scholarly journals Pelatihan Desain Grafis Coreldraw Meningkatkan Kreativitas Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri Kelurahan Rejomulyo

Meyta Pritandhari ◽  
Fajri Arif Wibawa

ABSTRAK Dalam era milenial dan digital saat ini, dunia desain mengalami perkembangan yang sangat pesat. Dalam hal ini, khususnya generasi muda perlu dibekali ilmu tentang desain grafis. Pelatihan ini dilakukan di lembaga masyarakat yaitu karang taruna. Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri Kelurahan Rejomulyo adalah salah satu Lembaga Kemasyarakatan yang merupakan wadah pengembangan generasi muda yang tumbuh dan berkembang atas dasar kesadaran dan rasa tanggung jawab sosial. Pengurus Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri mayoritas adalah pemuda yang masih produktif. Pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas Karang Taruna Pemuda Mandiri khususnya pada kemampuan desain grafis CorelDRAW guna meningkatkan kreatifitas . Kemampuan dalam menyampaikan ide dan gagasan dalam upaya untuk membangun generasi muda melalui kreativitas karang taruna tentu memerlukan dukungan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang dituangkan dalam bentuk spanduk, poster, undangan. Ini semua dapat dilakukan, jika kita dapat menguasai atau memiliki kemampuan desain grafis yang baik. Pada kesempatan kali ini akan dilakukan transfer pengetahuan berupa penguasaan ketrampilan desain grafis menggunakan CorelDRAW. Kata Kunci: CorelDRAW, Kreativitas, Karang Taruna ABSTRACT In today's millennial and digital era, world design is experiencing very rapid development. In this case, especially the younger generation needs to be equipped with knowledge about graphic design. This training is conducted in community institutions, namely youth organizations. Youth Organization Youth Organization Rejomulyo Village is one of the Community Institutions which is a forum for youth development that grows and develops on the basis of awareness and a sense of social responsibility. The board of the Youth Youth Organization for Youth is still productive youth. Training to increase the creativity of the Youth Youth Organization especially in CorelDRAW graphic design skills to increase creativity. The ability to convey ideas and ideas in an effort to build a young generation whose creativity certainly requires the support of information and communication technology as outlined in the form of banners, posters, invitations. This can all be done, if we can master or have good graphic design skills. On this occasion, there will be a transfer of knowledge in the form of mastery of graphic design skills using CorelDRAW. Keywords: CorelDRAW, Creativity, Karang Taruna

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-178
Nicodias Palasara ◽  
Anna Mukhayaroh ◽  
Adelia Alvi Yana ◽  
Juarni Siregar ◽  
Ani Yoraeni

Abstract   Youth is the next generation of the nation. Youth is a potential investment that needs good guidance and assistance, so that its activities can be directed and participate in the development of the nation and state. For this reason, it is necessary to accommodate their activeness and creativity in directed organizational associations. In Pengasinan Village, Rawa Lumbu Sub-district, Bekasi City, a Katana 22 Youth Organization has been formed, precisely in RW.022 Pengasinan Village, Rawa Lumbu Sub-district, Taman Narogong Indah Housing Estate, Bekasi City, which is stipulated by a Decree of the Village Head of Pengasinan. At the youth organization a lot of expertise is given in the field of management, human resources related to youth development programs. The problem that exists at Karang Taruna Katana 22 is that they do not understand the use of blogs in organizational activities. For this reason, Nusa Mandiri University lecturers and students hold community service activities in the form of learning to create blogs so that youth youth organizations can use it as a promotional event, adding to the creativity of youth youth writing activities.   Keywords: Blog, Training, Youth Organization   Abstrak   Pemuda merupakan generasi penerus bangsa. Pemuda merupakan investasi potensi yang perlu mendapat bimbingan dan pendampingan secara baik, sehingga kegiatannya bisa terarah dan berperan serta dalam pembangunan bangsa dan negara. Untuk itu perlu diwadahi keaktifan dan kreativitasnya dalam perkumpulan organisasi yang terarah. Di Kelurahan Pengasinan Kecamatan Rawa Lumbu Kota Bekasi telah terbentuk Karang Taruna Katana 22 tepatnya di RW.022 Kelurahan Pengasinan Kecamatan Rawa Lumbu Perumahan Taman Narogong Indah Kota Bekasi yang ditetapkan dengan Surat Keputusan Lurah Pengasinan. Pada karang taruna banyak keahlian yang diberikan di bidang manajemen, sumber daya manusia yang terkait dengan program perkembangan karang taruna. Permasalahan yang ada pada Karang Taruna Katana 22 yaitu kurang paham penggunaan blog dalam kegiatan berorganiasasi. Untuk itu dosen dan mahasiswa Universitas Nusa Mandiri mengadakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berupa pembelajaran pembuatan blog agar para remaja karang taruna dapat memanfaatkannya sebagai ajang promosi, menambah kreatifitas kegiatan menulis para remaja karang taruna.   Kata kunci: Blog, Pelatihan, Karang Taruna

