Lina Marlina ◽  
Ade Millatus Sa’diyah ◽  
Fajar Mauludin

This research is motivated by the reality of the field when making initial observations that menunyarat that students are considered less active, less attention to the lessons described by teachers. One of the goals of this research is to improve the learning process by using Think Talk Write learning model which aims to improve student learning outcomes. The research design is done through two cycles, starting from planning, execution, observation, reflection, and continuing with next cycle planning. Classroom Action Research took place from January 12, 2017 to March 42017 by using data collection tools from test results and learning outcomes learning instruments. Students' learning outcomes in each cycle experienced an increase evidenced from the results of the cycle I 73% and 86% cycle II. Reinforced by the average of pretest result in cycle 1 is 54,16 while for result of postest for cycle I is 71,25, mean that in cycle I mean result of student learning up 17,09%, while for postest cycle II average 80.4 means that in cycle II the average of student learning outcomes up 9.15%. Based on the data, if the average pretest of cycle I is 54,16 and posttest result of cycle II 80,4 then the average increase of student learning result from pretest cycle I until post cycle II is 26,24%. Thus it can be concluded that using the Think Talk Write (TTW) model can improve student learning outcomes. So it is recommended for teachers related to education to apply and develop the Think Talk Write (TTW) learning model as an alternative in improving student learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-174
Irfan Taufik

This research discusses the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model in improving student learning outcomes, the purpose of the research in this paper is how to use the Contextual Learning learning model and Learning (CTL) can improve student learning outcomes. The type of research used in this study is classroom action research (CAR). The research subjects were students of class XI Administration 3 Vocational High School (SMK) Negeri 1 Palopo 2018/2019 academic year consisting of 7 male students and 18 female students. The data in this study were obtained from the results of observations of student activities (observation sheets) and final cycle test instruments. Furthermore, the data of this study were analyzed with qualitative descriptive. The learning model of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in the subjects can improve student learning outcomes. This can be seen from students who enthusiastically receive learning material and students are not ashamed to practice the material directly received, the results showed that during the final test Cycle I student learning outcomes amounted to 73.52%, then in cycle II Discover the results of learning student learning material at 81.48% or around 7.91% in the realm of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects.

Zubaidah Matondang

This study aims to determine whether the use of learning model Listening Team can improve student learning outcomes. This research is a classroom action research conducted at SD Negeri 101768 Lesson Year 2015/2016. Subject of this research is student of class III which amounted to 24 people. Technique of collecting data is done by test method and observation method. Effectiveness research indicators in this assessment include student activities during learning activities and students' learning completeness in a classical way. The results showed the effectiveness of student learning reviewed through learning mastery that is equal to 83.3%. Increase in review through the learning activities of students is 92%. Based on the details of the results of the above research, then learning to use learning model Listening Teams in third grade students SD N 101768 TP 2015/2016 can improve student learning activities and improving student learning outcomes in terms of mastery of student learning classically on money history materials in Social Studies subjects.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 136
Ainun Mardhiah

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes , and knowing the students' response to the application of Advance Organizer on Atomic Structure material . Subjects in this study were students of class X SMA Negeri 11 IA3 Banda Aceh , totaling 26 people . This type of research is descriptive qualitative . To find out improving student learning outcomes used about posttest , and the questionnaire used to determine students' response to the learning model Advance Organizer . From the results obtained posttest student learning outcomes at 83.65 ; as well as the students' responses by 96.15 % who expressed delight in learning model Advance Organizer . Based on the results of this study concluded that an increase in student learning outcomes and positive student responses show the learning progress of students with learning model Advance Organizerpada use of the atomic structure of matter.

