2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-73
Neri Astriana Koehuan ◽  
Dylmoon Hidayat ◽  
Chrissya Apitula

Knowing identity in the Christian faith is essential to the life of each believer. Understanding the concept of self is closely related to how a person in his daily dealings with him, with others around him and also shows how he represents God. The result of not knowing or knowing yourself wrong can have a bad impact on yourself, others, the environment, as well as faith in God. Thus, the role of Christian education is highly demanded by both Christian education in the family, church and Christian schools to be able to work well together in order to achieve the inculcation of the concept of self-identity according to the Christian faith in children. It is not easy to realize the concept of self-identity in accordance with the Christian faith in the lives of children in an era that is so influenced by the current developments. Therefore, there is a need for awareness from the parties implementing Christian education to instill the principles and values of living according to the Christian faith as a provision for children in navigating their lives to face the challenges of the times.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-78
Hardi Budiyana

Christian education is a teaching and learning process that is based on the Bible, is moved by the Holy Spirit, and is Christocentric. One of the formal Christian education is manifested in Christian schools. Christian education in Christian schools is certainly different from education in schools in general. The Christian education, which is Christian and based on the Bible, is what distinguishes Christian schools from schools in general. Through a descriptive qualitative approach, the writer wants to describe the purpose of the role of educational psychology in Christian education. Where Christian education is to equip students in science, character and attitudes according to the Bible, but Christian education in schools also aims to bring students to become disciples of the Lord Jesus, where students are brought to meet personally with the Lord Jesus who is the only one. Lord and Savior, and experience His likeness. In carrying out Christian education in Christian schools, various disciplines are needed, including psychology. Psychology is the science of psychology that studies the unobservable inner state and observable outer state. Psychological principles that do not contradict the Bible are God's general revelations and can be used in Christian education in Christian schools. In terms of vision and mission in Christian schools, psychology can help to formulate a vision and mission that is biblical and responds to the needs of the times. In terms of the curriculum in Christian schools, psychology can help to discover new subjects and integrate all subjects with the Bible. In the case of teachers in Christian schools, psychology can aid in teacher recruitment, training, and evaluation. In the case of students in Christian schools, psychology helps to map out the uniqueness of each student and approach students personally. In terms of facilities in Christian schools, psychology helps to provide educational and innovative play tools according to the Bible

1983 ◽  
Vol 165 (4) ◽  
pp. 375-397
Carol S. Klass

American families' need for out-of-home childcare increases at an accelerated rate each year; yet our society lacks a policy for—and even a national commitment to—high-quality daycare. Such a national policy needs to be formulated within an examination of the tensions between social and familial childrearing. This essay explores these contextual issues from a historical perspective. The essay discusses: first, changes in the family as they relate to changes in the economy and polity; second, the role of the family as the basis for the young child's self-identity and internalization of society's values and practices; and third, the potential implications of changing patterns of the structure and functioning of the American family. Finally, the essay examines historical and current daycare policy and practice in relation to the family and the broader social structure.

2021 ◽  
Wina Paembonan

Abstract: In the midst of the development of the times, including the lives of children, where they live in this modern era, everything is very easy for them to access, which then if not given special attention can threaten their lives, including in terms of their spirituality. Therefore, the role of the Church and the Family is very much needed in the process of growing children's faith in the midst of the times

Mely Putri Almanda ◽  
Abdurrahman Abdurrahman

The motivation of this paper is to describe the role of the family in building morals through an exploration type by looking at what methods families use in educating children to build children's morals through family counseling analysis. Furthermore, the role of the family in building the morale of children is analyzed through family counseling as a guide to the importance of building harmony with individuals in the family, especially with children. This research is considered important because lately the lack of morality in children is caused by various factors that occur at this time. It is not only caused by the education of parents, but also due to environmental influences and the continuous development of the times. This research uses the library research method with a theoretical approach. The results of this description are obtained from various existing studies, and literature. The scope of methods that have been used by families in building children's morality is more striking, namely the Islamic religious education method, the method of communication, and the method of moral education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-141 ◽  
Christopher Michael Prior

