2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Dr. Arshad Khan Bangash , Fariha Bibi

This study was carried out with the sole objective to determine the relationship between education and pervasiveness of honour killing in tribal areas of Pakistan under interpretative methodology and qualitative tools of data collection i.e. in-depth interviews. A sample size of 45 participants consisting upon 38 Maliks and 07 government officials from political administration was selected through purposive sampling method. Education is greatly associated with the mitigation of crime and deviancy from society in a positive direction. Likewise, it can play its role in decreasing the rate of honour killing by discouraging such barbaric customary practices. However, with special reference to tribal areas of Pakistan and the practice of honour killing, education does not play its role in true spirit as required. Both educated and illiterate population of tribal areas equally endorsed the norms related to honour and are being involved in honour killing. Moreover, educated women in tribal areas are more prone to honour killing, as they goes beyond the wishes of family patriarch in matters permitted by the religion, values and state constitution. Further, they less likely observed the established norms related to veil and preferred to wear ‘Paranony’ in place of ‘Burqa’. Teaching materials about honour conception and honour killing is neither the part of curriculum nor taught within the class room environment. Lastly, the study concluded that sometimes parents avoids to send their daughters for getting formal education with the fear that after getting education they might violate the established pattern about honour norms. Inclusion of teaching materials about barbaric customary practices in syllabus, creating awareness among the people regarding ultra-judicial killing of women, importance of human life and understanding of women in light of the teachings of Islam and medical sciences were forwarded some of the recommendations in light of the study findings.  

1970 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-29
Mukroji Mukroji

Basically, Islamic education is a continuous, sustainable, and everlasting process of human life. Duties and functions of education are targeted at learners who continue to grow and evolve dynamically, starting from the womb until the end of life. Educational success cannot be separated from the educators, who are essentially the people having the responsibility to educate, guide, direct and lead their learners to get of success both in this world and in the hereafter. Therefore, qualified educators and professionals should have specific criteria and requirements that must be met in order to achieve the purpose of life, and also the properties that adorn his personal duty and responsibility as educators in the view of Islam. A good educator is a person who pays attention to the duties and responsibilities to the students, based on faith and piety to God, and also able to develop the potentials of either the inner or outer (physical, psychological, and spiritual). Pada hakikatnya, pendidikan Islam adalah suatu proses yang berlangsung secara kontinyu dan berkesinambungan dalam kehidupan manusia dan berlangsung sepanjang hayat. Tugas dan fungsi pendidikan memiliki sasaran pada peserta didik yang senantiasa tumbuh dan berkembang secara dinamis, mulai dari kandungan sampai akhir hayatnya dan keberhasilan pendidikan tidak lepas dari aspek pendidik. Pendidik pada hakekatnya adalah orang yang telah mendapatkan amanat dan mempunyai tanggung jawab dunia akherat dalam mendidik, membimbing, mengarahkan dan mengantarkan peserta didik ke gerbang kesuksesan baik di dunia maupun di akherat. Oleh karena itu untuk menjadi pendidik yang berkualitas dan profesional harus memiliki kriteria dan persyaratan tertentu yang harus dipenuhi dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan hidup dan juga sifat-sifat yang menghiasi pribadinya dalam menjalankan tugas dan tanggungjawab sebagai pendidik dalam pandangan Islam. Pendidik yang baik adalah pendidik yang memperhatikan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya terhadap peserta didik, yang dilandasi iman dan taqwa kepada Allah SWT, dan juga mampu mengembangkan potensi yang ada baik lahir maupun batin (jasmani, psikis, maupun rohani).

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
Rose Masubelele

 The telling of stories forms an integral part of human activities. It dominated pre-modern cultures and is still a human preoccupation today. All aspects of human life may be turned into a story, which may take one of many forms. Stories may be original creations in the language and culture in which they are told, or they may be derived—that is, they may be taken from another language and culture. Whatever the case, the people who are telling or retelling the story pattern the language they use in a manner that will arouse interest in their audience. It is against the backdrop of retelling stories that this article examines Ntuli’s use of elements of folklore in his translation of Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom. The elements to be explored in Ntuli’s translation include proverbs and idioms. Gottschall’s notion of The storytelling animal underpins the discussions in this article. Accordingly, the article demonstrates how the use of the elements of folklore helped the translator to adorn his work in order to assert his presence in the text and to relate the receptor to modes of behaviour relevant to their culture. 

