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2022 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
Svein Åge Kjøs Johnsen ◽  
Maren Østvold Lindheim ◽  
Åshild Lappegard ◽  

Background and aim: The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how we can use nature cabins and their natural surroundings therapeutically. Method: Published research of relevance for this therapeutic practice is discussed in relation to and informed by experiences from practice, collected through conversations with therapists using the Outdoor care retreat at Rikshospitalet in Norway. Results: The literature review demonstrates how therapy in nature cabins can influence cognitive and emotional processes. All physical environments carry symbolic meanings; therefore, no therapy setting is neutral, and the setting will affect the client and therapist. Place attachment may contribute to create a safe foundation for exploration and self-development. The experiences from practice demonstrate how nature and natural objects are rich in potential for the creative application of symbols in therapy and opens for different stories on growth and development. Conclusions and implications: The evidence-based approach of this article supplies a therapeutic rationale to use cabins in natural surroundings more strategically for positive therapeutic outcomes. Keywords: nature, architecture, therapy settings, hospital environments

2008 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-49
James L. Coyle

Abstract The modern clinician is a research consumer. Rehabilitation of oropharyngeal impairments, and prevention of the adverse outcomes of dysphagia, requires the clinician to select interventions for which evidence of a reasonable likelihood of a successful, important outcome exists. The purpose of this paper is to provide strategies for evaluation of published research regarding treatment of oropharyngeal dysphagia. This article utilizes tutorial and examples to inform and educate practitioners in methods of appraising published research. It provides and encourages the use of methods of efficiently evaluating the validity and clinical importance of published research. Additionally, it discusses the importance of the ethical obligation we, as practitioners, have to use evidence-based treatment selection methods and measurement of patient performance during therapy. The reader is provided with tactics for evaluating treatment studies to establish a study's validity and, thereby, objectively select interventions. The importance of avoiding subjective or unsubstantiated claims and using objective methods of generating empirical clinical evidence is emphasized. The ability to evaluate the quality of research provides clinicians with objective intervention selection as an important, essential component of evidence-based clinical practice. ASHA Code of Ethics (2003): Principle I, Rule F: “Individuals shall fully inform the persons they serve of the nature and possible effects of services rendered and products dispensed…” (p. 2) Principle I, Rule G: “Individuals shall evaluate the effectiveness of services rendered and of products dispensed and shall provide services or dispense products only when benefit can reasonably be expected.” (p. 2) Principle IV, Rule G: “Individuals shall not provide professional services without exercising independent professional judgment, regardless of referral source or prescription.” (p. 4)

