scholarly journals Pemberdayaan Remaja Masjid Dan Perannya Dalam Pendidikan Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-114
Beny Sintasari

Youth empowerment and mentoring aims to make them a good young generation; namely adolescents who are righteous, faithful, knowledgeable, skilled and have noble character. To foster Muslim teenagers, it can be done in various approaches, including through the activities of youth mosques. Mosque youth is an organization that accommodates Muslim youth activities in prospering mosques. Mosque youth is an alternative forum for youth development that is good and needed by the people. By being oriented towards mosque, Islamic, scientific, youthful and skill activities, this organization can provide opportunities for its members to develop themselves according to their talents and creativity. Mosque youth have a very important role because mosque youth is an organization that really thinks about the development of Islam. Mosque youth play a role in the spread of Islamic culture. Through mosque youth, we can gradually instill Islamic values ??in children, so that they can fortify the Muslim generation in every activity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 151-170
Jamiu Saadullah Abdulkareem ◽  
Yaqub Alhaji Abdullahi

تُعتبر الثقافة مجموعةَ العلوم والآداب والعادات والتقاليد اَّلتي يتميَّز بها قوم أو شعب أو قبيلة من سواد العالم. وكانت إمارة إلورن النيجيريَّة تعتزُّ بثقافتها العربيَّة الإسلاميَّة اَّلتي أتاحت لها سيادتها على عدد من البلاد والقرى اَّلتي أسلمت تحت سيطرتها، ومن بعض تلك البلاد تكوَّنت إمارتها. وكتب الله لبعض أبنائها أن يخلِّدوا تلك الحقائق التاريخيَّة، ومنهم السيد عبد العزيز محمَّد سلمان الياقوتيُّ اَّلذي أطال الكلام عن عادات إمارة إلورن وتقاليدها المنطبعة بدروس الكتاب والسنَّة وآثار السلف الصالح، وذلك بأسلوبه الفنيِّ في كتابة سيرته الذاتيَّة العربيَّة «عبرات الأمل». وسيقوم الباحثان بتحليل مضامين سيرته الناطقة بثقافة إلورن العربيَّة الإسلاميَّة من العبادات والمعاملات والشخصيَّات، حتى يبدو الصدق الفنيُّ في تأثُّر الكاتب ببيئته ويتحقَّق اهتمامه بعالم الواقع اَّلذي يعيش فيه وبعالم الخيال اَّلذي ينقله إلى الوجود بخصائص صياغته، وإحساساته الجماليَّة وانفعالاته العاطفيَّة. والمنهج المتَّبع يشمل التاريخيَّ والوصفيَّ. فالمنهج التاريخيُّ يكون في عرض نبذة من تاريخ إمارة إلورن في ثقافتها العربيَّة الإسلاميَّة، ثُمَّ ترجمة حياة الكاتب «الياقوتيِّ». والمنهج الوصفيُّ يقوم بتحليل ملامح الثقافة العربيَّة الإسلاميَّة في إمارة إلورن كما نجدها في سيرة الكاتب «عبرات الأمل». وتوصل الباحثان في دراستهما إلى إقرار إسلاميَّة الثقافة العربيَّة في إلورن إمارةً وشعباً. وحاول الباحثان تفصيل الخطاب في بعض القضايا الشرعيَّة على ضوء تعاليم الكتاب والسنَّة والسلف الصالح.Culture encompasses knowledge, civilization, tradition and norms owned by people of a group, state or nation. Ilorin Emirate of Nigeria has been known for its propagation of Arabic and Islamic culture which enhanced it a pride of place, especially by the people whose cities and villages were colonized by Ilorin for Islam or those whom it thought the Islamic values and jurisdiction. These facts were literarily documented by ‘Abdul ‘Aziz Muhammad Salman al-Yaqutiyy’s Arabic autobiography entitled “The Tears of Hope”. This article will research into the afore-stated facts based on the teachings of the Qur’an, Prophet Muhammad’s tradition and jurists’ verdicts. Indeed, the Islamism of the autobiography confirmed the Ilorin Emirate’s Islamic way of life, inculcated in its citizens and being observed to have had impact on the writer’s work. The methodology is both historical and descriptive. The historical method was used in shedding the light on the Islamism of Ilorin Emirate culture, then documenting the writer’s biography. The descriptive approach was used in the discourse analysis of the work’s ideational features on the Ilorin Emirate culture Islamism.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Renny Oktafia ◽  
Imron Mawardi

<p>Samin culture is one of the few sub-cultures that exist in East Java. Samin community in East Java settled in the district of Bojonegoro. In popular culture Samin contains a lot of wisdom values that is in accordance with the values of Islamic culture. The values of cultural wisdom Samin community's need to be excavated and preserved, in order to improve the livelihood of the people, which in turn will create a civilization that is safe, peaceful, just and prosperous nation's development objectives.</p><p>In traditional Islam can be used as a guide in shaping the law syar'i. Terms used in Islam to the local traditions referred to as' urf. U'rf can be used as legal guidelines syar'i for 'urf is not contrary to the Qur'an and Hadith. Given the synergy between local culture and Islamic culture, the life activities undertaken by the community remain in accordance with the teachings of religion, but the local culture is preserved continuity.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 29
Mohammad Bagher Babaee Talatappeh ◽  
Arash Radmehr