مها بنت منصور الصائغ

شهد تاريخ الأمة الإسلامية حضارة ونهضة عالمية في جميع مجالات الحياة الإنسانية، ومما كان له كبير الأثر في ذلك هو الأوقاف التي بدأت مع سيد البشرية محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم واستمرت بتنوع وشمولية إلى عصرنا الحالي؛ ولكن ما تعرضت إليه الأوقاف من إهمال وإقصاء وضياع يرجع لأسباب عديدة من أهمها غياب التوثيق الوقفي. تقوم الدراسة على تتبع مفهوم الوقف والتوثيق، والوقف في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ول سيما في إمارة الشارقة. توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج منها: أن الأوقاف قائمة منذ زمن بعيد، وأن رغبة الواقف بالوقف وإقدامه عليها لم ينقصها سوى وثيقة، وأنه لا وثائق لها ولا مستندات، كما أن العرض الموجز لنشأة دائرة الأوقاف بالشارقة وسعيها لإحياء سنة الوقف ونشر ثقافته نراه يتضح شيئاً فشيئاً من خلال تفعيل مواد القانون والبحث حول الأنسب والأصح لحماية الأوقاف، ولم يكن هذا الاهتمام بالوقف إلا انعكاساً لتوجه الواقفين وتماشياً لرؤية الحكام وامتثالاً لنهج خير الأنام ورغبة في تكافل الأرواح وحباً للسلام. الكلمات المفتاحيّة: الوقف، التوثيق، المقارنة، الشارقة. Abstract The history of Islamic nation has witnessed a global civilization and it has had a great impact in all areas of human life, including the endowments that began with the master of humankind; Muhammad S.A.W. and it was continuing in diversity and comprehensively until our epoch. However, there are some problems related to endowment management such as negligence, exclusion and loss that due to many reasons. Among the most important reasons is the absence of endowment documentations. Therefore, the study aims to discuss the concept of endowment and documentation, as well as the endowment in United Arabic Emirates, especially in the Emirate of Sharjah. The study concluded that the practice of endowment has been existed for a long time, yet there are in need of endowment documentations. This study also found that the information related to the establishment of institution of endowment in Sharjah and its role has   spread widely to the people through the enforcement of the law and the implementation of the research related to the practice of endowment in order to sustain them in a good way. This documentation system was only a reflection of what has  stated in Shariah laws regarding the practice of endowment among the donors, so that it will be in line with the approach of good intentions and love of peace. Keywords: Endowment, Documentation, Comparison, Sharjah.   

Оlena Fedorіvna Caracasidi

The article deals with the fundamental, inherent in most of the countries of the world transformation of state power, its formation, functioning and division between the main branches as a result of the decentralization of such power, its subsidiarity. Attention is drawn to the specifics of state power, its func- tional features in the conditions of sovereignty of the states, their interconnec- tion. It is emphasized that the nature of the state power is connected with the nature of the political system of the state, with the form of government and many other aspects of a fundamental nature.It is analyzed that in the middle of national states the questions of legitima- cy, sovereignty of transparency of state power, its formation are acutely raised. Concerning the practical functioning of state power, a deeper study now needs a problem of separation of powers and the distribution of power. The use of this principle, which ensures the real subsidiarity of the authorities, the formation of more effective, responsible democratic relations between state power and civil society, is the first priority of the transformation of state power in the conditions of modern transformations of countries and societies. It is substantiated that the research of these problems will open up much wider opportunities for the provi- sion of state power not as a center authority, but also as a leading political structure but as a power of the people and the community. In the context of global democratization processes, such processes are crucial for a more humanistic and civilized arrangement of human life. It is noted that local self-government, as a specific form of public power, is also characterized by an expressive feature of a special subject of power (territorial community) as a set of large numbers of people; joint communal property; tax system, etc.

Lyubov Semiv

The scientific hypothesis about the influence of the components of the informational environment on the expansion of human development is tested. The trends in the Ukrainian information space on the level of implementation of informational technology in human life are revealed. The sample survey about living conditions of households in Ukraine in general and the oblasts of the Carpathian region, in particular, is conducted. The ways of use of Internet services by households for involvement of the population in various spheres of public activity and their influence on human development of the oblasts of the Carpathian region are analyzed. The analysis showed a significant reduction in the share of households by objectives: education and training (formal education in school and higher education, distance education, including online activities); software download. The search for information related to health issues and interaction with public authorities has great potential for human development. The paper concludes that the population of the Carpathian region is insufficiently involved in the use of Internet services. Based on the analysis of indicators of the Global Competitiveness Index, the problems in the field of expanding human development opportunities in Ukraine are described. There is mainly a downward trend in the development of areas involved in expanding human development opportunities in the transition to the information economy - education, health, labor, science and innovation. Relevant guidelines for the implementation of state social policy in this area are identified. Social policy as a direction of state regulation of the economy requires a transition from mostly passive to active and effective state social policy. It is necessary to update the mechanisms for conducting active social policy at the level of the state, various administrative, public organizations, and enterprises. Social policy must be closely linked with the implementation of internal reforms in the country (education, health, pensions, taxes and wages, etc.). Social policy measures should be coordinated with measures of other types of state policy - migration, the formation and development of the middle class, the policy of investing in human capital.

