
This study was aimed to determine how much improvement in student learning outcomes after the peer tutoring method was applied to the geography subject of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sakra. This research is a type of classroom action research, with the learning method applied is the peer tutor method. The research subjects were students of class XI SMA Negeri 1 Sakra for the academic year 2020/2021, totaling 20 students. The variables that were observed and measured were student learning outcomes. The data collection technique in this study used an objective test. Data analysis was carried out by statistical analysis with the one group t test formula. The results showed that the peer tutoring method could improve student learning outcomes in class XI IPS in geography. Student learning outcomes increased as evidenced by the calculation where the t-count value obtained from this study was 13.11, while the table value with a significant level of 5% and d.b = N-1 = 20-1 = 19 was 1.73. This fact indicates that the t-count value obtained in this study is greater than the t-table value (13.11 > 1.73). Thus, the value of t is declared significant. Keywords: Peer Tutor Method, student learning difficulties, student learning outcomes. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar peningkatan hasil belajar siswa setelah diterapkan metode tutor sebaya pada mata pelajaran geografi kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Sakra. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas, dengan metode pembelajaran yang diterapkan adalah metode tutor sebaya. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI SMA Negeri 1 Sakra tahun pelajaran 2020/2021 yang berjumlah sebanyak 20 orang siswa. Variabel yang diamati dan diukur adalah hasil belajar siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan tes objektif. Analisis data yang dilakukan dengan analisis statistika dengan rumus Uji t one group. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode tutor sebaya dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI IPS pada mata pelajaran geografi. Hasil belajar siswa meningkat terbukti dari perhitungan dimana nilai t hitung yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah 13,11, sedangkan nilai table dengan taraf signifikan 5% dan d.b = N-1 = 20-1 = 19 adalah 1,73. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai t hitung yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah lebih besar dari pada nilai t tabel (13,11 > 1,73 ). Sehingga dengan demikian, nilai t dinyatakan signifikan. Kata Kunci : Metode Tutor Sebaya, Kesulitan Belajar siswa, Hasil Belajar Siswa.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-72
Yetri Ningsih

This research conducted caused by students' score at class X MIPA 4 very low in the vector material. The avarage of score of the daily test obtained by students was 60,5 and it had not yet reached mastery learning. One of the efforts to improve learning outcomes was to use powerpoint as a learning media. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in activity and mathematics learning outcomes on vector material in learning using PowerPoint.This research design used the classroom action research. The research subjects were 36 students of class X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau in the 2019/2020 academic year. Data collected by using tests and observations.The test used to obtain student learning outcomes in each cycle, while observation used to determine the learning process in each cycle. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results showed that the average score of student learning outcomes in the first cycle was 62.2 and 77.3 in the second cycle. The percentage of student learning completeness in the first cycle was 52.8%, in the second cycle it was 80.6%. The percentage of improvement in student learning outcomes after being given action was 15.29%. So it can be concluded that learning mathematics by using powerpoint media can improve student learning outcomes in class X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 Lubuklinggau in the 2019/2020 academic year.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-140

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes in class XI MIPA-3 SMAN 2 Jember in the 2017/2018 academic year through the application of discovery learning to the material properties of salt solutions. This research is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) which was conducted in two research cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. The research subjects were students of class XI MIPA-3 SMAN 2 Jember, totaling 36 students, consisting of 17 male students and 19 female students. Data collection techniques in this study used observation for the implementation of the learning process and tests to determine student learning outcomes. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the application of discovery learning can improve student learning outcomes regarding the properties of salt solutions. In the first cycle the percentage of student learning completeness was 58.33% (21 students) and increased in the second cycle, the percentage of student learning mastery was 88.88% (32 students). There was a significant increase from cycle I to cycle II, namely 30.50%. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XI MIPA- 3 SMAN 2 Jember tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 melalui penerapan discovery learning pada materi sifat larutan garam. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dalam dua siklus penelitian yaitu siklus I dan siklus II. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI MIPA-3 SMAN 2 Jember yang berjumlah 36 siswa, terdiri 17 siswa laki-laki dan 19 siswa perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan observasi untuk pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran dan tes untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa. Berdasarkan hasil penelitan dapat disimpulkan bahwa penerapan discovery learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa materi sifat larutan garam. Pada siklus I persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa sebesar 58,33% (21 siswa) dan meningkat pada siklus II, persentase ketuntasan belajar siswa sebesar 88,88% (32 siswa). Terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan dari siklus I ke siklus II yaitu 30,50%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-54
Murni Sulistyaningsih ◽  
Navel Oktaviandy Mangelep

