scholarly journals City and Urban Social Justice, Analyzing and Evaluating Regional Inequalities (Case Study: Eight Urban Deteriorated Districts of Zahedan City)

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 112
Fereshte Sheybani Moghadam ◽  
Behrouz Darvish ◽  
Tayebeh Sargolzaee Javan

Dissolution of distribution system of urban services centers has been one of the most important consequences of the rapid growth of urbanization and physical development of Iranian cities within recent decades. It has brought about social inequalities for citizens in terms of taking advantage of such services. The public urban services forms the physical, social and spatial nature of a city; hence, unfair distribution of such services will impose an irrecoverable influence on both the structure and nature of the city and class-based segregation of districts of the city on the one hand and has brought about serious challenges for the urban management. This study tries to explain life quality levels in the urban deteriorated fabric of Zahedan City based on 38 life quality indexes and their relationship with the urban land uses per capita across different districts; 10-use per capita has been used. Over-18-year-old citizens living in deteriorated districts of Zahedan City constitutes population of this study. Totally 258789 people live in such districts. A total of 384 people were selected as the sample of the study using random sampling and Cochran’s formula. A descriptive-analytical method was followed to conduct the study. Initially, exploratory studies and preliminary visits were arranged and then it was followed by the field study, using survey method. Entropy and COPRAS methods were used to determine the sample size of the questionnaires given population of each district and finally to analyze and rank districts. The results showed that per capita distribution of urban services across the districts 4, 3 and 5 was better than the standard per capita issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development and they were closer to the ideal condition. However, there was a large gap between distribution per capita in districts 2, 1, 7 and 8 and the standard per capita and the positive ideal and they have not ideal condition. According to the life quality indexes, accessing to primary schools is the most important item for the citizens and this item is not ideal in these districts and is the first item in the urban services accessibility indexes. Finally, the results of rating districts based on urban per capita and life quality indexes indicate that there is a weak relationship between urban per capita and life quality indexes; as only a district out of eight ones showed an equal rate.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Ariani Trisna Murti ◽  
Sri Andika Putri

The research was conducted on a number of consumers who bought broiler chicken and not sold again. The number of respondents in each market amounted to 100 respondents incidental sampling. Research location was chosen with consideration because the big market is in the middle of the city, while for dinoyo market because of its location on subdistrict and reside in the residential area. The data collected are primary and secondary data. The type of this research is quantitative descriptive, that is research which describes or describe characteristic from a state or object of research done through data collecting, data analysis and interpretation result of its analysis. The research method used survey method. Data processing from the results of research conducted using Cobb-Douglas function using SPSS version 16.0. Based on the results of research conducted on broiler consumers in Malang City can be concluded that the factors that affect the level of demand for broiler meat in the city of Malang is the price of the goods themselves (broiler meat prices), price of chicken meat, beef prices, cooking oil prices, incomes per capita, education and consumer tastes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (56) ◽  
pp. 221
Cássia Castro Martins Ferreira ◽  
Ana Monteiro ◽  
Isabela Fernanda Moraes Paula

O trabalho objetivou calcular e espacializar o Índice de Áreas Verdes Públicas (IAVP) para a cidade de Juiz de Fora – MG. O IAVP foi calculado com base em fotos aéreas datadas do ano de 2000 e 2007, e no Censo demográfico de 2000 e 2010, as áreas verdes tiveram alterações pouco significativas de suas áreas nesse período. Verificou-se um IAV de 10,5 m2/hab para toda a cidade, para o período estudado. Os dados apontam um reduzido IAV por Regiões Urbanas, e mostram a necessidade de uma política pública que busque a criação de áreas verdes, sobretudo para atenderem às regiões periféricas da cidade, onde há maior concentração populacional, menor renda per capita e menor IAV, pois, as áreas verdes é um dos elementos que proporcionam à população melhores condições de vida.Palavras-chave: Índice de áreas verdes públicas, Cobertura vegetal, qualidade de vida.AbstractThe study aimed to calculate and spatializing green area index for the city of Juiz de Fora - MG. The Green Area Index was calculated based on aerial photographs dating from 2000 and 2007, and the population census of 2000 and 2010, green areas have had little significant changes in their areas during this period. It has been found a 10.5 IAV m2/hab across the city. The data indicate a reduced green area index by urban regions, and show the need for a public policy that emphasises the creation of green areas, especially to meet the outlying regions of the city, where occur a higher population density, a lower per capita income and lower green area index. Emphasising that the green areas can provide for the population better living conditions. Keywords: green area index, green area, quality of life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (48) ◽  
pp. 85-103
Luana Santos Souza ◽  