2021 ◽  
pp. 002216782110008
Maharaj K. Raina

Greatness, a relative concept, has been historically approached in different ways. Considering greatness of character as different from greatness of talents, some cultures have conceptualized greatness as an expression of human spirit leading to transcending existing patterns and awakening inner selves to new levels of consciousness, rising above times and circumstances, and to change the direction of human tide. Individuals characterized by such greatness working with higher selves, guided by moral and ethical imperatives, and possessing noble impulses of human nature are considered to be manifesting spiritual greatness. Examining such greatness is the goal of this article. Keeping Indian tradition in focus, this article has studied how greatness has been conceptualized in that particular tradition and the way in which life and times have shaped great individuals called Mahāpuruşha who exhibited extraordinary moral responsibility relentlessly in pursuit of their visions of addressing contemporary major issues and changing the direction of human life. Four Mahāpuruşha, who possessed such enduring greatness and excelled in their thoughts and actions to give a new positive direction to human life, have been profiled in this article. Suggestions have also been made for studies on moral and spiritual excellence to help realize our true human path and purpose.

2011 ◽  
Vol 53 (4) ◽  
pp. 722-756
Jon Adams ◽  
Edmund Ramsden

Nestled among E. M. Forster's careful studies of Edwardian social mores is a short story called “The Machine Stops.” Set many years in the future, it is a work of science fiction that imagines all humanity housed in giant high-density cities buried deep below a lifeless surface. With each citizen cocooned in an identical private chamber, all interaction is mediated through the workings of “the Machine,” a totalizing social system that controls every aspect of human life. Cultural variety has ceded to rigorous organization: everywhere is the same, everyone lives the same life. So hopelessly reliant is humanity upon the efficient operation of the Machine, that when the system begins to fail there is little the people can do, and so tightly ordered is the system that the failure spreads. At the story's conclusion, the collapse is total, and Forster's closing image offers a condemnation of the world they had built, and a hopeful glimpse of the world that might, in their absence, return: “The whole city was broken like a honeycomb. […] For a moment they saw the nations of the dead, and, before they joined them, scraps of the untainted sky” (2001: 123). In physically breaking apart the city, there is an extent to which Forster is literalizing the device of the broken society, but it is also the case that the infrastructure of the Machine is so inseparable from its social structure that the failure of one causes the failure of the other. The city has—in the vocabulary of present-day engineers—“failed badly.”

Sovi Dwi Febrian Silva ◽  
Moses Glorino

Introduction: The imbalance between technological development and ideological strengthening has resulted in the fading of the Pancasila ideological values of millennials. Technology that accompanies everyday life seems to be the main character in human life. Yet if humans themselves do not use technology wisely, technology can be a threat to both individuals and the life of the nation and state. If technology is increasingly out of control, threats to the Pancasila ideology are very likely to occur, such as in the G 30S PKI incident. Therefore, it is necessary to take action both from the government and the community as individuals to safeguard the development of technology to be used wisely. That way, we can prevent the threat to the Pancasila ideology together. Writing this article aims to analyze how the role and influence of the Pancasila ideology on the millennial generation in the 4.0 industrial revolution and to find solutions so that the values of Pancasila remain attached to the next generation of the Indonesian nation. Method: Writing This article uses a qualitative method by using literature reviews from the results of related research journals that have been published online through websites and other online media. Results: Thirteen journals and one book have met the criteria for the inclusion of a predetermined review. Research is based on the stigma of society regarding technological developments in the Industrial revolution 4.0. Therefore, the government is expected to be more severe in implementing human capital management. Conclusion: By procuring human capital management, it will be possible that Human Resources (HR) in Indonesia will be able to carry out the ideals of a golden Indonesian generation with Pancasila values inherent in the hearts of the people and the nation's future generations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 28
Rusudan Asatiani ◽  
Natia Dundua ◽  
Marine Ivanishvili