The purpose of this study is to know the improvement in student learning outcomes taught through ARIAS learning with cooperative settings in learning Analytical Geometry Fields. This study uses a research design type 0ne-Shot Case Study. The research subjects were lecturers and students of the second semester of the Department of Mathematics Education Unima, academic year 2018/2019, which succeeded 25 students. Data obtained through the results of the test form description. Obtained the average results of student learning outcomes using this learning model is 82 with a maximum value of 95, while the results of inferential statistical analysis obtained results t_hitung= 12,3494 > t_tabel=1,708, with a real level (∝) = 0.05. This means the average learning outcomes are more than 62.5 which is a benchmark of graduation. The results showed that using the ARIAS learning model with cooperative settings in learning Geometry Analytic Fields can improve student learning outcomes

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Raden Gamal Tamrin Kusumah ◽  
Ahmad Walid ◽  
Sinta Pitaloka ◽  
Pramita Sylvia Dewi ◽  
Nesna Agustriana

This study aims to determine the increase in learning outcomes of students in 4th grade Seluma 28th Public Elementary School on natural science subjects classifying animals by using the inquiry method. The research subjects 18 students, consisting of 10 male students and 8 female students. This type of research is classroom action research. This research consists of three stages, namely 1). Planning, 2). Actions, 3). Observation, and 4) Reflection. This research was conducted in three cycles, namely Pre-Cycle, Cycle I, and Cycle II. The data collection technique was carried out by observing what was done by the teacher and the supervisor 2. From the results of the research conducted, it was seen an increase in student learning outcomes from each cycle. In the pre-cycle implementation, the average value of student learning outcomes is 64.44 with 50% completeness. In cycle I the average value of student learning outcomes is 76.11 with 72% completeness. In cycle II the average value of student learning outcomes is 88.89 with 100% completeness. From the results of this learning improvement study, it can be seen that the application of the inquiry method to the subjects of Natural Sciences classifying Animals can improve the learning outcomes of Grade IV students at SD Negeri 28 Seluma.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 28 Seluma pada mata pelajaran IPA pokok bahasan Menggolongkan Hewan dengan menggunakan metode inquiry. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa-siswi kelas IV SD Negeri 28 Seluma yang berjumlah 18 orang yang terdiri atas 10 siswa laki-laki dan 8 siswi perempuan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tahapan yaitu 1) Perencanaan, 2) Tindakan, 3) Observasi, dan 4) Refleksi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga siklus, yaitu Pra Siklus, Siklus I, dan Siklus II. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan observasi yang dilakukan oleh guru dan supervisor 2. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan terlihat adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dari setiap siklus. Pada pelaksanaan pra siklus, nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 64,44 dengan ketuntasan 50%. Pada siklus I nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 76,11 dengan ketuntasan 72%. Pada siklus II nilai rata-rata hasil belajar siswa 88,89 dengan ketuntasan 100%. Dari hasil penelitian perbaikan pembelajaran ini terlihat bahwa penerapan metode inquiry pada mata pelajaran IPA pokok bahasan Menggolongkan Hewan dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 28 Seluma.Kata Kunci: Metode Inquiry: IPA; Hasil belajar; Penggolongan Hewan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Fajar Mugo Raharjo

