Economics of Small Tea Farming System (STFS): An in-depth Study of North Bengal,India

2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-67
Subhrajyoti Panda ◽  
Avrajyoti Ghosh ◽  
Litan Das ◽  
Satarupa Modak ◽  
Sabita Mondal ◽  

The study was conducted to find out the pattern of labour engagement (both family andhired labour), price realization of different type of small tea growers and economic analysisof the small tea growing system. Small tea growers of Jalpaiguri and Uttar Dinajpur districtof West Bengal were selected purposively. The present study mainly considered primarydata for analysis and a small amount of secondary data was also collected from records ofConfederation of Indian Small Tea Growers’ Association (CISTA) and Self-Help Group(SHG) registers. It has been found that there is a variation in price of green leaves in bothdistricts and higher rates are observed in the month of March. SHGs with own processingunits were found to fetch higher prices compared to other units because of their collectivebargaining power, absence of middlemen and owing co-operative processing units. Numberof such SHGs, with processing units were found in Jalpaiguri district whereas, UttarDinajpur district recorded no SHG with own processing units. The economic analysis alsopresented a clear picture about fixed and operational cost, gross return with or withoutdividend and benefit cost ratio.

Claudio David Togas ◽  
Grace O Tambani ◽  
Nurdin Jusuf

Abstract Tondano lake waters used by communities around the lake, with the most striking activity is fish farming in net cages step system. Karamba system of fish farming Nets Plug (KJT) from year to year tend to grow rapidly. This was driven by economic stimulus optimally if farmers can increase the income of the people living around the lake. Karamba system aquaculture nets Plug (KJT), when viewed in terms of socioeconomic give meaning to support the life of coastal communities particularly Lake Tondano. Talikuran village is one of the villages in the area of West Lake Tondano whose inhabitants livelihood as farmers freshwater fish. Feasibility of business investment is necessary to specify in the decision whether the business will be run is profitable or not. According Primyastanto (2010) suppression purposes of this analysis on the feasibility, including the determination of investment costs, operating expenses and receipts. The method used in this study is a survey, namely by taking a sample of the population and the questionnaire as a data collection tool that principal (Singarimbun and Effendi, 1995). Data taken in this research include primary data and secondary data. Data were collected by observation, interview and questionnaire. Based on analysis of fish farming system in the village of Karamba Nets Step on the Talikuran eligible to run because the value Operating Profit (OP) is Rp. 18.3 million. For value Profit Rate (PR) 66.06%, while the value of Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) 1.66. Of the fish farming is categorized as good as having a value of return 87.32%. The return on investment from the fish farming 1:15 that year means the business is feasible to run because the investment payback period 1 year 1 month 24 days. Break Even Point (BEP) of the fish farming ie sales value of Rp. 9,027,777 with a unit value of 361.11 kg. The net gain from the cultivation of fish in nets Karamba Plug Rp. 13.425 million, - in one year. Keyword : cages step system, aquaculture, fisibility Abstrak Perairan danau Tondano dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat disekitar danau, dengan kegiatan yang paling menyolok adalah usaha budidaya ikan dalam sistem karamba jaring tancap.Usaha budidaya ikan sistem Karamba Jaring Tancap (KJT) dari tahun ke tahun cenderung berkembang pesat. Hal ini didorong oleh rangsangan ekonomi jika pembudidaya secara optimal bisa meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat yang tinggal disekitar Danau.Kegiatan budidaya sistem Karamba Jaring Tancap (KJT),jika dilihat dari segi sosial ekonomi sangat memberikan arti untuk menunjang kehidupan khususnya masyarakat pesisir Danau Tondano. Desa Talikuran merupakan salah satu Desa yang berada di wilayah Barat Danau Tondano yang penduduknya bermata pencaharian sebagai pembudidaya ikan air tawar. Kelayakan investasi usaha sangat dibutuhkan untuk menentukan dalampengambilan keputusan apakah usaha yang akan dijalankan tersebut menguntungkan atau tidak. Menurut Primyastanto (2010) penekanan tujuan analisis ini pada kelayakan usaha, meliputi penentuan biaya investasi, biaya operasional dan penerimaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei, yaitu dengan mengambil sampel dari satu populasi dan menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat pengumpul data yang pokok (Singarimbun dan Effendi, 1995).Data yang diambil dalam penelitian ini meliputi data primer dan data sekunder. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi, wawancara dan kusioner. Berdasarkan hasil analisis usaha budidaya ikan sistem Karamba Jaring Tancap di Desa Talikuran tersebut layak untuk dijalankan karena nilai Operating Profit (OP) yaitu Rp. 18.300.000. Untuk nilai Profit Rate (PR) 66,06%, sedangkan nilai Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) 1,66. Dari usaha budidaya ikan tersebut termasuk kategori usaha yang baik karena mempunyai nilai rentabilitas 87,32%. Tingkat pengembalian investasi dari usaha budidaya ikan tersebut 1.15 tahun itu berarti usaha ini layak untuk dijalankan karena waktu pengembalian investasi 1 tahun 1 bulan 24 hari. Break Even Point (BEP) dari usaha budidaya ikan tersebut yaitu nilai penjualan sebesar Rp. 9.027.777 dengan nilai satuan sebesar 361,11 kg. Keuntungan bersih dari usaha budidaya ikan di Karamba Jaring Tancap Rp. 13.425.000,-dalam satu tahun. Kata kunci : jaring tancap, budidaya, kelayakan usaha


