SINAR SANG SURYA: Jurnal Pusat Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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Published By Muhammadiyah Metro University


Meyta Pritandhari ◽  
Fajri Arif Wibawa

ABSTRAK Dalam era milenial dan digital saat ini, dunia desain mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Dalam hal ini, khususnya generasi muda perlu dibekali ilmu tentang desain grafis. Pelatihan ini dilakukan di lembaga masyarakat yaitu karang taruna. Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri Kelurahan Rejomulyo adalah salah satu Lembaga Kemasyarakatan yang merupakan wadah pengembangan generasi muda yang tumbuh dan berkembang atas dasar kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab sosial. Pengurus Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri mayoritas adalah pemuda yang masih produktif. Pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri khususnya pada kemampuan desain grafis CorelDRAW guna meningkatkan kreatifitas . Kemampuan dalam menyampaikan ide dan gagasan dalam upaya untuk membangun generasi muda melalui kreativitas karang taruna tentu memerlukan dukungan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dituangkan dalam bentuk spanduk, poster, undangan. Ini semua dapat dilakukan, jika kita dapat menguasai atau memiliki kemampuan desain grafis yang baik. Pada kesempatan kali ini akan dilakukan transfer pengetahuan berupa penguasaan ketrampilan desain grafis menggunakan CorelDRAW. Kata Kunci: CorelDRAW, Kreativitas, Karang Taruna ABSTRACT In today's millennial and digital era, world design is experiencing very rapid development. In this case, especially the younger generation needs to be equipped with knowledge about graphic design. This training is conducted in community institutions, namely youth organizations. Youth Organization Youth Organization Rejomulyo Village is one of the Community Institutions which is a forum for youth development that grows and develops on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility. The board of the Youth Youth Organization for Youth is still productive youth. Training to increase the creativity of the Youth Youth Organization especially in CorelDRAW graphic design skills to increase creativity. The ability to convey ideas and ideas in an effort to build a young generation whose creativity certainly requires the support of information and communication technology as outlined in the form of banners, posters, invitations. This can all be done, if we can master or have good graphic design skills. On this occasion, there will be a transfer of knowledge in the form of mastery of graphic design skills using CorelDRAW. Keywords: CorelDRAW, Creativity, Karang Taruna

Tiara Anggia Dewi

 ABSTRAKPengabdian yang dilakukan adalah pelatihan pembuatan Branding dan Packaging Produk. Kegiatan pelatihan ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari pelatihan kewirausahaan pembuatan kerajinan dari kain flanel yang sebelumnya telah dilaksanakan pada anak-anak di Panti Asuhan Muhammadiyah Budi Utomo Kota Metro. Dalam kegiatannya terdiri dari dua kali pertemuan yakni memberikan pelatihan dengan tahapan teori dan praktek. Dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini terdapat beberapa tahapan diantaranya yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap pelaporan. Dengan diadakannya pelatihan ini diharapkan peserta dapat memiliki pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mengenai perencanaan strategi pemasaran produk dengan membuat branding serta packaging produk yang menarik, sehingga produk kerajinan kain flannel yang telah dibuat dapat dikembangkan dan diterima dengan baik serta diminati konsumen. Kata Kunci :Branding, Packaging, Kewirausahaan ABSTRACTThe dedication that was carried out was training on the manufacture of Branding and Product Packaging. This training activity is a follow-up to the entrepreneurship training of making handicrafts from flannel which had previously been carried out for children at the Muhammadiyah Budi Utomo Orphanage, Metro City. The activity consists of two meetings, namely providing training with theoretical and practical stages. In this service activity there are several stages including the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the reporting stage. By holding this training, it is hoped that participants will have knowledge and skills regarding planning product marketing strategies by making attractive branding and product packaging, so that the flannel craft products that have been made can be developed and are well accepted and are of interest to consumers. Kata Kunci :Branding, Packaging,Entrepreneurship

