scholarly journals Influences of Product Involvement and Symbolic Consumption Cues in Advertisements on Consumer Attitudes

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Chao-Ming Yang

Symbolic consumption has become pervasive in daily life; advertisements focusing on brand awareness and celebrity endorsements involve strong product symbols and serve as a persuasive advertising tool. This study employed a 2 × 2 between-subject experimental design to investigate the influence of two independent variables, namely the level of consumer product involvement (high and low levels of involvement) and types of symbolic cues (brand and celebrity symbols), on consumer attitudes toward advertisements (Aad) and brands (Ab). Four notable findings were revealed: (1) the level of participant product involvement affected their fondness for Aad and Ab; (2) symbolic cues affected participant Aad and Ab; (3) participants with a high level of product involvement exhibited more positive Aad; and (4) participants with low product involvement demonstrated more positive Ab. In the contemporary advertising market, how enterprises can enable a product to convey a certain symbolic meaning has become particularly critical, and enterprises should not ignore the influences that symbolic consumption may have on consumers. These study results serve as a reference for enterprises and advising agents for devising future product advertising strategies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 289 ◽  
Tanti Handriana ◽  
Wahyu Rahman Wisandiko

Utilizing endorsers in the advertising industry to promote products is currently on the rise, and employing celebrities as the endorsers is still the marketers’ favorite method. This study aims to analyze the influence of the number of endorsers and the product’s involvement on the consumers’ attitude towards the advertisement and the brand. The research’s approach used a 2x2 factorial experimental design. A total of 120 undergraduate students, who were further divided into 4 groups, were selected as the respondents of this study. The results show the differences in consumer attitudes towards advertisements and the brand, based on the number of endorsers and the product’s involvement. The study also reveals that if there is low involvement with the product, multiple celebrity endorsements will generate a better consumers’ attitude towards it than a single celebrity endorsement. Multiple celebrity endorsements will also generate a better attitude among the consumers towards the brand than a single celebrity endorsement will produce.

Oleg V. Dolgikh ◽  
Nina V. Zaitseva ◽  
Inga N. Alikina ◽  
Elena A. Otavina ◽  
Dmitrii V. Lanin

The study covered immune state of workers on enterprise extracting and processing chromium ores, with length of service under and over 5 years. The workers (length of mining service over 5 years) demonstrated changes in cellular immunity: increased expression of T-cell receptors (СD16+56+, СD3+СD 95+), high level of fetal proteins (cancer-embryonic antigen, CA–19–9), hypersensitivity in criterion of IgE specific to chromium. Findings are suppressed apoptotic processes characterized by low levels of proteins involved in bcl–2, bax transcription and deficiency of expression of TNFR receptor (length of mining service over 5 years). The examinees with short length of service (under 5 years) demonstrated activation of immune response during first years of exposure to chromium ores at work. Cellular immunity was characterized by adaptation processes with increased parameters (СD127-, bcl–2, baх, TNFR) participating mostly in cell death. According to the study results, the recommendations are control diagnostic measures for workers engaged into chromium ores extraction and processing (once per year), that include monitoring of apoptotic (CD127-, bcl–2, baх, TNFR) and fetal (CA 19–9, cancer-embryonic antigen) proteins, IgE to chromium — which should serve as parameters indicating malignancies and allergy for length of service over 5 years in this enterprise.

2010 ◽  
pp. 169-173
Martin Todd

The current high world sugar prices reflect a major imbalance between global supply and demand, which has reduced stocks to very low levels. Although it remains to be seen whether prices will rise much above current values, it is clear that the supply chain will remain stretched throughout 2010 and this will help to maintain prices at a high level.

Сергей Иванович Вележев ◽  
Антон Михайлович Седогин

В представленной статье авторами рассматриваются вопросы уголовно-правовой охраны топливно-энергетического комплекса Российской Федерации от преступных проявлений, в том числе от коррупционной противоправной деятельности должностных лиц. Такие действия причиняют значительный ущерб нормальному функционированию предприятий топливно-энергетического комплекса. Авторами приводятся результаты исследования некоторых криминологических характеристик должностных лиц, совершивших преступления коррупционного характера. Дан анализ причин и условий, способствующих совершению вышеуказанных противоправных действий. Определена типовая модель преступника для данной категории преступлений и его характеристики: в первую очередь, это высокий уровень компетентности, специальное образование и т. д. Авторами отмечается высокий уровень латентной преступности в данной отрасли. Предложены некоторые пути профилактики данной категории правонарушений. Исследование проводилось на основе анализа конкретных уголовных дел, возбужденных следственными органами по результатам оперативно-розыскной деятельности правоохранительных органов. In the article the authors consider the issues of criminal and legal protection of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation from criminal activity including corrupt illegal practices of officials. The authors cite the results of some criminological characteristics study of the fuel and energy complex staff committed corruption crimes. As a result of these illegal actions significant damage is caused to the normal functioning of the fuel and energy enterprises. Such officials` actions determine not only a wide range of other illegal activities, but also lead to public outcry and discredit the industry as a whole. The analysis of the reasons and conditions contributing to the above illegal actions commission is given. A typical model of a criminal for a given crime category and its characteristics are determined. First of all it is a high level competence, special education, etc. A high level of latent crime in this industry is shown. The study results are presented on the example of specific criminal cases initiated by the investigating authorities based on the results of the operation detection activities of law enforcement agencies. Some ways of preventing this category of offenses are proposed.