The purposes of this research were to determine the cost, revenue, and profit of fruit seedling marketing and the feasibility of marketing business of fruit seedling at the CV. Flora Chania in Palaran Subcity, Samarinda City. This research was conducted during 3 months from March to May 2019. The data were collected secondary data. The analysis included calculation of cost, revenue, profit, Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Net Benefit Cost Ratio (Net B/C Ratio), dan payback period. The research results showed an average operational cost of IDR248,945,720.00 year-1 or IDR20,745,477.00 month-1, an average revenue of IDR349,900,000.00 year-1 or IDR29,083,333.00 month-1 and the average income of IDR100,818,566.00 year-1 or IDR8,326,547.00 month-1. This research found  the NPV value of IDR37,464,538.00 at a factor discount rate of 10%, IRR value of 4.6%, Net B/C Ratio value of 1.32, while the payback period of 1 year and 4 months. The results of this research  indicate that based on an assessment of technical aspect, management and legal aspects, market and marketing aspects, and financial aspect, the marketing of fruit seedling is feasible to be developed. 

Arifah Astining Cahya ◽  
Rita Herawaty Br Bangun

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan menganalisis kelayakan usahatani cabai besar dan cabai rawit di Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder. Karakteristik rumah tangga usaha tani cabai besar dan cabai rawit menunjukkan bahwa umur petani cabai besar dan cabai rawit sebagian besar berada di usia yang produktif, sebagian besar pendidikan petani masih rendah, pembiayaan modal berasal dari modal sendiri dan sebagian besar usahatani cabai besar dan cabai rawit tidak mendapatkan bimbingan atau penyuluhan. Analisis data dilakukan untuk melihat kelayakan usahatani cabai besar dan cabai rawit menggunakan analisis R/C (Return Cost Ratio) dan B/C (Benefit Cost Ratio). Berdasar hasil penghitungan pada usahatani cabai besar diperoleh nilai R/C>1 sebesar 1,56 dan B/C>0 sebesar 0,56. Penghitungan pada usahatani cabai rawit diperoleh nilai R/C>1 sebesar 1,93 dan B/C>0 sebesar 0,93. Dari hasil analisis usahatani cabai besar dan cabai rawit dapat disimpulkan bahwa usahatani ini layak dan menguntungkan secara ekonomi untuk diusahakan.Kata kunci: cabai, karakteristik, kelayakan usahataniAbstract This study aims to determine characteristics  and analyze the feasibility of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum L) and cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescent L) farming in Sumatera Utara . This research uses descriptive analysis. The data used in this study is secondary data. Household characteristics of chili pepper and cayenne pepper farming show that the age of farmers of chili pepper and cayenne pepper are mostly in productive age; most of the farmers' education is still low; capital financing comes from their capital and most of the chili pepper and cayenne pepper farming is not get guidance or counseling. Data analysis was carried out to see the feasibility of chili pepper and cayenne pepper farming using R / C (Revenue Cost Ratio) and B / C (Benefit Cost Ratio) analysis. Based on the results of calculations on chili pepper farming obtained R/C value 1,56 and B/C value 0,56. Calculation of the cayenne farming obtained R/C value 1,93 and B/C value 0,93. From the results of the analysis of chili pepper and cayenne pepper farming, it can be concluded that this farming is feasible and economically profitable to be cultivated..Keywords: business feasibility, characteristics, chili  