Entendemos ser essencial a análise e a compreensão da produção e estruturação do espaço urbano das cidades brasileiras, que cada vez mais se apresentam desiguais, segregadas e excludentes. Neste artigo buscamos compreender as características gerais das discussões sobre desigualdades sociais através da elaboração do mapeamento de indicadores sociais, a fim de revelar a realidade socioespacial da cidade de Dourados – MS.  Os mapas temáticos permitem-nos identificar e analisar como a exclusão social e as desigualdades se expressam no espaço intraurbano douradense. Assim o mapeamento dos indicadores sociais proporciona uma melhor visualização espacial da realidade, pois o mapa como instrumento de leitura da realidade, indicando o “o que” e o “onde”, cria uma visão da cidade que é espacial e relacional. Assim, para este texto foram elaborados mapas acerca da renda per capita do domicílio, buscando revelar onde a exclusão social é mais evidente, ao identificar o “o lugar de cada um” na cidade de Dourados. Ao mesmo tempo, os mapas auxiliam no processo de implementação de políticas que buscam amenizar o processo de exclusão social.Palavras–chave: Dourados; Mapeamento; Desigualdade Socioespacial.AbstractWe believe it is essential to the analysis and understanding of the production and structuring of urban space in brazilian cities, which increasingly have inequalities, segregated and exclusionary. In this article we try to understand the general characteristics of the discussions on social inequalities through the development of mapping social indicators in order to reveal the socio-spatial reality of the city of Dourados-MS. Thematic maps allow us to identify and analyze how social exclusion and inequalities are expressed in the intra-urban douradense space. So the mapping of social indicators provides a better spatial view of reality, because the map as a true reading instrument, indicating the "what" and "where" creates a vision of the city that is spatial and relational. So for this text were prepared maps on the per capita income of the household, seeking to reveal where social exclusion is more evident, to identify the "place of the each" in the city of Dourados. At the same time, the maps help in policy implementation process seeking to ease the process of social exclusion.Keywords: Dourados; mapping; Socio-Spatial inequalities

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Poppy Anggraeni ◽  
Aulia Akbar

Lesson plan is one of important role in the teaching and learning process in Primary Schools. It contains plans for activities or activities that will be carried out during learning. This research aims is to describe the suitability of lesson plan and the learning process in elementary school. The research method used is a survey method, involving a sample of 12 public and private elementary schools in the city of Sumedang. Data collection techniques using observation, documentation and questionnaire techniques, the data that has been obtained is then analyzed using simple statistical techniques. The results showed that the suitability of lesson plan and the learning process had a percentage of 68.0% and were in the high category. This shows that all activities listed in the lesson plan start from the initial activities (79.8%), main activities (63.8%) and closing activities (68.86%) are in accordance with the activities carried out in the learning process. Thus it can be concluded that the lesson plan that has been prepared by the teacher and the learning process that has been carried out in the Sumedang City Primary School has a high level of suitability. However, even though it has a high category, but not fully in accordance with the lesson plan used, so there is still a need for further guidance and development for teachers so that they are always guided by the lesson plan so that learning becomes more directed and in accordance with the prepared plan. 

2014 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Cleverson Luis Dias Mayer ◽  
Paulo Costa Oliveira Filho ◽  
Rogério Bobrowski

