scholarly journals La bi-langue ou l’(en)jeu de l’écriture bilingue chez Abdelkebir Khatibi

Abdelouahed Mabrour

“Quand j ’écris en français, ma langue maternelle se met en retrait: elle s ’écrase. Elle rentre au harem. Qui parle alors? Qui écrit? Mais elle revient (comme on dit). Et je travaille à la faire revenir quand elle me manque” (Khatibi 1978: 49). This statement made by Abdelkebir Khatibi, a Moroccan sociologist, poet and essayist, can clearly be seen in a number of his writings. In this article, we will attempt to examine closely the staging of this inter/trans-cultural experience that the author-narrator designates by a bilangue. Amour bilingue is a text in which romance and autobiography meet providing a suitable example of this peculiar, complex and priviliged situation which prevails in Morocco and on an extended scale, the Maghreb countries. The pro blematic (conceptual order) of bi/multi-lingualism coupled with a di/tri-glossia is treated by Khatibi under a fictional and poetic outlook. The bi-langue is considered by the author-narrated as a “between-two ”, a third language by means of which he succeeded in assuming the coexistence in him of a foreign language (the language of the other which no one still considers as a colonizing language anymore, the instrument of cultural uprooting) and of the mother tongue.

Hans-Jörg Schwenk

The present paper deals with the relationship between contrastive linguistics on the one hand and foreign language teaching on the other hand, more precisely, with the influence exerted by the first on the latter. It goes without saying that a teacher who teaches his mother tongue is expected to teach it as completely and correctly as possible. Yet the complete and correct teaching of any language depends on the teacher’s complete and correct knowledge of the given language and, comes to that, his awareness of this knowledge. It could be shown and proven on various examples that this aim can only be reached by the way of analyzing an other / a foreign language and comparing it with the language / the mother tongue to be teached, that, as much as paradoxical this may sound, self-understanding quite often needs the understanding of the other.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 49
Raswan Raswan

As well as other learning process, the successful Arabic learning can be achieved through several steps. This study aims to explain those steps, and it uses library research. Method of this study covers finding data and sources related to the contrastive analysis in Arabic learning; analyzing the data as well as the sources; and drawing conclusion. The approach used in the learning process can be categorized as a learning difficult foreign language, if it is considered as the perspective in understanding the material. The difficult language is particularly the one that has different systems/subsystems with mother tongue. On the other hand, if the approach is considered as a belief, the successful key to achieve is the use of contrastive analysis. We have to work hard to overcome students' learning difficulties by doing contrastive approach and analysis firstly. However, the most significant part is the goal using contrastive analysis. As the result of this study, hopefully learning Arabic occurs progressively, and absolutely the teaching materials and learning steps need teachers’ ability in mastering the contrasted languages. That is the main factor in achieving the learning to be developed further in using this approach.

François Paré

Cette étude propose une réflexion sur la figure asymptotique du sujet marginalisé dans certains écrits du romancier et essayiste marocain Abdelkébir Khatibi. Chez l’auteur de La mémoire tatouée, du Livre du sang et d’Amour bilingue, l’écriture témoigne d’une profonde rupture avec la famille et la brutalité de l’enfance. La question de la langue maternelle s’y pose de façon singulièrement marquée, faisant ressortir d’anciennes hiérarchies, et provoque chez l’écrivain une vision lyrique de l’origine perdue. La langue première est marquée par la substitution et l’absence. L’objectif de l’article est d’étudier ce qui, chez Khatibi, détermine ce deuil de l’origine et propulse l’œuvre dans une quête initiatique visant à légitimer la filiation rompue.   Abstract   This study offers a reflection on the asymptotic figure of the marginalized subject in certain writings of the Moroccan novelist and essayist Abdelkébir Khatibi. For the author of La mémoire tatouée, Le livre du sang, and Amour bilingue, literature testifies to a deep rupture with family and the brutality of childhood. The question of the mother tongue arises in a singularly marked way, bringing out old hierarchies, and provoking in the writer a lyrical vision of a lost origin. The first language is marked by substitution and absence. This article aims to uncover what determines, in Khatibi’s work, this longing for the origin and the attempts at legitimizing the broken filiation.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 176
Sayana Movsum Baghirova

In the scientific literature, the symbols L1 (Language 1) and L2 (Language 2) are used to indicate the sequence of languages. In most countries, L1 is understood as a first language, and it usually coincides with the mother tongue. The other languages are learned later. This can be seen in the children of multilingual parents. Teaching a second foreign language covers everything a student hears and sees in a new language. This includes a variety of discourse activities, such as exchanges in restaurants and shops, talking to friends, reading billboards and newspapers, as well as teacher-student attitudes in the classroom, as well as language activities and books in the classroom. Regardless of the learning environment, the learner's goal is to master a target language. The learner starts the task of learning a second language from scratch (or close to it) and uses the necessary language skills in the mother tongue to determine the reciprocity of language units in the target language.