Elya Umi Hanik ◽  
Afnan Nur Hanifah ◽  
Nalimatul Istiqomah ◽  
Wahyu Trisnawati ◽  
Layyinatus Syifa

Students must be able to improve academic results and character. Therefore, teachers have a vital responsibility in instilling discipline in their students. This writing aims to learn about implementing the inculcation of disciplinary character values in improving student learning outcomes. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods. This study collected data through interviews, observation, and documentation. Data collection was carried out in discussion forums with foundations, principals, and teachers to obtain information about applying discipline character values in improving student learning outcomes with various school policies at Al-Masoem Elementary School through a question-and-answer process. To explain the process of instilling disciplinary character values that can improve student learning outcomes. The population of this study was students and educators of SD AL-Ma'soem. The study results concluded that the values of disciplined characters were obtained consistently through time and materials that could help students achieve their potential. This study is inseparable from the teacher's responsibility in developing student character through life habits, discipline, attitudes, behavior, and ethics. Thus, the availability of this paper is believed to be able to instill discipline in children, improve learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 297
Roudlotun Nofiati Bimashiatillah ◽  
Deka Setiawan ◽  
Much Arsyad Fardani

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes with the application of the Teams Games Tournament model assisted by Smart Map media on the theme Beautiful Diversity in My Country Grade IV students in SDN Penggung 01. Based on the results of the PTS private pre-cycle of students, data obtained that the PPKn content of students who completed 6 of 16 students with a percentage of 37.5% and on the Indonesian Language content students who completed 7 of 16 students with a percentage of 43.75% (according to KKM ≥ 75). The research method used was classroom action research (CAR) which consisted of two cycles. The subjects of the research were grade IV students of SDN Penggung 01, this study used four components namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, tests, and documentation. The results of the study in the first cycle showed that the PPKn content with the percentage of classical completeness 68.75% and the Indonesian content percentage of classical completeness 68.75%, increased in the second cycle with the percentage of classical completeness 93.75% at the PPKn content and 87.5 % of Indonesian content. This proves that the Teams Games Tournament learning model can improve student learning outcomes.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Wirma Hendra ◽  
Putu Suka Arsa ◽  
Luh Krisnawati

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes on the subjects Working Technigue Workshop with Project Based Learning learning model application. The subjects were students of class X TAV 1 SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja, with the number of students as many as 36 people. This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, with each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, and action. Data taken in this study include data on student learning outcomes in three domains, namely affective, cognitive, and psychomotor. Based on the test results of students in the first cycle, the result of learning with a mean value of 60.72 and with students who have completed as many as 15 people and students who have not completed at least 21 people. In the second cycle,obtained the result of learning with a mean value of 78.44 and with students who have completed a total of 32 people and students who have not completed as many as four people. There was an increase also in the classical completeness of 41.66 in the first cycle to 88.88 in the second cycle.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Perwiraga Hartami ◽  
Ramli Abdullah ◽  
Yeni Safitri

Based on observations made in class X2 MAN Sabang shows that learning still many students find it difficult to study chemistry, because the presentation material provided by the teacher is not maximized, so that the learning outcomes of students do not reach the target set in the KKM (70). This can be seen from the value of the task and the replay of students who gained an average of 66.2. One alternative to solve this problem is to use a cooperative learning that is easy to understand and fun through cooperative learning methods Take and Give. The purpose of this study was to: (1) determine student learning outcomes in the material of petroleum by using cooperative learning model type Take and Give, (2) Knowing student activity during learning using cooperative learning model type Take And Give, (3) Knowing the response students to the implementation of cooperative learning model of Take and Give. The design of this study is to use pre-experimental research design. The population in this study were all students of class X which consists of three local student learning outcomes is still relatively very low, then the sample in this study were all students of class X-2, which consists of 20 students. Data collection techniques using observation and administration of the test in the form of multiple choice. Observation data analyzed by using percentage, while the test results were analyzed by percentage formula. The research proves that: (1) student learning outcomes in the petroleum material once taught using cooperative learning model take and give to the percentage of the final test is 73%. (2) the percentage of students learning activity reached 76.9%. (3) response to highly motivated students to cooperative learning Take and Give the percentage is 95%. Based on these studies it can be concluded that the application of cooperative learning model of Take and Give can improve student learning outcomes in the discussion Petroleum class X-2 MAN Sabang