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Antonio Marcos Andrade

Em 2005, o grego John Loannidis, professor da Universidade de Stanford, publicou um artigo na PLOS Medicine intitulado “Why most published research findings are false” [1]. Ele que é dos pioneiros da chamada “meta-ciência”, disciplina que analisa o trabalho de outros cientistas, avaliou se estão respeitando as regras fundamentais que definem a boa ciência. Esse trabalho foi visto com muito espanto e indignação por parte dos pesquisadores na época, pois colocava em xeque a credibilidade da ciência.Para muitos cientistas, isso acontece porque a forma de se produzir conhecimento ficou diferente, ao ponto que seria quase irreconhecível para os grandes gênios dos séculos passados. Antigamente, se analisavam os dados em estado bruto, os autores iam às academias reproduzir suas experiências diante de todos, mas agora isso se perdeu porque os estudos são baseados em seis milhões de folhas de dados. Outra questão importante que garantia a confiabilidade dos achados era que os cientistas, independentemente de suas titulações e da relevância de suas descobertas anteriores, tinham que demonstrar seus novos achados diante de seus pares que, por sua vez, as replicavam em seus laboratórios antes de dar credibilidade à nova descoberta. Contudo, na atualidade, essas garantias veem sendo esquecidas e com isso colocando em xeque a validade de muitos estudos na área de saúde.Preocupados com a baixa qualidade dos trabalhos atuais, um grupo de pesquisadores se reuniram em 2017 e construíram um documento manifesto que acabou de ser publicado no British Medical Journal “Evidence Based Medicine Manifesto for Better Health Care” [2]. O Documento é uma iniciativa para a melhoria da qualidade das evidências em saúde. Nele se discute as possíveis causas da pouca confiabilidade científica e são apresentadas algumas alternativas para a correção do atual cenário. Segundo seus autores, os problemas estão presentes nas diferentes fases da pesquisa:Fases da elaboração dos objetivos - Objetivos inúteis. Muito do que é produzido não tem impacto científico nem clínico. Isso porque os pesquisadores estão mais interessados em produzir um número grande de artigos do que gerar conhecimento. Quase 85% dos trabalhos não geram nenhum benefício direto a humanidade.Fase do delineamento do estudo - Estudos com amostras subdimensionados, que não previnem erros aleatórios. Métodos que não previnem erros sistemáticos (viés na escolha das amostras, falta de randomização correta, viés de confusão, desfechos muito abertos). Em torno de 35% dos pesquisadores assumem terem construídos seus métodos de maneira enviesada.Fase de análise dos dados - Trinta e cinco por cento dos pesquisadores assumem práticas inadequadas no momento de análise dos dados. Muitos assumem que durante esse processo realizam várias análises simultaneamente, e as que apresentam significância estatística são transformadas em objetivos no trabalho. As revistas também têm sua parcela de culpa nesse processo já que os trabalhos com resultados positivos são mais aceitos (2x mais) que trabalhos com resultados negativos.Fase de revisão do trabalho - Muitos revisores de saúde não foram treinados para reconhecer potenciais erros sistemáticos e aleatórios nos trabalhos.Em suma é necessário que pesquisadores e revistas científicas pensem nisso. Só assim, teremos evidências de maior qualidade, estimativas estatísticas adequadas, pensamento crítico e analítico desenvolvido e prevenção dos mais comuns vieses cognitivos do pensamento.

1982 ◽  
Vol 70 (5) ◽  
pp. 810-812 ◽  

The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential differ substantially from other groups treating developmental problems in (1) the excessive nature of their poorly documented claims for cure and (2) the major demands placed on parents in unswervingly carrying out an unproven technique to the smallest detail. In most instances, improvement observed in patients undergoing this method of treatment can be accounted for on the basis of growth and development, the intensive practice of certain isolated skills, or the nonspecific effects of intensive stimulation. Physicians and therapists should acquaint themselves with the issues in the controversy and the available evidence. Based on past and current analyses, studies, and reports, we must conclude that patterning treatment offers no special merit, that the claims of its advocates are unproven, and that the demands on families are so great that in some cases there may be harm in its use.

Lisa Sanetti ◽  
Melissa A. Collier-Meek ◽  
Lindsay Fallon

Research has linked the use of evidence-supported treatments to effective, efficient therapeutic outcomes. Questions related to the best way to disseminate and implement evidence-supported treatments in the field has led to discussions about transportability of treatments from controlled to applied settings. Specifically, scholars have focused on issues related to treatment fidelity, acceptability, and adoption versus adaptation of evidence-based treatments in practice. Treatment fidelity, a multidimensional construct, pertains to how extensively a treatment is delivered to a client, and it may be affected by several variables. Although the relationship is complex, treatment fidelity is considered an important moderator of client outcomes. Furthermore, the acceptability of a treatment appears to be of importance. Simply, if a treatment is perceived to be acceptable, it is more likely to be implemented with high levels of fidelity, increasing the chances that successful therapeutic outcomes will result. Nevertheless data indicate that some clinicians are wary of using evidence-supported treatments; their chief concern is feasibility of implementation, which could affect treatment fidelity and acceptability. Thus, there is a debate about whether evidence-supported treatments should be adopted strictly as developed or whether they might be adapted to improve implementation and acceptability. In adaptation of a treatment, relevant clinician variables (e.g., training received, availability of resources) and client factors (e.g., cultural fit) might be considered to promote therapeutic outcomes. This chapter describes how the key to treatment success may be to strike a balance between fidelity and adaptation of evidence-based treatments and fidelity with flexibility.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 5-18
Elizabeth M. Higgins ◽  
Susan M. Campbell

