scholarly journals Public Policy Implementation in Efforts to Improve Public Service Quality in Tangerang City

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 538-548
Syamsul Bahri ◽  
Khasan Effendy ◽  
Ngadisah ◽  
Sampara Lukman

Public service is the most critical task for the Tangerang City government bureaucracy. The Tangerang City Government is the government organ closest to the people it serves to empower. This study seeks to describe the implementation of public policies to improve the quality of public services to improve people's welfare in the city of Tangerang. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results show that public services to improve welfare can be seen from 5 dimensions, namely: (1) Tangibles are something that is visible and directly proven, generally aimed at the form of office appearance, the comfort of the room where it provides public services, the completeness of the facilities provided, the presence of officers who serve to support implementation of public services; (2) Reliability, which is the ability to deliver promised public services in a timely manner, according to procedures, equality / equal treatment of officers with simplicity, and speed, is a reliable, accurate and consistent capability in providing public services as desired by consumers (3) Responsiveness is a high sensitivity towards consumers followed by acting appropriately in accordance with the needs as seen by the desires of public service providers to help consumers; (4) Assurance as a guarantee of security in obtaining public services so that there are no doubts about the emergence of errors in the provision of public services; (5) Emphaty, namely feeling what other people think and trying to understand and understand what the wants, wants and needs of customers include; understanding customer needs, desires (motivation) to help customers (society), conformity of service to customer needs (community), concern for customers (community), and the desire to follow up on criticism and suggestions with problems managing the needs of service users.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-212
Qiang Yi ◽  
Xiaohong Zhu ◽  
Xianghui Liu

In the Guidelines of the State Council General Office on Government Procurement of Services from the Private and Non-governmental Sectors, “public service provider for the government” is broadly defined; it is stated that npos, businesses, and industry organizations have equal opportunity to be public service providers. A comparison of local eligibility requirements on npos serving as public service providers shows that the eligibility requirements focus on such aspects as service provider qualifications, time of establishment, organizational management, human resources, financial management, professional qualifications, annual inspection, evaluation, and honors. On the whole, the requirements are not demanding; the quality of public services is also secured through institutional design and innovation. The lax eligibility requirements imposed by local governments on npos as public service providers indicate that the social governance system will feature diversity, and reflect the government’s intention to support and develop npos. However, there are also some problems in local policies, such as 1) too much is at the discretion of the government; 2) the eligibility requirements are not good for the development of grassroots organizations; 3) no standards have been defined on eligibility for public service provider; and 4) related laws and regulations lack authority. Therefore, it is necessary to make government procurement of public services law-based and provide continued theoretical and institutional support for the implementation of the most authoritative policy.

Tities Eka Agustine ◽  
Mohammad Yudha Prawira

The public services reform is still become an agenda of Indonesian Government. All this time, City government of Denpasar is one of the local government known by integrating public service delivery using technology (E-Government). Nevertheless, there is a new concept that has been developed to improve the government services named Open Government. This concept has three principles, they are policy principle, policy catalyst and policy outcome. Accordance with those terms, the objective of this paper is to provide an analysis of open government policies on public service in Denpasar City. This study is using qualitative method with descriptive approach. The result of this research shows that Denpasar has been achieving the principle of Open Government. The government trying to provide transparency, integrity as well as public participation in accessing public services. The government policies are part of Government of Denpasar’s strong commitment to improve their public service delivery. It’s already stipulated through the mayor’s regulation and mayor’s decree. However, there are several challenges that should be noticed by the City Government of Denpasar. For the massive implementation, they need to provide a legal framework of local regulation and a monitoring and evaluation instrument for public services

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-88

This study examined the supervision of public services as stipulated in Law 25 of 2009, namely regarding public services and Law 23 of 2014 concerning regional government. Supervision carried out in the law is to give authority to each of the existing institutions or institutions, causing overlapping existing authority. Giving authority to officials will give birth to the rights and obligations to achieve the goals and intentions specified in the legislation. The rise of corruption cases occurs because of the weakness of existing supervision of government administration, especially in public services. In this case corruption will foster public distrust of public services. The form of maladministration carried out by public service providers is always associated with behavior in services performed by public officials and the norms of behavior of officials in public services. In addition, these problems are also caused by the opportunities and authority given to be abused and the low quality of public services in various service sectors. Supervision of public services can provide certainty about the public services provided by the government whether it has been running according to targets and objectives and is a way to find out as early as possible maladministration that might occur so that effective and accountable government can be realized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-38
Ricky Noor Permadi ◽  
Wildan Lutfie Arieyasmieta ◽  
Rustan Amarullah