Asmuni Asmuni

<p><em>This research was carried out with the aim of improving student learning outcomes in online learning with interactive media for grade 4 SD Negeri 1 Sendang students. This type of research is classroom action research (PTK). The subjects were grade 4 students of SD Negeri 1 Sendang, Todanan District, Blora Regency, totaling 15 students. The design of CAR uses interactive media to improve student learning outcomes in Thematic Subject 5 for grade 4 students of SD Negeri 1 Sendang. Data collection techniques using observation and tests. The data analysis used descriptive quantitative and qualitative statistics. </em><em>The results showed an increase in student learning outcomes, this can be seen from the results of the evaluation of the pre-action activities and each cycle, namely the pre-action by 33.3%., In the first cycle it was 53.3%, in the second cycle it was 66%., while the third cycle was 87%. Thus it can be concluded that the use of interactive media can improve student learning outcomes in thematic learning.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-134
Rini Hartatik

This research is an effort to increase the activeness and learning outcomes of sixth grade students at SDN 02 Krompeng, Talun, Pekalongan Regency. This type of research is classroom action research. The research model used is Kurt Lewin using two cycles. The subjects in this study were students of class SDN 02 Krompeng, Talun, Pekalongan Regency, totaling 24 students. The data collection method used in this research is the test method and the observation method. While the data collection instrument used was an observation format for the implementation of TPS model cooperative learning by the teacher, the observation format for student activities/activities in the implementation of the TPS cooperative learning stages by students included a cooperative observation sheet and student activity. The data analysis technique was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner. Indicators of student success are marked by increased activity and learning outcomes with student mastery reaching 80%. The results of this study indicate that the use of the Think Pair Share (TPS) learning model can increase the activeness and learning outcomes of science subjects at SDN 02 Krompeng, Talun, Pekalongan Regency. The results showed that TPS type cooperative learning can improve student learning outcomes as indicated by an increase in the number of students who completed learning as many as 16 students in the first cycle to 21 students in the second cycle, and the percentage of classical learning completeness increased from 66.67% in the first cycle to 87.5% in cycle II. Thus, students complete learning both classically and individually. Meanwhile, the implementation of TPS type cooperative learning by teachers also increased from cycle I to cycle II, namely from 68% to 85% with an increase of 17%. This indicates that the teacher has been able to carry out learning using the TPS model well. Student cooperation increased from 60% in the first cycle to 77% in the second cycle, besides that student activity also increased from 68.8% in the first cycle to 87.5% in the second cycle with an increase of 18.7%. This can indicate that students have understood and can carry out the stages of cooperative learning with the TPS model well. Based on the results, this study has reached the indicators of success, and it can be concluded that the TPS type cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes and increase activeness in science learning.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Moch Ilham Sidik NH. ◽  
Hendri Winata

Artikel ini akan memaparkan peningkatan hasil belajar melalui model pembelajaran. Model pembelajaran merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Model pembelajaran yang dipilih adalah model direct instruction. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode quasi eksperimen, dengan desain Nonequivalenty Control Group Design. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi dan tes objektif, yang dianalisis menggunakan perhitungan skor gain ternormalisasi. Responden adalah siswa SMK. Di Kota Bandung. Hasil penelitian, didapatkan informasi bahwa hasil belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran direct instruction termasuk kedalam klasifikasi tinggi. Dengan demikian sekolah dapat menerapkan model direct instruction untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa.Kata Kunci: hasil belajar dan model pembelajaran direct instruction IMPROVING STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES THROUGH APPLICATION  OF DIRECT INSTRUCTION LEARNING MODELThis article will explain learning outcomes through learning model. The learning model is one factor that can improve student learning outcomes. The learning model selected was a model of direct instruction. The method used in this research is quasi-experimental methods, design Nonequivalenty Control Group Design. The data collection technique uses observation sheets and objective test, which was analyzed using normalized gain score calculation. Respondents are SMK students in Bandungs. The results of the study, obtained information that the learning outcomes using direct instruction learning model included into higher classification. Thus schools can apply the model of direct instruction to improve student learning outcomes.Keywords: learning outcomes and direct instruction learning model

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