Diean Oktavian Regar ◽  
Aqli Mursadin

PT Adaro Indonesia is trying to adjust a vertical clearance under Tabalong Bridge 1 (unloaded) and Tabalong Bridge 2 (loaded) because the existing conditions still apply a minimum vertical clearance of 4 m. I t should be in accordance with latest Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 19/PRT/M/2011 that for vertical clearance above national road at least 5.1 m. This specification has not been met by the national road under the Tabalong 1 & 2 Bridges bec ause both bridges were built in the 90s. Therefore we need an engineering technique to overcome this. There are 2 alternative designs, namely lowering the elevation of the national road and increasing the elevation of the bridge's upper structure to mitiga te oversized vehicles so as not to hit the lower structure of the Tabalong bridge. In determining the selection of the best alternative designs in this research is based on two (2) things, non financial criteria with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and financial criteria with Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA)/Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) method. This study uses a survey method by distributing questionnaires and interviews as a means of collecting primary data. In addition, previous research and consultant DED documents were used as a means of collecting secondary data. The AHP method is used to process primary data to produce a decision from a non financial aspect. While the LCC/BCR method is used to process secondary data to produce a decision from the financi al aspect . The results of the AHP analysis obtained that the synthesis value of the decision the option of lowering national roads was 85% and the bridge lifting option was 15% and the consistency ratio (CR) was 0.05 < 0.1. The consistency ratio below 0.1 shows that the questionnaire data from the respondents are consistent. The results of the analysis of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) obtained the option of lowering national roads where the LCC value is Rp. 44,877,651,669.27 more economical than the bridge lifting option. Then the results of the Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) analysis obtained the option of lowering national roads with a BCR value of 2.33 > 1 and NPV = Rp. 43,442,264,804.34 > 1 means that the option lowering national roads is feasible. While the bridge li fting option is obtained by analyzing the value of BCR = 0.98 < 1 and NPV = option is not feasible to implement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-76
Theophilus Chinonyerem Nwokedi ◽  
Obed C. Ndikom ◽  
Chigozie Uzoma Odumodu ◽  
Ifiokobong I. Okonko

Abstract The study provided economic justification for private sector investment in developing, revitalizing and making operable, the rail-freight-corridors between hub-seaports and inland container depots in Nigeria. It estimated the operator-benefits and profitability potentials of investment in each of the ten rail-freight-corridors consisting of existing but inoperable and proposed rail routes from the major seaports to the Inland container depots in different geopolitical regions of Nigeria. Secondary data on the import and export (cargo generation) capacities of each of the ICD regions to and from the respectively connected hub-seaport were obtained from the Nigerian ports authority statistical report covering a period of two years (2018 – 2019) based upon which the annual expected revenue earnings of the operators were estimated. The cost of investment was also obtained. Benefit-Cost-Ratio (BCR) and Net Present Value (NPV) were used to estimate the operator-benefits and profitability potentials of each rail route. It was found that six of the rail routes have BCR > 1; and NPV>0; implying higher operator-benefits over costs within the period while four of the rail-routes have BCR <1; and NPV <0; implying higher operator-costs over benefits.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  
Ermiati Ermiati ◽  
Abdul Muis Hasibuan ◽  
Agus Wahyudi

