scholarly journals Peran Pasar Kaget Terhadap Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa: Studi Deskriptif di Desa Cerme Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Kediri

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 95-105
Dyah Ayu Paramitha

ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah (1) Untuk menganalisis peran pasar kaget terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar di Desa Cerme Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Kediri. (2) Untuk menganalisis upaya dalam menjaga eksistensi pasar kaget dan pengaruhnya terhadap pemberdayaan pedagang masyarakat di Desa Cerme Kecamatan Grogol Kabupaten Kediri. Pendekatan dari penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Informan merupakan pedaganng pasar kaget dan warga sekitar pasar, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan triangulasi. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian adalah pasar kaget perannya sangat bermanfaat dan berdampak positif, karena bisa membuka lapak penjualan tanpa harus mengeluarkan modal besar, aktivitas ekonomi yang semakin meningkat dan mengurangi maraknya pengangguran di masyarakat. Adapun untuk peranan pemerintah daerah yaitu melakukan pembinaan dan pengawasan pasar kaget. Kata Kunci: Pasar Kaget, Pemberdayaan   ABSTRACT The objectives of this study are (1) To analyze the role of the market, it is shocked to empower the surrounding community in the Cerme Village, Grogol District, Kediri Regency. (2) To analyze efforts in keeping the market existence shocked and its effect on empowering community traders in Cerme Village, Grogol District, Kediri Regency. The approach of this study uses descriptive qualitative research. Informants are shocked market traders and residents around the market, with data collection techniques using observations, interviews, documentation and triangulation. The conclusion of the research results is that the market is shocked that its role is very useful and has a positive impact, because it can open sales stalls without having to spend large capital, increasing economic activity and reduce the rampant unemployment in society. As for the role of the regional government, which is conducting market guidance and supervision, they are shocked. Keywords: Shock Market, Empowerment

Al-Ulum ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 334-359
Mujizatullah Mujizatullah

This article explains the Implementation of the Policy on Procurement of Religious Education Teachers in Schools in Samarinda Municipality, the East Kalimantan Province. This is a descriptive-qualitative research. The research results showed that there was poor communication between the Department of Education and the Ministry of Religion in relation to the preparation and proposed formation and determination of civil servants in religious teachers procurement. There is a different understanding in each institution. It shows that there is sectorial egos arises between each ministry. The Ministry of Religion as a vertical institution the madrassas and the Education Office of schools should arrange synergizing in the procurement of religious teachers. Therefore, both institution require an MOU between the Regional Government and the Ministry of Religion regarding the formation of the appointment of religious teachers both CPNS and the appointment of religious teachers THL (Tenaga Harian Lepas - Freelance Daily Workers).

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Muhammad Rafi’i Sanjani

Micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) in absorbing labor is large enough. But the role of MSMEs in reality is constrained by several things, including capital problems. This is where the role of Shariah Financial Institutions with principal-sharing financing is desirable. Observing such phenomena needs to be examined on several issues; first, the implementation of financing at Syari'ah Financial Institutions in Sumbawa which is considered ideal for micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM). Secondly, some of the obstacles to the implementation of financing at Syari'ah Financial Institutions in Sumbawa pertain to the principle of profit sharing, and thirdly, the solution to overcome the impediments of financing implementation at Syari'ah Financial Institutions in Sumbawa w This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques that is by combining three methods or the so-called triangulation, among others, interviews, observation and documentation. Data processing will be analyzed and processed descriptively qualitative.ith respect. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques that is by combining three methods or the so-called triangulation, among others, interviews, observation and documentation. Data processing will be analyzed and processed descriptively qualitative. Research Results Micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM) are able to absorb a large enough labor. But the role is in fact constrained by several things, including capital problems. This is where the role of Shariah Financial Institutions with principal-sharing financing is desirable. Observing such phenomena needs to be examined on several issues; first, the implementation of financing at Syari'ah Financial Institutions in Sumbawa which is considered ideal for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Second, the impediments to the implementation of financing of the Shariah Financial Institutions in Sumbawa with respect to the principle of profit sharing, and thirdly, the solution to overcome the impediments of the financing of the Syari'ah Financial Institutions in Sumbawa with respect to the ideal profit-sharing principle.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-96
Witri Retno Handayani ◽  
Umrotul Khasanah

