scholarly journals Probabilistic precipitation and temperature downscaling of the Twentieth Century Reanalysis over France

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 4425-4482 ◽  
L. Caillouet ◽  
J.-P. Vidal ◽  
E. Sauquet ◽  
B. Graff

Abstract. This work proposes a daily high-resolution probabilistic reconstruction of precipitation and temperature fields in France over the 1871–2012 period built on the NOAA Twentieth Century global extended atmospheric reanalysis (20CR). The objective is to fill in the spatial and temporal data gaps in surface observations in order to improve our knowledge on the local-scale climate variability from the late 19th century onwards. The SANDHY (Stepwise ANalogue Downscaling method for HYdrology) statistical downscaling method, initially developed for quantitative precipitation forecast, is used here to bridge the scale gap between large-scale 20CR predictors and local-scale predictands from the SAFRAN high-resolution near-surface reanalysis, available from 1958 onwards only. SANDHY provides a daily ensemble of 125 analogues dates over the 1871–2012 period for 608 climatically homogeneous zones paving France. Large precipitation biases in intermediary seasons are shown to occur in regions with high seasonal asymmetry like the Mediterranean. Moreover, winter and summer temperatures are respectively over- and under-estimated over the whole of France. Two analogue subselection methods are therefore developed with the aim of keeping unchanged the structure of the SANDHY method while reducing those seasonal biases. The calendar selection keeps the closest analogue dates in the year for each target date. The stepwise selection applies two new analogy steps based on similarity of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and the large-scale Two-metre Temperature (T2m). Comparisons to the SAFRAN reanalysis over 1959–2007 and to homogenized series over the whole 20th century show that biases in the interannual cycle of precipitation and temperature are reduced with both methods. The stepwise subselection moreover leads to a large improvement of interannual correlation and reduction of errors in seasonal temperature time series. When the calendar subselection is an easily applicable method suitable in a quantitative precipitation forecast context, the stepwise subselection method allows for potential season shifts and SST trends and is therefore better suited for climate reconstructions and climate change studies. The probabilistic downscaling of 20CR over the period 1871–2012 with the SANDHY probabilistic downscaling method combined with the stepwise subselection thus constitutes a perfect framework for assessing the recent observed meteorological events but also future events projected by climate change impact studies and putting them in a~historical perspective.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 635-662 ◽  
Laurie Caillouet ◽  
Jean-Philippe Vidal ◽  
Eric Sauquet ◽  
Benjamin Graff

Abstract. This work proposes a daily high-resolution probabilistic reconstruction of precipitation and temperature fields in France over the 1871–2012 period built on the NOAA Twentieth Century global extended atmospheric reanalysis (20CR). The objective is to fill in the spatial and temporal data gaps in surface observations in order to improve our knowledge on the local-scale climate variability from the late nineteenth century onwards. The SANDHY (Stepwise ANalogue Downscaling method for HYdrology) statistical downscaling method, initially developed for quantitative precipitation forecast, is used here to bridge the scale gap between large-scale 20CR predictors and local-scale predictands from the Safran high-resolution near-surface reanalysis, available from 1958 onwards only. SANDHY provides a daily ensemble of 125 analogue dates over the 1871–2012 period for 608 climatically homogeneous zones paving France. Large precipitation biases in intermediary seasons are shown to occur in regions with high seasonal asymmetry like the Mediterranean. Moreover, winter and summer temperatures are respectively over- and under-estimated over the whole of France. Two analogue subselection methods are therefore developed with the aim of keeping the structure of the SANDHY method unchanged while reducing those seasonal biases. The calendar selection keeps the analogues closest to the target calendar day. The stepwise selection applies two new analogy steps based on similarity of the sea surface temperature (SST) and the large-scale 2 m temperature (T). Comparisons to the Safran reanalysis over 1959–2007 and to homogenized series over the whole twentieth century show that biases in the interannual cycle of precipitation and temperature are reduced with both methods. The stepwise subselection moreover leads to a large improvement of interannual correlation and reduction of errors in seasonal temperature time series. When the calendar subselection is an easily applicable method suitable in a quantitative precipitation forecast context, the stepwise subselection method allows for potential season shifts and SST trends and is therefore better suited for climate reconstructions and climate change studies. The probabilistic downscaling of 20CR over the period 1871–2012 with the SANDHY probabilistic downscaling method combined with the stepwise subselection thus constitutes a perfect framework for assessing the recent observed meteorological events but also future events projected by climate change impact studies and putting them in a historical perspective.