This study aims to analyze to what extent the provision of the rights of special needs groups has been implemented and provide recommendations related to the additional infrastructure outside the regulation of the Ministry of State Apparatus Utilization and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Number 17 of 2017. This study is vital since the government institutions still lack attention to fulfilling the rights of persons with disabilities. In accordance with the mandate of Law Number. 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, public service providers are obliged to provide special facilities and infrastructure for special needs groups without any additional charge. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by analyzing the existing literature (library research). Then data collection through field observations (observations), interviews, and other library sources. This study tries to look at the completeness of special facilities and infrastructure for people with special needs that are provided by recommending twenty-two standards for infrastructure intended for “people with special needs”. Some public service providers relatively have almost met the standards. However, there are also public service providers which still need to be encouraged to meet these standards. It is necessary to have the political will of regional leaders to prioritize the provision of facilities and infrastructure to support public services for people with special needs. Amid limited regional resources, prioritizing the stages of fulfilment (road map) of these special facilities needs to be prepared, and partnerships also collaborations with other strategic partners can be developed to help meet these special service standards. There are limitations in this research: only three public service providers are the locus of the study, including hospitals, the Department of Population and Civil Registration, and the Department of Investment and the One-Stop Service, so that it does not represent the condition of public services in a city.   Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis sejauh mana pemenuhan hak-hak kelompok berkebutuhan khusus telah diimplementasikan dan memberikan rekomendasi terkait dengan sarana-prasarana tambahan di luar peraturan Kementerian PANRB Nomor 17 Tahun 2017. Penelitian ini penting untuk dilakukan karena masih kurangnya perhatian lembaga pemerintah dalam hal pemenuhan hak-hak penyandang disabilitas. Sesuai pasal 29 UU No. 25 Tahun 2009 bahwa penyelenggara pelayanan publik berkewajiban menyediakan sarana dan prasarana khusus bagi masyarakat berkebutuhan khusus tanpa pembebanan biaya tambahan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui pengamatan lapangan, wawancara, dan sumber pustaka. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan kondisi sarana dan prasarana khusus bagi masyarakat berkebutuhan khusus yang disediakan dengan merekomendasikan dua puluh dua standar sarana prasarana bagi masyarakat berkebutuhan khusus. Beberapa penyedia pelayanan publik relatif sudah memenuhi sarana prasarana tersebut. Namun, juga terdapat penyedia layanan publik yang perlu didorong untuk memenuhi standar pelayanan khusus tersebut. Untuk memenuhi standar pelayanan bagi kelompok rentan, diperlukan political will pemimpin daerah untuk turut memprioritaskan penyediaan sarana dan prasarana penunjang pelayanan publik bagi masyarakat berkebutuhan khusus. Di tengah keterbatasan sumberdaya daerah, maka pengutamaan tahapan pemenuhan (road map) fasilitas khusus tersebut perlu disiapkan, serta pola-pola kemitraan dan kolaborasi dengan mitra strategis lainnya dapat dikembangkan untuk membantu memenuhi standar pelayanan khusus tersebut. Keterbatasan penelitian ini yaitu hanya mencakup tiga penyelenggara pelayanan publik, yang meliputi RSUD, Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil dan Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu sehingga tidak menggambarkan kondisi pelayanan publik suatu daerah. Kata Kunci: pelayanan publik, aksesibilitas, berkebutuhan khusus, fasilitas, infrastruktur

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Intan Meitasari ◽  
Shinta Hadiyantina ◽  
Indah Dwi Qurbani