The role of Islamic values in an institution properly and correctly will influence people's decisions to become members of the institution. This study aims to analyze the role and implications of Islamic values of the members of the KSU SWM Malang city, in improving the existence of the institution. The method used is descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The informants in this study were several traders of the Dinoyo traditional market in Malang city, the chairman of the SWM cooperative management and the manager of the SWM cooperative. The results of the study found that the Islamic value of the members of the SWM cooperative was shown in the form of solidarity / teamwork, sincerity and trust in the good performance of the management, as well as the KSU-SWM manager.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Daniel Maulana ◽  
Mukhlis Rohmadi ◽  
Setria Utama Rizal

This study is based on the problem of madrasah exams that cannot be conducted directly or in writing due to the impact of covid-19 which requires the implementation of madrasah exams to be conducted online. So that madrasah exams are conducted online using TCExam application conducted in MTsN 1 Palangka Raya and what obstacles occur and how the implementation of madrasah exams using the TCExam application is specifically on madrasah exams in the religious field studied. The purpose of this research is to describe the planning of madrasah exam implementation using TCExam application in the religious field, constraints in the implementation of madrasah exams using TCExam application in the religious field and students' response to the implementation of madrasah exams using the TCExam application. The research used in this study is descriptive qualitative research. The place of this research is MTsN 1 Palangka Raya. The subjects of this study were the Head of Madrasah, Wakamad curriculum, Operator, and Teacher of Religious Affairs. Data collection using interview techniques and documentation. Data analysis is done by collecting data, presenting and drawing conclusions. The validity of the data is done using triangulation of sources and techniques. The results of this study show that 1. Planning the implementation of madrasah exams using TCExam application in the field of religion in MTsN 1 Palangka Raya, namely the simulation and explanation from the operator to teachers for the use of TCExam application. 2. Implementation of madrasah exams using TCExam application. 3. Constraints in the implementation of madrasah exams using tcexam application in the field of religion in MTsN 1 Palangka Raya namely in students who are sometimes late to log in madrasah exams using the TCExam application, further constraints in the internet network of students are unstable and also in the implementation of madrasah exams using the online TCExam application is another obstacle also that students can commit fraud or cheating in this case the role of parents is very important to supervise students in the implementation of online madrasah exams using the TCExam application.

Ahmad Mufarih Hasan Fadly ◽  
Muhammad Sofwanudin

purpose of this study is to find out what problems or difficulties are experienced in learning Arabic in the Darussalam Arab Generation Language Course (GARD) and how to overcome these difficulties. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research conducted with three data collection techniques, namely interviews, observation and documentation. The research results obtained are that the ability to speak Arabic in the Darussalam Arab Generation Language Course (GARD) can be increased if course participants are aware of the need to speak Arabic

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 158-167
Nila Puspita Sari ◽  
Makomulamin Makomulamin

Food is a source of energy and nutrients and can be a source of microorganisms and bacterial growth. Prevention of damage and diseases due to food done through the action of the application of sanitary higiene towards referring to Permenkes no. 1096 / menkes / per / vi / 2011, ranging from the food , food storage , food processing , equipment , food storage so and the presentation of food .This research aims to review the application of sanitary higiene food in Cik Puan’s Market Pekanbaru. The research is descriptive qualitative research .This research will be done at food stalls of Cik Puan’s Market Pekanbaru . The informants are 8 the stall owners eat the cik puan pekanbaru .Data collection by conducting interviews and observations .Research results in food stalls in the cik puan Pekanbaru , we can see that the raw food , processing food , Processing food , and the presentation of food in 8 food stalls in the cik puan pekanbaru sanitation food hygiene have met the requirements , while storage raw material, cooking utensils and eat , and food storage that is discovered yet qualified .It is hoped that the market operators can provide socialize higiene sanitation stall owners in the cik puan pekanbaru