Jerg Gutmann ◽  
Stefan Voigt

Abstract Many years ago, Emmanuel Todd came up with a classification of family types and argued that the historically prevalent family types in a society have important consequences for its economic, political, and social development. Here, we evaluate Todd's most important predictions empirically. Relying on a parsimonious model with exogenous covariates, we find mixed results. On the one hand, authoritarian family types are, in stark contrast to Todd's predictions, associated with increased levels of the rule of law and innovation. On the other hand, and in line with Todd's expectations, communitarian family types are linked to racism, low levels of the rule of law, and late industrialization. Countries in which endogamy is frequently practiced also display an expectedly high level of state fragility and weak civil society organizations.

2001 ◽  
Vol 56 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 745-754 ◽  
Ken G Ryan ◽  
Ewald E Swinny ◽  
Chris Winefield ◽  
Kenneth R Markham

AbstractWild-type Arabidopsis L. leaves exposed to low ultraviolet-B (U V B ) conditions contained predominantly kaempferol glycosides, with low levels of quercetin glycosides. The flavonoid level doubled on treatment with UVB and an increase in the ratio of quercetin: kaempferol was observed. These results suggest that flavonols protect Arabidopsis plants from UVB damage, and indicate that the flavonoid 3’-hydroxylase (F3’H) enzyme, which converts dihydrokaempferol to dihydroquercetin, may play a crucial role. The tt7 mutant lacks this gene and, after treatment with sub-ambient UVB, contained kaempferol glycosides exclusively, to a level of total flavonols similar to that in wild-type Arabidopsis. Total flavonols after enhanced UVB treatment were higher in tt7 than in similarly treated wild-type plants, and only kaempferol glycosides were detected. Despite this high level, tt7 plants were less tolerant of UVB radiation than wild-type plants. These observations suggests that kaempferol is a less effective photoprotectant than quercetin. The chalcone isomerase (CHI) mutant (tt5) surprisingly did not accumulate naringenin chalcone, and this suggests that the mutation may not be restricted to the CHI gene alone. The concentration of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives did not change with UVB treatment in most varieties indicating that their role in UV photoprotection may be subordinate to that of the flavonoids.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-124 ◽  
Mehdi Behboudi ◽  
Hossein Vazifehdoust ◽  
Kobra Najafi ◽  
Mina Najafi

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to verify the factors affecting the use of emotional and rational appeals in online advertising among Muslim customers in Iran. Design/methodology/approach – By reviewing the literature of advertising appeals and developing a comprehensive theoretical model, the effect of rational and emotional appeals on online advertising was examined. Expert questionnaire was administered to verify the validity of collected features. The Student's t-test was utilized to analyze the data collected from 271 participants. Findings – Five latent variables, namely user type, product involvement, e-lifestyle, advertising strategies, and internet motives were examined to explain factors affecting online advertising appeals among Muslim customers in Iran. It was found that “advertising strategies” and “user type” are the most effective factors influencing Muslims customers in developing an online advertising campaign. Research limitations/implications – The sample of this study was Iranian experts and it is necessary to conduct a survey with a larger sample size. Originality/value – This study provides insights into factors affecting the selection of emotional and rational appeals in Muslims countries. Moreover, it reports the primary columns of online advertising appeals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7109
Gabriela Dima ◽  
Luiza Meseșan Schmitz ◽  
Marinela-Cristina Șimon