ABSTRAKPemerintah pada hakekatnya menyelenggarakan fungsi pelayanan publik kepada masyarakat. Karena itu pemerintah berkewajiban dan bertanggungjawab untuk memberikan pelayanan publik yang baik dan professional, namun pelayanan publik yang diberikan oleh penyelenggara pelayanan publik di rasa masih belum maksimal, hal ini di tandai dengan masih banyaknya praktik-praktik Maladministrasi dan pengaduan dari masyarakat. Ombudsman Republik Indonesia yang dibentuk dan disahkan dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2008 Tentang Ombudsman Republik Indonesia, yang memiliki tugas dan fungsi untuk mengawal proses pelayanan publik yang efisien, efektif, dan terlepas dari kolusi, korupsi, dan nepotisme (KKN). Selain itu Ombudsman juga memiliki wewenang dalam menyelesaikan sengketa pelayanan publik dengan cara mediasi, konsiliasi dan ajudikasi khusus atau ganti rugi yang dapat di putus oleh Ombudsman. Kenyataannya Ombudsman hanya mampu memberikan rekomendasi kepada terlapor, untuk tindakan selanjutnya tergantung dari itikad baik terlapor, karna rekomendasi yang di berikan oleh Ombudsman tidak bersifat mengikat. Selain itu terdapat ketidak relevasian antara Undang-Undang Pelayanan Publik dan Undang-Undang Ombudsman sehingga perlu adanya pembaharuan dalam kedua Undang-Undang tersebut, dan perlu di atur lebih lanjut terkait Peraturan Presiden Tentang mekanisme dan tata cara pembayaran ganti rugi ajudikasi khusus.Kata kunci: ajudikasi khusus; ombudsman; pelayanan publik; urgensi. ABSTRACTThe government is essentially carrying out the function of public services to the community. Therefore the government is obliged and responsible to provide good and professional public services. However, the public services provided by the public service providers are felt still not optimal, this is marked by the many practices of maladministration and complaints from the community. The Ombudsman of the Republic Indonesia which was formed and approved in UUD (Indonesian constitution) Number 37 of 2008 concerning of the Ombudsman of the Republic Indonesia, which has the duty and function to oversee the process of public services that is efficient, effective, and free from collusion, corruption and nepotism. In addition, the Ombudsman also has the authority to resolve public service disputes by means of mediation, conciliation and special adjudication or compensation that can be decided by the Ombudsman. In reality the Ombudsman is only able to provide recommendations to the reported, for further action depends on the reported good faith, because the recommendations given by the Ombudsman are not binding. In addition, there is an irrelevance between the Public Service Act and the Ombudsman Law, so there is a need for reforms in both of these Laws, and it needs a renewal to the both of the Act, and also needs to be regulated further related to the Presidential Regulation concerning the mechanism and procedures for paying special adjudication compensation.Keywords: ombudsman; public services; special adjudication; urgency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-35
Muhammad Eko Atmojo ◽  
Helen Dian Fridayani

Public service delivery is an effort to meet the basic needs and civil rights of every citizen of the goods, services and administrative services provided by public service providers which are a government. West Kalimantan is bordered on land with by the Malaysian state of Sarawak. Although a small part of West Kalimantan is marine, West Kalimantan has dozens of large and small islands (some uninhabited) scattered along the Karimata and Natuna Straits bordering the Riau Islands Province. Public service in West Kalimantan, especially in Sambas district, is very important to note because it is the face of Indonesia that can be assessed by our neighbours which is Malaysia, whether the public service provided is feasible or not. The method used in this research is secondary research with qualitative description. Secondary research involves the summary, collation and/or synthesis of existing research. Secondary research is contrasted with primary research in that primary research involves the generation of data, whereas secondary research uses primary research sources as a source of data for analysis. The result of this study concludes that the good public services were still very far from the expectations on the border area experienced by Sambas District. The problem of public services can be seen in terms of education, health and also infrastructure services. Although currently, the government has tried to solve these problems, in reality, there is still a service gap in the border area. Local governments must be able to improve these problems to provide better services. One of them is by improving human resources in the bureaucracy.

