOPs (Standard Operational Procedures) when consumers experience losses both formal and material and also There are no reports from the public to the South Tangerang Police who feel aggrieved as a consumer of online transportation. In addition, the quality of online transportation services in South Tangerang City is quite good, but there are still some consumer complaints such as the driver asking to be canceled, the driver canceling unilaterally, the driver coming too long to pick up, the driver using a different vehicle, and the time to arrive at a different destination. longer than the estimated time in the application.

2020 ◽  
Yori Firnando ◽  
Elva Dona

Banks are business entities that collect funds from the public in the form of deposits and channel to the public in the form of credit or other forms in order to improve the standard of living of the people. Banks are defined as financial institutions whose main activities are raising funds from the public and other bank services. Banks are defined as financial institutions whose main activities are raising funds from the public and other bank services. The Bank functions as a financial intermediary that is raising funds, channeling public funds from surplus units to deposit units or transferring money from debtors to creditors. According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 7 of 1992 about banking has been changed to Law No. 10 years 1998 what is meant by a Bank is a business entity that collects funds from the public in the form of deposits and distribution to community in the form of credit or other forms in order improve the standard of living of the people. According to (Kasmir, 2001: 11) in (Zamien, 2013) Banks are defined as financial institutions whose main activities are to collect funds from the public and other bank services.

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