Lipar ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol XXI (73) ◽  
pp. 217-231
Marija Vujovic

The studies that analyze the interlanguage of plurilingual speakers have been the focus of linguists’ interest for the past three decades, since empirical researches have proved that both students’ mother tongue and non-mother tongue can be a resource for transfer when learning a new language. The paper analyzes orthographic errors made by Serbophone students of philology who study two typologically similar languages - Italian and Spanish, which arose as a result of a negative transfer from one language to another. The presented errors prove that the negative transfer is stronger in typologically closely related languages than in those that are not, regardless of the order of acquisition (De Bot, 1992; Williams & Hammarberg, 1998; Jarvis, 2000; De Angelis & Selinker, 2001; Cenoz, 2001; Ecke, 2001; Hammarberg, 2001; Ringbom, 2001). Due to the factors of language distance and psychotypology that influenced the appearance of transfers, it has been proved that interlinguistic similarities are the ones that caused the largest number of errors (Swan, 1997) and the appearance of negative lateral transfer, i.e. negative transfer from the second to the third language. The errors did not occur exclusively due to ignorance of the rules of the Spanish language, but they were caused by the influence that the knowledge of the previously acquired Italian had on learning Spanish. Thus, most of the errors were interlingual. Many errors identified in the corpus would not have been made by students who had previously learned another foreign language typologically distant from Spanish. As the largest number of orthographic errors was identified in words that are the same or similar in Italian and Spanish, the claim of many linguists (Williams & Hammarberg, 1998; Cenoz, 2001; De Angelis & Selinker, 2001; Ecke, 2001; Hammarberg, 2001; Ringbom, 2001) that the typological similarity between L2 and L3 facilitates language transfer has been proved. Thus, when studying transfer, one should pay attention not only to the influence of the mother tongue on the target language, but also to the influence of L2 on the target language, especially in the case when L2 is typologically closest to the L3.

10.29007/3mn2 ◽  
2018 ◽  
Oleksandra Iaroslavtseva ◽  
Hanna Skorczynska

Metaphor has been widely recognized as a central tool of our cognitive apparatus, motivating the widespread use of metaphorical words and expressions in language and discourse. Therefore, it is important for language learners to use metaphors in the target language appropriately. The influence of the mother tongue on the use of metaphors in essays written by Spanish learners of English was analysed. Three corpora were used for this study: the experimental corpus contained 100 essays of Spanish-speaking learners of English, 50 with B2 level and 50 with C1 level (CEFR). The other two corpora were used as reference corpora: the British National Corpus (BNC) and the Corpus de Referencia del Español Actual (CREA). MIPVU method (Steen et al., 2010) was used to identify metaphors in the experimental corpus. The quantitative analysis showed that the influence of Spanish on errors in metaphors is higher at B2 level than at C1 level. The results of the analysis are especially helpful for learners and teachers of English as a Foreign Language as well as for testing researchers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-115
Rani Setiawaty

Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini untuk (a) mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam praktik pidato bahasa Indonesia bagi mahasiswa penutur asing; (b) mendeskripsikan pengaruh munculnya bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam praktik pidato bahasa Indonesia bagi mahasiswa penutur asing; (c) mendeskripsikan pemanfaatan temuan sebagai penambah bahan ajar. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, frasa, klausa, kalimat, dan wacana yang mengandung kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam pidato mahasiswa penutur bahasa asing. Sumber data penelitian ini ialah teks pidato mahasiswa yang berasal dari Thailand yang menuntut ilmu di program studi Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik simak dan catat. Teknik analisis data meggunakan metode padan dan agih. Metode padan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa teknik dasar yaitu teknik Pilah Unsur Penentu (PUP). Metode agih berupa berupa teknik perluasan dan baca markah. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan pertama, terdapat bentuk-bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani dalam praktik pidato bahasa Indonesia mahasiswa penutur bahasa asing mencakup bidang fonologi, morfologi, sintaksis, dan sosiolinguistik. Kedua, pengaruh munculnya bentuk kebahasaan Melayu Pattani terdiri atas faktor internal dan eksternal. Faktor internal meliputi bentuk kesalahan berbahasa itu sendiri, sedangkan faktor eksternal meliputi pengaruh latar belakang pendidikan bahasa. Bahasa Thai sebagai bahasa ibu, bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa kedua, dan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa ketiga. Ketiga, hasil temuan dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penambah bahan ajar bahasa Indonesia kelas XI kompetensi dasar 3.16 dan 4.16. Kata Kunci: bentuk kebahasaan, pidato, mahasiswa, penutur asing Abstract The purpose of this study is to (a) describe Pattani's Malay language forms in the practice of Indonesian speech for foreign speaking students; (b) describe the influence of the emergence of Pattani's Malay language form in the practice of Indonesian speech for foreign speaking students; (c) describe the use of findings as enhancers to teaching materials. The data in this study are words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourses that contain Pattani Malay language in the speech of foreign language speakers. The data source of this research is the speech of students from Thailand who are studying in the Indonesian Education Masters program, Muhammadiyah University Surakarta. The data collection technique uses the technique to see and note. The data analysis technique uses the equivalent and fixed method. The equivalent method used in this study is a basic technique, namely the Determination of Determination Element (PUP) technique. The method is in the form of extension techniques and reading markers. The results of the study concluded first, there are Pattani Malay language forms in the practice of Indonesian speech foreign language speakers students cover the fields of phonology, morphology, syntax, and sociolinguistics. Second, the influence of the emergence of Pattani's Malay language form consisted of internal and external factors. Internal factors include the form of language errors themselves, while external factors include the influence of language education background. Thai as a mother tongue, Malay as a second language, and Indonesian as a third language. Third, the findings can be used as enhancers to Indonesian language teaching materials for class XI basic competencies 3.16 and 4.16.  Keywords: linguistic forms, speeches, students, foreign speakers