Kanawut Chattrairat ◽  
Waranyu Wongseree ◽  
Adisorn Leelasantitham

The climate change which is essential for daily life and especially agriculture has been forecasted by global climate models (GCMs) in the past few years. Statistical downscaling method (SD) has been used to improve the GCMs and enables the projection of local climate. Many pieces of research have studied climate change in case of individually seasonal temperature and precipitation for simulation; however, regional difference has not been included in the calculation. In this research, four fundamental SDs, linear regression (LR), Gaussian process (GP), support vector machine (SVM) and deep learning (DL), are studied for daily maximum temperature (TMAX), daily minimum temperature (TMIN), and precipitation (PRCP) based on the statistical relationship between the larger-scale climate predictors and predictands in Thailand. Additionally, the data sets of climate variables from over 45 weather stations overall in Thailand are used to calculate in this calculation. The statistical analysis of two performance criteria (correlation and root mean square error (RMSE)) shows that the DL provides the best performance for simulation. The TMAX and TMIN were calculated and gave a similar trend for all models. PRCP results found that in the North and South are adequate and poor performance due to high and low precipitation, respectively. We illustrate that DL is one of the suitable models for the climate change problem.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-81 ◽  
L. Gerlitz ◽  
O. Conrad ◽  
J. Böhner

Abstract. The heterogeneity of precipitation rates in high-mountain regions is not sufficiently captured by state-of-the-art climate reanalysis products due to their limited spatial resolution. Thus there exists a large gap between the available data sets and the demands of climate impact studies. The presented approach aims to generate spatially high resolution precipitation fields for a target area in central Asia, covering the Tibetan Plateau and the adjacent mountain ranges and lowlands. Based on the assumption that observed local-scale precipitation amounts are triggered by varying large-scale atmospheric situations and modified by local-scale topographic characteristics, the statistical downscaling approach estimates local-scale precipitation rates as a function of large-scale atmospheric conditions, derived from the ERA-Interim reanalysis and high-resolution terrain parameters. Since the relationships of the predictor variables with local-scale observations are rather unknown and highly nonlinear, an artificial neural network (ANN) was utilized for the development of adequate transfer functions. Different ANN architectures were evaluated with regard to their predictive performance. The final downscaling model was used for the cellwise estimation of monthly precipitation sums, the number of rainy days and the maximum daily precipitation amount with a spatial resolution of 1 km2. The model was found to sufficiently capture the temporal and spatial variations in precipitation rates in the highly structured target area and allows for a detailed analysis of the precipitation distribution. A concluding sensitivity analysis of the ANN model reveals the effect of the atmospheric and topographic predictor variables on the precipitation estimations in the climatically diverse subregions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 287 (1929) ◽  
pp. 20200358
Junfeng Tang ◽  
Ronald R. Swaisgood ◽  
Megan A. Owen ◽  
Xuzhe Zhao ◽  
Wei Wei ◽  

Climate change is one of the most pervasive threats to biodiversity globally, yet the influence of climate relative to other drivers of species depletion and range contraction remain difficult to disentangle. Here, we examine climatic and non-climatic correlates of giant panda ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ) distribution using a large-scale 30 year dataset to evaluate whether a changing climate has already influenced panda distribution. We document several climatic patterns, including increasing temperatures, and alterations to seasonal temperature and precipitation. We found that while climatic factors were the most influential predictors of panda distribution, their importance diminished over time, while landscape variables have become relatively more influential. We conclude that the panda's distribution has been influenced by changing climate, but conservation intervention to manage habitat is working to increasingly offset these negative consequences.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 3725-3743 ◽  
Allison C. Michaelis ◽  
Gary M. Lackmann ◽  
Walter A. Robinson