In Christian schools, leaders’ roles include the integration of the particular beliefs of the community through all aspects of school life. This article describes an interpretive study into school leaders’ perceptions of the essential features of Christian Education National (CEN) schools, how they integrated these features into school culture, and their understandings of the leadership by which they achieved this. This research identified that school leaders were aware of the beliefs of CEN. Despite leaders noting that these beliefs ought to be embedded holistically into school culture, the CEN services and resources available to support such inculcation were underutilized. Although servant leadership, shared leadership and vision-based leadership were all described in relation to CEN schools, the leadership within these schools is better understood as informed by the Christian faith rather than widely supported leadership theories mentioned in this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-28
Sriyati Sriyati ◽  
Esen Hon Nakamnanu

AbstractThe application of Christian faith is not only knowledge to add insight into Christianity, but the application of education is a way to be able to cultivate Christian faith in every child. The application of Christian education is not limited to being applied from primary school to university but is applied to start from early childhood education (PAUD). In the application of Christian education, teachers have an important role in faith growth because Christian education implemented in Sion Tridamarsari Kindergarten aims to foster faith in every child through Christian education. Before applying the Christian education, teachers need to realize that being a PAUD teacher is not just a job or a profession but is a calling from God so that teachers will be able to understand that the growth of Children’s Christian faith must be implemented from an early age. The type of research in this article is qualitative research. Where every informant is interviewed and observed. Based on the result that has been done, the role of the teachers in implementing Christian education for children is teachers can put themselves as friends, pastors, evangelists, facilitators, mentors, motivators, and role models. With these roles, can help and assist each child in the growth of faith that is achieved, namely believing that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, dare to pray for himself and others, distinguishing right and wrong actions and helping others. This achievement requires a continuous process and is carried out for a long time. By implementing Christian education it has an impact on the growth of Christian faith from an early age.Key words: Teacher, Rolling and Faith AbstrakPenerapan pendidikan iman Kristen pada intinya bukan sebagai pengetahuan untuk menambah wawasan mengenai agama Kristen, akan tetapi penerapan pendidikan merupakan suatu cara untuk dapat menumbuhkan iman Kristen dalam pribadi anak. Penerapan pendidikan Agama Kristen tidak sebatas diterapkan dari pendidikan dasar sampai pada perguruan tinggi, tetapi diterapkan mulai dari pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Dalam penerapan pendidikan agama Kristen, guru mempunyai peran penting terhadap pertumbuhan iman karena pendidikan agama Kristen yang diterapkan di Taman Kanak-Kanak Sion Tridamarsari bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan iman Kristen anak sejak dini yaitu pada usia empat sampai enam tahun. Sebelum menerapkan pendidikan agama Kristen, guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Sion Tridamarsari perlu menyadari bahwa menjadi guru PAUD bukanlah merupakan suatu pekerjaan atau profesi saja tetapi sebuah panggilan dari Tuhan, sehingga guru akan dapat mengerti bahwa pertumbuhan iman Kristen anak haruslah diterapkan sejak usia dini. Jenis penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Di mana setiap informan diwawancarai dan diobservasi. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah dilakukan, peran guru dalam menerapkan pendidikan agama Kristen pada anak harusnya guru mampu memposisikan diri  sebagai sahabat, gembala, penginjil, fasilitator, pembimbing, motivator, dan teladan, dengan peran tersebut dapat membantu dan menolong setiap anak dalam pertumbuhan iman yang dicapai yaitu percaya bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan dan Juruselamat, berani berdoa untuk dirinya dan orang lain, membedakan perbuatan yang benar dan yang salah dan menolong sesama atau orang lain. Pencapaian tersebut membutuhkan proses secara terus menerus dan dilakukan dalamwaktu yang lama. Dengan menerapan pendidikan agama Kristen berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan iman Kristen sejak dini.Kata kunci: Guru, Peranan dan Iman 

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 153
Isabel María García Conesa ◽  
Antonio Daniel Juan Rubio