Comparative-historical study of languages makes it possible to represent the diachronic process of structuring the world and forming the corresponding concepts. The abovementioned process is inherently integral and reflected in such socio-cultural areas of human life as language, art, religion, farming, ethno-traditional customs, culture (in its broadest sense), etc. The proto-language reconstructed as a result of the comparative-historical study and the picture of its diachronic development provide some information about the genetic relations between the people speaking the corresponding related languages, about their original homeland and the directions of their historical migrations, about their knowledge, ideas and representations. This time we have analyzed the semantic field of the lexemes denoting the human body parts, which are reconstructed at the Proto-Kartvelian language and exist in the contemporary Kartvelian languages (Georgian, Megrelian, Laz, and Svan) and some dialects (notably, Gurian, Rachian, Xevsurian, and Kiziqian). Our goal is to reveal the semantic structure of the mentioned field, to analyze the respective concepts as well as to outline processes of the development and the establishment of corresponding tokens (resp. lexemes). Vocabulary denoting a human body (resp. Somatic lexemes), its parts and inner organs is a constituent part of the basic core vocabulary of a language and presumably ought to be fixed in the ancient times’ reflecting data. Analysis of the lexical units, which have been reconstructed either at the Common-Kartvelian or Georgian-Zan level on the basis of regular sound correspondences between the Kartvelian languages, allows us to highlight the main course of forming and developing the linguistic units we are concerned with; namely, the accumulation of “knowledge” had been carried out due to the process of differentiation and detailed elaboration of the human body anatomy and respectively, the corresponding semantic field, somatic vocabulary, had been underway to be enriched based on the relation of cognitively interpreted markedness. Language changes and development, formation of new categories and concepts, and consequently, creation of new linguistic units is mainly carried out as the result of detailed elaboration, further specification and partition of unmarked categories: an unmarked category undergoes the division-differentiation on the basis of formally marked oppositions that leads to the formation of new linguistic units and structures and reflects the dynamic picture of enhancement of linguistic cognition of the universe. Dialectic material enriches the semantic space even more and specifies and fills the meanings of lexemes to be studied.

Al-Duhaa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
Ahmed Abdul Rehman ◽  
Ussama Ahmed ◽  
Ahmed Abdullah

ISLAM is the religion that emphases on the overall human life. It covers all aspects of the physical body, the soul or the spirit, the emotion and the intellect. The Almighty Allah has stated that, True believers those who, if we give them power in the land, establish regular prayer and give zakat, enjoin the right and forbid wrong. That So, we can highlight from these directives of the holy Quran that the religious responsibilities of the Muslim rulers are that they protect the Divine bounds; defend the religion and invite the people to Allah by means of argument and good advice. A ruler is a trustee of the people and vicegerent of Allah. The ruler of a Muslim state has, among other things, to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong. What could be right and wrong has been clearly identified in the Quran and sunnah. Some of the acts and behaviors identified which can be promoted more appropriately through positive measures like counselling, motivation, preaching, guidance, creation of appropriate environment, and other similar measures. The most effective of these measures could, however, be what is called exemplifying. It would mean that the ruler should do himself what is right and refrain from doing what is wrong and thereby set an example. Leading by exemplifying has deep psychological and substantial effect on others to follow and emulate. Therefore, the Seerah of the prophet PBUH is the best source for us in this regard. However, it encompasses the efforts made to develop human-being or individual who is pure of heart, pure in mind and pure in deeds where he can function as a member of society, who is civilized and has a high self-esteem. An individual’s awareness towards one’s responsibilities and a high self-esteem can bring for a peaceful and harmonious nation. Thus, the establishment of the Islamic society base on the voice of development together with material values and humanity. Because of which, the role of leaders of Islamic society must be proactive in plotting the path of educational system of the nation based on piety and faith. As for the obligations of ruler in the light of Seerah, I shall refer to the principles which Al-Mawridi r.a has discussed: The preservation of the Faith, true to its origin and in keeping with the consensus of those who participated in the founding of the Ummah, Defense of the Realm. He must carry out the Hadd punishments to ensure the limits prescribed by Allah and so that the rights of general public shall be protected. The other responsibilities are implementation of the principles of Islamic Law, governing disputes, The active propagation of the Faith, The collection of various taxes required by the Shariah, The provision of financial assistance and the assessment of claims against the Treasury, To be solicitous of the public confidence, and to consider fully the council of his advisors in their areas of responsibility, To actively oversee all aspects of government, and to keep himself well and widely informed. This paper thus discusses on the responsibilities of a ruler from the Seerah perspective.

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