Andiana Rosid ◽  
Yateno Yateno

AbstrakSalah satu agenda utama bagi pembangunan nasional adalah sektor ekonomi, khususnya kewirausahaan. Oleh karena itu, pada beberapa skim pengabdian kepada masyarakat peningkatan sektor kewirausahaan atau UMKM digalakkan untuk dapat dikembangankan kepada masyarakat. Harapannya, dengan munculnya pewirausaha-pewirausaha baru, sektor ekonomi masyarakat tumbuh dan semakin mapan, maka sektor lainya seperti pendidikan dan kesehatan dapat semakin terjamin. Berbagai pihak diharapkan menjadi agent of change bagi peningkatan di sektor ekonomi dan UMKM ini. Melalui program KKN PPM, tim Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro mencoba menjadi agen untuk menumbuhkan pewirausaha-pewirausaha baru dengan target khusus yaitu pemuda-pemudi di Kampung Pujokerto Kecamatan Trimurjo Lampung Tengah. Alasan dipilihnya lokasi ini adalah karena sebagian besar pemuda dan pemudi di Kampung ini merupakan petani turun temurun, yang dipandang dari sisi orientasi kewirausahaannya masih cukup rendah. Metode yang dilaksanakan pada pengabdian ini adalah pendekatan secara personal, FGD, studi banding, dan pelaksanaan kewirausahaan. Hasil pengabdiannya adalah terbentuknya kelompok kewirsausahaan berbasis pemuda yang diberinama Usaha Muda Mudi Mandiri (UM3) dan terciptanya usaha bagi kelompok berupa budi daya pembesaran dan pembenihan ikan lele, serta pelatihan pembuatan souvenir pernikahan berbahan Tali Kur.Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan berbasis Pemuda, Kelompok wirausaha pemuda, KKN PPMAbstrakOne of the main agendas for national development is the economic sector, especially entrepreneurship. Therefore, in some community service schemes, the entrepreneurship sector or MSME sector enhancement is encouraged so that it can be developed in the community. The hope is that with the emergence of new entrepreneurs, the economic sector of society will grow and become more established, so that other sectors such as education and health can be more secure. Various parties are expected to become agents of change for improvement in the economic sector and MSMEs. Through the KKN PPM program, the University of Muhammadiyah Metro team tries to become an agent to grow new entrepreneurs with a special target, namely young people in Pujokerto Village, Trimurjo District, Central Lampung. The reason for choosing this location is because most of the youth and girls in this village are hereditary farmers, which is considered from the perspective of their entrepreneurial orientation is still quite low. The method used in this service is a personal approach, FGD, comparative studies, and the implementation of entrepreneurship. The result of this dedication was the formation of a youth-based entrepreneurship group called Usaha Muda Mudi Mandiri (UM3) and the creation of a business for the group in the form of raising and hatching catfish, as well as training in making wedding souvenirs from Tali Kur.Keywords: Youth-based entrepreneurship, youth entrepreneur groups, KKN PPM