The purpose of this study is to improve student learning outcomes in the Physical Education subject especially in passing material by using the command teaching style in third grade elementary school students. Al Wasliyah 25 Marelan. This research method is classroom action research and research subjects are classes that have certain problems. The class studied consisted of 26 students. The instruments used in this study were learning outcomes tests and observation sheets. From the results of research conducted, seen an increase in the first cycle of 57.69%, then increased to 88.46% in the second cycle. From the analysis of the data it can also be seen that the student learning outcomes of the learning outcomes test before using the command teaching style is still very low. Passing learning is complete after the second cycle, this is due to the provision of motivation that triggers students' enthusiasm for learning and changes in learning variations. While in cycle I, students are not accustomed to the teaching methods provided by researchers, so students need to adapt to the learning methods provided by researchers. Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes by utilizing the command teaching method in grade III elementary school. Al Wasliyah 25 Marelan Academic Year 2019/2020 has increased from cycle I to cycle II

Nistri Eliza

Seeing how big the role of mathematics in human life, even the future of a nation, then as a teacher in elementary schools who teach the basics of mathematics feel called to always try to improve learning and learning outcomes of mathematics. Reality in the field shows that mathematics learning outcomes are always at lower levels compared to other subjects. This can be seen from the results of daily mathematical tests on the basic competencies of calculating the building area of many facets only reaching an average of 67.9 or 54.5% of students achieving a value of 70. This study aims to prove and know the Concrete Media and the STAD Model can improve student learning outcomes in class VI-A. The subjects of this study were grade VI-A students of SD Negeri 62 / III Mukai Mudik in the 2017/2018 Academic Year. The number of research subjects was 22 students consisting of 14 male students and 8 female students. The study was carried out from 18 September to 16 October 2017. The research took place in class VI-A of SDN 62 / III Mukai Mudik, Siulak Mukai District, Kerinci Regency. While the research time is held in the first semester of the 2017/2018 academic year. Data were collected using student observation sheets, final cycle assessment / test sheets, and teacher activity questionnaires. Data collection time is at each end of learning in each cycle. The results of data analysis and discussion in this study can show some progress achieved during learning. So it can be concluded that learning using concrete media through the STAD model of student learning outcomes has increased, namely the first cycle achieving an average grade of 69.5, increasing in the second cycle reaching an average grade of 76.8. The completeness of the first cycle class is 72.7% and then increases in the second cycle reaching 83.6%.Keywords: extensive learning outcomes, constructive media and STAD

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 193

     This research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of two cycles where each cycle consists of four stages, namely the stages of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. Please note that each cycle consists of 3 meetings.     The background of this research is the low achievement of KKM in each of the Basic Competencies (K.D), especially in Indonesian language subjects.     This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of Indonesian language class I students by optimizing the use of image media. The research subjects were first grade students of SD Negeri 20 Cakranegara first semester 2017/2018 Academic Year with a total of 47 students. Data is obtained through observation during the learning process takes place, giving group assignments and the results of discussions and tests of student learning outcomes given at the end of each cycle. Data analysis uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative in the form of averages and the percentage of improvement in learning outcomes. The results of the analysis show an increase in the achievement of student KKM scores each cycle. From the results of student learning tests in the first cycle, data obtained that the achievement of student learning completeness reached 66.67%, and in the second cycle increased to 86.96%. The results of the study showed that optimizing the use of image media can improve the achievement of KKM Indonesian language subjects in class I Cakranegara State Elementary School 20

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Nurhafizah Nurhafizah ◽  
Zainuddin Zainuddin ◽  
Syubhan An'nur