Pavel Molnár

Abstract Today's modern age is characterized by the rapid development of information and communication technologies, which is also reflected in the educational process. It is therefore necessary to prepare the young generation of even at primary and secondary schools to solve problems from real life. Using the appropriate motivation, innovative methods and application of modern information and communication technologies into the teaching process, we can succeed. Constructions created using by dynamic geometry systems bring new opportunities to learning. The aim of this article is to introduce the possibility of using GeoGebra in graphics solution of system of linear inequalities and also in the geometric interpretation of solutions to word problems leading to the linear optimization. The article describes the observations of experimental teaching, where was used GeoGebra. The experimental teaching was conducted at a grammar school in Košice. GeoGebra offers suitable tools to create graphical models in solving the optimization problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
RB Suharta ◽  
Erma Kusumawardani ◽  
Yudan Hermawan

AbstrakEra disrupsi ini Indonesia tidak hanya mengalami krisis ekonomi, namun juga krisis literasi. Fakta ini didasarkan pada riset Central Connecticut State University 2016, yang mengatakan bahwa literasi Indonesia berada di tingkat kedua terbawah dari 61 negara. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, kegiatan ini bertujuan membangun kesadaran literasi masyarakat melalui keterpaduan program kelompok sadar wisata dan organisasi karangtaruna.   Untuk dapat membuat deskripsi, gambaran, atau lukisan secara sistematis, faktual dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta, sifat-sifat serta hubungan antarfenomena yang di amati, maka peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Sehingga kegiatan sarasehan dan pendampingan sebagai satu bentuk aktivitas dalam pengumpulan data kepada masyarakat yang kemudian di analisis interaktif sesuai dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang kemudian menghasilkan pembentukan (1) Rintisan kemitraan antara kelompok sadar wisata dan generasi muda yang tergabung dalam organisasi karang taruna agar secara langsung terlibat dalam mengembangkan edukasi wisata. (2)  Kelompok sadar wisata dalam membangun kesadaran literasi masyarakat bersama dengan Taman Bacaan Masyarakat merupakan kolaborasi yang saling menguatkan. (3) Gerakan masyarakat dalam bentuk tulisan-tulisan penyemangat akan nilai keindahan, kebersihan, ramah, etika yang diletakkan di sudut-sudut jalan serta pengadaan buku informatif   tentang geopark Nglenggeran di beberapa omah (homestay) merupakan gagasan yang layak didukung oleh pemerintah setempat. Membangun kesadaran literasi bagi seluruh masyarakat menjadi penting terutama dalam mensikapi berkembangnya desa wisata dengan potensi alam yang begitu mempesona wisatawan. Untuk itulah kolaborasi kelompok sadar wisata dengan program pengembangan yang didukung taman bacaan masyarakat yang memenuhi kebutuhan belajar masyarakat kaitannya dengan gerakan mendukung desa wisataINTEGRATION OF TOURISM AWARENESS PROGRAMS IN BUILDING LITERATION AWARENESS IN NGLANGGERAN VILLAGEAbstractIn this era of disruption, Indonesia is not only experiencing an economic crisis, but also a literacy crisis. This fact is based on a 2016 Central Connecticut State University research, which states that Indonesian literacy is in the second lowest level of 61 countries. Based on this, this activity aims to build awareness of community literacy through integrated tourism awareness group programs and youth organizations. To be able to make a systematic, factual and accurate description, description or painting of the facts, properties and relationships between observed phenomena, the researcher uses a qualitative approach. So that the workshop and mentoring activities as a form of activity in collecting data to the community are then analyzed in accordance with the qualitative descriptive method which then results in the formation of (1) Pioneering partnerships between tourism awareness groups and the young generation who are members of the youth organization to be directly involved in developing tourism education. (2) The tourism awareness group in building community literacy awareness together with Community Reading Gardens is a mutually reinforcing collaboration. (3) Community movements in the form of encouraging writings on the values of beauty, cleanliness, friendliness, ethics placed on street corners and the procurement of informative books about the Nglenggeran geopark in several homestays are ideas that deserve to be supported by the local government. Building literacy awareness for the entire community is important, especially in response to the development of tourist villages with natural potential that fascinates tourists. For this reason, the collaboration of tourism awareness groups with development programs supported by community reading gardens that meet the learning needs of the community in relation to the movement to support tourism villages

