2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-93
Yusak Setianto ◽  
Ferry Mahulette

Abstract Ruwatan is a form of ceremony in Javanese society that aims to free people from bad luck and the disasters that will befall on them. Some Javanese Christians who still perform the Ruwatan ceremony. The Ruwatan ceremony itself was rejected by the church and priests, especially the Javanese Christian Church/ Gereja Kristen Jawa (GKJ). This article itself aims to understand the Ruwatan model by Javanese Christians and to review it in a christian ethics related to the implementation of Ruwatan by Javanese Christian. The method used is a qualitative method with a field observation approach. The speakers were Javanese Christians who participated in Ruwatan, cultural practitioner, and priests of GKJ. We found the fact that there are two models of Ruwatan done by Javanese Christians. We give the terms with Javanese Christians A and B. Javanese Christians A do Ruwatan as in general, namely the style of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. While the Javanese Christian B performs Ruwatan that has been contextualized in the form of bidston/ pandonga worship. The Church and GKJ Priests themselves support the Ruwatan model carried out by Javanese Christian B which presents Jesus as the Human Guardian. In conclusion after being reviewed in christian Ethics, the Ruwatan carried out by Javanese Christian A cannot be justified in terms of both the motive and the action. Contrary, the Javanese Christianity B can be accepted and implemented because it is not in conflict with the Bible.   Keywords: ruwatan; javanese christians; bidston/ pakempalan pandonga; javanese christian church; christian ethics   Abstrak Ruwatan merupakan suatu bentuk upacara di masyarakat Jawa yang bertujuan untuk membebaskan manusia dari nasib buruk maupun malapetaka yang akan menimpa dirinya. Tidak sedikit orang Jawa Kristen yang masih melakukan upacara Ruwatan. Upacara Ruwatan sendiri ditolak pelaksanaannya oleh gereja dan pendeta, khususnya Gereja Kristen Jawa (GKJ).  Artikel ini sendiri bertujuan untuk memahami model Ruwatan yang dilakukan orang Jawa Kristen serta meninjauan nya secara etika Kristen terkait pelaksaan Ruwatan oleh orang Jawa Kristen. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan observasi lapangan. Narasumbernya merupakan Orang Jawa Kristen peserta Ruwatan, budayawan, serta pendeta GKJ. Peneliti menemukan fakta bahwa terdapat dua model Ruwatan yang dilakukan oleh orang Jawa Kristen. peneliti memberi istilah dengan Orang Jawa Kristen A dan B. Orang Jawa Kristen A melakukan Ruwatan seperti pada umumnya yaitu bergaya Yogyakarta dan Surakarta. Sedangkan orang Jawa Kristen B melakukan Ruwatan yang telah dikontekstualisasikan dalam bentuk ibadah bidston/ pakempalan pandonga. Gereja dan Pendeta GKJ sendiri mendukung model Ruwatan yang dilakukan oleh orang Jawa Kristen B yang mana menghadirkan Yesus sebagai Juru Ruwat Manusia. Kesimpulannya setelah ditinjau secara etika Kristen, maka Ruwatan yang dilakukan oleh orang Jawa Kristen A tidak dapat dibenarkan baik secara motif dan tindakan pelaksanaannya. Sebaliknya, Ruwatan orang Jawa Kristen B dapat diterima dan dilaksanakan karena tidak bertentangan dengan Alkitab.   Kata Kunci: ruwatan; orang jawa kristen; bidston/ pakempalan pandonga; gereja kristen jawa; etika kristen

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Dadan Wahyu ◽  
Rudolf Sagala ◽  
Stimson Hutagalung ◽  
Rolyana Fernia

The objectives of this study are, first, to provide an explanation of the importance of parenting. Second, Provide guidance to parents in building spiritual children based on the book of Proverbs 22:6. The method that the researcher uses is a qualitative method with a grounded theory approach. Data collection techniques used: the Bible, books, official sources from the internet, and other articles related to the writing of this scientific article. The results of this study are, first, good parenting will encourage children to have an interest in reading the Bible regularly until their old age. Second, so that parents can understand properly and correctly the meaning of the advice written in the book of Proverbs 22:6 in raising their children. That is why parents and the Church from the beginning have played a role in the protection and maintenance of their lives, so that they know the way of truth through God's word every day, so that they become strong individuals in the future, strong in their faith, and fearing God to make life a blessing or meaning to others.