This paper aimed to explore the changes posed by the new COVID-19 pandemic to the field of social work and its impact on social workers in terms of job stress and burnout in Romania. Two conceptual models were used to frame the discussion: the theoretical framework of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) to discuss the challenges that the unprecedented context of the COVID-19 pandemic has created for social workers; and the Job Demands and Resources model (JD-R) to understand job demands perceived as stressors and burnout. Based on convergent mixed methods, the study sample consisted of 83 social workers employed in statutory and private social services in Romania, from different areas of intervention. Results showed that social workers perceived a high level of job stress related to work during the pandemic, which was associated with higher levels of burnout in the areas of personal burnout (average score 55.9) and work-related burnout (average score 52.5). Client-related burnout was lower (average score 38.4), indicating that stress was generated mainly by organisational factors and work-related factors (workload, aligning to new legislative rules and decisions, inconsistency, instability, ambiguity of managerial decisions, and lack of clarity of working procedures) and less by client-related stressors (lack of direct contact with clients, risk of contamination, managing beneficiaries’ fears, and difficulties related to technology). High job demands and limited job resources (managerial and supervisory support, financial resources, and recognition and reward) led to a high to very high level of work-related burnout for 15.7% and an upper-medium level for 44.2% of respondents. A group of 27.7% reported lower to medium levels of work-related burnout, while 14.5% had very low levels, managing to handle stress factors in a healthy manner. Study results pointed to the importance of organisational support and the development of a self-care plan that help to protect against job stress and burnout. Recommendations were made, putting forward the voice of fieldworkers and managers fostering initiatives and the application of sustainability-based measures and activities designed to deal with the challenges of the VUCA environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Ramaraj Palanisamy ◽  
Yang Wu

Purpose This study/ paper aims to empirically examine the user attitude on perceived security of enterprise systems (ES) mobility. Organizations are adopting mobile technologies for various business applications including ES to increase the flexibility and to gain sustainable competitive advantage. At the same time, end-users are exposed to security issues when using mobile technologies. The ES have seen breaches and malicious intrusions thereby more sophisticated recreational and commercial cybercrimes have been witnessed. ES have seen data breaches and malicious intrusions leading to more sophisticated cybercrimes. Considering the significance of security in ES mobility, the research questions in this study are: What are the security issues of ES mobility? What are the influences of users’ attitude towards those security issues? What is the impact of users’ attitude towards security issues on perceived security of ES mobility? Design/methodology/approach These questions are addressed by empirically testing a security model of mobile ES by collecting data from users of ES mobile systems. Hypotheses were evolved and tested by data collected through a survey questionnaire. The questionnaire survey was administered to 331 users from Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The data was statistically analysed by tools such as correlation, factor analysis, regression and the study built a structural equation model (SEM) to examine the interactions between the variables. Findings The study results have identified the following security issues: users’ attitude towards mobile device security issues; users’ attitude towards wireless network security issues; users’ attitude towards cloud computing security issues; users’ attitude towards application-level security issues; users’ attitude towards data (access) level security issues; and users’ attitude towards enterprise-level security issues. Research limitations/implications The study results are based on a sample of users from Chinese SMEs. The findings may lack generalizability. Therefore, researchers are encouraged to examine the model in a different context. The issues requiring further investigation are the role of gender and type of device on perceived security of ES mobile systems. Practical implications The results show that the key security issues are related to a mobile device, wireless network, cloud computing, applications, data and enterprise. By understanding these issues and the best practices, organizations can maintain a high level of security of their mobile ES. Social implications Apart from understanding the best practices and the key issues, the authors suggest management and end-users to work collaboratively to achieve a high level of security of the mobile ES. Originality/value This is an empirical study conducted from the users’ perspective for validating the set of research hypotheses related to key security issues on the perceived security of mobile ES.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Amanda Kennedy ◽  
Stacey M. Baxter ◽  
Alicia Kulczynski

Purpose This paper aims to examine the importance of celebrity brands in influencing consumer perceptions of celebrity authenticity, which drives positive consumer attitudes and intentions. In addition, the notion of low-celebrity investment is investigated as a factor that diminishes the positive outcomes associated with celebrity brands. Design/methodology/approach Study 1 examines the effect of brand situation (endorsement versus celebrity brand) on consumer attitudes and intentions. Studies 2 and 3 investigate the role of celebrity authenticity in explaining the effects observed in Study 1. Study 4 examines celebrity investment as a bound of the phenomenon. Findings Study 1 demonstrates that consumers report heightened attitudes and intentions towards celebrity brands when compared to endorsements. Studies 2 and 3 provide evidence that authenticity explains the effects observed in Study 1. Results of Study 4 show that when consumers are aware of low-celebrity investment, the celebrity is viewed as inauthentic regardless of brand situation. Research limitations/implications This research is limited as it focuses only on known celebrity endorsers who were matched with products that had a high level of fit. In addition, purchase intentions were measured as opposed to the study of actual purchase behaviour. Practical implications This research has important implications for the development of endorsements and celebrity brands by demonstrating that consumers view celebrities as authentic when they are involved with brands for reasons other than monetary compensation. Originality/value This research shows that consumers have heightened attitudes and intentions towards celebrity brands compared to endorsements. This research identifies celebrity authenticity as the process underlying the observed phenomenon. However, celebrity investment is identified as a boundary condition demonstrating that knowledge of low investment results in a celebrity being viewed as inauthentic.

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