Cahaya Khaeroni ◽  
Muhammad Nur

AbstrakPengembangan kewirausahaan pesantren menjadi sesuatu yang perlu untuk dikembangkan dengan tujuan untuk menumbuhkan semangat kemandirian pada para pengelola pondok pesantren. Hanya saja, sejauh ini masih banyak faktor kendala mengenai minimnya pengetahuan dan wawasan dari pihak pengelola pesantren mengenai pengelolaan wirausaha yang tepat, khususnya dalam hal pembudidayaan lele. Budidaya lele ini dipilih, mengingat peluang pasarnya sebenarnya cukup besar, dan pembudidayaannya cenderung relatif mudah dan praktis. Hanya saja sangat disayangkan, pola pembudidayaan lele yang pernah dicoba sejauh ini masih menggunakan sistem yang cenderung konvensional, sehingga selalu mengalami kegagalan. Padahal jika mau dikelola dengan sistem yang baik dan benar, peluang usaha dari budidaya lele ini bagitu sangat menjanjikan.Beranjak dari persoalan itulah, kegiatan pengabdian ini mencoba menawarkan pola pembudidayaan ikan lele dengan sistem bioflok. Berbeda dengan pola pengelolaan konvensional, sistem ini memungkinkan pembudidayaan ikan dengan lahan yang tidak perlu luas, namun dapat dilakukan dengan sistem tebar bibit ikan yang tinggi, hemat pakan ikan dan sekaligus ramah dari polusi lingkungan. Program ini mengambil tempat di Pondok pesantren Imadul Bilad Putri ‘Aisyiyah Imadul Bilad Kota Metro. Model pendekatan yang dipilih dalam pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat ini menggunakan pendekatan Partisipatoris. Pendekatan ini digunakan sebagai sebuah elemen dasar proses pemberdayaan masyarakat berupa partispasi dan mobilisasi sosial (social mobilisation). Target luaran dari kegiatan ini diantaranya, Pertama, Pembuatan kolam lele dengan sistem bioflok, kedua, Pembentukan kelompok/tim pengelola budidaya lele., ketiga, Penerbitan artikel pada jurnal ilmiah ber-ISSN. Kata kunci: Kemandirian Pesantren, pola pembudidayaan lele melalui sistem bioflok AbstractEntrepreneurship development of pesantren is something that needs to be developed with the aim to foster a spirit of independence in the boarding school managers. It's just that, so far there are still many obstacles to the lack of knowledge and insights from the pesantren management regarding proper entrepreneurial management, especially in terms of catfish cultivation. This catfish cultivation was chosen, considering the market opportunity is actually quite large, and cultivation tends to be relatively easy and practical. It's just a pity, the pattern of catfish farming that has been tried so far still uses a system that tends to be conventional, so it always fails. Whereas if it is managed with a good and right system, the business opportunity of catfish cultivation is very promising. Up from that problem, this service activity tries to offer a pattern of catfish farming with a biofloc system. In contrast to conventional management patterns, this system allows fish cultivation with land that does not need to be extensive, but can be done with a high fish seed stocking system, saving fish feed and at the same time friendly from environmental pollution. This program is located at Imadul Bilad Putri Islamic Boarding School 'Aisyiyah Imadul Bilad Metro City. The approach model chosen in the implementation of community service uses a participatory approach. This approach is used as a basic element of the community empowerment process in the form of participation and social mobilization. The output targets of this activity include, first, the making of catfish ponds with biofloc systems, second, the formation of catfish culture management groups / teams. Third, the publication of articles in ISSN scientific journals. Keywords: Islamic Boarding School Independence, catfish cultivation pattern through biofloc system

Achmad Udin Zailani ◽  
Agung Agung ◽  
Nurjaya Agung ◽  
Sholihin Sholihin ◽  
Samsoni Samsoni

Melani Quintania ◽  
Resa Nurlaela Anwar ◽  
Ellena Nurfazria Handayani ◽  
Firsan Nova

The purpose of this study is to provide training in the form of skills in building online-based businesses. In simple terms, the activity trains participants on how to market a product using the internet as the main capital. This online business training consists of three parts, namely providing material about business online, the direct practice of creating an account and using social media Instagram and marketplaces, and creating persuasive messages in order to attract buying interest. The results of this study are quite good. Housewives at Saung Singgah TPU Pondok Kopi, who participated in this training, we're able to understand the online business well, were able to create accounts on social media Instagram and the marketplace as a means of online sales quite well even though there were still mothers in making persuasive messages. -Mothers who have not been able to and have not been able to make good persuasive messages. It is hoped that the sustainability of this activity will provide deeper knowledge and insights about online-based businesses through social media and marketplaces.

Wismalinda Rita ◽  
Neli Definiati ◽  
Lezita Malianti

Quail (Coturnix-coturnix japonica) including poultry that has the potential to be developed but in increasing production is still constrained by the problem of seeds, feed, and post-harvest processing. Not yet utilized durian seeds as a source of local feed ingredients which is very potential for quail cattle. Besides the low understanding of partners about the nutritional needs of quails and post-harvest processing. This Community Service Program (Program Pengabdian Masyarakat/PKM) aims to overcome the problems of seed and quail seed quality obtained, utilizing durian seed waste for quail feed and post-harvest processing of male quail. The activity has been carried out for 8 (eight) months from March to October 2018 in the “Usaha Ternak Maju Group” and the “Kasih Ibu” Orphanage group in the form of socialization, counseling, training, and demonstrations as well as making a demonstration plot. PKM activities have been going well with the two partners shown by the use of durian seed-based feed ingredients to increase quail livestock production. Both partners have understood hatchery management, quail maintenance management, durian seed flour making technology and management of ration preparation using durian seed flour and male quail processing.

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