2003 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 8-15
John Brewer

Sexuality is an obsession of the Christian Church. It is one of the social behaviours that it has tried most to control amongst its flock and yet the Christian Church has failed to prevent the encroachment of modern attitudes towards sex and sexuality into the Church as an institution. The furore over the proposed appointment of an openly gay bishop in the Church of England is but the latest expression of this tension. However, this paper argues that this debate needs to be placed in a much broader context, namely, the hermeneutical problem of the authority of the Bible, which is itself only one part of a wider sociology of the Bible. The current debate on sexuality in the Church highlights the need for sociology to begin to apply its way of thinking to the Bible.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-41
John Riches

‘The making of the Bible’ discusses the process whereby different books came to be included in the various Bibles (a term first used by the Churches) which are now accepted as authoritative (canonical) by various religious communities, Jewish and Christian. This process is often referred to as the canonization of scripture. It is important to look first at the formation of the Hebrew Bible and its Greek version, the Septuagint. While the Septuagint started life as a translation for Jews living in the Diaspora, it was subsequently taken up by the Christian community as the medium through which the Old Testament was known in the Church. The language of the Septuagint also influenced many of the writers of the Christian New Testament. The authoritative writings of the Christian Church were in the first instance largely identical with the Jewish scriptures. It is valuable to consider the process whereby Christian writings, principally letters and gospels, were collected and recognized as authoritative alongside other Jewish writings.

Desi Sianipar ◽  
Wahyu A. Rini ◽  
Demsy Jura

Karyawan yang bekerja di gereja perlu mendapatkan pembinaan secara berkala, khususnya menyangkut komitmen mereka dalam melayani di lingkungan gereja. Dengan adanya pembinaan mengenai hal ini, semangat dan produktivitas mereka dapat ditingkatkan. Untuk itu, kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan tentang komitmen melayani berdasarkan ajaran dalam Alkitab pada karyawan Kristen di lingkungan Gereja-gereja Kristen Jawa (GKJ) klasis Jakarta Bagian Timur. Metode yang digunakan adalah seminar dan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan tanya jawab dan diskusi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah karyawan merasakan bahwa seminar ini sangat bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan pemahaman mereka mengenai makna komitmen melayani menurut iman Kristen, dan mereka termotivasi untuk melakukan pelayanan yang lebih baik lagi. Hal ini terlihat dari antusiasme mereka dalam sesi tanya jawab, diskusi, dan hasil angket yang mereka isi setelah selesai kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Mereka juga mengusulkan supaya kegiatan pembinaan yang bertujuan meningkatkan komitmen mereka dalam melayani  diadakan secara berkala oleh GKJ Klasis Jakarta Bagian Timur.   Kata Kunci: komitmen melayani  Abstract Employees who work in the church need to get regular guidance, especially regarding their commitment to serving in the church environment. With the guidance on this matter, their enthusiasm and productivity can be improved. For this reason, Community Service activities (PkM) aim to provide knowledge about the commitment to serve based on the teachings in the Bible to Christian employees in the Javanese Christian Church (GKJ) East Jakarta area. The method used is a seminar and then followed by question and answer and discussion. The results of this activity are that employees feel that this seminar is very useful to improve their understanding of the meaning of commitment to serve according to the Christian faith, and they are motivated to do better service. This can be seen from their enthusiasm in the question and answer session, discussion, and the results of the questionnaire they filled in after the community service activities were completed. They also proposed that coaching activities aimed at increasing their commitment in service be held regularly by GKJ Klasis Timur Jakarta.   Keywords: commitment to serve

Perichoresis ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-59
Marion L. S. Carson

Abstract Christians look to Scripture to inform their ethical decision-making, believing that God speaks through it. However, disagreement as to what the Bible requires us to do can often lead to acrimonious splits within the church. So long as sharp divisions amongst Christians over ethical issues remain, injustices continue, and the reputation of the church is undermined. This article suggests that lessons may be learned from the story of the use of the Bible in the American Abolitionism debate which can help the contemporary church to discuss and perhaps even resolve some enduring ethical questions which are dividing Christians today.

Johnnie Glad

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (also known as the Mormon Church) was established on April 6, 1830, by Joseph Smith, Jr. in Fayette, New York. The Mormon Church claims to be not only a Christian church, but also the only true church here on earth. In addition to the Bible, this church has several authoritative sacred scriptures, such as the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Pearl of Great Price.One of the issues that has haunted the Mormon Church down through the years and caused considerable embarrassment and unrest, has been the race issue. Why were Negroes prohibited from entering the priesthood? Why were the Indians and the Negroes stigmatized? Why should a white skin be considered better and more favourable than a dark skin?The intention of this article is to throw some light on this issue and see how it developed during the previous century. It is important in this context to examine the Mormon scriptures. What did they have to say about this issue? And what about the church leaders? How did they look upon and tackle these problems? The leaders of the church had great authority and power. What they said and did had far-reaching consequences in the church and created a pattern for other to follow. The following century is a case in point.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Marulak Pasaribu