Virginia Gordon was a teacher, scholar, practitioner, and leader who also served as a role model and mentor to others. Her insight and research informed the many innovative initiatives she pursued on behalf of the student advising experience. Gordon's scholarly and evidence-based approach set the stage for academic advising as a field of scholarly inquiry and helped shape the growth and direction of the profession. Virginia Gordon's work was other-directed. Her goal was always to support the growth and development of others. This qualitative study tried to capture Gordon as understood by the higher education professionals who knew her, worked with her, and/or studied with her. That she was other-directed supports our view regarding Virginia Gordon as a servant leader.

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. e8-e21
Joelle Ungarian ◽  
James A. Rankin ◽  
Karen L. Then

Delirium in the intensive care unit affects approximately 30% of patients despite vigorous efforts to encourage the use of effective screening tools and preventive strategies. The success of pharmacological treatment of delirium remains equivocal; moreover, a paucity of research supports the use of atypical antipsychotic medications. However, dexmedetomidine appears to have a promising role in delirium management. This review includes an overview of the pathophysiology and types of delirium and describes 2 established tools used to screen for delirium. Published research related to the use of dexmedetomidine in the management of delirium is also discussed. The authors make recommendations for critical care nurses on dexmedetomidine use in the context of providing evidence-based nursing care to intensive care unit patients with delirium.

2002 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-70
Lynn Rasmussen

This column presents abstracts of recently published research studies and evidence-based practice guidelines of interest to those who care for neonates. These abstracts, printed as written by the authors, have been chosen from peer-reviewed journals with the attempt to provide readers of Neonatal Network:® The Journal of Neonatal Nursing with a timely glimpse at the state of the science. A short commentary regarding the studies and topics is provided.

2005 ◽  
Vol 33 (12) ◽  
pp. 1812-1815 ◽  
Robert H. Brophy ◽  
Michael J. Gardner ◽  
Omar Saleem ◽  
Robert G. Marx

Background Evidence-based medicine has become a popular topic in academic medicine during the past several decades and more recently in orthopaedics and sports medicine. Hypothesis Articles published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine have shown an improvement in methodological quality in 2001-2003, compared with 1991-1993. Study Design Systematic review. Methods All articles published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine during the periods 1991-1993 and 2001-2003 were reviewed and classified by type of study. The use of pertinent methodologies such as prospective data collection, randomization, blinding, and controlled studies was noted for each article. The frequency of each article type and the use of evidence-based techniques were compared across study periods. Results Case series and descriptive studies decreased during the study period, from 27.4% to 15.3% (P=. 00003) and from 11.9% to 5.6% (P=. 001), respectively, of articles published. Prospective cohort studies increased from 4.7% to 14.1% (P=. 000005), and randomized, prospective clinical trials increased from 2.7% to 5.9% of articles (P=. 04). More studies tested an explicit hypothesis (P=. 0000002), used prospective data collection (P=. 000003), and used blinding (P=. 02), and more studies identified a funding source (P=. 004). Conclusions Overall, there was a shift toward more prospective and randomized research designs published in The American Journal of Sports Medicine during 2001-2003 compared to 1991-1993, demonstrating an improvement in the methodological quality of published research.

2011 ◽  
Vol 17 (5) ◽  
pp. 389-395 ◽  
John Wallace

SummaryResearch that should change clinical practice is often ignored for years. Fifty-five new trials are reported in medicine every day. Psychiatrists need to have some way to sift, digest and act on new research to benefit their patients. This article outlines the key elements of evidence-based psychiatry in an attempt to address these needs. Initially, an evidence-based approach is about asking an answerable question, searching for the evidence and then critically appraising the available information for its validity and relevance. The fourth step involves integrating the evidence with clinical expertise and the patient's values. The whole idea is to improve real-life patient care. This article outlines a number of the tools needed to overcome some of the common problems that psychiatrists face when trying to find and use published research results to help solve patients' problems.

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