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (30 (1)) ◽  
pp. 293-300
Carina Brânzilă

Research and experience have long indicated that the acquisition of the mother tongue is different from the acquisition of a non-native language. Also, the efforts and the cognitive impact of language learning are different in childhood compared to adulthood, whereas young people and adults differ in the way they learn and should be taught a foreign language. Learning a new language at the level of a native speaker is a dream all students share, but it may well be impossible and also irrelevant in the context of the ever-changing landscape of a living language. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that the acquisition of a foreign language due to natural exposure or immersion offers better results than its acquisition in a formal learning environment. To complicate matters even further, studies show that acquiring a second language is usually much more difficult than acquiring a third language, for example. Despite all these though, the job of a language teacher, especially of adult students, needs to serve its purpose as well as possible. This article will look into some of the modern trends of teaching not just a foreign language (English), but a specialized one (Business English) to undergraduates in the context of a Romanian university. How can a teacher better accomplish this task? How useful can Business English prove to be to students taking it as a compulsory subject, not by choice? Are there methods to improve its acquisition, especially in the context of the current pandemic? The article will take a closer look at all these, with practical examples of good practices.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114
Ksentini IMENE

RÉSUMÉ. L’expression écrite est une activité complexe qui occupe une place importante dans l’enseignement/apprentissage du français langue étrangère en Algérie. Enseigner le français aux arabophones donne lieu à des contacts entre l’arabe langue maternelle et le français langue étrangère. Ces contacts engendrent des erreurs qui influencent les écrits des apprenants. Cet article vise à repérer, analyser et comprendre les erreurs interférentielles dans les productions écrites des élèves algériens. Le but ultime étant d’y remédier. Pour ce faire, une analyse d’erreurs sera appliquée à un corpus de 30 copies de productions écrites réalisées par des élèves de 3éme année secondaire ainsi qu’une analyse contrastive des systèmes des deux langues en question : l’Arabe et le Français. L’analyse des données recueillies a révélé que ce problème pourrait être provoqué par 3 facteurs : les pratiques scripturales des élèves notamment la difficulté de mettre en œuvre les étapes du processus de production textuelle, les confrontations des deux systèmes linguistiques arabe et français au moment de l’apprentissage ainsi que les pratiques enseignantes, telle que l’évaluation, qui ne ciblent pas les erreurs interférentielles. Mots-clés : contact des langues, erreurs, évaluation, interférences, langue étrangère, langue maternelle, production écrite. ABSTRACT. Written expression is a complex activity that occupies an important place in the teaching / learning of French as a foreign language in Algeria. Teaching French to Arabic speakers leads to contacts between Arabic mother tongue and French as a foreign language. These contacts generate errors that influence student’s writings. This article aims to identify, analyze and understand interferential errors in the written productions of Algerian students. The ultimate goal is to fix it. To do this, an analysis of errors will be applied to a corpus of 30 copies of written productions made by students of the 3rd year secondary as well as a contrastive analysis of the systems of the two languages in question: Arabic and French.The analysis of the collected data revealed that this problem could be caused by 3 factors: the scriptural practices of the pupils notably the difficulty to implement the stages of the process of textual production, the confrontations of the two linguistic systems Arabic and French also to teaching practices, such as evaluation, that do not target interferential errors. Keywords: error, evaluation, foreign language, interference, language contact, mother tongue, written production.

Elisabeth Lamy-Vialle

This chapter discusses the way Katherine Mansfield uses the French language in her short-stories, and specifically in the stories set in France. Mansfield does not only use the French language as a semiological tool but confronts English-speaking readers with a foreign language that constantly interacts with their mother-tongue, imposing on them the Other’s tongue – Derrida’s ‘monolingualism of the Other’. She opens up an in-between space in which the two languages are questioned and unsettled, a process echoing the ‘becoming-other of language’ described by Deleuze. This chapter examines how the tension between English and French reaches a climax in the schizophrenic process at work in ‘Je ne Parle pas français’; language becomes, between the English and the French characters, a ‘cannibal-language’, the aggressive appropriation of the Other through his/her language in order to leave him/her speechless and powerless.

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