scholarly journals The Degree Represent of the Faculty Members in Official Jordanian Universities for the Human Relation Amongst them (University Collegiality) as a Professional Ethical Behavior

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (9) ◽  
pp. 209
Maram Fuad Abu Al-Nadi

This study aims at identifying the degree represent of the faculty members in official Jordanian Universities for the human relation among them (University Collegiality) as a professional ethical behavior, the survey methodology has been used in this study, and developed questionnaire consists of (26) paragraphs, and the tool has been verified its validity and reliability. The study sample consisted of official Jordanian universities’ members represented by the universities of Jordan, Yarmouk and Mutah, a total of (300) member, were selected in a simple random method, and the study concluded the following results:The Arithmetical averages and standard deviations showed that the degree of represent the faculty members in official Jordanian Universities for the human relation among them (University Collegiality) as a professional ethical behavior it was a medium degree.The result showed statistically significant differences at the significance level (p=0.05) in the estimates of the study sample members for the degree represent of the faculty members in official Jordanian Universities for the human relation among them (University Collegiality) as a professional ethical behavior, it referred to gender variable, and it was in favor of males, the results also showed statistically significant differences for the faculty class and it was in favor of sciences faculties, also showed statistically significant differences for the academic rank and it was in favor of associate Professor rank.The study recommended to focus on the subject of the University Collegiality among the faculty members and develop an agreement of the university collegiality in participation of official and unofficial Jordanian universities.

2014 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-110 ◽  
Nourah A. Algadheeb ◽  
Monira A. Almeqren

The present study aimed to identify the scientific research obstacles facing faculty members in the College of Education at Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University (PNU) and to determine the differences in the obstacles according to age, academic rank, scientific specialty, marital status, number of completed studies, and time since the last academic rank was received. An initial data form and questionnaire were prepared to identify the obstacles to scientific research. The questionnaire assessed personal and family obstacles, social factors, technical skills, organizational and professional obstacles, and societal obstacles. The researcher assessed the validity and reliability of the survey instrument by testing it on a sample of 23 faculty members at the university. The results demonstrated a high degree of validity (i.e., high internal consistency) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient: .97). The study instrument was administered to a final sample of 69 faculty members (out of 111) at the university. The results demonstrated a decrease in the averages of the obstacles. The arithmetic averages for the obstacles were organizational and professional obstacles (2.76), societal obstacles (2.64), personal and family obstacles (1.87), and skills-related obstacles (1.70). The results demonstrated no significant differences for any obstacles with respect to age, academic rank or scientific specialization. There were significant differences in skills-related obstacles according to the number of completed studies; researchers with no completed projects faced greater obstacles. The results also demonstrated significant differences in societal obstacles associated with the length of time since the last academic rank was received.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 9
Mohammad Salem Al-Amarat

This study aimed at identifying the degree at which administrative leaderships in Tafila Technical University practicethe requirements of organizational excellence from the perspective of the faculty members. The researcher used thedescriptive approach as well as the questionnaire for data collection, after verifying its validity and reliability. Thestudy sample consisted of (107) faculty members. The results showed that the degree at which administrativeleaderships in the University practice the requirements of organizational excellence was medium, with a mean of(2.71). the results also revealed that there are statistically significant differences at (α≤0.05) due to the variable offaculty in favor of the humanitarian faculties, while there are no statistically significant differences at (α≤0.05) due tothe variables of academic rank and years of experience. In the light of the results, the study recommended a numberof recommendations.

Abd Al-Khaleq Muhammad Al-Zyoud

This study aimed to examine the reality of social responsibility practice among the academic leaders at the Hashemite University in light of some demographic variables (academic major, academic rank, post).To achieve the objective of the study, the researcher used a scale that was verified for its validity and reliability. The scale of social responsibility consisted of (23) items, divided into three dimensions: social responsibility towards the students, social responsibility towards the university, and social responsibility towards the community. The sample of the study consisted of (150) academic leaders at the Hashemite University in Jordan in the first semester of the academic year 2019/2020. The problem of the Study concern in several problems encountered by the faculty members at the Jordanian universities in terms of the practices of social responsibility. Also, this study was conducted in order to explore the level of social responsibility practiced through the academicians and faculty members at the Hashemite University. Methodology: This study is quantitative, in which data were collected through a questionnaire, which was designed and developed for the purposes of the present study. The results of the study showed that academic leaders at the Hashemite University exercise social responsibility of the three dimensions to a moderate degree from their perspective. In light of the study results, the researcher recommends a number of recommendations: conducting additional studies to explore the factors affecting the level of social responsibility, providing legislations and laws which may contribute to the development of the academic environment of the university that enhances the practices of social responsibility, provision of support for the faculty members at the Jordanian universities and solving the relevant problems they encounter.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Yasmin Mesleh Al-Aqrabawi ◽  
Mohammad Saleem Al-Zboon