Today, Passive Defense as a necessity and broad area in all aspects of economic, cultural, political, technological and social approach of prevention and deterrence, plays a vital role in preserving Islamic values, preserve the honor of Iran, to reduce vulnerability in key parts of the country as well as promoting resource efficiency and power management in different areas.In addition to defending the land, passive defense is to defend beliefs and values against the dangers that threaten the country, with increased resistance, maintaining morale and cohesion of the people against the threats, through attention to cultural and religious infrastructure. This research utilizes library studies, content analysis and interviews with experts in the field of Islamic culture, passive defense and entrepreneurship to study and analyze the promotion of passive defense culture from the perspective of Islamic values and the role of the custodian organizations of the cultural and educational sphere in the country in the context of entrepreneurial and innovative actions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 1-34
R. Varisa Patraporn

Khmer Girl’s in Action is a nonprofit that successfully utilizes community-based participatory research (CBPR) with university partners to create social change for youth in Long Beach, CA. Based on semi-structured interviews and content analysis of news articles, I explore the impact and sustainability of this research work and the research partnerships. Findings highlight impacts such as youth empowerment, heightened awareness around community needs, policy change, and CBPR curriculum improvements in the field as impacts. Sustainability requires integrating research into program funding, utilizing a tailored training curriculum, building on community members prior relationships, and selecting partners that share common goals, levels of commitment, and flexibility. As funders demand more data to justify community needs, understanding more examples of such work in the Asian American community will be useful for informing future partnerships.

2012 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-280
Daniel T.L. Shek ◽  
Daniel W.M. Lung ◽  
Yammy L.Y. Chak

Abstract This paper reports the findings of a case study in which a curriculum-based positive youth development program (Project P.A.T.H.S.) was implemented by the class teachers in a school. School-related factors which contributed to the success of program implementation were identified in the study. Results showed that factors facilitating the program implementation were closely related to the “5Ps” model (i.e., program, people, process, policy and place). While all the above factors contributed to the success of program implementation, the “people” factor was identified as the most crucial factor. Overall, both the students and program implementers perceived the program to be effective in promoting holistic development in the program participants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 157-182
Douglas O. Nwaokugha

The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is synonymous with crisis occasioned by militancy, agitations and insurgency from the youth, who in recent times have become aware of the neglect, marginalization, human rights abuses, environmental degradation etc, people of the region suffer in the hands of the Nigerian government and Multinational Corporations that explore and exploit the Niger Delta environment for its rich natural resources. Investing time in militancy, agitations and insurgency as presently spearheaded by youth in the region has created more problems than solve the Niger Delta crises. Using the philosophical method, this paper makes a case on how sport can be an effective engagement mechanism for youth engagement and youth empowerment. The paper sees sport as a human engagement whose effective exploration and utilization can lead to the empowerment of youth in Nigeria’s Niger Delta and consequently recommends that states intervention agencies, politicians and philanthropists should make the provision of sport infrastructure a topmost priority for youth development and empowerment. The paper strongly maintains that policies that target youth empowerment in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria will surely be a foundation for sustainable peace and stability not only in Nigeria but across the globe.

Meyta Pritandhari ◽  
Fajri Arif Wibawa

ABSTRAK Dalam era milenial dan digital saat ini, dunia desain mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Dalam hal ini, khususnya generasi muda perlu dibekali ilmu tentang desain grafis. Pelatihan ini dilakukan di lembaga masyarakat yaitu karang taruna. Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri Kelurahan Rejomulyo adalah salah satu Lembaga Kemasyarakatan yang merupakan wadah pengembangan generasi muda yang tumbuh dan berkembang atas dasar kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab sosial. Pengurus Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri mayoritas adalah pemuda yang masih produktif. Pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri khususnya pada kemampuan desain grafis CorelDRAW guna meningkatkan kreatifitas . Kemampuan dalam menyampaikan ide dan gagasan dalam upaya untuk membangun generasi muda melalui kreativitas karang taruna tentu memerlukan dukungan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dituangkan dalam bentuk spanduk, poster, undangan. Ini semua dapat dilakukan, jika kita dapat menguasai atau memiliki kemampuan desain grafis yang baik. Pada kesempatan kali ini akan dilakukan transfer pengetahuan berupa penguasaan ketrampilan desain grafis menggunakan CorelDRAW. Kata Kunci: CorelDRAW, Kreativitas, Karang Taruna ABSTRACT In today's millennial and digital era, world design is experiencing very rapid development. In this case, especially the younger generation needs to be equipped with knowledge about graphic design. This training is conducted in community institutions, namely youth organizations. Youth Organization Youth Organization Rejomulyo Village is one of the Community Institutions which is a forum for youth development that grows and develops on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility. The board of the Youth Youth Organization for Youth is still productive youth. Training to increase the creativity of the Youth Youth Organization especially in CorelDRAW graphic design skills to increase creativity. The ability to convey ideas and ideas in an effort to build a young generation whose creativity certainly requires the support of information and communication technology as outlined in the form of banners, posters, invitations. This can all be done, if we can master or have good graphic design skills. On this occasion, there will be a transfer of knowledge in the form of mastery of graphic design skills using CorelDRAW. Keywords: CorelDRAW, Creativity, Karang Taruna