2020 ◽  
pp. 57-68
Agustinus Naisaban ◽  
Mutia Rahmah

Efectiveness of Sub-District Expansion in Improving Development. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of sub-district expansion in increasing development in Central Insana District, North Central Timor Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Expansion of Subdistricts in Central Insana Subdistrict has been regulated in the Regional Regulation of North Central Timor Number 8 of 2007 with the aim of equitable development, optimizing the implementation of governance and shortening the range  of control of empowerment and community development services and accommodating aspirations that develop in the community. After 12 years running, the District Expansion policy has not shown a positive impact on the community, especially the development aspect. This study uses descriptive qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques used were interviews, documentation and observation. The results showed that the policy of sub-district expansion in increasing development in Central Insana District was not yet effective, because of the weak role of the sub-district in providing services to the community. Budget limitations, inadequate transportation facilities and infrastructure and damaged road conditions, and a lack of active community participation in supporting the implementation of development in Central Insana Subdistrict, are classic reasons. Keywords: effectiveness, expansion, development

Murdiansah S. A. Karim

The purpose of this research is to examine the role of local government, especially the city government of Tidore Islands, to stabilize food prices based on Food Law No. 18 of 2012 article 55 in the perspective of Islamic economics. This type of research is classified as qualitative research by presenting the direct relationship between the author and the respondent. In data collection techniques carried out include observation, interviews, and documentation, so that the authors conducted interviews with respondents including the Tidore City government and the tomato farmers of Gurabunga Village. In this study, the authors found that the role of regional government in managing food prices, local government not only controls one sector but the role of local government also controls the distribution of supply prices from farmers to the market without going through the collectors (middlemen).

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Handam Handam ◽  
Muchlas M. Tahir

The aim of research to determine the role of local government and the factors that influence the local government's role in the implementation of the arrangement of street vendors in the Market Minasamaupa Gowa. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research and type of research is a case study, while the data collection techniques used is observation, interview and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the arrangement of street merchants realized well enough where most merchants do not go out to sell outside the market because it has been relocated into the market. Efforts are being made to the arrangement of the place of business, guidance and supervision. The factors supporting the implementation of the arrangement of the vendors that their Gowa District Regulation No. 5 of 2009 on Management and Development Street Vendors and inhibiting factors, namely the low participation in complying with existing regulations.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui peran pemerintah daerah dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peran pemerintah daerah dalam pelaksanaan penataan pedagang kaki lima di Pasar Minasamaupa Kabupaten Gowa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dan tipe penelitian adalah studi kasus, sedangkan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penataan pedangang kaki lima cukup terealisasi dengan baik dimana sebagian besar pedagang tidak lagi berjualan di luar pasar karena telah direlokasi ke dalam pasar. Upaya yang dilakukan yakni melakukan penataan tempat usaha, pembinaan dan pengawasan. Adapun faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan penataan pedagang kaki lima tersebut yaitu adanya Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Gowa Nomor 5 Tahun 2009 Tentang Penataan dan Pembinaan Pedagang Kaki Lima dan faktor penghambat yaitu rendahnya partisipasi dalam mematuhi peraturan yang ada. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 83
Suprapti Suprapti ◽  
Nurul Iman ◽  
Ayok Ariyanto

This study aims to find out how to carry out routine recitation, how to plan teenage recitation, and how the role of adolescents in efforts to shape Islamic character in Ngreco Village, Tegalombo District, Pacitan Regency. This study uses descriptive qualitative research, and data collection techniques in this study through interviews, observations and documentation. The results of the implementation of teenage study in the village of Ngreco Tegalombo Pacitan, in planning is different from formal schools in general. The process of implementing teenage recitation in the village of Ngreco Tegalombo Pacitan, in outline through several steps, namely: 1) The method used in character education is the method of memorizing and understanding verses of the Qur'an, Muhadloroh and stories. 2) The implementation technique is one week once, Sunday night Monday. 3) Teenage teaching materials, namely the Qur'an and religious material in general. Teenage study in Ngreco Village has a central role in the lives of adolescents in the community. The role includes the improvement of several aspects, teenage studies conducted by adolescents become a place of friendship that fosters the fertility of Islam. It is also a medium for conveying ideas that are beneficial to the Islamic character of adolescents. The results of the formation of Islamic character through teenage recitation in the village of Ngreco, Tegalombo Pacitan are first in terms of reading the Qur'an, second in terms of preaching, third in terms of worship and behavior.

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