The present study aimed at exploring the role of Jordanian public universities in promoting international educational principles from the perspective of their faculty members. In order to meet the study’s goals, a descriptive approach was adopted and a questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire consists from twenty five (25) items. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were measured. The study’s sample consists from three hundred (300) faculty members. They were selected from three Jordanian public universities (i.e. the University of Jordan, Yarmouk University and Mu’tah University). The researchers concluded the following results: 1)- The Jordanian public universities play a moderate role in promoting international educational principles from the perspective of the faculty members 2)- There isn’t any statistically significant difference between the respondents’ attitudes towards the role of Jordanian public universities in promoting international educational principles which can be attributed to gender. However, there are statistically significant differences between the respondents’ attitudes in this regard which be attributed to their academic rank. The latter differences are for the favor of the associate professors. There are statistically significant differences between the respondents’ attitudes in this regard which be attributed to type of faculty. The latter differences are for the favor of the ones who work in scientific faculties. The researchers of the present study recommend exerting more efforts by the administrations of Jordanian public universities to promote international educational principles. They also recommend providing more attention for international education in Jordanian universities. That should be done through holding seminars in order for faculty member to attend and hold discussions about international educational principles and concepts. Such seminars shall enrich the knowledge that faculty members have in this regard. The researchers also recommend promoting awareness among faculty members about the significance of addressing international education-related issues in their lectures.

Yousef Mufleh Saleem Jarrah

The current study aimed to know the reality of the availability of teaching techniques from the faculty members’ point of view at the Faculty of Science and Arts in Al-Ula at Taibah University, and the effects of non-availability for these techniques. The researcher used the descriptive approach, and the study sample consisted of all members of the original community who are (121) faculty members (male, female). The researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of (42) techniques for gathering information, and it was verified validity and reliability. The study has come across the following results: It was found that the average mean of the reality of the availability of teaching techniques was satisfactorily with an average of (2.41), and (50.1%) percentage with a degree (disagree) and that is the highest degree of availability of five techniques with a general average of (4.30) and with a (54.4%) percentage with a degree (agree). As for the general mean for the medium techniques, it was (1.84) with a (46.1%) percentage and with a degree (disagree). The lowest levels of those technologies, which are almost non-existent, were with a general average (1.45) with a (68.6%) percentage and a degree (strongly disagree). As the results indicated there are statistically significant differences in the opinions of the study sample individuals on the reality of the availability of teaching techniques according to the gender variable at the level of the tool as a whole in favor of males. Finally, in the light of the results of the study, also the negative effects of the lack of teaching techniques in Science and Arts in Al-Ula were clearly seen and the feasibility of the study as well. The study also concluded to feasibility of the study the reality of the techniques in the college and strengthening the practical side in using the modern methods of the teaching and diversity in exchange of information with the learner, and developing the self abilities for the learner. This study is concluded with several recommendations, the most important of which are: the university administration should ensure the availability of teaching techniques in colleges, keep pace with technological developments, and conduct more future research on ensuring digital quality and the possibility of integration in curriculum design.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 69
Share Aiyed Aldosari

The study aimed to identify the current method used for selecting academic leaders at emerging Saudi universities from the viewpoint of faculty members working there, and whether there is a correlation between the method used and the following variables: job satisfaction, organizational justice, organizational commitment, productivity motivation, and institutional loyalty and affiliation. In order to achieve the goals of the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire that included identifying the method used. The questionnaire consisted of (31) items divided according to the variables mentioned, and it was distributed to the study sample (300 faculty members), randomly chosen from the study community (2382 members). The results showed that there is a correlation between the method used and the variables mentioned which were at an intermediate level, with the exception of the productivity motivation that was at a high level for university professors, despite the fact that the foregoing variables were lower than expected. This made the researcher recommend that the university and the Ministry of Education would review that mechanism and hold conferences and workshops in order to address it before these positive professors suffer from disappointment and job burnout. The study also revealed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of (α = 0.05) in experience in favor of (10) years or more, in the academic rank in favor of (Assistant Professor), and in officiality and contracting in favor of the contracting parties.