Abstract: Traditionally, the role of women was confined to taking care of the family, and they had little or no voice outside that sphere. The intention was that they would bring up children, keep the home, and look after their husbands who were usually the bread-winners. Consequently, a thorough examination of life in the 1920s will provide a degree of perspective on how women could handle and manage the social advances of the times with regard to their free time activities. We will clearly focus on the efforts of such a group of women in order to get their own leisure activities in society. Therefore, what we should explore throughout this paper is the continuous struggle of women in the United States in the 1920s and the following steps they had to take over. By merely skimming through this article, the reader should gain an accurate and concise notion of what these women had to go through in that awkward period in the United States.Keywords: the new woman, flapper rebellion, social rebellion, spare time, modern woman, status of women. Título en español: Norteamericanas y ocio en la década de 1920Resumen: Tradicionalmente, el papel de la mujer en la sociedad se ha visto reducido al cuidado de la familia con escasa o ninguna repercusión fuera del ámbito doméstico. Se suponía que su papel correspondía al cuidado de los hijos y de sus maridos, y a mantener el hogar familiar. Sin embargo, un cuidadoso estudio de la vida en los años veinte nos proporcionará una amplia perspectiva sobre la manera en la que las mujeres manejaron los avances sociales de la época. Intentaremos dar un claro enfoque sobre los esfuerzos de dichas mujeres por obtener su reconocimiento social. Lo que se intentará demostrar será la continua batalla de las mujeres en los Estados Unidos en los años veinte, y todas las dificultades que tuvieron que sortear. Simplemente ojeando este artículo, el publico lector podrá obtener una visión concreta y precisa de la lucha de estas mujeres en esa época desenfrenada en la historia de los Estados Unidos.Palabras clave: la nueva mujer, la rebelión “flapper”, la rebelión social, tiempo libre y ocio, la mujer moderna, el estatus de la mujer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 174-188
Kairat ZATOV ◽  

Today, religious renaissance across the post-Soviet space has moved into the center of academic attention mainly because post-Soviet countries have found themselves at the crest of religious awareness in the form of revived traditional religions. In Kazakhstan, this process has taken the form of Islamic revival, the religion of the autochthonous population, which lived in the territory of the contemporary state. According to many authors, the family is the main religious socialization institution: mothers as its main agents play the key role in raising the younger generation. This means that female religiosity requires close attention and detailed studies. With this aim in view, we carried out an online opinion poll among women 18 years and older in all regions of Kazakhstan to identify the interconnection between religious practices and involvement in religious life, on the one hand, and confessional self-identity, on the other, as well as the role of demographic statistical data (age, in particular) in shaping religious consciousness. We paid a lot of attention to the correlation between the degree of religiosity and the presence of Islamic dogmas in everyday life. Our studies brought us to a conclusion that the faithful generally tend to overestimate the extent of their religiosity. This means that the majority of our respondents can be described as conventional believers whose knowledge of the main Islamic dogmas is weak and who do not observe religious practices. Religious holidays and fasting are the two most frequently observed practices; praying and religious clothes are the two frequently avoided practices. Their performance requires a lot of time and the need to change appearance and lifestyle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-68
Reynhard Malau

This study aims to see the implications of Christian education in families according to the text of Ephesians 6: 1-4 during the Covid-19 pandemic. In connection with the biblical text as an object, this research is classified as a type of descriptive research using an interpretive paradigm, more precisely called the interpretive descriptive method, by interpreting the text of Ephesians 6: 1-4, this method aims to build a theoretical framework that underlies interpretation, as well as describes the results of the analysis on the basis of findings which are clarified by theory. The results of this study are the implications of Christian education in the family according to the text of Ephesians 6: 1-4 during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely: improving the quality of the role of parents in the spiritual growth of children, as described in the exegesis of Ephesians 6: 1-4, growth. Spiritual children are the responsibility of parents, a child will respect their parents on the basis of fear of God, direction and education from parents which are also based on fear of God. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana implikasi pendidikan Kristen dalam keluarga menurut teks Efesus 6: 1-4 pada masa pandemi Covid-19. Berhubungan dengan teks Alkitab sebagai objek, maka penelitian ini tergolong dalam jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan menggunakan paradigma interpretatif, lebih tepatnya disebut metode deskriptif interpretatif, dengan melakukan tafsir terhadap teks Efesus 6: 1-4, metode ini bertujuan membangun kerangka teori yang melandasi penafsiran, serta membeberkan hasil analisis atas dasar temuan yang diklarifikasi dengan teori. Hasil penelitian ini adalah implikasi pendidikan Kristen dalam keluarga menurut teks Efesus 6: 1-4 pada masa pandemi Covid-19, yaitu: meningkatkan kualitas peran orangtua terhadap pertumbuhan rohani anak, seperti apa yang telah dijabarkan pada eksegesis Efesus 6: 1-4, pertumbuhan rohani anak sudah merupakan tanggung jawab dari orangtua, seorang anak akan menghormati orangtuanya atas dasar rasa takut akan Tuhan karena arahan dan pendidikan dari orangtua yang juga didasari oleh rasa takut akan Tuhan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-28
Sriyati Sriyati ◽  
Esen Hon Nakamnanu