A arborização de vias públicas gera inúmeros benefícios à qualidade de vida da população urbana, mas se implantada de forma inadequada pode causar diversos transtornos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar os conflitos da arborização de vias públicas em Irati, Paraná, por meio de técnicas de análise espacial. Para isso, foi empregado o software SPRING, imagens orbitais Quickbird de 61 cm de resolução espacial e arquivos vetoriais contendo o limite dos bairros do município, a rede de distribuição elétrica, instalações subterrâneas, equipamentos urbanos e localização das árvores, fornecidos pela Secretaria de Ecologia e Meio Ambiente do Município. Após a estruturação do modelo de dados, foi realizada a confrontação das estruturas urbanas e a localização dos indivíduos arbóreos quanto às distâncias de segurança na realidade observada, por meio de consultas ao banco de dados, aplicando-se o estimador de densidade Kernel aos resultados. Com uso da estatística Kernel, foram geradas imagens de densidade referentes aos resultados das consultas, permitindo uma melhor interpretação visual na distribuição espacial dos conflitos.Palavras-chave: Árvores de rua; estatística Kernel; geotecnologias; software livre. AbstractSpatial analysis of conflicts in street arborization: Irati case, Paraná. Street arborization promotes numerous benefits to urban population’s life quality, however, if it is implanted in an inadequate way, street arborization can cause many disorders. In this sense, this research aim to analyze conflicts in Irati’s urban forest, Paraná, by spatial analyses technique. In order to such analysis, we used SPRING software, Quickbird satellite’s images of 61 cm spatial resolution, vector files containing boundary of city neighborhoods, electrical energy transmission system, sewer system and water distribution system, urban equipments and trees location provided by the Secretariat of Ecology and Environment of the City. After structuring the data model, we conducted the confrontation of urban structures and location of individual trees concerning safety distances to the reality observed into to the database, and then applied the Kernel density estimator to the results of consultations. With use of Kernel statistic, we generated density images from results of the consultations, which enable better visual interpretation in the spatial distribution of the conflicts.Keywords: Roadside trees; kernel statistic; geotechnology; free software.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-79

This study aims to investigate the influence of the academic supervision, work experience, and a commitment to work towards the managerial skills of school principals. This study uses a quantitative approach using a survey method. Path analysis was used to analyze the data collected. The population in this study are all heads of public primary schools in the city of Batam totaling 143 principals. The number of samples taken in this study were 106 randomly selected people. The results showed that the managerial skills of school principals directly influenced by the academic supervision, work experience, and job commitment. The study also found that the work commitment is influenced by the academic supervision and work experience. Based on these findings it can be concluded that any changes occur in the principal managerial skills are influenced by the academic supervision, work experience, and job commitment. Therefore, the managerial skills of principals, academic supervision, work experience, and job commitment can be taken into consideration in strategic planning for the development of human resources in the education sector.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 147447402098725
Susanne Frank

Since 2000, the City of Dortmund has pursued an ambitious flagship project in the district of Hoerde. On the enormous site of a former steel plant, and in the middle of an impoverished working class district, a large new upper-middle class residential area (Phoenix) has been developed around an artificial lake. Qualitative fieldwork suggests that the project has generated mixed feelings among longtime working class dwellers in the old part of Hoerde. Widespread enthusiasm about new lakeside living is interwoven with emotions of sadness and loss, reflecting a neighborhood transformation which unmistakably demonstrates their social, cultural, and political marginalization – feelings that were not allowed to become part of the jubilant official discourse which has marketed the Phoenix project as a shining example of the City’s successful post-industrial structural change. Ever since its announcement, the project has been blamed for triggering gentrification processes – despite the fact that there are still no empirical signs of rising rents or displacement. I argue that the concept of gentrification has been taken up so readily because it is popular, polyvalent, polemical, and critical, enabling citizens to find a language to denounce the blatant social inequalities and power imbalances that competitive urbanism has fostered in Dortmund. However, I also claim that the core of the prevailing sadness – the loss of the familiar neighborhood which could not be grieved over – remains under the radar of standard gentrification discourse. The article thus proposes neighborhood melancholy as a concept to account for the unclear, subconscious, and deeply ambivalent ways in which long-established residents experience their neighborhood’s transformation, expressed within the rubric of gentrification.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Hao Zhang ◽  
Liyu Zhu ◽  
Shensi Xu

Under the increasingly uncertain economic environment, the research on the reliability of urban distribution system has great practical significance for the integration of logistics and supply chain resources. This paper summarizes the factors that affect the city logistics distribution system. Starting from the research of factors that influence the reliability of city distribution system, further construction of city distribution system reliability influence model is built based on Bayesian networks. The complex problem is simplified by using the sub-Bayesian network, and an example is analyzed. In the calculation process, we combined the traditional Bayesian algorithm and the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm, which made the Bayesian model able to lay a more accurate foundation. The results show that the Bayesian network can accurately reflect the dynamic relationship among the factors affecting the reliability of urban distribution system. Moreover, by changing the prior probability of the node of the cause, the correlation degree between the variables that affect the successful distribution can be calculated. The results have significant practical significance on improving the quality of distribution, the level of distribution, and the efficiency of enterprises.

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