<p>Penguasaan lahan dan produktivitas kakao di tingkat petani masih sangat rendah sehingga berdampak pada rendahnya pendapatan petani. Kabupaten Kolaka merupakan salah satu sentra utama kakao dengan jumlah petani kakao sangat besar di Sulawesi Tenggara. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui profil dan kelayakan usahatani kakao di tingkat petani. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Atula dan Desa Dangia, Kecamatan Ladongi, Kabupaten Kolaka Sulawesi Tenggara pada bulan April sampai Juli 2012. Pengambilan data menggunakan metode survei dengan wawancara langsung terhadap 30 orang petani kakao yang diambil secara acak sederhana. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif dan kelayakan usahatani melalui analisis benefit cost ratio (B/C ratio), net present value (NPV), dan internal rate of return (IRR). Hasil analisis dengan discount factor 18% per tahun diketahui nilai NPV Rp19.646.384,00; B/C ratio 2,87; dan IRR 51% sehingga diketahui usahatani layak untuk diusahakan. Pendapatan petani Rp7.697.674,00/tahun (Rp641.743,00/bulan). Jika produktivitas tetap (773 kg/ha) diperoleh break even point (BEP) harga sebesar Rp8.043,00/kg. Jika harga tetap (Rp18.000,00/kg), BEP produktivitas adalah 345,5 kg/ha/tahun. Periode pengembalian modal pada tahun keenam. Hal ini menunjukkan usahatani kakao di lokasi penelitian dapat memberikan sumbangan pendapatan ke petani, meskipun dengan keuntungan relatif kecil. Berdasarkan analisis tersebut, luas areal minimal untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup layak petani adalah 2 ha atau produktivitas di atas 1,5 ton/ha/tahun.</p><p>Kata kunci: Profil usahatani, pendapatan petani, kelayakan usahatani, kakao</p><p>Limitation of land tenure and productivity in farmers’ level causing lower farmers income. Kolaka District is one of cocoa main producers in Southeast Sulawesi with a large number of farmers. The objective of this study was to investigate the profile and feasibility of cocoa farming system in farmers level. The research was conducted at Atula and Dangia Village, Ladongi Subdistrict, Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, in April to July 2012. Data was collected by survey method and direct interview with 30 farmers. Data was analyzed descriptively and feasibility analysis method with criteria of benefit cost ratio (B/C ratio), net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR). The result showed that cocoa farming system is feasible (NPV of IDR19,646,384.00; B/C ratio of 2,87 and IRR of 51%). Farmers income was of IDR7,697,674.00 per year (IDR641,743.00 per month). If the yield is constant (773 kg/ha), then price break even point (BEP) is IDR8,043.00/kg. If the price is constant (IDR18,000.00/kg), then BEP of yield is 345,5 kg/ha/year. This result showed that cocoa farming gives a relatively low level of income for farmers, eventhough it is feasible. Based on those analysis, minimum area of 2 ha per households of productivity or 1.5 ton/ha/yr required to meet income decent life.</p>

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 189-193
MA Razzaque ◽  
S Rafiquzzaman ◽  
MN Islam

A field experiment was conducted at the farming system research and development site Lebukhali, Patuakhali of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute during 1999 and 2000 to study the effect of seed soaking duration before sowing on yield of two mungbean varieties BARImung-2 and BARImung-5. Seeds were soaked with fresh water for 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours. The results revealed that plants produced with 4 hours soaking gave the maximum seed yield (1379 kg/ha). BARImung-5 produced higher yield (1457 kg/ha) than that of BARImung 2. Control (no soaking) gave lower yield. The highest benefit cost ratio (3.51) was obtained from 4 hours soaking. Key words: Mungbean variety, time of seed soaking, yield.