AbstractThe application of Christian faith is not only knowledge to add insight into Christianity, but the application of education is a way to be able to cultivate Christian faith in every child. The application of Christian education is not limited to being applied from primary school to university but is applied to start from early childhood education (PAUD). In the application of Christian education, teachers have an important role in faith growth because Christian education implemented in Sion Tridamarsari Kindergarten aims to foster faith in every child through Christian education. Before applying the Christian education, teachers need to realize that being a PAUD teacher is not just a job or a profession but is a calling from God so that teachers will be able to understand that the growth of Children’s Christian faith must be implemented from an early age. The type of research in this article is qualitative research. Where every informant is interviewed and observed. Based on the result that has been done, the role of the teachers in implementing Christian education for children is teachers can put themselves as friends, pastors, evangelists, facilitators, mentors, motivators, and role models. With these roles, can help and assist each child in the growth of faith that is achieved, namely believing that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, dare to pray for himself and others, distinguishing right and wrong actions and helping others. This achievement requires a continuous process and is carried out for a long time. By implementing Christian education it has an impact on the growth of Christian faith from an early age.Key words: Teacher, Rolling and Faith AbstrakPenerapan pendidikan iman Kristen pada intinya bukan sebagai pengetahuan untuk menambah wawasan mengenai agama Kristen, akan tetapi penerapan pendidikan merupakan suatu cara untuk dapat menumbuhkan iman Kristen dalam pribadi anak. Penerapan pendidikan Agama Kristen tidak sebatas diterapkan dari pendidikan dasar sampai pada perguruan tinggi, tetapi diterapkan mulai dari pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Dalam penerapan pendidikan agama Kristen, guru mempunyai peran penting terhadap pertumbuhan iman karena pendidikan agama Kristen yang diterapkan di Taman Kanak-Kanak Sion Tridamarsari bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan iman Kristen anak sejak dini yaitu pada usia empat sampai enam tahun. Sebelum menerapkan pendidikan agama Kristen, guru Taman Kanak-Kanak Sion Tridamarsari perlu menyadari bahwa menjadi guru PAUD bukanlah merupakan suatu pekerjaan atau profesi saja tetapi sebuah panggilan dari Tuhan, sehingga guru akan dapat mengerti bahwa pertumbuhan iman Kristen anak haruslah diterapkan sejak usia dini. Jenis penelitian dalam tulisan ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Di mana setiap informan diwawancarai dan diobservasi. Berdasarkan hasil yang telah dilakukan, peran guru dalam menerapkan pendidikan agama Kristen pada anak harusnya guru mampu memposisikan diri  sebagai sahabat, gembala, penginjil, fasilitator, pembimbing, motivator, dan teladan, dengan peran tersebut dapat membantu dan menolong setiap anak dalam pertumbuhan iman yang dicapai yaitu percaya bahwa Yesus Kristus adalah Tuhan dan Juruselamat, berani berdoa untuk dirinya dan orang lain, membedakan perbuatan yang benar dan yang salah dan menolong sesama atau orang lain. Pencapaian tersebut membutuhkan proses secara terus menerus dan dilakukan dalamwaktu yang lama. Dengan menerapan pendidikan agama Kristen berdampak terhadap pertumbuhan iman Kristen sejak dini.Kata kunci: Guru, Peranan dan Iman 

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