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (9) ◽  
Rini Soemarwoto ◽  
Johan Iskandar

Abstract. Soemarwoto R, Iskandar J. 2021. Plant knowledge richness in the Sundanese upland village: A case study in Sindangsari, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 3722-3735. According to ecological history, Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia, have highly rich knowledge of plants. However, due to population increase, rapid development of market economy, and rapid change of rural ecosystem, the local plants knowledge has tended to decrease rapidly. This research’s objective is to elucidate the plant knowledge richness of the Sundanese. The study was undertaken in the upland village of Sindangsari, West Java, using mixed-method with ethnobotanical approach, from July to August 2017, and March 2018. The study found 204 landraces which consisted of 181 species, representing 161 genera, and 70 families. The use of plants could be classified into food, spices, medicine, construction, ornament, cosmetic, commercial plants, fodder, industry, food color, erosion control, and social function. The highest secondary citations, that is plants for food and medicine, were known by less than 50% of respondents; other plants were hardly known, recognized only by 0.1% to 0.5% of respondents. The results showed little practical knowledge among the younger generation. The intensive mobility of young population between the village and the city induces intergenerational transfer of knowledge between old and young generations mainly through oral narratives. This study concludes that it is important to consider population mobility of the young generation to predict knowledge loss.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
Irfan Efendi ◽  
Galuh Rakasiwi ◽  
Alfian Hadi Saputra ◽  
Sulton Aziz ◽  
Tata Jaya Putra

Tujuan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) Mahasiswa ini adalah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada elemen Masyarakat, Pengembangan diri merupakan kebutuhan penting bagi setiap manusia. Dalam perspektif psikologi perkembangan, pengembangan diri berhubungan dengan potensi diri yang dioptimalkan secra efektif dan berkelanjutan. Dan untuk masyarakat khususnya generasi muda karang taruna desa cidokom, kecamatan gunung sindur, Kabupaten bogor, jawa barat. Sebagai organisasi sosial kepemudaan karang taruna merupakan wadah pembinaan dan pengembembangan serta pemberdayaan dalam upaya mengembangkan kegiatan ekonomi produktif dengan memaksimalkan potensi yang tersedia dilingkungan sumber daya manusia maupun sumber daya alam yang tersedia.Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Diri, Karang TarunaThe purpose of this student community service (PKM) is to provide knowledge and understanding to elements of society. Self-development is an important need for every human being. In the perspective of developmental psychology, self-development relates to self-potential that is optimized effectively and sustainably. And for the community, especially the young generation of youth organizations in Cidokom Village, Gunung Sindur District, Bogor Regency, West Java. As a youth social organization, Karang Taruna is a forum for fostering and developing as well as empowering in an effort to develop productive economic activities by maximizing the potential available in the environment of human resources and available natural resources. Keywords: Self Development, Youth Organization