Chronos ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 163-165
Alex Raymond

In May-June 2015, I was invited by the Confucius Institute and the BeijingNormal University to conduct research on the spread of Nestorian Christianityin China, and I was asked by the Beijing Normal University to give a lectureon the subject. That invitation was the earliest stage of links woven betweenthe Faculty of History at Beijing Normal University (now one of the top fiveuniversities in China) and the History department of the Faculty of Arts andSocial Sciences at the University of Balamand. Close cooperation betweenthe two universities is underway with the enthusiastic support of the Dean,Prof. Georges Dorlian, having in view, among other things, to encouragethe exchange of students and teaching staff between our two respectiveuniversities. A delegation from a Chinese university was sent to UOB for thefirst time in April 2016. The delegation was composed of five professors fromBeijing Normal University: two of its faculty members agreed to give twolectures on topics chosen jointly by the responsible of the two universities andwhich were of great significance for both. One was on the history of the SilkRoad and the other on the origins of Christianity in China. We are pleased topresent these two texts.

Luca Muscarà

The author is associate professor of geography at the Università degli Studi del Molise, Italy; and teaches at the GIS Masteřs Program of the Università di Roma La Sapienza. He holds a doctorate in political geography from the Università di Trieste (1998) and is dottore in lettere at the Università di Venezia (1985). He was a visiting professor at the University of California Los Angeles (2000, 2001) and is a member of the editorial board of Cybergeo: European Journal of Geography, based in Paris, and co-editor of Sistema Terra. He focused his research on the life and work of Jean Gottmann and is writing a book on the subject.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 49 ◽  
M. Umar Bakri Hutahahean ◽  
Hasnawati Hasnawati

This study discusses the ethical behavior of accountants in the future, in this case is a  student majoring in accounting (studies on student private collage in the DKI Jakarta region). The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of gender, religiosity (intrapersonal and interpersonal religiosity) and the academic achievement (GPA) of the ethical behavior of accounting students. Data retrieval is done by distributing questionnaires to 150 students majoring in accounting at The University of Tarumanegara, University of Persada Indonesia YAI, University of Bina Nusantara, and University of Mercu Buana students. The sampling technique used was Convinience Sample and Snowball Sampling. Data quality was tested by using test validity and reliability testing. The analysis tool used is multiple regression test using the F test and T test simultaneous partial. The results of this study indicate that there is no influence of gender on the ethical behavior of accounting students; There is intrapersonal influence of religiosity on<br />ethical behavior of accounting students; No interpersonal influence of religiosity on<br />ethical behavior of accounting students; There was no effect of academic achievement (GPA) on the ethical behavior of accounting students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 99
Khawla Izzat Al-Qadoumi

The study aimed at recognizing the degree of the teaching staff members in Irbid National University employment of citizenship values in teaching from the point of view of students, and also specify if there are differences with statistical significance ascribed to the variables of the study, they are: sex (male &amp; female) and type of the faculty (human and scientific). To achieve the study&#39;s objectives, both researchers applied the descriptive-analytical method, employing a questionnaire prepared by both researchers. The instrument of study covered (21) items, they had been distributed after assuring procedures of validity and reliability on a class on a random class sample, its component is (512) male and female students from the community of study amounting to (2592) during the second semester of the studying year (2017-2018). The most prominent results were that the teaching staff member&#39;s citizenship values came at a medium degree through the teaching process. Also, differences with statistical significance did not appear ascribed to both variables of sex (male &amp; female) and the faculty (human &amp; scientific). And in light of results, the researchers recommend the University Administration entrust the subject of citizenship greater importance and bid the professors to evaluate those values and enhance them in cultural and academic domains and activities, through the different plans of the studying subjects.

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