Abstract. We present multi-seasonal simulations representative of present-day and future environments using the global Model for Prediction Across Scales – Atmosphere (MPAS-A) version 5.1 with high resolution (15 km) throughout the Northern Hemisphere. We select 10 simulation years with varying phases of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and integrate each for 14.5 months. We use analyzed sea surface temperature (SST) patterns for present-day simulations. For the future climate simulations, we alter present-day SSTs by applying monthly-averaged temperature changes derived from a 20-member ensemble of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 5 (CMIP5) general circulation models (GCMs) following the Representative Concentration Pathway (RCP) 8.5 emissions scenario. Daily sea ice fields, obtained from the monthly-averaged CMIP5 ensemble mean sea ice, are used for present-day and future simulations. The present-day simulations provide a reasonable reproduction of large-scale atmospheric features in the Northern Hemisphere such as the wintertime midlatitude storm tracks, upper-tropospheric jets, and maritime sea-level pressure features as well as annual precipitation patterns across the tropics. The simulations also adequately represent tropical cyclone (TC) characteristics such as strength, spatial distribution, and seasonal cycles for most Northern Hemisphere basins. These results demonstrate the applicability of these model simulations for future studies examining climate change effects on various Northern Hemisphere phenomena, and, more generally, the utility of MPAS-A for studying climate change at spatial scales generally unachievable in GCMs.

2011 ◽  
Vol 24 (16) ◽  
pp. 4368-4384 ◽  
Enrico Scoccimarro ◽  
Silvio Gualdi ◽  
Alessio Bellucci ◽  
Antonella Sanna ◽  
Pier Giuseppe Fogli ◽  

Abstract In this paper the interplay between tropical cyclones (TCs) and the Northern Hemispheric ocean heat transport (OHT) is investigated. In particular, results from a numerical simulation of the twentieth-century and twenty-first-century climates, following the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) twentieth-century run (20C3M) and A1B scenario protocols, respectively, have been analyzed. The numerical simulations have been performed using a state-of-the-art global atmosphere–ocean–sea ice coupled general circulation model (CGCM) with relatively high-resolution (T159) in the atmosphere. The CGCM skill in reproducing a realistic TC climatology has been assessed by comparing the model results from the simulation of the twentieth century with available observations. The model simulates tropical cyclone–like vortices with many features similar to the observed TCs. Specifically, the simulated TCs exhibit realistic structure, geographical distribution, and interannual variability, indicating that the model is able to capture the basic mechanisms linking the TC activity with the large-scale circulation. The cooling of the surface ocean observed in correspondence of the TCs is well simulated by the model. TC activity is shown to significantly increase the poleward OHT out of the tropics and decrease the poleward OHT from the deep tropics on short time scales. This effect, investigated by looking at the 100 most intense Northern Hemisphere TCs, is strongly correlated with the TC-induced momentum flux at the ocean surface, where the winds associated with the TCs significantly weaken (strengthen) the trade winds in the 5°–18°N (18°–30°N) latitude belt. However, the induced perturbation does not impact the yearly averaged OHT. The frequency and intensity of the TCs appear to be substantially stationary through the entire 1950–2069 simulated period, as does the effect of the TCs on the OHT.

2020 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-428 ◽  
Michael A. Alexander ◽  
Sang-ik Shin ◽  
James D. Scott ◽  
Enrique Curchitser ◽  
Charles Stock