Yogaprasta Adi Nugraha

Bogor Regency is one of the Jakarta’s buffer cities that able to provide alternative tourism locations for the citizen of the capital and surrounding areas. Ciasmara Village is one of the tourism villages located in Bogor Regency. The main problem encountered by tourism in Ciasmara Village is the lack of promotion and limited infrastructure. These two problems are the biggest factors that hinder the tourism potential of Ciasmara village from being optimally managed. The purpose of this community service activity is to optimize tourism potential through the information and communication technology. Furthermore, the other purpose is to support the behavior shifting of the youth organization in terms of utilizing information and communication technology for the benefit of Ciasmara Tourism village promotion. The method used in this community service activity was discussion and direct training to Ciasmara Village's youth organization. The objective of this community service is Ciasmara Village's youth organization. In the beginning, the target amount of the training participants was at least 20 young people, because there were only 20 active members of the youth organization. In its implementation, this activity was attended by 31-35 participants, indicating that this community service was enticing for Ciasmara village's youths. Through interviews with the head of the youth organizations and the participants, they acknowledged that they were interested in participating in this activity because they felt they had a responsibility to develop village promotions, some of the youth said that they had social media and could promote their area for free. From interviews with several participants and village officials, it was found that this community service activity was able to motivate them to study photography more seriously and utilize social media for the promotion of rural tourism. This can be recognized from the development of official Instagram social media account owned by Ciasmara Village which is indeed focused on promoting tourism and governance in Ciasmara village.

2014 ◽  
Vol 926-930 ◽  
pp. 2849-2852
Min Lei

with the rapid development of computer and network, computer graphic design is widely used in various industries, and the demand graphic design skills in computer is higher and higher, particularly important in the quickly design and skilled operation of the computer software. This paper introduces the use of three professional software such as Photoshop, CorelDraw, Illustrator and their respective advantages and disadvantages, providing a more in-depth understanding of the designers, effectively shortening the learning time, having strong realistic meaning and reference value.

2002 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-128
Francesca Sgobbi

The availability of proper human capital represents a key-factor in order to support the current fast pace of diffusion of Internet-based applications. The careful assessment of the skills and competencies required to manage and develop Internet technologies in different application domains represents a necessary step to solve the emerging skill shortage and skill gap problems. While most existing analyses of skill needs in information and communication technologies deal with broad professional categories, the paper focuses the attention on a specific professional figure, the Web designer. By resorting to an on-line questionnaire administered to a sample of Italian Web designers, the paper shows that jobholders recognise greater usefulness to organisational rather than technical knowledge domains. However, perceived skill gaps are larger in the case of technical skills and competencies. Moreover, specialisation paths are emerging.

2020 ◽  
Vol 45 (4) ◽  
pp. 115-123
A. Igibayeva ◽  
D. Erbolatuly ◽  
G. Turarova ◽  

The development of the modern world is very complex and rapid, and the process is characterized by high rates of development of information and communication technologies. The Internet space is a means of searching and obtaining information, as well as a medium for communication, virtual interaction, and has a significant impact on the formation of stereotypes of behavior of the young generation, as well as ideals, spiritual values, personal and social worldview. The article identifies the positive aspects of the development of cyberspace by young people, and also notes the threats and barriers to cyber socialization for modern youth. The necessity of conducting psychological and pedagogical research on cyber socialization is actualized, a conclusion is made about the use of new technologies for the purpose of positive cyber socialization of the younger generation.

Thesis Eleven ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 072551362110592
Lars Bo Kaspersen ◽  
Liv Egholm

We are living in a world which is severely crisis-ridden and faces some major challenges. The fact that we are currently facing a genuine global pandemic (COVID-19) brings about even more uncertainty. The social and political institutions, which emerged and consolidated during the 20th century, and which created stability, have become fragile. The young generation born in the 1990s and onwards have experienced 9/11 and the ‘war against terrorism’, the financial crisis of 2008, changes to climate, environmental degradation, and most recently the COVID-19 pandemic. The generation born between 1960 and 1990 have had the same experiences along with severe economic crises in the 1970s and 1980s and the Cold War. Some of these challenges are in different ways intertwined with capitalism and its crises, while others are linked to the rapid development of new technologies, in particular innovations within communication and information technologies. This introduction lists the most important grand challenges facing the world as they have emerged more recently. The five articles following this introduction address some of these challenges, with particular attention to the problems of capitalism and democracy and the relation between these two areas. Most authors agree that climate change and the destruction of the environment are the biggest and most pertinent problems to address, but it is their stance that we can only meet these challenges if democracy is functioning well.

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