The purpose of the Bible itself is to enable human to understand God and His will. Therefore, it is vital to be translated to languages so that individuals can read and understand His Word. However, the translation of the Bible to other languages often meets difficulties due to differences in diction between the source language and the target languages. Besides, one word in a language may have different senses which are related and dynamic. The goal of this research is to find the appropriate translation of the word gunh in Paul’s letter, specifically 1 Chorintian 14:34-35 and 1 Timothy 2:11-12 and to find the position of women’s leadership in the church. The research is carried out using descriptive-qualitative method focusing in elaborating the diction found in different translations of the Bible, such as Greek, English and Bahasa Indonesia. The finding shows that the translation of the word gunh  in Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI) is not accurate. Instead of translating the word gunh  to wife, the institution translate the word into women in general. The recommend that LAI edit the translation of the Bible and that the church leader allow women to be leader in the congregation.AbstrakPenerjemahan Alkitab ke dalam bahasa lain bukan pekerjaan mudah. Tidak adanya padanan kata yang tepat dan akurat  dari kata aslinya ke dalam bahasa si pembaca dan terdapat banyak kata memiliki variasi makna yang saling terkait dan memunyai makna yang luwes adalah sebagian kendala dalam penerjemahan Alkitab. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan terjemahan yang tepat istilah gunh (gune) dalam 1 Korintus 14:34-35 dan 1 Timotius 2:11-12 dan bagaimana kedudukan wanita dalam kepemimpinan jemaat. Penelitian ini meneliti data dengan pendekatan deskriptif-kualitatif, yang menekankan pada penjelasan berdasarkan studi kata dengan sumber data yang digunakan adalah Alkitab berbahasa Yunani, Inggris dan Indonesia. Temuan hasil penelitian ini adalah bahwa terjemahan Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia (LAI) yang menerjemahkan istilah gunh  dengan perempuan tidak akurat. Yang benar adalah istri dan bukan “perempuan secara umum”. Rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini ditujukan kepada LAI agar mengoreksi terjemahannya dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan kepada para pemimpin gereja untuk dapat menerima perempuan  ditahbiskan menduduki kepemimpinan dalam jemaat.  

2009 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
Pieter M. Venter

Inclusivism and exclusivism: A study of two trendsThe identity of the church can be either inclusivist or exclusivist. Van Ruler’s theocratic theology views the church as being an inclusive community in service of God’s kingdom. It is the vehicle God uses to introduce his kingdom into the world. According to Van Ruler, however, the church also shows a unique character based on its relationship with Jesus Christ. Although the church can take many forms, Van Ruler’s opinion is that the Christian Church could be advised by Old Testament Israel in this regard. This study shows that both inclusivist and exclusivist trends are present in the Old as well as the New Testament. The New Testament inherited the debate between these two opposing stances from the time of the Second Temple. Returning from exile, Sadocitic priests propagated an exclusivist identity for the Judaeans. Their viewpoint was based on the programme of Ezekiel 40–48, as is illustrated in the literature of Ezra–Nehemiah, the Priestly Writing, Chronicles and Jubilees. On the other hand, indeed there was an inclusivist approach as well, as is depicted in the books of Jonah, Ruth, Trito-Isaiah and even Numbers and Joshua. The conclusion drawn from the study is that both exclusivist and inclusivist trends are present in the Bible. Although the church does not have any other option in the present postmodern world but to be primarily an inclusive community, it should also show some form of exclusivism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-23 ◽  
Jeppe Bach Nikolajsen

Abstract In all its diversity, Lutheran ethics places a pronounced emphasis on the universal aspects of theological ethics. This article argues that due to the increasing pluralization of many societies in recent decades, however, it is becoming more and more relevant to develop the particular aspects of theological ethics in the Lutheran tradition. Holding together both the universal and particular aspects of theological ethics constitutes a position of relevance for a pluralistic societal situation. Such a position enables the Christian church to maintain its distinctiveness and, at the same time, to be engaged in dialogue with other positions. In this way, the church will at once stand for a tradition-determined distinctiveness and be engaged in a tradition-transcending dialogue. Consequently, this position is characterized by both distinctiveness and openness.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 200-219
Yesri Talan

Luke introduces Jesus' inclusive ministry to preach the gospel, fellowship and serve the excluded. In this context, people who are paralyzed, blind, deaf, poor, tax collectors who are considered sinful, they are the center of His attention. By observing the current mission which is oriented to the church planting mission, it is necessary to transform. The intended transformation is to change the motive of the church planting mission to a mission that is not an anthropocentric mission but a mission to glorify God. The method used in writing this scientific paper is a qualitative method. Literature study and the Bible as the main source in explaining. Aside from literature and Bible study sources, the sources obtained are based on facts from field observations.

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