2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
Mandeep Singh

The present study analyzed the economic viability of poplar based agro-forestry system in Punjab. Primary data were collected from a sample of 60 adopters and 32 non-adopters of agro-forestry from 4 clusters of villages from Ludhiana and Ropar districts of Punjab state pertaining to year 2013-14. Two types of agro-forestry systems AFS-I (wheat + kharif fodder during 1st four years of poplar cultivation) and AFS-II (sugarcane for first two years and wheat during 3-4 years) were identified. The establishment cost was estimated at ` 7,871 per acre for an average farmer. The operational cost was worked out at ` 3,724 during 1-4 years and ` 2,919 during 5-6 years of plantation in AFS-I on per acre basis. The per acre operational cost in AFS-II was estimated at ` 1,904 during 1-2 years, ` 5,071 during 3-4 years and ` 3,630 during 5-6 years of poplar plantation. The net returns were ` 2,02,463, ` 2,05,283 and ` 2,29,720 in AFS-I and ` 2,19,015, ` 1,78,832 and ` 2,00,639 in AFS-II at 4th, 5th and 6th years of harvesting on per acre basis. The benefit-cost ratio and net present value were the highest at 5th year of harvesting in case of AFS-I and AFS-II. The analysis of benefit-cost ratio and net present value showed that the investment in poplar cultivation is considered to be economically viable during the study year.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Shanti Emawati ◽  
Endang Siti Rahayu ◽  
Sutrisna Hadi Purnomo ◽  
Ayu Intan Sari ◽  
Endang Tri Rahayu ◽  

The  research  was  conducted  to  determine  the  feasibility  of  financial  on SMEs  calligraphy  goat  leather  in  Sukoharjo  District.  Research  was  done  from January 6 to March 26, 2015 in located in  Sukoharjo District. Survey methods was done  to  collect  primary  data  from  respondents  and  secondary  data  from  related institution. Census method was applied to sellect respondents. Criteria used to analyze the feasibility of financial on  SMEs calligraphy goat leather  were consisted of Benefit Cost  Ratio  (BCR),  Net  Present  Value  (NPV),  Internal  Rate  of  Return  (IRR)  and Payback Period (PPC), based on 6 years investment and 12% annual discount factor. The  result  showed  that  based  on  NPV,  IRR,  BCR  and  payback  period  analysis,  the most feasible of respondents was achieved on scale of 3 with value of  NPV =  Rp. 434,852,752.00, IRR = 37.93%, BCR = 1.92,  followed by on scale of 2 with value of NPV = Rp. 76,481,554.00, IRR = 22.51%, BCR = 1.37 and on scale of 1 with value of NPV  =  Rp.  34,883,505.00,  IRR  =  20.41%  dan  BCR  =  1.28.  In  term  of  payback period, respondents who had SMEs calligraphy goat leather on scale of 3 were able to return the investment during  2.39  years while on scale of 2 and on scale of 1 were 3.72 and 3.79 years, respectively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-30
Usman Usman ◽  
Sofyan M. Saleh ◽  
Yuhanis Yunus

This research is located in Takengon - Uwak City boundary section. The benefit of this research is to figure out the proper type of road construction for investment based on financial feasibility with respect to Vehicle Operational Cost (VOC), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Net Present Value (NPV), and Internal Rate of Return (IRR). The data used in this study was secondary data obtained from related institutions. The research method used in this research was economic indicators with two scenarios, that is; 1. Road improvement with no handling/ existing (Do Nothing), and 2. Road improvement. From the calculation results, it was obtained the price of construction and maintenance for each shoulder of the road construction, that is, the shoulder using Material Class B was IDR 5.493.388.958, the material class B shoulder with Geocel IDR. 4.946.201.289, and road construction using concrete IDR. 6.162.438.275. The saving of VOC produced was IDR. 23,006,00. The results of the economic analysis performed for the three types of construction with the Net Present Value (NVP) method resulted in Road Construction by Shoulder Using Materials Class B and Geocell is the best alternative to make an investment because it produces the largest NPV Value, that is, NPV=IDR 1,808,869,588,00. The highest BCR value is BCR = 1.49, with IRR value = 14.855%

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