AbstractROMS, a high-resolution regional ocean model, was used to study how climate change may affect the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. A control (CTRL) simulation was conducted for the recent past (1976–2005), and simulations with additional forcing at the surface and lateral boundaries, obtained from three different global climate models (GCMs) using the RCP8.5 scenario, were conducted to represent the future (2070–99). The climate change response was obtained from the difference between the CTRL and each of the three future simulations. All three ROMS simulations indicated large increases in sea surface temperatures (SSTs) over most of the domain except off the eastern U.S. seaboard resulting from weakening of the Gulf Stream. There are also substantial intermodel differences in the response, including a southward shift of the Gulf Stream in one simulation and a slight northward shift in the other two, with corresponding changes in eddy activity. The depth of maximum warming varied among the three simulations, resulting in differences in the bottom temperature response in coastal regions, including the Gulf of Maine and the West Florida Shelf. The surface salinity decreased in the northern part of the domain and increased in the south in all three experiments, although the freshening extended much farther south in one ROMS simulation relative to the other two, and also relative to the GCM that provided the large-scale forcing. Thus, while high resolution allows for a better representation of currents and bathymetry, the response to climate change can vary considerably depending on the large-scale forcing.

2020 ◽  
Felicitas Hansen ◽  
Danijel Belusic ◽  
Klaus Wyser

<p>The large-scale atmospheric circulation is one of the most important factors influencing weather and climate conditions on different timescales. Its short- and long-term changes considerably determine both mean and extreme values of surface parameters like temperature or precipitation rates. Future changes of circulation patterns are of particular interest as these may significantly alter or amplify the expected thermodynamic changes due to changing concentrations of greenhouse gases, albedo and land use. We analyse both historical as well as future climate simulations of the SMHI large ensemble (S-LENS) performed with the EC-Earth3 global climate model to examine large-scale circulation situations and their association to extremes in precipitation and temperature over Sweden. Various methods exist to classify mostly sea level pressure or geopotential height fields into characteristic circulation types, and we compare several of these methods for their applicability to represent precipitation and temperature variability over our region of interest. S-LENS consists of a 50-member ensemble for a historical period (1970-2014) and four 50-member climate change scenario ensembles covering the 21st century differing in terms of assumptions made for future radiative forcing development. We study the efficiency of circulation types in the historical period to give rise to extremes, and examine further the frequency and within-type changes of those circulation types associated with extremes by the middle and the end of the 21st century under the different climate change scenarios. S-LENS with its comparatively large number of both multi-decadal scenarios and realizations for each scenario serves as a perfect testbed to study potential changes in events of low frequency within the environment of a single model.</p>

2020 ◽  
Michael Andrew Manalili ◽  
Guy Schumann ◽  
Lara Prades ◽  
Sophia Rosa ◽  
Domingos Reane ◽  

<p>Floods and their impacts are highly local in nature and vulnerable population and exposed assets are most at risk in coastal monsoonal regions. This is aggravated if the region is also exposed to tropical cyclones, such as Mozambique and the Licungo basin along the eastern coastline of the country.</p><p>In order to be better prepared against future high-impact flood events, Mozambique’s National Institute for Disaster Management (INGC) has mapped the watershed of the country’s central Licungo River with drones to reduce flood risks and improve emergency response planning. The mapping is intended to “minimize risks” and promote timely preparation of actions when cyclones and floods are expected in the area.</p><p>In the proposed project, the acquired drone terrain model and collected field data (water levels) will be used to drive a bespoke localized 2-D flood model to accurately reproduce flood hazard and risk in the central Licungo basin for the 2013 and 2015 flood disasters. In addition, high-resolution population and exposure layers have been used to define bespoke local flood risk maps.</p><p>Accurate flood risk assessment of past events at the local scale can better inform decision support systems and facilitate the decision-making process and preparedness for future high-impact events. Knowing who is at risk where and when is vital information that is missing in many vulnerable regions and is most of the time not available at the required local level.</p><p>Moreover, global or large-scale flood prediction models do not contain the necessary detail to infer meaningful flood risk at the local level and such models are known to be inaccurate, albeit they represent best efforts at the scales they are simulating. However, to what degree these models are wrong at the local scale of impact and what is needed to improve them is not known, largely because local flood data and bespoke predictions of flood risk are missing at the local scale for many vulnerable regions. The collected high-resolution data and the local flood risk assessment this project proposes would allow the validation of large-scale modeling efforts thereby advancing our understanding of model limitations and would create opportunities to improve them at large scales.</p>

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