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Retno Handini

Abstrak. Tulisan ini merupakan kajian tentang “balung buto”, sebuah mitos atau kepercayaan masyarakat yang menghuni wilayah penemuan fosil-fosil purba di Jawa. Penelitian ini difokuskan di Situs Sangiran sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia untuk memahami pola pikir dan persepsi masyarakat penghuni situs dalam memandang keberadaan fosil yang banyak ditemukan di sekitar lahan tegalan atau pekarangan mereka. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam pada masyarakat yang  tinggal di Sangiran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan walaupun saat ini sudah semakin ditinggalkan dan tidak lagi diturunkan pada generasi muda, namun mitos “balung buto” masih mempengaruhi pola pikir dan perilaku kalangan tertentu yang mempercayainya. Hal tersebut secara langsung ataupun tidak berdampak pada pencarian fosil dan pelestarian situs.Abstract. This article is a study on ‘balung buto’ (which means giant’s bone), a myth or belief shared by the communities that live in areas where prehistoric fossils are found in Java. The study is focused at the World Heritage Site of Sangiran to understand the way of thinking and perception of the inhabitants around the site in viewing the existence of fossils, which are found in abundance on their agricultural fields or house yards. The method used here is insightful interview with the people who live at Sangiran. The study reveals that although believed by less and less people and no longer inherited to the young generation, there are some people who still believe the myth. To them the myth of ‘balung buto’ still influences their pattern of thoughts and behaviour so that directly or indirectly it has impacts on fossil-collecting behaviour and site preservation. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-115
Muliadi Muliadi ◽  
Didin Komarudin

This writing is motivated by a very abundant religious culture in Indonesia, including the phenomenon found in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara which is famous for “Wetu Telu Islam”. It contains the religious system filled with ceremonies and rituals which are accompanied by special symbols that have certain meanings. The method used in this paper is historical descriptive, by systematically explaining the history of the people of Lombok, the cultural patterns of “Wetu Telu Islam”, including its historical figures, doctrine, development, and existence. Then the writer uses structural semiology in analyzing the meaning of symbol elements found in the religious rituals of “Wetu Telu Islam” in Lombok. “Wetu Telu Islam” according to the people of Lombok is a very perfect Islam as it is built from two solid dimensions, namely dzohir and ihsan. For that reason, “Wetu Telu Islam” for them is the teachings of Sufism which emphasize the spirit, and soul. It is the spirit of holistic Islamic teachings, namely: shari’a, thoriqot, haqiqot, and ma‘rifat. Everything is building up, mutually reinforcing, and inseparable.Tulisan ini bermuara dari budaya agama yang sangat berlimpah di Indonesia, termasuk fenomena yang ditemukan di Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat yang terkenal dengan “Islam Wetu Telu”. Sistem keagamaan yang terkandung di dalamnya sarat upacara dan ritual yang disertai simbol-simbol khusus bermakna tertentu. Metode yang digunakan dalam makalah ini adalah deskriptif historis, yaitu secara sistematis menjelaskan sejarah masyarakat Lombok, pola-pola budaya “Islam Wetu Telu”, termasuk tokoh sejarah, doktrin, perkembangan dan keberadaannya. Kemudian penulis menggunakan semiologi struktural dalam menganalisis makna elemen simbol yang ditemukan dalam ritual keagamaan “Islam Wetu Telu”di Lombok. “Islam Wetu Telu” menurut masyarakat Lombok adalah Islam yang sangat sempurna karena dibangun dari dua dimensi yang kuat, yaitu dzohir dan ihsan. Karena itu, “Islam Wetu Telu” bagi mereka adalah ajaran tasawuf yang menekankan hati dan jiwa. Ini adalah semangat ajaran Islam holistik, yaitu: syariah, thoriqot, haqiqot, dan ma’rifat. Semuanya membangun, saling menguatkan, dan tak terpisahkan.

IIUC Studies ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 335-344
Muhammad Aminul Hoque

The technology has been developing tremendously in the modern world with remarkable contribution in various sectors of human life, but it has failed to address the most important issues of morality and ethics. The lack of which has resulted the killing, eve teasing, degeneration and life of human beings has become cheaper than anything else. This is why, the need for a study on the importance of Islamic Values has become essential to arrest the degeneration and lawlessness in the society and make the people aware about their duties and responsibilities afresh. This research Article is highly expected to address this problem.IIUC Studies Vol.9 December 2012: 335-344

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