2018 ◽  

Preeprint: ABSTRAKPelayanan publik pada dasarnya menyangkut aspek kehidupan yang sangat luas. Dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara, maka pemerintah memiliki fungsi memberikan berbagai pelayanan publik yang diperlukan oleh masyarakat, mulai dari pelayanan dalam bentuk pengaturan ataupun pelayanan-pelayanan lain dalam rangka memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, utilitas, dan lainnya. Berbagai gerakan reformasi publik yang dialami oleh negara-negara maju pada awal tahun 1990-an banyak diilhami oleh tekanan masyarakat akan perlunya peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik yang diberikan oleh pemerintah. Peningkatan kualitas pelayanan publik mutlak diperlukan mengingat kondisi sosial masyarakat yang semakin baik sehingga mampu merespon setiap penyimpangan dalam pelayanan publik melalui gerakan maupun tuntutan dalam media cetak dan elektronik. Apalagi dengan adanya persaingan terutama untuk pelayanan publik yang disediakan swasta membuat sedikit saja pelanggan merasakan ketidakpuasan maka akan segera beralih pada penyedia pelayanan publik yang lain.Hal ini membuat penyedia pelayanan publik swasta harus berlomba-lomba memberikan pelayanan publik yang terbaik. Ini yang seharusnya ditiru oleh penyedia pelayanan publik pemerintah sehingga masyarakat merasa puas menikmati pelayanan publik tersebut.Kata kunci : pelayanan publik di provinsi riauABSTRACTPublic service is basically about a vast aspect of life. In the life of nation and state, the government has a function to provide various public services needed by the community, ranging from services in the form of arrangements or other services in order to meet the needs of the community in the field of education, health, utilities, and others. The various public reform movements experienced by developed countries in the early 1990s were much inspired by public pressure on the need to improve the quality of public services provided by the government. Improving the quality of public services is absolutely necessary given the improved social conditions of the community so as to respond to any deviations in public services through the movement or demand in print and electronic media. Especially with the competition especially for public services provided by the private makes little customers feel dissatisfaction it will soon switch to other public service providers.This makes private providers of public services must compete to provide the best public service. This should be imitated by government public service providers so that people feel satisfied to enjoy the public service.Keywords: public service in riau province

Populasi ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Agus Dwiyanto

Public service delivery in Indonesia has failed to win the hearts of the public. Such a stance is attributed to distortions, which owe their origins to the bureaucratic structure of the organization and administration of public service provision, as well as the haphazard work practices, all of which have undermined the efficiency of public service delivery. The public, as customers of services, has been plagued by accessibility problems, persistent delays, and rampant bureaucratic corruption. The lack of responsibility and authority by those delivering public services imply that strict adherence to rigid rules and regulations takes precedence over serving the interests of the public. Public service bureaucracy in Indonesia is indeed rule rather than customer driven. Besides, customers of public services have a weak bargaining position, which precludes their raising any complaints in case the services received fall short of their expectations and a far cry from fulfilling their satisfaction. In order to revitalize the image of the civil service the government must enhance the effectiveness, efficiency, and fairness in the delivery of public services. Nonetheless, making recommendations on the quality improvement is one thing, implementing them is another, even more complex issues. A number of changes must be effected; right from the top brass down to the first-line service providers, if the much cherished more customer-driven work ethics are to be instilled.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-21
Mohamad Ichsana Nur ◽  
Peny Novarina

The City of Pekalongan is one of economic growth hubs in Central Java. Pekalongan possesses a classic issue like an overweight and inefficient bureaucracy, lack of innovation, dissatisfaction of public service, and so on. The government then proceeds digital-based budget so that it succeeds to push public spending. This paper aims to provide an overview of Pekalongan City Government Performance Management in implementing Management Information Systems (MIS) for Public Services. The analysis uses various theoretical perspectives on public sector performance management, public services and public service performance innovation. This research is a descriptive study with data collection techniques using non-reactive content analysis through secondary data and documents that already exist. The analysis shows that the application of technology to the Pekalongan City government innovation performance can save energy, time and budget. Performance monitored through the system from planning to implementation can be monitored through information technology innovation. Thus, an efficient, fair, responsive, accountable public service system can be more easily achieved.

2012 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-230
Hardi Warsono

The paradigm of public service reform direct public services quality improvement efforts on strengthening civil society, good governance, which looks at strengthening of the market mechanism and the greater community role in the formulation and implementation of public service policies. This is in line with the spirit of public service law that gives considerable space in the community's participation. Therefore, improving the quality indicators should also be reflected in the charge. Until now the government assesses the quality of public services by giving trophies to the two levels of service, ie, on a macro scale by giving Citra Bhakti Abdi Negara known by the acronym CBAN, and at the micro-scale by awarding trophies Citra Pelayanan Prima (CPP). Macro associated with the assessment of the district/city governments in the provision of services to the community, while the micro is an assessment of service delivery in the unit of service providers.

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