The low of student learning outcomes in learning physics because the response to science learning still low and lack of availability of physics module SMP/MTs which connect Qur’an with science. It is necessary for research that aims to determine the feasibility of physics module class VII SMP/MTs based interrelation of the Qur'an and science. The special purpose, namely: (1) the validity of the module, (2) implemented of RPP, (3) student learning outcomes, and (4) student’s response. The development of physics module refers to the ADDIE model, namely: (1) analysis, (2) design, (3) development, (4) implementation, and (5) evaluation. Subjects were 33 students of class VII B SMP State 17 Banjarmasin academic year 2013/2014 as a test grade. Data collection technique used instrument validation module, observations, test results of students’ learning and questionnaire responses. The results of research and development showed that: (1) the validity of modules on validation material is excellent category, validation media is excellent category, and validation interrelation is good category, (2) implemented of RPP in the excellent category, (3) student learning outcomes at the first meeting in quite effective category, second meeting in quite effective category, and third meeting in less effective category, (4) students’ response in good category. We concluded that the feasibility of the physics module class VII SMP/MTs based interrelation of the Qur'an and science in the worthy category.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 210-219

Online learning is considered less than optimal, students are lazy to learn, careless because they are not controlled, and lack enthusiasm. One of them is in the Civics subject of Human Rights material for class XI SMA. Therefore, the use of Google Classroom learning media is very appropriate. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of Google Classroom in improving students' abilities during distance learning. This study used the subjects of class XI IPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 SMAN 1 Dawarblandong, Mojokerto Regency for the 2020/2021 academic year. Methods This research uses descriptive qualitative method with the type of classroom action research. The data collection technique used is daily test/test. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative analysis. The results of the study showed that in the pre-cycle student learning outcomes that did not meet the percentage of total learning outcomes, the school KKM was 61.76%, while in the implementation of learning using Google Classroom the first cycle obtained student learning outcomes that were completed were 47.05% and were not completed 52.94 %. In the second cycle the number of students who completed was 82.35% and not completed only 17.64% with the standard KKM is 67 points. ABSTRAKPembelajaran daring dinilai kurang maksimal, siswa malas belajar, lengah karena kurang terkontrol, dan kurangnya antusias. Salah satunya yaitu pada mata pelajaran PPKn materi Hak Asasi Manusia kelas XI SMA. Oleh karena itu penggunaan media pembelajaran Google Classroom sangatlah tepat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas Google Classroom dalam meningkatkan kemampuan siswa selama pembelajaran jarak jauh. Penelitian ini menggunakan subyek siswa kelas XI IPA 4 SMA Negeri 1 SMAN 1 Dawarblandong, Kabupaten Mojokerto Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah ulangan harian/tes. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menjukkan bahwa pada prasiklus hasil belajar siswa yang belum memenuhi prosentase jumlah ketentuntasan belajar, KKM sekolah adalah 61,76%, sedangkan pada pelaksanaan pembelajaran menerapkan Google Clasroom siklus pertama didapatkan hasil belajar siswa tuntas adalah 47,05% dan tidak tuntas 52,94%. Pada siklus kedua jumlah siswa yang tuntas adalah 82,35% dan tidak tuntas hanya 17,64% dengan standart KKM adalah 67 poin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-90
Yayuk Arnawati

IMPROVING THE LEARNING OUTCOMES OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO MASTERING DYNAMIC ELECTRIC CONCEPTS THROUGH INCREDIBLE LEARNING MODELS This study aims to improve student learning outcomes, know the process of improving student learning outcomes, and know the magnitude of the increase in student learning outcomes in the Dynamic Electricity material in class IX D SMP Negeri 5 Bogor City in the 2019/2020 academic year, through the inkuri learning model. This research is a Classroom Action Research by providing action on research subjects in two learning cycles. The results of this study indicate that the application of the Inquiry Model to Dynamic Electricity in class IX D SMP Negeri 5 Bogor City shows an increase in the average score of 59.57. increased to 70.48 in cycle I and 81.67 in cycle II. From the description above, it can be concluded that the application of the Inquiry model can be used by educators to increase the activities and learning outcomes of students, therefore researchers suggest that the application of learning methods needs to be socialized and used in science learning in schools in the Bogor City Education Office.

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